Episodes (102)

Jan 05, 2016
Well, they made a third one of these, for some reason. And we sinned it, for some reason. And lo - the sins did pour-eth forth.

Jan 07, 2016
Ant-Man. Many loved it, many forgot it quickly. But we're here to list its sins, as is our custom.

Jan 12, 2016
Pixels. If you saw it, you regret it. If you didn't, you mock those who did without truly knowing how right your insults are. Regardless - sin factory.

Jan 14, 2016
Snowpiercer was one of 2014's best surprises. It's original, weird as hell, and driving. We loved it. We also found its sins - you know how we do.

Jan 19, 2016
San Andreas is a real movie with a very real amount of sins. So we counted them.

Jan 21, 2016
Furious 7 got a sh*t-ton of money, and many people loved it - for some reason. We are not among them.

Jan 26, 2016
Kung Fu Panda is a pretty great movie. But being a movie - it still has sins. And considering the third movie in the series comes out soon, we went digging for sins in the original.

Jan 28, 2016
Kung Fu Panda 2 - nowhere near as good as the first, but still fun. If you're into that sort of thing. Still has sins, of course, so we do what we do.

Feb 02, 2016
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Feb 04, 2016
Well, here's an inexplicable and inexcusable mess of a superhero film. Bad in almost every way possible. The only reason it doesn't have more sins is that it was blessedly short in run-time.

Feb 09, 2016
Paper Towns. It's a movie about a mysterious girl - or something. I've seen it and I'm still not sure. But it had sins, so we made this video.

Feb 11, 2016
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Feb 16, 2016
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Feb 18, 2016
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Feb 23, 2016
Another Pixar sequel that really does little justice to the original, Monsters University has plenty of sins.

Feb 25, 2016
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Mar 01, 2016
Here is a movie with truly terrible zoo-safety protocols. Also has some sins. In honor of Zootopia's opening, here are the sins of another movie featuring a bunch of talking animals: Madagascar.

Mar 03, 2016
Well, see back in the 80's, they made this movie that was part live-action and part animation - named Who Framed Roger Rabbit - and while we loved it at the time - it has NOT aged well.

Mar 08, 2016
Superman II. The universally preferred sequel of the OG Superman films (compared to III or IV). Still full of sins, as it turns out.

Mar 10, 2016
With a new Snyder superhero film coming up, we take a look at one of his earlier superhero films: Watchmen. For the hell of it, we went with the extended edition, which we now regret.

Mar 15, 2016
Because they decided to release a way-too-late sequel this weekend, we decided to go back and sin the original My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Would you be surprised to learn we found lots of sins?

Mar 17, 2016
For some reason, Disney mixed up their standard princess formula with Brother Bear, and shoved it in Pixar's direction to force them to make a film. And what we got is - this.

Mar 22, 2016
With Hollywood's newest incarnation of Batman imminent, we decided to go back to one of the most definitive Batman takes in cinema history: Michael Keaton and Tim Burton's Batman. Sins definitely exist.

Mar 24, 2016
With Batman v Superman (and its bad reviews) looming, we thought it was a good idea to go back and look for sins in the earlier, Burton Batman films. And we found some - a LOT, actually.

Mar 29, 2016
Sucker Punch. Quite possibly the most incomprehensible and unnecessary movies ever made. So of course it has sins out the ass.

Mar 31, 2016
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Apr 01, 2016
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Apr 05, 2016
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Apr 07, 2016
Even though everything they showed us in the first movie was a lie, we still watched the second one for some reason. Found plenty of sins. Sigh.

Apr 12, 2016
With the new live-action Jungle Book hitting theaters, we've decided to go back to the original animated Disney version. Guess what? It has sins. I bet you're really surprised.

Apr 14, 2016
The Wicker Man, a movie you actually understand better BEFORE you watch it. Sinful as crap. (Shudder).

