Episodes (171)

Jan 04, 2021
Zephaniah Trevino, 17, faces capital murder and aggravative robbery charges for a fatal robbery at a Texas apartment complex; her parents say she was being sex trafficked by the man who pulled the trigger, Philip Baldenegro;

Jan 05, 2021
Michelle's jobless grandson, Conner, 22, does not regularly shower, brush his teeth, shave, clean his room, or change his clothes, and has never met his girlfriend of two years in person; his mom says Michelle is being too strict with Conner;

Jan 06, 2021
Buck says that Stephani's 16-year-old son, Steven, has ripped the family in half, and he can't allow him to live in their home, after he had waved a handgun in his siblings' faces; Steven's mom threatens to move to Florida, where Steven lives with her brother;

Jan 07, 2021
Danielle Morella wants to lose weight, but it is difficult because she must work out remotely from her home; Chaz, 17, wants to create prank videos for social media, instead of going to college; Nataliya Preston, a divorced mom, must to find love;

Jan 11, 2021
Sherry, 50, says that she has spent thousands of dollars for visa applications and living expenses for her 37-year-old Nigerian "husband", David, but all she has, after two years, is a pile of excuses and suspicions that he may be love scamming her;

Jan 12, 2021
Dr. Phil's team visits Nigeria and investigates whether Sherry's marriage certificate is real or fake, like David's last visa attempt; Dr. Phil speaks to an immigration attorney, who gives his take on David's visa issues;

Jan 13, 2021
Anna feels that her adopted 11-year-old son is a monster, who is only getting bigger and stronger, and she is terrified for the other children living in her home;

Jan 14, 2021
Bryan says he believes "They" can turn any electrical device, from a ceiling fan or car radio to his refrigerator, against him and use it as a torture device, and his ex-wife says he spends his days combating his "nonstop torment";

Jan 18, 2021
Laurie says her dad, John, has every room in the house piled to the ceiling with "junk" and the downstairs is infested with bed bugs; Dr. Phil learns that hoarding is only the surface level of the toxicity in this house;

Jan 19, 2021
Tanya says that her 17-year-old son has explosive anger, is out of control, and addicted to video games, and his younger brother is now mimicking his behavior; the teen says that he blacks out and can't control his outbursts, until it's too late;

Jan 20, 2021
Katrina says that her mom, Monica, is a liar and manipulative, has an explosive temper, can't function as an adult, and is almost homeless, forcing Katrina to become the parent to her younger siblings, who are constantly being put in adult situations;

Jan 21, 2021
Natalie says she was wrongfully arrested and charged with crimes of elder abuse and battery, and her mom and sister are the ones to blame; sister Pascale, mother Mimi and client Harry tell a different story;

Jan 25, 2021
Kim wants to save her son Donnie from his opioid addiction and from conning his way through life, saying that her ex-husband is killing him by enabling him; Donnie admits that he is a con artist and says that he can get money from anyone, especially his father;

Jan 26, 2021
Bill, 62, and his girlfriend Bri, 23 (Lifetime's "Marrying Millions"), say that they came from different worlds and that they are at different stages of their lives; they take Dr. Phil's "Relationship Health Profile Test"; Dr. Phil speaks with fans from across the United States;

Jan 27, 2021
Vivian says her friend, Tina, is being catfished by someone pretending to be rock stars Nikki Sixx and Bret Michaels; the real Nikki Sixx surprises Tina face-to-face, and she receives a video message from Bret Michaels;

Jan 28, 2021
Kim says that her daughter, Kimberly, has threatened her life, physically attacked her, stolen and crashed her truck, used illegal drugs, talked to older men online, tried to burn down the house, and made plans to shoot Kim and her husband in their sleep;

Jan 29, 2021
Melinda returns the show and says that her daughter Cassidy's behavior has worsened; Cassidy, 20, insists that her mother's inability to be a real parent is the root of their problem; Melinda makes a surprising confession; Dr. Phil investigates a scam;

Feb 01, 2021
Cassie says that she lives in constant fear that something may cause her to die and she spends most of her restless nights researching her ailments on the internet; her fiance, Joe, says that her issues have had a definite impact on their relationship;

Feb 02, 2021
A babysitter's reported internet searches and injuries, that doctors say that don't support an accidental death, lead police to charge her with the murder of a 2-year-old girl; in an exclusive interview, the parents speak out about the case;

Feb 03, 2021
Drew Barrymore ("The Drew Barrymore Show") confirms or denies several big rumors; life coach Mike Bayer confronts 28-year-old Devan, who spends his days smoking marijuana and playing video games;

