Episodes (29)

Sep 18, 2022
Yes, one can also lie by being silent. Stefan Zweig

Sep 25, 2022
___ And I can fight; for everything and everyone I find true, right and beautiful. Nazim Hikmet ___ Before Ilgaz can get over the shock of the note he found, he comes face to face with Ceylin. For Ceylin, whom he does not want to be included in the file under any circumstances, he has to make a difficult decision that will gravely influence both his relations and the course of the case. This decision also causes friction between Ilgaz and Pars. The team, which is severely saddened by the loss of Neva, is taken by surprise by the angry and greedy Pars it encounters. ...

Oct 02, 2022
Cowards use tricks and traps, the brave fight with their hearts. Ceylin Erguvan Kaya

Oct 09, 2022
___ If I built you a wall, you gave me the bricks. Kemalettin Tugcu ___ Ilgaz formulated the first theory, about the case of the well murders that still remain a mystery, with his speculation that the murderer creates a family for himself. The new course of events engulfs Ceylin into a whirlpool. Although Ilgaz and her made promises to each other, Ceylin does not hesitate to investigate her own hypothesis sideways. With the mysterious death of his sister Neva and the murderer still not being found, Pars is going downhill psychologically with each passing hour. The end...

Oct 16, 2022
Was the city only made for one person? Since you've been gone it was left empty. Ozdemir Asaf

Oct 23, 2022
You may think wrong, you may understand wrong or do something wrong; but, you can't feel wrong. Edith Wharton

Oct 30, 2022
Every individual sooner or later creates a narrative which he considers his own life. Max Frisch

Nov 06, 2022
___ I'm the one that got shot; you die in vain. Ece Ayhan ___ Ilgaz has finally found sufficient evidence that confirms that the well killer is Burak. During the attempt to arrest him, Ilgaz ends up shooting him, albeit unintentionally. On the one hand, the remorse from the possibility of him being a murderer is eating Ilgaz alive, on the other hand, the critical condition of his dear friend Eren leaves him restless. The course of events will make him question himself deeply. Even though everything is clear and the actions taken during the operation were obviously in ...

Nov 13, 2022
Life is a very cruel teacher. First it gives you the exam and then the lesson. André Guide

Nov 20, 2022
The heaviest burden is a secret, be it love, to those who can carry it. La Fontaine

Nov 27, 2022
No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible. Oscar Wilde

Dec 04, 2022
___ I don't want to know anyone well enough to know they're lying. Tezer Ozlu ___ Although both Ceylin and Ilgaz have achieved the same major breakthrough in Serdar's murder case, in their own different ways, many lies and secrets are preventing them from actually reaching the truth. They are both unaware of the great disappointment they will experience due to their families. While Yekta is doing everything in his power to put the team to trouble regarding Serdar's murder, he also has to deal with the pressure he is put under by everybody, especially by Haluk. Pars ...

Dec 11, 2022
Unspoken pain shatters the heart. Shakespeare

Dec 18, 2022
Think you're escaping and run into yourself. James Joyce

Dec 25, 2022
___ You are the knife I turn inside myself. Franz Kafka ___ The conflict about who is right and who is wrong between Ilgaz and Ceylin, who involuntarily got mixed up in Serdar's murder case, escalates. Ilgaz, who conducted a raid at the airport with the help of the police, has to make the most difficult decision of his life. Ceylin, whose conscience and keen belief in justice were put to the test because of her family, wants to protect her loved ones no matter what, even if the end of the road seems dark. However, the choices she will make and the lies she will tell, ...

Jan 15, 2023
___ You don't know how many defeats, how many tears and how much heartache it cost me to stand proudly. Frida Kahlo ___ Some situations can't be saved, even by the greatest love, because sometimes love is not enough. Ilgaz and Ceylin have to learn to stay away from each other, however painful that might be. Life goes on and even if they cannot overcome their resentment, they have to confront each other, indirectly, in a new case. Two grieving families, destroyed by the sudden disappearance of the bride on her wedding day, are put on Ilgaz's, Ceylin's, Pars's and ...

Jan 22, 2023
___ I don't know how to love less. It's because I love so much that I don't get hurt that much. Didem Madak ___ Ceylin finds herself in a new dilemma. The threats she received from the anonymous phone call, concerning the case, will create more tension between her and Ilgaz, with whom she already is at odds. Will her need to protect the man she loves on the one hand, and her reflex to discover the truth as soon as possible on the other hand, be enough to bring them together? Ilgaz and Eren conduct an investigation into the "bride that was found dead on her wedding day...