Apr 19, 2016
Today we sin half a movie. Or - what should have been half a movie. It's safe to say we're tiring of this series at this point.

Apr 21, 2016
Ugh. Here we go again. This freaking movie, man. I mean - I just - I don't even.

Apr 26, 2016
Sigh. We really didn't like this movie. It's probably harmless fun for most, but borrows so heavily from so many other Disney films we got annoyed.

Apr 28, 2016
Sins of last year's second-best film costarring Oscar Issac and Domhall Gleeson.

May 03, 2016
Remember back when this was a thing? No? Well, now you do. You're Welcome. Here are the sins of a genuinely terrible movie, Elektra.

May 05, 2016
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May 10, 2016
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May 12, 2016
Cars - Pixar's first real mis-step. Plenty love it, but enough dislike it to make it the first non-home-run in the studio's history. Which, of course, means it has lots of sins - right?

May 17, 2016
With a sequel coming out soon for Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland, we thought it was worth checking out the first one for sins. Boy were we ever right. Sin-poluzza.

May 19, 2016
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May 24, 2016
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May 26, 2016
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May 31, 2016
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Jun 02, 2016
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Jun 07, 2016
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Jun 09, 2016
The Revenant is a pretty kick-ass movie. It won some awards, deservedly. But being a movie - still has sins.

Jun 14, 2016
In celebration of Finding Dory's upcoming release, we went looking for sins in one of the few Pixar movies we've yet to cover: A Bug's Life.

Jun 16, 2016
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Jun 21, 2016
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Jun 23, 2016
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Jun 28, 2016
And now, because they're releasing yet another one of these movies, we go looking for sins in the previous one, The Purge: Anarchy. Silliness abounds.

Jun 30, 2016
In order to mark the release of the new live-action Tarzan movie, which somehow stars Samuel L. Jackson, we went looking for sins in Disney's animated version. Guess what? Found plenty.

Jul 05, 2016
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Jul 07, 2016
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Jul 12, 2016
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Jul 14, 2016
This Cloverfield "cousin" or "sequel" or "whatever" basically has nothing to do with Cloverfield, but it's still an entertaining little film. Here are its sins.

Jul 19, 2016
Ice Age - somehow they've made, like, five of these f*cking things. After reviewing the original for sins we have no idea how, why, or how.

Jul 21, 2016
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Jul 26, 2016
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Jul 28, 2016
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Aug 02, 2016
I totally forgot they made a third one of these. Wow. Here are the sins of Kung Fu Panda 3.

Aug 04, 2016
Well, this video was inevitable. Most disappointing movie of 2016 so far? Probably. It's the Terminator Genisys of superhero films. And yeah, sins out the ass.

Aug 09, 2016
This movie came out, and people liked it - but it feels like it was quickly forgotten. No matter - they're making a third one. Anywho - here are the sins for How To Train Your Dragon 2.

Aug 11, 2016
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Aug 16, 2016
Hellboy. Yeah, you don't know what it is, I don't know what it is - yet it's a comic AND a movie. So we sinned it.

Aug 18, 2016
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Aug 23, 2016
Dark Shadows. Yep, you forgot all about--maybe on purpose - but it IS a movie that happened. And it is FULL of sins.

Aug 25, 2016
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Aug 30, 2016
Blade was actually one of the first--if not THE first --successful Marvel franchises. But it's sinny as hell.

Sep 01, 2016
An animated Batman movie came out this summer and many of you probably had no idea. Even so, here are its sins - and they are plentiful. Stay tuned at the end for a special bonus.

Sep 06, 2016
Oh yes we did. It's been almost 4 years. Time to put our money where our motto is. So here are the sins of the much beloved and respected (with good reason) Citizen Kane.

Sep 08, 2016
Well, so many of you demanded it, we decided to give it to you. Here we present the supplemental sins video for Batman v Superman, which addresses all the sins added and removed when taking the Ultimate Edition into consideration.

