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Episodes (176)

Jan 03, 2019
Acclaimed actress Kathy Bates talks about her battle with cancer, living with the disease lymphedema, and her work with advocates at the Lymphatic Education and Research Network;

Jan 04, 2019
Ayanna says she is the reincarnation of Pocahontas and claims she even has memories from the 1600s;

Jan 07, 2019
Debbie sees aliens and other apparitions in and around her home; her husband does not believe her and says it is hurting their marriage;

Jan 08, 2019
Dr. Phil speaks with two former Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints members: Marilyn claims her sexual abuse began at age 4; Ian says his uncle, Warren Jeffs, told him, as a little boy, he'll burn in hell if he didn't obey;

Jan 09, 2019
Chad allows his wife to be alone with their infant son after she overdosed while she was pregnant, caused the baby to be born addicted, and is accused of having been under the influence of heroin when she crashed her SUV with the baby in the vehicle;

Jan 10, 2019
Parents Andy and Bridget received a call from a scammer who claimed he was holding their daughter hostage for ransom; Debra, the real woman behind the podcast and Bravo series "Dirty John" tells of meeting a dangerous criminal online;

Jan 11, 2019
Vera, who has stage 4 cancer, worries that her lazy adult son, Michael, will end up homeless after she passes away; Isaac says his mother, Christina, has told him multiple times that he ruined her life;

Jan 14, 2019
Cheryl and Jane's two offspring disappeared without a trace within a month of each other, then Di's son was shot and killed; Di says her son told her something cryptic two weeks before he died;

Jan 15, 2019
Dr. Phil continues his conversation with Cheryl and Jane, whose offspring are missing, and Di, whose son was shot and killed, while driving in a quiet Bakersfield neighborhood; a reporter, a former police detective, and a former FBI profiler weigh in;

Jan 16, 2019
Ryan says he filed for divorce from his wife, Danielle, because she worked as a "sugar baby", had an affair, and engaged in sexually deviant behavior for money;

Jan 17, 2019
Kelly and Dana, leaders of a Facebook group designed to help women who have depression and anxiety, accuse each other of cyber bullying; they meet for the first time on Dr. Phil's stage;

Jan 18, 2019
Kelly says her 24-year-old daughter, Alicia, is suffering from may debilitating health issues as a result of her PTSD and needs constant care, and after hundreds of seizures and almost daily paramedic visits, the whole family is at their breaking point; Alicia claims her PTSD is caused by the horrific sexual abuse she had to endure as a child;

Jan 21, 2019
Alexis has cut off her now ex-mother-in-law's visitation with her grandson, after her ex-husband tried to kill the family;

Jan 22, 2019
Gambler John has lost every penny he has ever made, has ruined his parents' credit, can't keep a job, can't provide for his three babies, lives in his mom's basement, and steals money from her, but she doesn't have the heart to kick him out;

Jan 23, 2019
Maddie, 18, says she doesn't have an eating disorder even though her mother, stepfather and grandmother say she is slowly starving herself to death, has been hospitalized repeatedly for dehydration, and is so fatigued that she cannot live her life;

Jan 24, 2019
Penny married her late friend's widower, Glen, then fell ill herself, and says that while she was in the hospital, Glen told her best friend that she was dying and asked her to move in, replace her as a mother to their daughter and marry him;

Jan 25, 2019
Twenty-year-old Laurie Depies vanished one night 26 years ago from her boyfriend Marc's apartment parking lot; he and her mother come together to discuss what may have happened to her; a psychic detective gives them some possible new clues;

Jan 28, 2019
Jenna says her sister, Alexa, is trying to buy the love of at least seven convicted felons; Suzie is married to an inmate, keeps a personal account of their love online and encourages other convicted felons to connect with loved ones through a blog;

Jan 29, 2019
Althea says she feels like a prisoner trapped in a rage-filled relationship with her partner, Kevin, and has resorted to secretly taping his anger to have proof; Kevin says his rage is a result of brain trauma, and receives the results of an MRI;

Jan 30, 2019
Mark says he chooses to live in his beat-up car, held together with bungee cords and glue, because it gives him the freedom to travel, which broadens his horizons; his family says he needs to get his life together and stop acting like an adolescent;

Jan 31, 2019
The siblings of 5-year-old Jordan Bleimeyer, who was held captive in a tiny cubbyhole under the stairs, starved and abused by his father and stepmother, reveal how they sneaked Jordan food and freed him from his closet prison, saving his life;

Feb 01, 2019
Jennifer says her 12-old-year son's violent gaming addiction is not only exacerbating his numerous behavior issues, but she fears it may be the catalyst for him becoming the next school shooter; Dr. Phil sits down with the boy;