Feb 04, 2021
Theresa says that she thought she had the perfect marriage until police arrested her husband and accused him of plotting to kill her with an overdose of fentanyl, and she realized he was leading a double life;

Feb 05, 2021
After Theresa had discovered that her husband had been accused of plotting to kill her by overdosing her with fentanyl, she was shocked to learn that he also had a secret fiancee, while he was still married to her; the other woman speaks out;

Feb 08, 2021
Kelly and Jessica say that they're concerned for sister Lindsay's well-being, after they discovered her boyfriend Brandon's bizarre double life and constant lies, and they want him out of her life;

Feb 09, 2021
Kelly and Jessica tell their sister, Lindsay, and her boyfriend, Brandon, how they feel; Brandon reveals details about his head injuries, while serving in the Marines; Dr. Phil refers him to a brain disorder specialist;

Feb 10, 2021
Keith says that his wife of 28 years, JoLynn, recently made headline news, when she was arrested for public intoxication; she later claimed that police abused her, while she was in custody;

Feb 11, 2021
Keith and JoLynn get the chance to talk to the Alameda Police Department about their accusations of wrongdoing; Dr. Phil discusses these accusations with Sgt. Ray Kelly, who shares body cam footage;

Feb 12, 2021
Terri claims that her 68-year-old sister, Denise, is mooching off their aging parents and pawning their possessions; the parents plead with Denise to stand on her own two feet, so they can retire in peace;

Feb 15, 2021
Anna Lisa says that her daughter Amanda's fiance, Alexis, is abusive, encourages her to use drugs, and cheats on her; Alexis says that their children have been placed with Anna Lisa on the grounds of "neglectful supervision", only because Anna Lisa hates him;

Feb 16, 2021
Anna Lisa accuses Alexis of abusing her daughter, Amanda, cheating on her, and being completely unable to provide a stable home for her daughter and their two children;

Feb 17, 2021
Dr. Phil teams up, for the first time, with bestselling author, heart surgeon, and Emmy Award-winning host of The Dr. Oz Show (2009), Dr. Mehmet Oz, to take on and fight internet fraudsters who have stolen their names and likenesses

Feb 18, 2021
Victoria says that her 18-year-old daughter, Jessica, physically attacked her on multiple occasions and damaged her home in a Thanksgiving Day family throw down; she's afraid that her daughter is going to end up homeless, in jail, or dead, without help;

Feb 19, 2021
Funeral escort, Jeremy, says that he's being falsely accused of impersonating a police officer, and if convicted, could face up to 85 years in prison; Dr. Phil takes a closer look into components of his business, including his motorcycle, uniform, and badge;

Feb 22, 2021
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Jeremey, a funeral escort, who is being accused of impersonating a police officer and could face up to 85 years in prison;

Feb 23, 2021
Trap, an aspiring MMA fighter who uses social media to advance his career, says he's the victim of internet trolling; his former trainer says that Trap lives in a fantasy world, while his wife says that their children are being threatened;

Feb 24, 2021
Ronnie says that his wife, Kim, is punishing him for an affair he never had; Kim insists that she has irrefutable proof that Ronnie has been unfaithful;

Feb 25, 2021
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Ronnie and Ronnie's wife, Kim; Kim is adamant that Ronnie has been unfaithful;

Feb 26, 2021
Amy and Emily say that their mother and stepfather believe that they are being poisoned by a neighbor; their mother claims that her house is engulfed with toxic fumes and is completely unlivable;

Mar 01, 2021
TV relationship doctor Laura Berman has a warning for parents, after finding her 16-year-old son, Sam, dead of a drug overdose; she and her husband suspect that the teen unknowingly ordered a pill, laced with a deadly drug, off a "drug menu" on social media;

Mar 02, 2021
Heather says that she doesn't think that Collin is abusive, although she admits that he has put his hands on her, ripped her clothing, and bitten her face; Collin says that he isn't in love with Heather like he used to be, but they want the relationship to work;

Mar 03, 2021
Jennifer fears for her friend Heather's life, saying that she's in a terribly abusive relationship but refuses to see how bad things are; Heather says that she doesn't believe that her boyfriend, Collin, is "that bad" and doesn't think that what he does is actual abuse;

Mar 04, 2021
Heather says that for one minute her 15-year-old daughter, Marissa, is an aspiring cardiologist with top grades, and the next, she's a pot smoking car thief, who admits to stealing her mom's vehicle nine times;

Mar 08, 2021
Meagan's husband, Josh, has been in a "persistent vegetative state" for the last two years, and she says that it's time to let him go and pass away peacefully; mother-in-law Kelly completely disagrees and says that Meagan is exploiting him on social media;

