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Episodes (50)

Apr 04, 2004
Suzy comes to visit Zatch and Kiyo, but seems to be under a hypnotic spell. She brings an invitation to a party from a mysterious stranger named Milordo-Z. Kiyo deduces that the invitation is a trick to get them into battle. Zatch and Kiyo go to the party, only to find a group of people all seemingly under a hypnotic spell. Milordo-Z and his partner appear, wearing masks to hide their true identities. They offer to join forces with Zatch and Kiyo to ensure a kind king wins the battle, but our heroes are suspicious. Next, Milordo-Z offers to have the other mamodo teams...

Apr 11, 2004
Kane, Yamanaka and Iwashima challenge Kiyo to a series of physical contest, wagering sumptuous side dishes from the school lunch on each event. Meanwhile, Penny, a cute girl mamodo, and Uri, her Book's owner, arrive, looking for Zatch. Penny had fallen in love with Zatch at first sight, but now the two of them find themselves opponents in the battle for mamodo king. Unfortunately, Zatch does not remember her at all, angering Penny, who launches a wild attack on Zatch! Zatch flees into Kiyo's school. When Penny chases after him, Kiyo realizes that she is a mamodo. ...

Apr 18, 2004
Penny's persistent water spells are relentless and Zatch and Kiyo are suffering terribly, while Penny delights in their misfortune. Observant Kiyo realizes that the reason Penny is filled rage is because Zatch doesn't remember her from the mamodo world. He tries to get Zatch to make up with Penny but a misstep ends up making Penny angrier!

Apr 25, 2004
Zatch and Kiyo finally have a day to play! Zatch is especially happy because he gets Kiyo all to himself! On the other hand, an over-zealous Zatch is dragging around Kiyo! Eventually the whole gang joins in the fun! Nearing the end of the day, Zatch and Kiyo build a sandcastle, but their peace is short-lived as Penny drops in!

May 02, 2004
Penny has brought 3 ancient mamodo warriors from a thousand years ago to help her defeat Zatch. Kiyo notices that the mamodo's partners seem odd. Penny explains to them that Milordo-Z has erased their emotions making them the ultimate fighting machines!

May 09, 2004
Tia and Megumi help defeat Penny's mamodo warriors with their new spells, Giga La Seoshi, an enhanced shield and Saifogeo, an amazing spell of recovery that helps Kiyo regain his strength from within!

May 16, 2004
Zatch, Kiyo, Tia and Megumi chase off Penny and her remaining mamodo warriors. Meanwhile in an African savannah, Brago and Sherry battle the 'Silent Rulers,' three infamous mamodo feared a thousand years ago for their devastating synchronized attack.

May 23, 2004
Kiyo is immersing himself in his father's archaeology texts and is closing in on the location of Milordo-Z's whereabouts. Megumi and Tia also help, but Megumi is feeling the pressure of her busy life as a high school student and pop star. When Ponygon goes out to find the owner of his spell book, a dog runs by and steals his book!

May 30, 2004
In the midst of their journey to the ruins, Zatch, Kiyo, Megumi, Tia, and Ponygon run into Kanchome and Folgore, who were also convinced by Dr. Riddles to join in the quest to defeat Milordo-Z. Together they proceed into the ruins where they encounter Gelios and Alm, two ancient mamodo.

Jun 06, 2004
Gantz, another thousand year-old mamodo suddenly appears behind Kanchome and Folgore! Zatch and Kiyo overwhelm Alm with their synchronized movements but surprisingly, Alm rebounds to bark commands at his partner. Kiyo is shocked to find out that not all mamodo are completely controlled by Milordo-Z.

Jun 13, 2004
Kiyo and Zatch cast "Rauzaruk" and continue their battle with the Mamodo. Kanchome with "Koporuk" manages to burn the book of the Mamodo chasing them. Zatch refuses to attack the Mamodo and his human partner and continues to attempt to steal their book.

Jun 20, 2004
The team while resting manage to find clean water and melons to eat. They are interrupted by the appearance of the Mamodo Victoream. Folgore, noticing how unintelligent Victoream is, tries to praise him in order to avoid a fight while everyone is exhausted from the previous battle.

Jun 27, 2004
Victoream returns to his body, but his body tries to steal his own book. Kanchome is revealed to be disguised as his body in an attempt to get his book. Victoream returns to his real body and starts attacking the team.

Jul 04, 2004
The team runs away from the Mamodos Laila and Dalmos and end up in a room full of sand. Laila fires an attack at the wall and tells the team to escape. She then proceeds to attack Dalmos and realize that she is unable to because Milordo-Z's mind control prevents this from happening.