Feb 04, 2019
Tiffany's relationship with her child's father, Erik, was destroyed by his constant lying and empty promises; after doing research midway through their relationship, Sheka uncovered Erik's lies and put a stop to their wedding plans;

Feb 05, 2019
Erik's ex-girlfriends, Tori and Courtney, and ex-wife, Martha, each have different stories to share about his deceitful behavior;

Feb 06, 2019
Author Kerry Rawson (book, "A Serial Killer's Daughter") discusses her father, Dennis Rader, whose murder spree terrorized Wichita, Kansas, from 1974 to 1991; Sherry's daughter, Crystal Rogers, is missing, and during her search, Sherry's husband was killed;

Feb 07, 2019
Kalan is desperate for Dr. Phil's help because her fiancé has taken on the persona of a superhero, and will answer only to "Goose Wayne Batman", refusing to take off his mask or eye makeup;

Feb 08, 2019
Josie is in love with a much-younger Nigerian man she found on Facebook, and has never actually met; her family and friends say he is just conning her into marrying him for a green card; Dr. Phil goes to Nigeria to talk with him and learn who he is;

Feb 11, 2019
Melissa says her 14-year-old daughter, Destoni, is aggressive, violent, and a bully who crossed a line, when she threatened to shoot her teacher and other students, causing her to be suspended from two different schools;

Feb 12, 2019
Melissa fears teen Destoni's outrageous behavior will land her in jail or get her killed, and the house is not safe when Destoni is there, so she wants to send her to foster care; Dr. Phil wants Destoni to meet someone who could change her life;

Feb 13, 2019
Sonya says she does not remember starving her three children or locking them out of the house; they say they grew up in deplorable conditions, while one had to sneak food into the house to feed the others, until Sonya suddenly packed up and left;

Feb 14, 2019
Family members are alarmed about Rose, after witnessing some of her odd behavior on social media; Rose says she had a stroke and now speaks with a foreign accent;

Feb 15, 2019
Kelly says her mom, Terrie, is a serial child molester who molested her, her sister and her 5-year-old daughter; Terrie says Kelly also claims to have seen aliens who may have abducted, raped, and impregnated her;

Feb 18, 2019
Brian claims Libby has poisoned four of their children against him and is trying to remove him from their lives; Libby says it's Brian's abusive and demanding behavior toward her and their children that has them turning their backs on him;

Feb 19, 2019
Exes Libby and Brian are unable to put their animosity, for each other, aside for the sake of their children; Brian sits down with two of his oldest children for an emotional reunion;

Feb 20, 2019
Investigators say a spray-painted smiley face could be the disturbing signature of a nationwide network of serial killers who target college-aged men, having been found near the bodies of young men, whose deaths police ruled accidental drownings;

Feb 21, 2019
Ava says her one goal in life is to be insta-famous and she'll stop at nothing to get there, but her real-life relationships are suffering because of her online persona; actress Amanda Cerny tries to get young people to drop their social media masks;

Feb 22, 2019
Tatiana says that, for 19 years (ages 6-25), her father forced her to do drugs so he could physically and sexually abuse her, and she bore three of his children;

Feb 25, 2019
Susan and Michael first appeared on the show in 2012 to share their experience with their daughter, Janni, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia at just 6 years old; as Dr. Phil predicted at the time, they have since divorced and are now at odds over their 11-year-old son, Bodhi, who Susan is convinced is schizophrenic as well; Michael thinks Susan's quest for a diagnosis will harm their son;

Feb 26, 2019
Dr. Phil continues his discussion with exes Michael and Susan about the care of 11-year-old Bodhi, who Susan insists is dealing with schizophrenia, just like their 16-year-old daughter, Janni;

Feb 27, 2019
Media personalities, including Harvey Levin ("TMZ Live") share theories about Jussie Smollet's claim of being the victim of a hate crime and the police's suspicion of it being a hoax; a victim who lied to the police; a criminal turns his life around;

Feb 28, 2019
Amy says her 20-year-old son, Jai, is a "rageaholic ticking time bomb" and worries he's on the verge of seriously hurting someone, especially since he recently purchased a semi-automatic rifle;

Mar 01, 2019
As a teenager, Savannah was involved in prostitution and was eventually kidnapped and sex-trafficked; actress Jan Broberg's story is the subject of the Netflix documentary, "Abducted in Plain Sight";

Mar 04, 2019
Dan says that since his wife, Lorie, reunited with her now 26-year-old two years ago, their entire family life has been shattered; he believes they have an inappropriate relationship, and the young man has violent outbursts;

Mar 05, 2019
Authorities reportedly recorded audio of Colorado killer Chris Watt during a brand-new five-hour prison interview in which he reveals to investigators the horrifying truth about his wife's and daughters' final moments; lawyers reveal details;