Mar 09, 2021
A man is murdered and two of his friends disappear within weeks of each other in Bakersfield, Calif; their mothers team up to search for answers, a heartbreaking discovery is discussed, and criminal charges are made;

Mar 10, 2021
The mothers of the Bakersfield 3 sit down with Dr. Phil to discuss their traumatic losses: the murders of Micah Holsenbake and James Kulstad, and the twist in the case of still missing Baylee Despot;

Mar 15, 2021
Chante says that all of her son Ira's big basketball dreams were destroyed, once he was introduced to the partying and the drugs on a college campus, and now he is walking the streets of Los Angeles homeless and using Fendanyl on a daily basis;

Mar 16, 2021
Nancy thinks that her ex-boyfriend is in cahoots, with her co-workers, to hack her phone and that they create fake profiles for her on a secret app; she feels in danger because, wherever she goes, she often see people tracking her location;

Mar 17, 2021
Hal has a rare condition in which his body makes him legally intoxicated, without actually drinking alcohol; one moment he can be stone cold sober, then belligerently "drunk", stumbling and very combative; Ray and Sierra are in the same situation;

Mar 23, 2021
Former Texas police chief Jason Collier has admitted to cheating or of having inappropriate relationships with several girlfriends, all while he was still married to and living with his wife; he comes clean to Dr. Phil about his web of lies;

Mar 24, 2021
The women, who police chief Jason Collier dated, discovered that he was a married man lying to his wife and multiple girlfriends; he answers accusations made by the woman, who outed what she called his "triple" life;

Mar 25, 2021
Dr. Christopher Duntsch is sentenced to life in prison, due to gross malpractice in harming his patients; in three years, he reportedly maimed 33 patients and killed two, while he was working at hospitals; a former FBI criminal profiler, Dr. Terry Dubrow;

Mar 29, 2021
Mia and Kiki say that their 30-year-old brother, Forrest, is jobless and won't pay his bills; Forrest says that his family doesn't understand how hard it is for him, due to his mental disorder;

Mar 30, 2021
Jennifer says that her 15-year-old daughter, Marie, is completely out of control; she fears that Marie's actions will lead to her living on the streets;

Mar 31, 2021
After a breakup during the pandemic; Mark Anthony wants to get back together with his Russian bride, Marina, but she isn't so sure;

Apr 01, 2021
Stephanie claims that her brother Brandon's conspiracy theories have taken over his life and are tearing their family apart; she also says he talks in riddles and barely leaves his home;

Apr 02, 2021
After 17 seasons and nearly 20,000 guests, Dr. Phil celebrates his 3,000th episode; how some of Dr. Phil's most memorable guests are doing now;

Apr 05, 2021
Past guests: Ryan used to terrorize his family with out of control rages, and now he says that he's made amazing progress. - but his sister says otherwise; Heather used to defend her abusive boyfriend, Collin, and Dr. Phil had recommended that she leave him;

Apr 06, 2021
Mindy says that she is sure that her mother, Karen, is being catfished by "Thomas", a man that she has never seen, who claims to be on an oil rig and struck in the Gulf of Mexico; what happens when Dr. Phil provides her with evidence that she is being scammed;

Apr 07, 2021
Dr. Phil introduces Karen to other people who "Thomas" has catfished; an infectious disease expert answers questions about getting the COVID-19 vaccine;

Apr 08, 2021
Jen and her baby daddy, Chris, have a toxic relationship; Chris insists that he's changed his life and wants to prove to Jen and her father, Steve, that he's the man she deserves; they all sit down together for the first time in almost a year;

Apr 09, 2021
JoLynn, who was arrested for public intoxication, and her husband, Keith, return to the show with an update; associate producer Lindy Foust thanks Dr. Phil for giving her a second chance, after her addictions adversely affected her job performance;

Apr 12, 2021
Maya Millette's family members say that she was in a volatile marriage and was days away from meeting with a divorce attorney, when she vanished, and her husband isn't helping to search for her; a friends says that he saw a freshly repaired hole in the bedroom door;

Apr 13, 2021
Jodie says that her husband, Charlie, has a hoarding problem; he says that he is a collector of sports and camping gear and musical instruments; additionally, she inherited her mother's house and all of her belongings; what Robin has planned for this family;

Apr 14, 2021
For 17 years, Jamie has dealt with OCD, panic attacks, and the fear of throwing up; she is afraid to leave the house and can't hold down a job; her fiance says that her phobia has caused tension in their relationship and hopes that she can walk down the aisle;

Apr 15, 2021
Faren says that her 7-year-old son Michael's loud, violent, all-day tantrums are the main event in her home, and she and her boyfriend can't take it anymore; Michael's father says that his son is well-behaved at his home, and that it's Faren who antagonizes him;

