Episodes (8)

Mar 17, 2019
Rotterdam rascal Rafaello 'Raffie' learns during the Symer holiday his grandmother-guardian's money trouble are likely to see him evicted to foster care, hence probably separated from his cute kid brother. After the rude bank manager Hispe van Zant laughs away grandma's request for a loan, given her pittance income as fish monger, Raffie decides to to the bank. His cool Moroccan buddy Boaz agreed to help recruit a team, starting with slick, irresistible charmer and beach salesman Wahid, whom they rescue from extortionists, while Wahid's father urges them not to try ...

Mar 17, 2019
Boaz is bullied by local extortionist Tenno with his goon. Boaz also helps Wahid recruit a key heist ally: Koen, the sissy son of banker Hispe van Zant, who hates the contemptuous bully enough to agree to steal the bank blueprints from his office, nearly getting caught. Raffie also recruits a brilliant nerd and robotics artist, and accepts creepy gossip king Tomek, who invited himself having found out the gang's top-secret meeting place in an abandoned warehouse. BOaz hides the plans under his room floorboard.

Mar 24, 2019
Raffie's plan still needs much work. Koen admits the blueprints are outdated, but makes a deal to be cut in, hating his stepfather, in exchange for photographing the bank, which nearly fails as Hispe van Zant promised to take him along to his office but actually dumps him at reception, where he smooches past the crone staff. In order to get past the guards outside, the knaves must seduce the fat, ugly fast-food delivery maid, which Wahid only accepts after a cheated race as none other could pull that off. Raffie's gran is elated at the early parole of his criminal big...

Mar 31, 2019
Raffie's plan seems to come together, but his team mates struggle with their own problems. Wahid manages to b engaged as busboy at the same diner as waitress Felicia, who falls for his charms. Pico's robot functions. Raffie can only prevent big brother Vincent from getting both in big trouble by 'accidentally' sabotaging his blunt truck robbery attempt. Boaz won big for extortionist Tenno but is expected to do so again in bare knuckle cage fights, refuses only to find the fiend waiting for him in the home. Koen fakes injury so he can sneakily copy data from the bank ...

Apr 07, 2019
Having canceled the robbery as gangster Tenno found out, Raffie expects his family to be expelled, the bailiff already posts labels for a public sale of furniture and so on. Raffie comes up with a daring plan B, to save his brothers' home and avoid separation: he meets Tenno and proposes him to join the team, without his two goons, as getaway car, and the plans convince him. Wahid won't admit it, but ha stake a genuine liking to fat waitress Felicia whom he kept seeing as dishwasher regardless, while Tenno extorts her father.

Apr 14, 2019
D-day for team Raffie's bank robbery. Wahid manages to drug the guards' coffees. Koen and Boaz smuggle Tomel inside in a plant pot, so he can launch the robot into the ventilation system, while stutterer Dulles distracts the observant receptionist. It diverts the cash delivery pipes system while Hispe van Zant personally receives a large deposit from assembled businessmen. Tennot turned up as Wahid's getaway-car driver, yet with his thus lurking to knock him out, unaware it's a false position and ends up greedily setting off the bank alarm which semi-electrocutes him ...

Apr 21, 2019
Tenno is processed in prison and maintains his innocence to dodgy police detective Marchand and his sergeant Bullie, who also know about his extortion and arrested his henchmen. Raffie convinced his mates to hide the loot to avoid discovery, but needs cash soon to avoid eviction. Bad big brother Bice follows him and violently seizes a lion share, making Raffie look like a traitor to his friends. Boaz still stands by him but is arrested and jailed himself, Wahid was merely questioned, the waitress covers for him but dumps him. Hispe meanly blames son Koen for the ...

Apr 28, 2019
Raffie fears the loot stolen, just now he needs some of it to prevent the bailiff throwing his family out of their home after auctioning their stuff, but finds big bad brother Vincent joined a fishery crew and manages to salvage a canister of cash, allegedly the proceeds from a precious heirloom ring. Meanwhile buddy Boaz is arrested, like Tenno, by detective Marchand, who seems out for a deal: return the cash to avoid prison sentences. Everybody from Raffie's team lands on their feet in the happy end, while Koen and his mother leave the bully scrooge banker Hispe van...
Zeven kleine criminelen Season 1 (2019) is released on Mar 17, 2019. Watch Zeven kleine criminelen online - the Dutch Adventure TV series from Netherlands. Zeven kleine criminelen is directed by Rob Lücker and created by Jaap-Peter Enderle with Rover van Gennep and Ilias Chouitar.