Mar 06, 2019
Stay-at-home mom Jessica says her soon-to-be ex-husband of 23 years, Mike, is a narcissistic who controls everything in her and their teen daughters' lives, especially the finances; Mike says Jessica is brainwashing the young women to hate him;

Mar 07, 2019
Jennifer Asbenson, author of "The Girl in the Treehouse", tells the chilling details of how she escaped serial killer Andrew Urdiales and why she was chosen as his victim;

Mar 11, 2019
Authorities release a shocking five-hour prison confession from Colorado killer dad Chris Watts, describing disturbing new details about the murder of his pregnant wife, Shan'ann, and their two daughters;

Mar 12, 2019
Bailey became quadriplegic 11 years ago in a childhood racing accident; girlfriend Harley says she is exhausted being his full-time caregiver; he says he constantly feels resentment from her for taking on that role and he feels like a burden;

Mar 18, 2019
Master mentalist Lior Suchard says he can use his mind like a precision tool to read minds and influence thoughts; what he reveals after talking to Robin McGraw; he uses his unique gifts to change the minds of some skeptics in the audience;

Mar 19, 2019
Fifteen-year-old Jasmine Block was lured into a car by a family friend, then three men held her captive and attempted to kill her over and over for 29 days, but she survived and speaks about her abduction and dramatic escape;

Mar 20, 2019
Stacy and Andy claim their lives have been torn apart by a vicious hacker who will stop at nothing to torture them, and Stacy says she's suspicious of everyone being the hacker, even her own family; Ben Shapiro (book, "The Right Side of History");

Mar 25, 2019
On Oct. 13, 2018, 16-year-old Karlie Guse disappeared from her home in rural California; the girl's father and stepmother are adamant they have no idea what happened to her;

Mar 26, 2019
Continuing the investigation into the mysterious disappearance of 16-year-old Karlie Guse, who vanished from her stepmother Melissa and father Zac's home in the early morning hours of Oct 13, 2018;

Mar 27, 2019
The 1947 case of a 22-year-old woman, found murdered in a vacant lot in Los Angeles, becomes one of the most notorious unsolved murders in American history; her story became highly publicized due to the graphic nature of the crime, which included her body being mutilated and bisected at the waist; Steve Hodel has been investigating this unsolved mystery;

Apr 01, 2019
Cheryl says she must wear surgical masks at home because a global terror network is experimenting on her with lethal chemicals; her daughter is concerned for her mental health; Dr. Phil reveals the results of extensive testing in Cheryl's home;

Apr 02, 2019
An interview with Nick, Kevin, and Joe Jonas; a college student's dad says she is destroying her life by walking away from a full-ride scholarship to become a professional dancer; how to communicate with people at work; Imposter Syndrome;

Apr 08, 2019
Amanda is madly in love with her son's father, a severe epileptic who refuses to take his medication and has seizures almost every day; her mother wants her to move on;

Apr 09, 2019
Patty says she spent hundreds of thousands of dollars giving her son everything he wanted, and now, she says, he wants her dead; a first look at Dr. Phil's interview with Oprah Winfrey (book, "The Path Made Clear");

Apr 10, 2019
Jessica, who makes poor decisions, drinks alcohol daily and has a violent relationship with her live-in boyfriend, says her mother is brainwashing her 10- and 13-year-old children against her;

Apr 11, 2019
Mason's grandmother stabbed him to death two days before his 7th birthday, causing his father to start using drugs again and acting erratically;

Apr 12, 2019
Claudia's adult daughters feel she has cast them aside too often, and she doesn't deserve to be called their mother; the three meet face-to-face for the first time in years; Dr. Phil takes coach Mike Bayer's "Best Self" challenge;

Apr 15, 2019
Carina is haunted by the gruesome murders of her two eldest sons and four other people on a camping trip three years ago; her surviving sons admit to not confronting her about her behavior because they do not want to trigger her rage;

Apr 16, 2019
Molly obsesses over her appearance so much it has prevented her from leaving her home; her sister admits she has struggled for years with worrying intensely after her weight, and their mom survived anorexia; Sophie Turner ("Game of Thrones");

Apr 17, 2019
Sixteen years ago, Monica's 45-year-old brother, Jeff, moved back into his childhood bedroom in his mother's home and has never left; their mother admits she has given Jeff well over $100,000, raises his children, and pays all his bills; he faces his fed-up family;

Apr 18, 2019
Ten years ago, an electrical fire destroyed Reina's home and nearly 80 percent of her body had 3rd degree burns; now 20 years old, she's irresponsible and reckless -- partying, dropping out of college, blowing through her money, and sleeping all day;

Apr 19, 2019
Ann Marie says her pet pigs are nothing compared to the slurping, munching, crunching, chewing, jaw-cracking noises her soon-to-be husband, Jimmy, makes when he is eating; Jimmy calls off their engagement, saying Ann Marie is a "lunatic";