Apr 16, 2021
Carissa vapes constantly and doesn't want to believe that it could be dangerous; 20-year-old Damion's parents say that he's lazy, entitled, and spends most of his time in his room vaping and dreaming of being a social media influencer and R&B star;

Apr 19, 2021
Jackie emailed Dr. Phil more than 660 times because her house is so cluttered that she cannot see the floor, and it is ruining her relationship with her daughter and everyone else; Shayla says that her mom kicked her out of the house and won't discuss why;

Apr 20, 2021
Rachel says that she's a victim of sexual abuse, human trafficking, and mind control, and is being triggered, controlled, and violated; her husband, Ben, says that he believes her story completely and wants her to be free from these triggers ruling their lives;

Apr 21, 2021
Family members say that Bonnie has manic episodes and is in the midst of a mental breakdown; she says that they need to understand that she is handling her traumatic past of abuse, sexual assault, and involvement in the adult entertainment industry with drugs;

Apr 22, 2021
Tamera says that singer Etta James entered her body soon after her death and she is now ready to restart her music career and show the world that Etta James is back; Bishop T.D. Jakes (book "Don't Drop the Mic: The Power of Words Can Change the World");

Apr 23, 2021
Dakota, 17, hangs out with wannabe gang members, drug addicts, and troublemakers; his grandmother, Catherine, says that she can't use tough love with him because she holds guilt from his father's suicide;

Apr 26, 2021
Jim says that after he kicked out his 24/7 live streaming daughter, Mya, one of the most hated women on the Internet for her insults and degrading language, he learned she has been slandering his name, claiming that he was abusive, and he wants to clear it;

Apr 27, 2021
Sara says that her mom Chris' mental health has declined to a worrying extent in the past year, but Chris says that it's just a huge misunderstanding and that she is not mentally compromised in any way; Dr. Phil offers her a resource to determine her brain health;

Apr 28, 2021
AnnaLynne McCord (90210 (2008), Nip/Tuck (2003)) shares her diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder, reveals what it was like living with multiple personalities, and is determined to help destigmatize mental illness;

Apr 29, 2021
The circumstances of Ellie and Steven's 3-month-old son Lucas' death are a mystery; Steven is under investigation, while his mother, Melissa, suspects that Ellie is responsible for her grandson's death.

Apr 30, 2021
Parents Elke and Steven hear from a world-renowned expert regarding traumatic brain injuries and abuse in children; what Dr. Phil learns about the possible timing and cause of baby Lucas' death;

May 03, 2021
Sisters say that their mother, Gail, is currently scammed by her online boyfriend, "Matt Hurley", and was living without running water and heat, so she could send money to him; how much money has Gail really sent and how much does she really know about him;

May 04, 2021
Gail has lost everything, due to an online romance scam with a man who says that he is stuck in Warri, Nigeria, and that he can't afford a plane ticket to the U.S. Dr. Phil sends a producer to that location; the man in the "Matt Hurley" photos speaks to Gail;

May 05, 2021
Hannah, 11, has had an eating disorder since she was 9, when she started spiraling out of control, lying to hide food, having violent outbursts, compulsively exercising, and needing to be force fed with a feeding tube;

May 06, 2021
Jennifer is engaged for the fourth time to Steven, who she says is an abusive, womanizing, sex addictive psychopath, and she can't ever seem to fully walk away; she wants Dr. Phil to help her figure out if she should marry him or leave him;

May 07, 2021
James' family say that they haven't seen the toddler since Thanksgiving and his mother, Dana, gave them a string of weak excuses when they asked where he was; when one relative went into Dana's home to search for him, what she found horrified her;

May 10, 2021
Angela disagrees with her adult offspring's lifestyle and gender identity, saying that Jaybries is disrespectful and is a bad influence on her 16-year-old daughter;

May 11, 2021
Despite Natasha's eight-year marriage, with husband Brendon, being full of fights, screaming, threats, name calling and pushes to the face, she still stays by his side; Brendon gets tested to see if he has something medically wrong with his brain;

May 12, 2021
Alexa says that she's tired of watching her mother, Jen, make terrible life choices; Jen admits that she is an alcoholic and that she hasn't been 100 percent truthful with Alexa, but says that she just wants to restart her life;

May 13, 2021
Vanessa says that her 14-year-old son is extremely aggressive and out of control; she says that his violent behavior has been escalating, since his father died by suicide; singer Michele Pillar on her book, "Untangled: The Truth Will Set You Free".

