Episodes (24)

Sep 24, 2001
Christine & Jimmy train Logan to use the potty a simple way; Kim & Greg train Sammy to use the potty, but they use books, musical potties, special panties, toys, and videos. Meanwhile, Jimmy found a loophole in buy and returning items.

Oct 01, 2001
Greg decides to go to a gym, but does not do well with the machines and weights. Jimmy helps him to get in shape. Kim and Christine put their children in a Mom's Morning Out program; Kim starts freelance so Christine decides to get a job.

Oct 08, 2001
Jimmy has a game of poker with other security guards and Greg feels left out. Christine tells Jimmy to invite Greg to join in the game. Greg joins, but finds the familiarity with security guards from his work a bit unnerving.

Oct 15, 2001
Sammy starts being aggressive towards other children. Kim & Greg start reading books to find solutions. Jimmy say the way to cure it is to have a bigger kid pick on Sammy.

Oct 22, 2001
Greg gets a ticket in the mail for going through a red light, but it is Jimmy driving the car. Greg is upset that Jimmy borrowed his car. Turns out Christine & Jimmy borrow a lot of items from Greg & Kim. Kim borrows Christine's camera.

Aug 27, 2007
It's Halloween. While Trick and Treating, a neighbor in costume scares Sammy; Greg and Kim are annoyed and plan to seek revenge. Kim wants to write a letter to scare him. Jimmy and Christine suggest a different method.

Aug 28, 2007
At a family outing, Greg and Jimmy meet a father who spends more time with his children than they do. Jimmy is OK with this, but Greg feels neglectful. Christine meets a guy who is more of a slacker than Jimmy.

Aug 29, 2007
While cleaning, Greg finds a wedding invitation in an old jacket that he was supposed to mail. Kim's friendship ended when she never responded to the (unreceived) invitation. Christine spends more time studying for college than with Jimmy.

Aug 30, 2007
Kim and Greg go to Greg's parents for Thanksgiving. Jimmy invites his parents to his place for Thanksgiving who also brings aunt, grandmother and a cousin who has been in prison. Things go downhill from here for Jimmy & Christine.

Aug 31, 2007
Jimmy & Christine give Greg & Kim a gift of a trip to the grand canyon. The Hughes also go on the vacation, and the trip is in an old RV. Christine makes the Warner's leave them money at home, so when the RV breaks, the trip is stalled.

Sep 03, 2007
Greg's parents and Kim's parents visit for Christmas. The idea of "A and B grandparents" is introduced causing Greg to force his parents to spend more time with Sam so that they will not become the "B" grandparents.

Sep 04, 2007
Jimmy wins a fish at a carnival for Sammy. The next day it dies. Greg tells Sammy the fish is gone and they will get another one. Kim wants to explain about death and true emotions, even though he does not really seem to care.

Sep 05, 2007
Christine meets a woman who brags about her husband fulfilling his dream of opening a restaurant. Christine decides Jimmy should try his dream of being a baseball umpire. Kim is annoyed at an intruding neighbor who cooks and bakes for Greg.

Sep 06, 2007
Sammy and Logan start nursery school. The lead teacher shows preference for Sammy and ignores Logan. Christine thinks it is because Kim sends in brownies, cookies, and sandwiches. They are all surprised when they find out the real reason.

Sep 07, 2007
During a thunderstorm, Sammy gets scared and runs to Jimmy instead of Greg. Greg tries to show Sammy he is a big strong protector just like Jimmy.

Sep 10, 2007
Kim goes to a Mommy & Me group and meets a woman who she enjoys. Greg & Kim get together with Andrea and Alan. Alan treats Greg rudely.

Sep 11, 2007
Dominic has trouble sleeping in his parent's small home, so Kim invites Dominic to sleep in her & Greg's guest bedroom. While sleeping, he sleepwalks, steals things from Greg and Kim, and beats up Greg.

Sep 12, 2007
Greg's first girlfriend, Stacey, from high school visits with her husband. They ask Greg to donate sperm so she can have a child. When he turns them down, they ask Jimmy. Greg reconsiders and then Greg and Jimmy compete to be the donor.

Sep 13, 2007
Jimmy and Dominic joins a father/son Indian scout group. Jimmy's humor does not go over well with the group, and he does not enjoy the activities. Greg used to be an Indian scout and helps Dominic. He then takes over other fatherly duties.

Sep 14, 2007
Christine is smoking again and tries to stop. Greg is up for a promotion against another person. Jimmy plays on Greg's company baseball team and helps to win the game; Greg gets the promotion and Jimmy thinks he helped him get it.

Sep 17, 2007
Kim finds out her engagement ring was one that Greg actually purchased for a former girlfriend. Greg searches for another ring to buy Kim. Jimmy buys Christine a foot bath and she enjoys it more than being with him.

Sep 18, 2007
Kim & Greg write their wills. If they both die, Christine & Jimmy have care of their child, but not the money. Jimmy takes exception, so Greg gives him money to see how he can manage it. There are several business ventures.

Sep 19, 2007
Greg's parents arrive for a visit. Greg thinks his mother bosses his father around too much, so Greg, Jimmy, and the father go to Vegas to have a carefree, dictated free weekend. Kim and Greg's mother talk about the weather and more.

Sep 20, 2007
Now that Sammy is 2 years old, Kim wants another baby but Greg is reluctant. He agrees only if it will be their last child. Jimmy & Christine listen to missionaries about their church who then volunteer to paint their house.
Yes, Dear Season 2 (2001) is released on Sep 24, 2001 and the latest season 6 of Yes, Dear is released in 2005. Watch Yes, Dear online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Yes, Dear is directed by Mark Cendrowski,Jeff Meyer,John Tracy,Jay Kleckner and created by Alan Kirschenbaum with and .