Jul 11, 2004
Ponygon's book owner uses a spell that gives Ponygon armor that increases his abilities. Ponygon knocks a pillar into the centre of the whirlpool, destroying the drill.

Jul 18, 2004
Kiyo, Zatch, Sunbeam, and Ponygon are resting after defeating Dalmos. Laila returns with a moonstone which recovers everyone's strength. They then ride back on Ponygon to town.

Aug 01, 2004
Zatch grabs onto Tia and climbs aboard the bird Mamodo and attacks it with "Zakeruga". After he saves Tia, Byonko organizes his minions into a battle formation. Dr. Riddles realizing that the position is too dangerous to attack, sends his Majestic Twelve to find an opening.

Aug 08, 2004
Dr. Riddle reveals the information Sherry gave him about Zofis. Meanwhile, Tia tries to thank Zatch for saving. she tries to tell him but is interrupted by Kido and Kanchome.

Aug 15, 2004
Kiyo, Zatch, Megumi, Tia, Folgore, Kanchome, Sunbeam, Ponygon, Dr. Riddles, Kido, Wonrei, and Li-en begin their infiltration into the Taeboro ruins. The team manages to avoid the guards in the front and enter their way into the ruins.

Aug 22, 2004
The stairway collapses, and the team is divided into 3 groups of four: Kiyo, Zatch, Sunbeam, and Ponygon; Folgore, Kanchome, Dr. Riddles and Kido; and Megumi, Tia, Li-en, and Wonrei.

Aug 29, 2004
Everyone is having a hard time trying to defeat their respective 'Supreme Mamodo.' Zatch's team is trying to figure out the location of their hidden mamodo. Belgim E.O is terrorizing Dr. Riddles' team!

Sep 05, 2004
Folgore and Kanchome do his signature song and dance "Hey Hey Let's Dance all Day!" to entertain Belgim. After the performance, Belgim begins to attack them and reveals he enjoyed the performance very much.

Sep 12, 2004
Folgore's team battles against Belgim.

Sep 19, 2004
Folgore, Kanchome, and Dr. Riddles continue their journey in the ruins. Elsewhere Kiyo realizes that stars become less accurate the further the noise is from the ceiling and that the stars rotate in a circle.

Sep 26, 2004
During the battle, Pamoon reminisces on how he was turned to stone by Goren. Pamoon is about to deliver the final attack to Goren but is stopped when Goren holds up a little girl.

Oct 03, 2004
Bao Zakeruga is beaten by Pamoon's spell. Zatch manages to hold onto Pamoon's spell with his body. Pamoon remembering Zatch's words ceases his attack, and his spell disperses.

Oct 10, 2004
Sherry and Brago appear. Using "Reis", Kiyo's team is knocked across the balcony. Sherry creates a line and tells Kiyo's team if they want to live, they will stay behind the line.

Oct 17, 2004
Kanchome uses "Poruk" to hide the team. They plan to recruit Penny to their side by getting Zatch to make up with her. It works until Penny asks Zatch about marriage, and he declines the proposal.

Oct 24, 2004
Laila tries to remember the secret passage to the room with the Moonstone. After remembering Zofis' song, she remembers that the door is behind the rightmost statue. Megumi's team meanwhile end up in a room with three statue heads.

Oct 31, 2004
Kedo has returned to the mamodo world. Dr. Riddles quickly picks himself up and leads the way further into the ruin. Kiyo's team finally encounters the powerful hidden mamodo who has been controlling the deadly stars. His name is Pamoon. While Kiyo is scanning Pamoon's eyes to predict where he may attack next, Pamoon stops and notices something familiar about Kiyo and Zatch...

Nov 07, 2004
Vile's mind is not being controlled and it seems he supports Zofis and defeats mamodo just for fun. Zatch and the others are outraged at his self-indulgent and arrogant attitude. They make repeated desperate attacks against Demolt, but Zatch and the others have a hard time making a breakthrough. Several comrades are slow to recover from damage they've suffered. Now Zatch, Ponygon and Laila just have to tough it out.

Nov 14, 2004
With Penny's water spells combined with Zatch's lightning spells, they are able to gain the advantage against Delmolt. It is revealed that Delmot was only using his weak spells, and when he uses a stronger spell, he knocks Kiyo, Zatch, Sunbeam and Ponygon out.

Nov 21, 2004
Elsewhere, Zofis's barrier is simultaneously destroyed along with the moonstone. Koko reveals herself to Sherry soon after. Albert collapsed when the moonstone was destroyed as Zofis' mind control had been broken.