May 14, 2021
Kiara doesn't think that she can forget or forgive the horrible things that her mom, Teresa, has said; Teresa said that both of her children have resented her for years for her strict parenting while growing up, and that they are ungrateful and treat her like a dog;

May 17, 2021
Part 1; In 2018, Michael organized social media convention TanaCon to connect online content creators with fans, but it was forced to shutdown early; since then, he says that he has received nothing but backlash, humiliation, and death threats online;

May 18, 2021
Part 2; Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Michael, an entrepreneur, social media manager, and organizer of the failed social media convention, the TanaCon; one of Michael's former client and a past roommate make more claims against him;

May 19, 2021
Family members and friends say that Alexandra has been dealing with severe "hypochondria" since she was a child; she says that she is $10,000 in medical debt; Dr. Phil takes a look beneath the surface of her decade long struggle.

May 20, 2021
Amy Carlson, also known as "Mother God", the leader of the religious group "Love Has Won", is discovered dead inside a Colorado home, and seven apparent members of "Love Has Won" are arrested on charges of abuse of a corpse and child abuse;

May 21, 2021
Debbie admits to enabling her 48-year-old alcohol dependent daughter, Melissa, who she says has been to rehab four times, who can't hold a job, wrecked her car, and is being evicted from her apartment; Debbie's husband, Layne, has had enough;

May 24, 2021
Arielle says that she has struggled with a decade-long addiction to heroin; her parents say that they've done all that they can to keep her safe; what Arielle's teen siblings say about how her addiction has affected them;

May 25, 2021
Arielle used heroin for over a decade and left her family broken -- and the family say that they all have anger built up from the years of chaos in the home; she says there is a secret regarding her true identity;

May 26, 2021
Arielle and her family have been struggling to cope with her drug addiction for 10 years and they all have issues with one another;

May 27, 2021
Brittany says that her perfect marriage fell apart when her husband, the father of her kids, was convicted of multiple sexual crimes and a teenage girl told her about their secret affair; Kristin, who worried that her 15-year-old son was a pedophile, returns.

May 31, 2021
Rob Will was 22 when he was convicted of capital murder 19 years ago for killing a sheriff's deputy, but he denies that he pulled the trigger and says that the state of Texas has the wrong guy sitting on death row;

Sep 06, 2021
The idea of straight men being the new minority; political commentator Tomi Lahren; a man who says that he was falsely accused of rape; academics with polarizing opinions; a man who says that he got tired of dealing with women, so he decided to date men;

Sep 07, 2021
Jill says that she was an international beauty queen, but after her divorce, something sinister began happening to her; her son says that she just walked out the door one day seven years ago and never came back, and he desperately wants to reunite with her;

Sep 08, 2021
A teen refuses to speak to her dad for five years; a family is devastated by the death of a son; boys turned in their dad for being narrow minded; a family-owned business is thrown into chaos;

Sep 09, 2021
Maria has spent the past 20 years overwhelmed by raising her older daughter, who has borderline personality disorder, and now her 16-year-old younger daughter, who was always well-behaved, is acting out; the girl says that she is tired of raising herself;

Sep 10, 2021
Janie, 45, says that challenges in her life have contributed to her alcohol addiction, and doctors have told her that she doesn't have very much longer to live; family members are desperate for her to stop drinking and get her life back on track;

Sep 13, 2021
Authorities in Cancun, Mexico, say that vacationer Elijah Snow's death was an accident, but in an exclusive interview, wife Janie reveals the evidence she says suggests that he was brutally killed;

Sep 14, 2021
Tonia Bales (podcast "The First Wife: John Meehan's Reign of Terror") is joined by his second wife, Debra Newell (book "Surviving Dirty John: My True Story of Love, Lies, and Murder") and her daughter Terra Newell, who fatally stabbed him in self-defense;

Sep 15, 2021
Fran says that she's in love with a man that she has never met and hopes to prove to everyone that not only is their love real, but that he is real, too; her siblings say that he is only in the "relationship" for the money --- Fran has sent him over $30,000;

Sep 16, 2021
When Joanna posted an emotional video online about uncovering her husband James' infidelity, she never imagined it would go viral; he says that he is willing to do anything to avoid losing his family; his former hairstylist creates more drama;

Sep 17, 2021
Jenaye meets the woman with whom her husband, James, cheated on their fifth wedding anniversary; Chelsey says that she believes that she has done nothing wrong -- and that she, too, is a victim;

Sep 20, 2021
In July, 2021, 22-year-old Gabby Petito sets off from Florida, on a cross-country van trip with her fiance Brian Laundrie, but two months later, he returned alone; her desperate father, Joe Petito, pleads for answers about the missing young woman;