Apr 22, 2019
After spending eight years in prison, Michael Peterson, the North Carolina novelist accused of killing his wife, defends his innocence; another woman Peterson knew also was found dead at the bottom of a staircase;

Apr 23, 2019
Michael Peterson insists that his wife Kathleen's fall down the stairs was an accident; prosecutors claimed she had discovered a secret that could have been a motive for murder; how Peterson's children reacted; a theory of how she may have died;

Apr 24, 2019
Adriana, 17, says her mother pulled her out of school to do housework and baby-sit her little sisters; she has spent a month living in her teacher's home, and they claim they have tried, unsuccessfully, to get help from Child Protective Services;

Apr 25, 2019
Angie and Michael say they have been in love since they were young children and married in Colorado because their home state does not recognize first-cousin marriage; a relative says she considers their relationship embarrassing to the whole family;

Apr 26, 2019
Three of Sarah's former friends say she faked terminal cancer, pregnancies and miscarriages, and went as far as buying herself a wheelchair to pretend to have muscular dystrophy; they all feel betrayed by her lies and are ready for answers;

Apr 29, 2019
Dr. Phil continues to speak with Brian, Liz, and Bethany, who claim their former friend, Sarah, fabricated multiple stories about herself, including that she had terminal cancer and multiple dystrophy, and say they fear what she is capable of doing;

Apr 30, 2019
Brittany Fish shares her story of survival, 15 years after being abducted by serial child predator and kidnapper Kevin Schaus at age 5; Schaus' confessions from behind bars; another of Schaus' victims tells her story publicly for the first time;

May 01, 2019
A mom goes from "perfect" to homeless, incarcerated, and addicted;

May 02, 2019
Kami, a self-admitted homeless drug addict and mother of four, returns to the stage and faces her family, who all inform her they will cut ties, if she doesn't get sober; what happens after the show that could jeopardize Kami's future with her family;

May 03, 2019
Michael, an admitted liar who now claims he's a changed man and wants to "come clean" about all his past lies and deceptions, including some that have landed him behind bars, comes face-to-face with three of his victims;

May 06, 2019
Parents say teen Kendall failed out of school, smokes marijuana, and has falsely accused her mother, father, sister, and stepfather of abuse; they say they cannot keep her at home because they fear she will make more false accusations against them;

May 07, 2019
Anthony and Jill fear their marriage is headed for divorce, due to 14-year-old Kendall's out-of-control behavior and stories of abuse; emotional and angry Kendall comes to terms with what is next;

May 08, 2019
Dr. Phil talks with Bryan Abrams, the lead singer of 1990's R&B group Color Me Badd, about his addiction to alcohol, pills and food, and erratic, physically abusive behavior, which caused a fellow band member to get a restraining order against him;

May 09, 2019
Barbara and her daughters, Daria and Nikki, watched on TV as their father was shot and killed by a police sniper, when he attempted to rob a bank; Barbara was forced to become the sole provider and admits she often ignored her daughters, who now accuse each other of physical abuse and come face-to-face for the first time in five years;

May 10, 2019
Due to extreme agoraphobia, Kirstie says she is confined to her bedroom for 22 hours a day because she believes she will die if she leaves it for longer than a few minutes; she thinks her mother's parenting is the cause of debilitating anxiety;

May 13, 2019
Nikki and Paige claim their mother, Leigh, is an alcoholic who has "gone missing" at least 40 times, abandoned them as teens in a foreclosed home without electricity or running water, and is drunk around her grandchildren; Leigh says she's a "functioning drinker";

May 14, 2019
Ralph says he is eager to meet his beautiful online girlfriend, "Louise", who has been stuck overseas in Berlin for more than eight months; he has done everything he can think of to help her get home and has spent more than $150,000 doing so;

May 15, 2019
Dr. Phil continues his global investigation to help unite Ralph with his online girlfriend, "Louise", who has been stuck in Berlin for the past eight months, and takes a deeper look at the German government letters that Ralph says she received;

May 16, 2019
Lying about jobs, acting inappropriately with young women, getting DUIs and being passed out drunk -- that's how Brittany, Brandi and Brooklyn describe their father, Lance, and confront him;

May 17, 2019
Six-year-old Timmothy Pitzen's mother took him on a road trip, then committed suicide, leaving behind a note saying Timmothy was safe and would never be found; years later, an impostor told police he was Timmothy, whose father and aunt speak out for the first time;

May 20, 2019
Angie has installed surveillance cameras all around her home, and after watching hours of footage, she says she sees images of her husband with someone else and hears a woman's voice; Dr. Phil sees the video; the reputed "other woman" speaks out;

