Episodes (10)

Dec 02, 2012
The crew is delighted when Pippa Peperkoek (gingerbread)'s snack-bar spacecraft, specialized in chips (french fries), passes by. Alas, she misunderstands every phrase as an offense, as if everyone looks down on her job, and plots revenge. She uses her poisonous serpent from planet Samang to force everyone to become slaves to build her a giant snacks factory. The crew however is determined to snake-charm their way out.

Dec 09, 2012
King Sop pays the ship another visit, still obsessive about cleaning but now also showing more interest then the boys like for Spacey, who seems to appreciate his romantic courtesy. They surprisingly overcome a 'blkc and white storm' in space after Sop invokes the power of love. However he did so while speaking of his doted minister John, which starts the crew thinking if he may have a gay crush without realizing his own sexual preference.

Dec 16, 2012
While captain Charles trains Toro as co-pilot, two visitors, whose names fittingly refer to snot and slime, arrive in an outhouse-spacecraft. The unsavory pair however considers the crew ugly and insists they, starting with Toon, should get green injections to be transformed to their taste.

Dec 22, 2012
The next visitor to arrive in spacecraft, Jeroen, is a cool dude, impressing the crew yet only ranked 112th on his coolness-obsessed plant. Pretending to be 'sort of a cop', he fines everyone for countless offenses, mostly bogus, then offers to drip the whole astronomical fortune if they hand him a egg. According to old books, eggs existed on his planet until 4000 years ago, and eating one would make him their very coolest dude. However helpful the crew, his ignorance concerning eggs leads to some scary prank punishments.

Dec 27, 2012
The next visitor to arrive in spacecraft, old Klantersies, comes to warn because the ship accidentally hit a moon bass (lunar perch), a space fish which thrives on moonlight, sings and brings good luck. Klantersies knows how to heal it, but his memory keeps giving way, so the crew tries helping him guess to save the fish.

Jan 06, 2013
The next visitor, approaching in a magic box-shaped spacecraft, is magician Veelgepleegd, who promises exciting entertainment. He arrives invisible, then assumes Toon's shape, later Toro's, apparently to steal the crew's cash stash as entry fee to Azifrikameropa. As befits a magician, things are not what they seem.

Jan 12, 2012
The next visitor, Daan Saffraan, approaches on a serving dish-shaped spacecraft. He claims to be the resort waiter, taking orders for the first breakfast after arrival on Azifrikameropa. The 'moon bananas' he recommends allow him to freeze the crew with a magic word. Just reasoning with him proves quite helpful.

Jan 20, 2012
The next visitor, Dr. Bacterius, is eagerly awaited by the crew as Toon and Toro found Spacey in a sleep they can't wake her up from. The physician diagnoses a nightmare which can only be ended in her dream. So he arranges for the boys to fall asleep by reading from a most boring book and starts a double dream transfusion.

Jan 26, 2012
The next visitor is Spacey's wild mother again, who arrives in a cool spacecraft which even captain Chales admires. She brings as present for the crew a Martian titling. Toro suspects Toon of leaving its cage open out of jealousy, but a mustard stench suggests black magic. In fact the bird was the disguise warlock Didier Dijon used to come aboard. He new threatens to use Delete Spray to make someone's body partially disappear unless the spacecraft is handed over.

Feb 02, 2012
The next visitor, who arrives in a wing-shaped spacecraft, triumphantly introduces herself as princess Axioma from an insignificant planet. She behaves suspiciously common, shows most interest in the farm aboard and quickly seduces giant Toro to lave with her to be married on her plant. Captain Charles researches just in time that hers is a cannibal planet, where superstition holds cycling, the national obsession, depends on an annual man-dinner.
Zingaburia Season 2 (2012) is released on Dec 02, 2012 and the latest season 3 of Zingaburia is released in 2013. Watch Zingaburia online - the Dutch Comedy TV series from Belgium. Zingaburia is directed by Ingrid Coppé,Tim Mielants,Wim Bonte and created by Yentl Barremans with Liesa Van der Aa and Jonas Leemans.