Sep 21, 2021
Brian "The Bull" Barbosa, the two-time interim World Middleweight boxing champion, admits that there is something seriously wrong with his brain; Dr. Phil reveals the results of a state of the art brain scan that he set up for Brian to take;

Sep 22, 2021
What 22-year-old "Van Life" blogger Gabby Petito's final videos reveal about what might have happened to her; police release body cam footage of distraught Gabby crying about an altercation, with her fiance, in the days before she disappeared;

Sep 23, 2021
Dustin and his family say that he's tried everything to recover from his eating disorder, but nothing has worked;

Sep 24, 2021
Dr. Phil meets with airline passengers, who filmed what became viral videos of physical altercations, verbal abuse, and "entitled" behavior; two people, who were kicked off of their flights, have blame their flight attendants' "abuse of power";

Sep 27, 2021
Megan and Brandy say that their 69-year-old grandmother, Gail, is being catfished by a scammer, who is posing as musical artist Post Malone, and they are worried for her safety and mental health; Gail wants to prove that the relationship is real;

Sep 28, 2021
Sabrina says that she has a relentless, obsessed stalker, who monitors her every move -- her boyfriend of six years, Harold; he says that he has no choice but to stalk her because she's become "untrustworthy" ever since her "Brazilian butt-lift" surgery;

Sep 29, 2021
Emily says that her childhood was full of dysfunction because her mother, Linda, lived a double life as a suburban housewife and a drug addicted "madam", who oversaw two brothels that serviced rich and powerful men;

Sep 30, 2021
Samantha says that her mini gastric bypass surgery in Tijuana, Mexico went terribly wrong, and when she wanted to leave the hospital, her husband, Josh, stood by and would not help her leave --- and now her fears are tearing apart her already fractured family;

Oct 01, 2021
Former guest Lydia, 80, aka "Glamma", meets three wealthy eligible bachelors, who each take her on a date; Annie, 82, is a social media influencer with more than 250,000 followers; Ernestine, an 85-year-old bodybuilder, trains clients half each age;

Oct 04, 2021
Dr. Phil gives self-help advice and strategies for a healthy life;

Oct 05, 2021
Gabby Petito's parents are all interviewed together, for the first time, since the 22-year-old "Van Life" vlogger's body was discovered in Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming, as the manhunt for her fiance, Brian Laundrie, continues nationwide;

Oct 06, 2021
Gabby Petito's parents tell where they believe that Brian Laundrie may be hiding and what they hope happens to him, if he was involved in Gabby's death; their reaction to the latest developments in their daughter's case;

Oct 07, 2021
Dr. Phil welcomes back previous guest Heather and her daughter, Marissa, who is rebelling in dangerous ways, and reads a chilling text exchange, in which Marissa says that she has attempted to kill her mother;

Oct 08, 2021
Susan says that her daughter, Emma, has always had a troubled life of drugs and abuse and that things took a turn for the worse, when Emma's fiance died of an overdose, leaving her alone with her two children;

Oct 11, 2021
A jury convicted Chris of murdering his wife and three young children, and he is now serving four life sentences; his parents, Gail and Pierre, sit down for their first TV interview with Dr. Phil to tell him why they believe that their son is innocent;

Oct 12, 2021
Chris Vaughn's parents say that they believe that he is innocent of committing the murders of their three grandchildren and daughter-in-law; a private investigator hopes to get him out of prison; the attorney who fought to put him behind bars;

Oct 13, 2021
Michelle says that her 9-year-old son, Raymond, has screamed, cursed, and punched others, since the age of 3 --- and recently gave his grandmother a black eye; family members want to know if his issues are real or if he's just choosing to act out;

Oct 14, 2021
Carlea says that her brother, Jay, is an egotistical, untruthful narcissist who physically abused his baby mama, Cassie, and that her nephew deserves a better father;

Oct 15, 2021
On August 13, 2019, 37-year-old Andrea Knabel, an outgoing and devoted mother of two, who had volunteered for a group that helps find missing people, disappeared; it turns out that Andrea was hiding several secrets about her risky behavior;

Oct 18, 2021
Keira says that when she was 15, her mother, Karen, chose to move across the state to be with her husband, James, leaving Keira behind and forcing Keira into foster care; a few years ago, he called her a racial slur, and her mother still chose his side;

Oct 19, 2021
Keira and her stepfather, James, face off after discussing an argument they had two years ago that led to James calling Keira a racial slur; James also admits to hitting Keira when she was a child; Keira's mother returns to the stage without her;