May 21, 2019
Joe says his wife, Angie, won't let him out of her sight, because she's convinced herself that he's having an affair with a 21-year-old friend of their daughter; Angie wants him to take DNA and polygraph tests to prove his innocence;

May 22, 2019
Donna says her adult daughter, Brittany, is explosively violent and angry, and Donna is terrified that, one day, she will follow through with her threats to kill her family; footage taken at their hotel may shine a light on why the family is on the show;

May 23, 2019
Donna and her ex-husband, Steven, say their adult daughter, Brittany, is violent, angry, and out-of-control; an explosive confrontation in their hotel; life coach Mike Bayer discusses his session with Brittany;

May 24, 2019
Lindsay was a 24-year-old real estate agent when she was targeted and brutally murdered; her father thinks police are covering up who killed her; a woman uses DNA ancestry websites to help solve seemingly unsolvable cold cases -- all from her couch;

Jul 15, 2019
Angelique says her husband, Tommy, is so paranoid that she's having an affair that she has to FaceTime him more than 20 times a day, send him pictures, and check in constantly to prove she's not lying about her whereabouts;

Aug 26, 2019
Shelly says her new husband is verbally abusive and controlling, and she wants Dr. Phil's help to save her marriage; kidnapping survivor Sandra's anxiety and trauma still affect her daily life and relationship with her husband;

Aug 27, 2019
Parents are shocked and horrified to see what 15-year-old Dawson, who idealizes a criminal lifestyle, has been up to right in their well-off neighborhood; a former gang member and a paralyzed woman help explain the consequences of dangerous behavior;

Aug 28, 2019
Beth says she and her husband are done bankrolling their 26-year-old daughter, Megan, who claims to have been sexually abused, raped, thrown out on the streets, abducted, beaten, sex-trafficked, and chained to a bed;

Aug 29, 2019
Shauna's children say she created non-existent illnesses and put them through painful, dangerous medical workups, and also locked her sons in a cage and threw them around the room; her then-husband says he had no idea she was harming the children;

Sep 03, 2019
Adam says he has been on hundreds of dates but rarely gets a third date; Dr. Phil sends him on a speed date with five single women to dissect what he may be doing wrong;

Sep 04, 2019
Elsa says she was severely abused almost daily for 19 years and starved for weeks at a time by the people she thought were her adoptive parents, until an unlikely person rescued her; what a detective discovered when she saw Elsa at the hospital;

Sep 05, 2019
Jacob is unable to get past his young son's being injured at a holiday gathering five years ago and recently went on a social media rant, rehashing the accident and continuing to lay the blame on the family member, at whose home the gathering was held;

Sep 06, 2019
Sara gave her two children to others to raise but still struggles with life and spends her time partying;

Sep 09, 2019
Bam Margera, who rose to fame as the star of the hit MTV series, "Jackass", reaches out to Dr. Phil with a cry for help; in an emotional interview, he faces his mother and wife;

Sep 10, 2019
Dean, who thought he was in direct contact with singer Miranda Lambert, found out he's been scammed by multiple imposters, but says his love for her did not stop; he and his wife say they want to find out what's going on in Dean's head;

Sep 11, 2019
Karen went on her daughter's Snapchat, after she found the girl's boyfriend hiding in her closet; Cassandra live-streamed to vent, when she was upset at her children's school; a mom posts a controversial video about her toddler's picky eating habits;

Sep 12, 2019
Jessy, 21, says she is consumed with finding social media fame and thinks she is nothing without her followers; former guest Ana returns to admit that she put on an act to gain followers last season on "Dr. Phil"; Nastassia, a fitness influencer;

Sep 13, 2019
Brittany and Jeramie have an on-and-off and tumultuous co-parenting relationship, and Jeramie recently reconnected with old classmate Brittney and moved her into his home;

Sep 16, 2019
The death of Robert's bride in his multimillion-dollar high-rise apartment was ruled an accident, but Robert now says he murdered her, and it was premeditated; "Daily Wire TV" host Jesse Palmer gives Dr. Phil viewers a sneak peek of some exclusives;

Sep 17, 2019
Tiffany tells her mother, Wanda, she ruined her wedding, among many other things, but Wanda says her bipolar disorder is at fault for her earlier actions; Tiffany says she is sick of her mother blaming her mental health issues for her bad behavior;

Sep 18, 2019
Tiffany's twin brother accuses their mother, Wanda, of stealing his wife's wedding rings; Tiffany says something to cause her father to jump out of his seat in the audience and make his way up to a chair next to Wanda;

Sep 19, 2019
Legal and law-enforcement experts join Dr. Phil to analyze the circumstances surrounding the disappearance of Connecticut mother-of-five Jennifer Dulos; details from her estranged husband's and his girlfriend's arrest warrants;