Nov 28, 2004
The moons of "Miberna Ma Migron" are able to become nets, or explode on command, which causes Delmolt to lose balance. Once Delmolt has fallen over, then Kiyo casts "Zagurzem" which connects with Delmolt's head.

Dec 05, 2004
Sherry and Brago continue their battle with Zofis. Koko begins telling Sherry that she always hated her for their difference in social status. Koko reminds Sherry of the incident during her tenth birthday party.

Dec 12, 2004
Zofis aims his attacks at Sherry and injures her leg. He then destroys the ground they are on and sends them into the crack in the mountain.

Dec 19, 2004
Zatch's "Bao Zakeruga" breaks through Zofis' strongest attack and injures him. Kiyo prepares to finish Zofis off with "Zakeruga" but is interrupted by Sherry and Brago.

Dec 26, 2004
Brago's spell defeats Zofis's spell, and Koko is saved from falling into the magma. Zofis tells Sherry that once his book is burned, Koko will regain her persona but will retain the memories of all her evil deeds committed with Zofis.

Jan 09, 2005
is the first day of the new year. Folgore and Kanchome come to Kiyo's house to tell him of a dream he had. In his dream, Victoream and his book owner scale a mountain and obtain the "Very Melon" spell, which grants him a wish from Makoto Raiku.

Jan 16, 2005
Kiyo heads to school, and Zatch tries to follow. Zatch accidentally gets his toy Vulcan stuck on a track that drives away and chases after it. Suzy tries to tell Kiyo "Welcome back" but is constantly interrupted by Kiyo's friends.

Jan 23, 2005
After Kiyo goes to school, Zatch volunteers to do the shopping for Kiyo's mother. Ponygon accompanies him, and on the way, he notices that the park has become a mess.

Jan 30, 2005
Zatch is making a new Vulcan 300 when Tia comes over. Elsewhere, Dr. Riddles is depressed over the lost of Kido. Folgore and Kanchome, while in America, decide to visit Dr. Riddles.

Feb 06, 2005
Sherry and Brago continue their attack on Maestro's barrier in order to test the limits of the coil. They find out "Ion Gravirei" is the limit which the coils can handle. Kiyo casts "Zagurzem" and combined with "Ion Gravirei" breaks through Maestro's barrier. At that moment, the door to the Mamodo world is completely open. He offers Zatch and Brago a chance to join him, which they refuse. Zatch uses "Bao Zakeruga" and Brago uses "Baber Gravidon" to attack Maestro. Maestro manages to hold the spells back until they combine to make a black "Bao Zakeruga" which causes ...

Feb 13, 2005
Sherry reveals that Nicholas and Majirou attacked first. In a flashback, Brago calls Nicholas and Majirou weak and leaves, but counters when they attempt to attack him.

Feb 20, 2005
Maestro tells his servant to call Brago in to talk. He tells Brago how in the In-between World, Mamodos with spell books are able to cast spells without their human partners.

Feb 27, 2005
In the Human World, Dr. Riddles, Sunbeam, Folgore and Kanchome are at the structures, investigating them. In the In-between World, Kiyo, Zatch, and Ponygon arrive at the castle.

Mar 06, 2005
Kiyo, Zatch, and Brago battle Maestro. Kiyo realizes that Maestro's power involves magnetism and that he is using the coils at the side of the battlefield to increase the powers of his spells.

Mar 13, 2005
Sherry and Brago continue their attack on Maestro's barrier in order to test the limits of the coil. They find out "Ion Gravirei" is the limit which the coils can handle. Kiyo casts "Zagurzem" and combined with "Ion Gravirei" breaks through Maestro's barrier.

Mar 20, 2005
Kiyo after managing to lose Zatch and Ponygon goes to school. Once there, the teacher Touyama tries to give Kiyo a failing grade by asking him what is his cat's name.

Mar 27, 2005
Nicolas is upset about Majirou's book becoming burnt. When he plays his depression through his bagpipes, it causes anyone who hears it to become sad too. Folgore volunteers to bring Nicholas to Italy to rid his sadness.
Zatch Bell! Season 2 (2004) is released on Apr 04, 2004 and the latest season 2 of Zatch Bell! is released in 2004. Watch Zatch Bell! online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Zatch Bell! is directed by Tetsuji Nakamura,Jeff Nimoy and created by Charlotte Fullerton with Takahiro Sakurai and Ikue Ôtani. Zatch Bell! is available online on Hoopla and Microsoft Store.