Sep 13, 2016
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Sep 20, 2016
For some reason, we haven't done Shrek yet. Well, that's getting remedied today. Here are all the sins we could find in the original Shrek movie (can you believe there are 4 of these things?!).

Sep 27, 2016
Captain America finally gets his own Avengers movie. Wait - I mean - The Avengers finally get to show up to help out in one of their members' solo films. Wait - Spider-Man finally doesn't suck in a film about not-Spider-Man - wait - Here are the sins we found in Captain America: Civil War, a movie we didn't love, but didn't hate, and actually mostly enjoyed.

Oct 04, 2016
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Oct 06, 2016
In celebration of the new film The Gone Girl on the Train With A Dragon Tattoo - here are all the sins we found in Gone Girl, the most recent "Girl-based" mystery-thriller we could find to tie into The Girl on the Train.

Oct 11, 2016
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Oct 13, 2016
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Oct 18, 2016
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Oct 20, 2016
Here's a horror film that seems to be trying to hit as many cliches as possible. And it gets plenty of sins for that too.

Oct 25, 2016
Tom Hanks's new film Inferno is tearing up the international box office. Why? Because apparently someone likes these movies. Regardless - we decided to commemorate the 3rd film in the franchise by looking for sins in the original., The Da Vinci Code. Oooh, mama.

Oct 27, 2016
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Nov 01, 2016
Well, here's a movie that happened. It shouldn't have. It's absolutely terrible in every way. Please enjoy roughly 20 minutes of us complaining about this piece of crap.

Nov 03, 2016
It's an election year, and here's a recent horror movie with the words "election year" in its title. So naturally we picked this time to go looking for sins in The Purge: Election Year. So many sins!!.

Nov 08, 2016
X-Men: Apocalypse. Did you see it? We did. Boy, how we didn't like it. You probably pick up on that listening to the sins. (sigh).

Nov 10, 2016
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Nov 15, 2016
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Nov 17, 2016
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Nov 22, 2016
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Nov 24, 2016
Basically everything about this movie is terrible. Now - watch us spend 20 minutes saying that. :)

Nov 29, 2016
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Dec 01, 2016
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Dec 06, 2016
Here's Everything Wrong With Finding Dory, another Pixar sequel that relies mostly on previous films instead of breaking any new ground. Enjoy your billions, Pixar.

Dec 08, 2016
Here's a live-action Tarzan sequel/reboot/thing that has likable actors in it but still manages to be somewhere between bad and just boring. This jungle is full of sins.

Dec 13, 2016
Star Trek Beyond, the third entry to this current series, is actually pretty fun, and was a bright spot in a horrible summer of movies. Still not perfect, so here are its sins.

Dec 15, 2016
This animated in-betwee-quel is just full of sins. Ful I tells ya'.

Dec 20, 2016
The third Toy Story is arguably the best of the bunch, but it's also the least necessary. Regardless of where you place it in the rankings - it's got sins, yo. So we did our thing.

Dec 22, 2016
After annual frequent requests, we decided to finally sin the original Home Alone. Unsurprisingly, we found plenty wrong.

Dec 27, 2016
Deadpool. Yeah, he kind of sins the movie himself, but that wasn't going to stop us from trying. No we didn't get Ryan Reynolds to guest--we didn't even ask; we didn't want to do what other channels had already done (and done well). No hard feelings, Mr. Reynolds.

Dec 29, 2016
Die Hard 2. Nowhere near as good as the first one, but still somehow weirdly enjoyable, despite its laziness. Sins out the ass, though.
Everything Wrong with... Season 4 (2016) is released on Jan 05, 2016 and the latest season 11 of Everything Wrong with... is released in 2023. Watch Everything Wrong with... online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Everything Wrong with... is directed by Jeremy Scott,Chris Atkinson,Barrett Share and created by Chris Atkinson with Jeremy Scott and Neil deGrasse Tyson.
No movie is without sin.