Oct 20, 2021
Heather's son, Trenton, 14, was expelled from school, for four months, after he was caught on camera destroying school property and stealing a sign; she and her fiance, Michael, say that Trenton's behavior has started to tear apart their relationship;

Oct 21, 2021
Fallon was rejected by a party bus, heading to a nightclub, because of her appearance; a video went viral, after Korisa fell into an icy lake; Eric wants Taylor to work out with him and eat healthier; rock star Nikki Sixx (memoir "The First 21");

Oct 22, 2021
Dr. Phil interviews death row inmate Richard Glossip, 58, who says that he was wrongfully accused of the murder of Barry Van Treese in January, 1997; the CEO of Lava Media and the founding member of The Innocence Project, Jason Plor is interviewed;

Oct 25, 2021
Tom says that Teaka is cheating on him with his friends, neighbors, co-workers, and even the mailman; Teaka swears that she's never cheated on Tom and claims that he has turned her into a prisoner in their home;

Oct 26, 2021
Inspirational updates on memorable guests and highlights of some of the best moments of the past 20 seasons;

Oct 27, 2021
Dr. Phil catches up with memorable guests: a daughter who faked 10 pregnancies; an extremely violent 12-year-old; a former all-star athlete turned heroin addict;

Oct 28, 2021
Brittany claims that her dad, Charlie, is being scammed by his online fiancee; Charlie says that he gave his fiancee over $25,000 and that she hasn't paid him back, despite her promises to do so;

Oct 29, 2021
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Brittany, who says that her dad is being scammed by his fiancee;

Nov 01, 2021
Danielle, 34, has had an extreme case of anorexia nervosa and bulimia for 20 years and has posed as a nutrition counselor advising others online on how to lose weight;

Nov 02, 2021
Sandi, 60, says that she will soon be flying to Nigeria to marry her 22-year-old soul mate;

Nov 03, 2021
Sandi's Nigerian fiance, Peter, 22, sits down to talk with Dr. Phil via satellite;

Nov 04, 2021
YouTuber Agent Sebastian, who runs a page where he posts hundreds of explosive videos of himself in parking lots, apprehending shoppers who do not return their carts to the corrals, meets one of his so-called victims; a suicide after a radio prank;

Nov 05, 2021
Guests say that they were targeted and manipulated out of tens of thousands of dollars by a woman, who has been accused of posing as various people to extort individuals all over the world; Dr. Phil sends a news crew to where it is believed she lives;

Nov 08, 2021
Christine says that her and Tom's divorce has affected all of her kids, including the quadruplets; two daughters say that they manage their anger through violence, eating disorders, and smoking weed; Tom says that his kids have destroyed his house;

Nov 09, 2021
Tom and Christine's daughters say that their family is completely toxic, and that their dad is the reason for the family trauma because he's a sociopath, abusive, and an alcoholic; author Mitch Albom (book, "The Stranger in the Lifeboat");

Nov 10, 2021
More than 30 years ago, undercover detective Dennis Vustenhoff was murdered by a bomb that had been planted under his unmarked police car; a shocking twist in the case: his family say that they know who killed him --- and they want justice;

Nov 11, 2021
Five-year-old Summer Wells vanishes from her home in rural Tennessee; online bullies accuse her parents, Don and Candace, of having something to do with her disappearance; the parents sit down with body language experts in order to clear their names;

Nov 12, 2021
Missing 5-year-old Summer Wells' parents, Don and Candice, speak out in their exclusive first national TV interview; Dr. Phil digs deeper into the story to learn if there is any new information that might help solve the mystery of her disappearance;

Nov 15, 2021
Ariyanna says that her mother, Cornelia, locked her in the attic, abandoned her, and once, even resorted to water boarding; Cornelia says that Ariyanna is lying about some of her accusations and exaggerating about others;

Nov 16, 2021
Nancy says that despite the evidence that her son and daughter-in-law have shown her, she is adamant that she is not being scammed by the man with whom she is having an online relationship;

Nov 17, 2021
Nancy and her son, Darcy, speak face to face for the first time in over a year, and Darcy has been hiding a secret about his mother's online boyfriend, "Shaun"; updates from past guests who can relate to Nancy's story;

Nov 18, 2021
Astroworld, Travis Scott's Houston festival, is a mass casualty event leaving people dead, children clinging to life, and attendees traumatized; what really happened; who is to blame; attendees reveal the horror they saw, and families file lawsuits;

Nov 19, 2021
Cassie's daughter Britney helps Dr. Phil to get Cassie to see the real problem in the family;

Nov 22, 2021
Cassie insists that her teen daughter's behavior is the root cause of her family's dysfunction, even though her husband, Jonah, is addicted to drugs and alcohol;

