The first season of the Canadian-American animated comedy television series Ed, Edd n Eddy, created by Danny Antonucci, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. Although originally set to premiere on November 7, 1998, it aired on January 4, 1999 as the sixth Cartoon Cartoon due to minor post-production delays, and concluded on March 29 of that year. It consists of 26 episodes. The series revolves around three adolescent boys collectively known as "the Eds," who live in a suburban cul-de-sac. Unofficially led by Eddy, the Eds constantly scheme to make money off their peers in order to purchase their favorite confectionery, jawbreakers. However, their plans usually fail, leaving them in various predicaments.
Matt Hill, Samuel Vincent and Tony Sampson were cast as Ed, Double D and Eddy. David Paul Grove and Keenan Christenson played the parts of Jonny 2 × 4 and Jimmy, respectively, while Sarah was voiced by Janyse Jaud. Peter Kelamis voiced Rolf, while Kathleen Barr was cast as Kevin. Nazz was voiced by Tabitha St. Germain. Erin Fitzgerald played the part of May Kanker. The other two Kanker sisters, Marie and Lee, were voiced by Kathleen Barr and Janyse Jaud. Adult cartoonist Antonucci conceived Ed, Edd n Eddy while working on a commercial design. Antonucci pitched the series to Cartoon Network and Nickelodeon. Both studios were interested in the series, but each demanded creative control and Antonucci refused. Cartoon Network ended up commissioning the show after agreeing to let Antonucci have control of the show. According to Cartoon Network executive Linda Simensky, the first season did "remarkably well" in Nielsen ratings following its premiere and became one of the top-rated series on the network and had a slight impact on popular culture, prompting Cartoon Network to quickly order-up a second season for a November 1999 premiere, and later a third and fourth. While initial reviews of the pilot were mixed, the first season was met with generally positive reception, earning Antonucci a Reuben Award for Best Television Animation.