Sep 20, 2019
An American woman who was savagely attacked, while staying at a luxury resort in the Dominican Republic; a woman insists her husband, one of many American tourists who have passed away while in the Dominican Republic, did not die of natural causes;

Sep 23, 2019
After more than two decades, a private investigator says he has new clues and information about what really happened when the car, in which Princess Diana was riding, crashed in a Paris, France tunnel, leading to her tragic death;

Sep 24, 2019
The studio audience is filled with some favorite guests from the past 17 seasons; a former guest surprises everyone with an engagement ring and proposal on stage; messages from Oprah Winfrey, the Jonas Brothers, and others;

Sep 25, 2019
Brittney, who says she's been ditched without warning eight times, wants to know why she scares every man away; Diane and her mother say Diane's live-in boyfriend ghosted them six months ago;

Sep 26, 2019
Ronald, 17, says his $1,000 per month allowance isn't enough for his lavish taste and demands that his mother give him a raise; she works up to 120 hours a week and fears that if she doesn't give in to him, he will resort to getting money illegally;

Sep 27, 2019
Victoria says she feels there's something "demonic" in her, and she has passed her demons on to her boyfriend, Thomas; they both get an exorcism, but it only worked on Thomas;

Sep 30, 2019
Angela and Nelson ("Ex on the Beach") say they fell in love during the filming of the reality show, but when they left the beach house, their relationship crashed on the rocks; things got so heated between them that Angela stormed off the stage;

Oct 01, 2019
After storming off, Angela returns to the stage for the conclusion of the blistering battle between the "Ex on the Beach" co-stars; text messages reveal Nelson has been threatening to release a sex tape he made with her;

Oct 02, 2019
Kristina's family say her fiance, Troy, who is 17 years older, is controlling her, brainwashing her, and alienating her from them;

Oct 03, 2019
Gen Zers who want to have more social media followers and become "relevant"; a young woman engages in controversial behavior in order to be a social media influencer; young men's illegal stunts gets more than 1 million views in a few hours;

Oct 04, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Oct 07, 2019
Parents say their 17-year-old daughter, Becky, talks to men online in video-game chat rooms and has fallen in love with a 21-year-old man, whom she has never met in person; Becky says she's in love and plans to move 3,000 miles away, when she turns 18;

Oct 08, 2019
Twins Allie and Lexi say managing their social media as well as their growing careers as artists is a full-time job; Mindy says she loves working on her YouTube channel but doesn't know how to combat haters; Hattie, 83, dates men half her age;

Oct 09, 2019
Betty says Philip wanted an open marriage, and she met and fell in love with Kevin, so Philip abuses her because her behavior makes him angry; Susan and Brad discuss how they successfully navigated through their divorce, while running their company;

Oct 10, 2019
Part 1: Rodney Reed has spent 22 years on death row, and his execution is scheduled for November 20, 2019, but he insists he's innocent and shares with Dr. Phil the evidence he says will clear him; a detective makes a discovery that may change everything;

Oct 11, 2019
Part 2: Rodney Reed's attorney, Bryce Benjet, with the Innocence Project, tells Dr. Phil what he thinks really happened to Stacey Stites; detective Kevin Gannon and criminologist Lee Gilbertson say they know who killed her and how the person did it;

Oct 15, 2019
Kris says her 29-year-old son, Justin, is a rageaholic, who has been arrested more than 10 times and has received multiple drunk driving offenses; Kris worries about the safety of Justin's two small children;

Oct 16, 2019
Melinda and Amy claim their lives have been turned upside down by a social media influencer and political activist named Falona, who they say has subjected them to nine months of cyberbullying and harassment;

Oct 17, 2019
Todd Chrisley's daughter, Lindsie, speaks out about her accusation that her father threatened to release a sex tape of her, if she didn't agree to lie for him;

Oct 18, 2019
The family of a woman who died during a "Brazilian butt lift" procedure; K Michelle ("Love and Hip Hop: Hollywood") and Dr. Andrew Ordon ("The Doctors") help a woman who has medical issues, after black-market butt injections;

Oct 21, 2019
Taylor says she drinks hard liquor every weekend, until she "feels it", smokes marijuana and her e-cigarette every day; her older sister Madison says Taylor yells at her, punches her, shoves her, and has even threatened her with a knife;

Oct 22, 2019
Kayla says her sister, Alicia, is a master manipulator who lies, steals, faked cancer, and may have been a prostitute; Alicia denies her sister's accusations and says her entire family has made her the black sheep;

Oct 23, 2019
After a breakup, formerly successful Jess lost all coping skills and has been lying in bed at his mother's home; Robert spent most of his 20s incarcerated, but he wants his mother to know that he's not a bad guy and he has changed;