Nov 23, 2021
Jessica and Ian's two children were removed from their custody, and they are trying to get them; Ian's mother, Pamela, says that one thing they should do is end their toxic relationship;

Nov 24, 2021
Paula says that she's thinks about divorcing her longtime husband, Jeremy, because, in her words, he's "clueless, absent, and nonverbal"; Jeremy says that Paula is controlling and won't move on from a mistake that he made almost 10 years ago;

Nov 26, 2021
In 2001, a man was gunned down in cold blood, and a teenage girl named Kiera was convicted of his murder and sentenced to 60 years to life in prison;

Nov 29, 2021
Ed's family says that he had a long, successful career in the aerospace industry, but he snapped, leaving his home, marriage, children and job, and turning to a life of drugs and crime;

Nov 30, 2021
In Native American communities, there is an epidemic of missing women; Henny Scott, 14, disappeared while she was hanging out with friends and was found dead two weeks later; Ashley Long, 20, was last seen in Browning, Montana, four years ago;

Dec 01, 2021
BillieSue admits that she enabled her now-adult children, Alex and Hanna, so badly that it turned them into hateful and disrespectful menaces to society; one bullied her out of her house, then the other one nearly got her evicted from her apartment;

Dec 02, 2021
A store manager's physical confrontation with a shoplifter is caught on tape; an organized retail criminal tells how and why they do what they do; YouTuber Peter Santenenello; what police say are the biggest challenges of the shoplifting crisis;

Dec 03, 2021
Erin is ready to drop out of college to pursue his dream of becoming the next big social media star and expects his parents to financially support him because he refuses to get a "regular job"; 20-year-old Hope's party lifestyle is out of control;

Dec 06, 2021
Dr. Phil conducts an exclusive prison phone call with Chris, who, at 18, broke into his stepfather, Vincent's, home and says that he had caught him molesting his younger sister, Vicky, then he shot him in the head and confessed to the killing;

Dec 07, 2021
Lauren Dumolo, a young mother, seemingly vanishes into thin air; theories and questions continue to mount, as her last known whereabouts do not add up; family members say that they believe there's foul play involved;

Dec 08, 2021
Missing teen Sophie may have been entangled in human trafficking; Meaghan's young daughter had chatted and sent explicit videos to older men; a child advocate transforms herself into online teenage decoys; what to look for on a child's phone;

Dec 09, 2021
Dr. Phil's "Phanatics" group discusses common problems and real solutions; a newly engaged couple say that they don't see eye to eye on house cleaning; newlyweds tell why they shouldn't be asked a certain question; a set of twins do everything together;

Dec 10, 2021
A 22-year-old quits his day job to approach a popular social media influencer and ask him for a job; a YouTuber is "canceled" for his controversial videos; a woman turns to social media to make money in what some call an unconventional way;

Dec 13, 2021
Sheriff Michael Bouchard join Dr. Phil to discuss the deadly shootings at Oxford High School in Detroit, Michigan; parents from Sandy Hook Elementary and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School give insight into what the Oxford families are going through;

Dec 14, 2021
Marie says that her daughter, Willow, is causing so much chaos in her life that her house is a war zone and she had to move her younger son out for his safety; she worries that Willow will kill her someday;

Dec 15, 2021
Holly's intense dedication to her alcoholism recovery program may be alienating her family; the singer Victory from "America's Got Talent";

Dec 16, 2021
Dr. Phil welcomes guests from different backgrounds to discuss the "Guest Resignation" and the phenomenon of "rage quitting"; money expert Mandi Woodruff Santos; Harvard Business School Professor Tsedal Neeley;

Dec 17, 2021
Mark says that he did not have any choice but to apply for conservatorship over his wife, Lori, after she was scammed out of nearly $500,000 over the course of two years; but Lori still doesn't see any reason for Mark to go to such extreme measures;

Dec 20, 2021
A woman, who has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, strives to maintain a positive outlook; another woman has been cancer free for five years but she still fears the future; pastor Joel Osteen discusses his latest book; Andy Grammer performs;

Sep 25, 2021
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Dr. Phil Season 20 (2021) is released on Jan 04, 2021 and the latest season 21 of Dr. Phil is released in 2022. Watch Dr. Phil online - the English Drama TV series from United States. Dr. Phil is directed by John Pattyson,Marianne Vogel Bender,Abbey LeVine,Cass Girard and created by Justin Arluck with Phil McGraw and Robin McGraw.
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw's show draws on his 25 years of experience in psychology, sociology and observation. Beginning his TV career as the resident expert on human behavior on Oprah Winfrey's daily talk show, Dr. Phil continues to deal with real issues in his blunt style.