Jan 29, 2023
___ Everything I left behind is in ashes. That means that I am the fire. Friedrich Nietzsche ___ The bomb, which was placed in Ilgaz's car and detonated in front of everyone in the parking lot of the police department, shocked everyone greatly. No one dear to Ilgaz is safe but first and foremost he himself is in danger. Ilgaz's only concern now is to find the truth behind the killer. Finding the one that committed the murder in the "dead bride" case has become of greater importance since it also leads to the one responsible for the bomb and the multiple threats. Both ...

Feb 05, 2023
With every sigh, the heart loses a drop of blood. William Shakespeare

Feb 26, 2023
Once a person gets cold, he never gets cold anymore. Georg Buchner

Mar 05, 2023
And from the best to the worst in one step. Ahmet Hamdi Tanpinar

Mar 12, 2023
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Mar 19, 2023
Everything goes away, a solid sadness remains. Turgut Uyar

Mar 26, 2023
___ A port is not chosen in a storm. Irvine Welsh ___ The horror behind Pars's disappearance and Igor's threat is the biggest burden that has ever been placed on Ilgaz's shoulders. He has to act fast and make a radical decision in order to keep his family and his friends safe, before anyone else gets hurt. In order to destroy the threat forever though, he must find Igor's right-hand man, the hitman. Ceylin is his biggest supporter on this path, who does everything in her power to help him overcome the situations that render him powerless and soothe his despair. The ...

Apr 02, 2023
___ A person does not drown because he falls into the water, he drowns because he cannot get out of it. Mevlana ___ Ilgaz's decision to eliminate the threats made to his loved ones as soon as possible, made him a target of slander. Although he managed to save the lives of the people most dear to him, his family, his profession and his integrity have taken a great hit and are in imminent danger. Ilgaz's file is delivered to Turgut Ali, the Chief Prosecutor who considers him one of his most trusted colleagues. He has to collaborate with prosecutor Ozcan in the ...

Apr 09, 2023
___ The thing that makes love real is struggle. You can't leave your loved ones to fate. Leo Tolstoy ___ The systematic slander against Ilgaz led to his immediate arrest. Ilgaz, who has never compromised his integrity and values under any circumstances, has to uncover the truth behind these crimes urgently. Yekta, who is trying to discover Omer's real identity and story, realizes that he is in great danger as a result of the lies he unveils, one after the other. In the absence of Ilgaz, he is left with no other choice but to cooperate with Ceylin and Eren. Omer, on ...

Apr 16, 2023
___ No matter where people are going, they are headed towards their deaths. Kemal Tahir ___ Ilgaz was acquitted as a result of everyone's great efforts and sacrifices, especially Ceylin's. However, those who falsely accuse him have no intention of stopping. The enemy, whose schemes were deemed unsuccessful, has to face a stronger Ilgaz, who can no longer be restrained. Omer, who was taken into custody as a result of Yekta's collaboration with Ceylin and Eren, has to face Ozcan and Turgut Ali, the two prosecutors that are handling the case. Now it's his turn to try to ...

Apr 30, 2023
___ Then cities will come between us, we will never meet. Even coincidences won't be able to bring us together. Then maybe one of us will die, and the other will never know. Nazim Hikmet ___ Ilgaz's investigation concludes at a turning point that will destroy his life. His fate is hanging by a gun barrel, which is being held by Turgut Ali, whom he always thought of as a protector of justice. Before he experiences the biggest betrayal of his life by the hands of a trusted colleague, he learns some completely different facts about him. As soon as Ceylin hears that Parla...

May 07, 2023
___ If you don't go through pain, you won't be able to get out of it. Prosecutor Ilgaz Kaya ___ The bitter end that no one could have even imagined has come true. The news about Ilgaz devastate Ceylin, who is being detained as a murder suspect. The decision on whether her wish to see and touch the man she loves for the last time will be granted depends on the police and the judicial authorities that are conducting the investigation. Metin's heart could not bare the sudden loss of his son and therefore is urgently taken to the hospital. As a result, Cinar now has to ...
Family Secrets (also know as Yargi) Season 2 (2022) is released on Sep 18, 2022 and the latest season 2 of Family Secrets is released in 2022. Watch Family Secrets online - the Turkish Drama TV series from Turkey. Family Secrets is directed by Ali Bilgin,Beste Sultan Kasapogullari and created by Sema Ergenekon with Kaan Urgancioglu and Pinar Deniz.