Oct 24, 2019
Amanda's at-home DNA test led to the discovery of three new sisters and a different dad; all four sisters and their shared biological father come together to see if they have a deeper connection than simple genetics;

Oct 25, 2019
A superior court judge loses his job, after giving no jail time to a man who strangled a woman unconscious and threatened to kill her; a rape victim's mother speaks out about how her daughter's rapist walked out of court with no jail time;

Oct 28, 2019
Laura says her daughter Rebecca, 19, dropped out of college and left her job to spend 24/7 with her aggressive boyfriend, Dominick, who blames a lesion on his brain for his anger and rage;

Oct 29, 2019
Bree's 11-year-old son is extremely violent, ran away from home, and threatened to kill her and a student at his school; Dr. Phil is concerned about the boy returning home with Bree;

Oct 30, 2019
Monique and Sunjay say their 23-year-old daughter has an obsession with hoarding hair, refuses to bathe, couch surfs with strangers she meets online, has fits of rage, and stabbed her father in the leg;

Oct 31, 2019
Shane's alcohol addiction has caused him to injure himself to the point where his entire face turned black-and-blue, and his friend Opie fears that he is living on borrowed time;

Nov 01, 2019
Tamara insists she loves Adderall and all of the "magical" things it is doing for her life, while her husband, Steve, says she is dangerously abusing the drug;

Nov 04, 2019
Linda thinks her daughter Holly's two online fiances are in it for the green cards; one of the men appears on the show, and Dr. Phil reveals what a private investigator discovered about his past;

Nov 05, 2019
Holly's other online fiance comes to the show, and the two men meet for the first time; Holly reveals a secret she's been keeping from both of them; Dr. Phil tells her whether he is OK with her marrying one of them or if they just want green cards;

Nov 06, 2019
Mama's boy Chas, 17, faces five felony charges, after escaping police custody and causing an eight-hour manhunt; his father says he tries to discipline him, but the boy's mother always shuts him down;

Nov 07, 2019
An interview with the Ukrainian orphan whose adoptive parents have been accused of abandoning her, when she was just 8 years old; they say Natalia, who has a form of dwarfism, is really a sociopathic adult posing as a child, who tried to kill them;

Nov 08, 2019
Nate was shocked after returning home to find his mother, 52, looking like a frail old woman due to an opioid addiction; she told Dr. Phil's producers she wants to get help for her "medical issues" but is not drug-addicted;

Nov 11, 2019
Jennifer believes she and Russian President Vladmir Putin are head-over-heel in love, and she's choosing to be homeless because he will be picking her up soon; her children say she is mentally ill and thinks she has influenced world events;

Nov 12, 2019
Miranda says her mother Cathy is controlling, manic and always nagging her; Cathy says she has no choice, because her 22-year-old daughter is living in her home, fighting, screaming, drinking, and on prescription drugs;

Nov 13, 2019
Bobby and Renna say their son, Cameron, was a local hero in their small town, until injuries, surgeries, and pain pills destroyed his athletic career, and now he is a heroin-addicted criminal; the parents are not on the same page on how to save him;

Nov 14, 2019
Juan Rodriguez was supposed to drop off his 1-year-old twins at daycare, but forgot them in a hot car, while he was at work, causing their deaths; the twins' mother explains why she is standing by her husband and reveals what she wants other parents to learn;

Nov 15, 2019
Maribeth and John say their 15-year-old daughter, Marie, has become distant and angry and has started running away and committing crimes; the last time she returned, she said she was pregnant;

Nov 18, 2019
Fifteen-year-old Marie, who has told her parents that she is pregnant after running away three times, says she knows who her baby's father is and has a plan, then takes a pregnancy test so that everyone can determine what her next step should be;

Nov 19, 2019
Amanda Knox, who became one of the most famous cases of wrongful conviction, after spending four years locked in an Italian prison for the murder of her British roommate, fights to save the life of Texas death-row inmate Rodney Reed;

Nov 20, 2019
Alex lies, cheats, and steals thousands of dollars from friends, family, and strangers, just so he can live a lifestyle which includes shopping, tanning, getting his hair done and making twerking videos; his family says he's a drug addict and a criminal;

Nov 21, 2019
Brooklyn and Arjun says that their smart homes endangered their children; Hank, who hacked another man's system, tells why he did it; a cybersecurity expert shows ways hackers access sensitive information and how to keep safe in the cyberworld;

Nov 22, 2019
Tony and Heather say that their 17-year-old daughter, Rae, who says she is pregnant, has violent meltdowns every day that often end with police intervention; Rae spent the morning before taping barricading her terminally ill mother in a car;

Nov 25, 2019
Teen Rae blames her mother's illness and father's alcoholism and physical abuse for her out-of-control anger and refuses to go for treatment;

