Episodes (24)

Aug 20, 2000
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 20, 2000
Everyone wants to eat today. Jack eats his vegetables, Jordan and Estuardo pass out snacks, and Maren tries a new food and she happily likes it.

Aug 21, 2000
It's Summertime today in the Awesome House. Muno tries some of Jack's lemonade, Maren wants to jump, and later she learns how to wait her turn on the slide.

Aug 22, 2000
It's a funday in the Awesome House today. Everyone has breakfast, Jordan doesn't know what fun is, and everyone gets their sillies out.

Aug 23, 2000
It's a dancey day in the Awesome House today. Everyone likes to dance, plays a freeze game, and learns about their body parts.

Aug 27, 2000
From getting the wiggles out to doing different things to get to sleep, Bedtime is a musical journey with the Awesome Gang.

Aug 28, 2000
Today, Muno makes a pen mark on the door. Without thinking, he turns the mark into a scribble-boy, who comes to life and teases him about what he has done. How can Muno get rid of his scribble? How will he keep his terrible secret from the others? And what will Caroline and William say?

Aug 29, 2000
The Awesome Gang learns that pinching people is naughty, it can hurt and you shouldn't do it.

Aug 30, 2000
Muno is having a clumsy day and learns to take his time. But he never does - he almost biffs Maren and bumps Brooklyn, and even steps on Jordan's foot. William knows that sometimes you take time not to get clumsy, but sometimes it's alright to be clumsy too. He tells Muno the funny song about being clumsy. The Awesome Gang show him how to take time by playing an obstacle course. But then they knock the course over by mistake. William, Caroline, and Muno laugh that they should take their time too.

Sep 01, 2000
A Lack of sleep puts Muno in such a bad mood that he does not want to play with anyone. His in such a bad mood that he even tells Maren to go away.

Oct 31, 2000
The gang dresses up in halloween costumes, go trick or treating, and Estuardo, Muno, Jack, and Maren eat too much candy.

Nov 01, 2000
The Awesome Gang is playing hide and seek, but Jack watches where the others hide. They think he has done brilliantly and make him a special badge. Jack admits that he has cheated and the others are really angry with him. Jordan steps in and helps them make up by organizing a special game.

Nov 02, 2000
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 03, 2000
While helping Dan plant bulbs in the garden, Muno ends up with very muddy knees. He then accidentally uses Brooklyn's special cushion to wipe them clean - which upsets Brooklyn a great deal. The only thing that can save him is cleaning the cushion, but this turns out to be harder than it looks, until Laura saves the day.

Nov 07, 2000
Jack has a bad day because he can't tie his shoelace. He throws a tantrum while being stressed out. Julie and Dan come in and calm him down. Jack goes to sleep and dreams of being Jackboy saving the day once again.

Nov 08, 2000
Muno discovers a hedgehog in the garden. Brooklyn is still in a bad mood, because the arrival of her baby brother has made her feel left out at home. But when she sees the porcupine, Sarah tells her that she could be her sister. She hums "hush-a-by-baby" to her.

Nov 09, 2000
After the Awesome Gang sings Put Your Finger in the Air, Jack falls and cuts his finger outside. Kate shows the Awesomes how to dress the wound, and then they all make finger puppets and perform a show.

Nov 30, 2000
Brooklyn decides if long or short hair is better for her.

Dec 13, 2000
All of Jack's friends come to visit when he finds himself ill on Christmas Day.

Jan 28, 2001
Jack eats an apple but isn't feeling well.

Jan 30, 2001
Muno realizes how bad it was to bite Maren as his pals recall being naughty.

Jan 31, 2001
A behind-the-scenes tour of auditions, bloopers, and on-set vlogging from the hit NBC preschool series.

Nov 19, 2000
The Awesomes and Friends are getting together in the Awesome House to play some fun party games and sing songs, including "If You're Happy," "Little Cabin in the Forest Green," and "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes." U2, the White Stripes, and Sonic Youth perform.

Aug 27, 2000
Series creator Will Vanderpuye talks about Yo Awesome Awesome!, its merchandise, and how to watch it with your child.
Yo Awesome Awesome! Season 1 (2000) is released on Aug 20, 2000 and the latest season 4 of Yo Awesome Awesome! is released in 2003. Watch Yo Awesome Awesome! online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Yo Awesome Awesome! is directed by Maria Timotheou,William Vanderpuye,Mike Ventaka,Dietrich Smith and created by Maria Timotheou with Estuardo Alvizures and Maren Hoffmann.