Nov 26, 2019
Nicole discovers that Carter, her husband of nearly 20 years, has been having a sexual affair with a man; what a private investigator has found out about the other man;

Nov 27, 2019
Crystal says she runs a sober living house but says she can't seen to practice the tough love that she preaches to her son, Dominguez, who went from a honor roll student and varsity basketball player to a high school dropout and a drug hustler;

Nov 29, 2019
Police say Shannon Ivey was murdered sometime in 2016, and his family thinks that his then-wife, Toni, tricked everyone into believing he was still alive by impersonating him via email and text for two years;

Dec 02, 2019
Robin has set a deadline for her husband to get help with his mental disorder, or he may be out on the streets; he says he is a prisoner in his own head and spends his life living in torment, but he's willing to do anything to keep her in his life;

Dec 03, 2019
Mike and Julia say that Mike's ex-wife, Christy, has been stalking and harassing them, repeatedly sending police to their house for no reason; Christy denies their accusations and says that her ex-husband is poisoning her son against her;

Dec 04, 2019
Alexis, 23, completely changed when she met 30-year-old Lance, who has been caught committing armed robbery and auto theft; she says she will stand by him because he gave her love and acceptance and she is willing to wait until he gets out of prison;

Dec 05, 2019
Ex-Olympic and Michigan State University doctor Larry Nassar is going to spend the rest of his life in prison, after hundreds of people came forward about his sexual abuse; two young women speak out for the first time on TV about their experiences with him;

Dec 06, 2019
Five-year-old Dulce Maria Alvarez vanished without a trace, reportedly while playing in a New Jersey park as her mother sat in a car nearby; in an exclusive interview, her mother speaks out;

Dec 09, 2019
With advances in DNA technology, the exposure of fertility fraud is on the rise; Dr. Donald Cline is now linked to nearly 70 biological children, who are left to pick up the pieces, after learning that the person who raised them is not their father;

Dec 10, 2019
Liz says she had no choice but to seek custody of her daughter Morgan's children, because Morgan is addicted to ADHD medication, hears voices, and hid a fugitive in her home for 11 days;

Dec 11, 2019
Three private "pedophile hunters" claim they risk their lives each night by using "decoys" to lure suspects to public locations, where they confront them while live-streaming their "stings";

Dec 12, 2019
Vigilante "pedophile hunters" come face-to-face with a man who says he was falsely accused of grooming a 15-year-old child online; he says his and his wife's lives were turned upside down by a vigilante group that publicly shamed him online;

Dec 13, 2019
An unsuspecting teen may have been lured into the woods and murdered by her best friend, when a mystery man, posing online as a handsome millionaire, offered money for murder on video; the father, on a relentless quest for justice, speaks out;

Dec 16, 2019
Jaclyn's 11-month-old daughter accidentally suffocated, while sleeping in the same bed with Jaclyn and her boyfriend 10 years ago; the parents blame each other, and the mother says she has become a "ticking time bomb";

Dec 17, 2019
Fifteen-year-old Elena has been disobedient, grouchy, and mean, since her boyfriend broke up with her, and she has quit school to avoid seeing him; Randy says he was never Latoya's boyfriend -- he just made her think that he was her boyfriend;

Dec 18, 2019
Teresa and Roberto say that their 32-year-old son, Alex, is lazy, unemployable, angry, and abuses alcohol and marijuana; after an explosive altercation that ended with Alex assaulting both of his parents, his mom kicked him out of her house but continues to pay his rent;

Dec 19, 2019
Daughter and son-in-law kick out 70-year-old grandmother Liz, after she reports them to Child Protective Services; Liz says that, as a result of her daughter's actions, she is homeless and living in her car;

Dec 20, 2019
Tyler's grandmother was a mystery to him, after having walked out of his father's life, when he was just a toddler; Troy Dunn (The Locator (2008)) reunites him with family members he didn't even know existed;

Sep 14, 2019
In order to dissuade some very rowdy Ogres from rampaging through the village, Tashi and Jack take some embiggening potion to scare them off. It works, but then there's the problem of returning back to normal!

Dec 19, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 20, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.
Dr. Phil Season 18 (2019) is released on Jan 03, 2019 and the latest season 21 of Dr. Phil is released in 2022. Watch Dr. Phil online - the English Drama TV series from United States. Dr. Phil is directed by John Pattyson,Marianne Vogel Bender,Abbey LeVine,Cass Girard and created by Justin Arluck with Phil McGraw and Robin McGraw. Dr. Phil is available online on Pluto TV and Spectrum On Demand.
Dr. Phillip C. McGraw's show draws on his 25 years of experience in psychology, sociology and observation. Beginning his TV career as the resident expert on human behavior on Oprah Winfrey's daily talk show, Dr. Phil continues to deal with real issues in his blunt style.