Episodes (6)

Jan 01, 2015
We are all part of a perfect cosmic plan where everyone's life has a purpose. You are a being of infinite worth and each one of us is a micro-cosmos with all of the information and energy needed to recreate the entire universe. In order to fully realize this, you must embrace true freedom and allow yourself to become your own person. David Wilcock reveals how true freedom awakens your heart to your own unique path toward ascension in this presentation originally webcast May 5, 2014.

Jan 01, 2015
As you engage in the practice of true will, you will encounter thoughts, feelings, and situations that will try to pull you away from your path of ascension. You will always have the freedom of choice to follow the influences that pull you away from your path of ascension. Or, you can choose to perceive these forces as your greatest allies. It all comes down to how you assert yourself in the face of adversary. David Wilcock explains how you can protect your free will in such a way that creates the positive growth needed to help other people ascend in this presentation...

Jan 01, 2015
Even though we all have free will, the universe allows the incursions into our minds that we invite through our actions. Everything that we do and think is reflected back to us through the reality in which we live. These thoughts and actions can be telepathically influenced by others, and there is evidence to prove it. David Wilcock examines the work of Dr. William Braud to explain not only how telepathy works, but how large groups of people can have a powerful impact on the psyche in this presentation originally webcast May 19, 2014.

Jan 01, 2015
We delve deeper into our exploration of the telepathic effects that we all encounter as we go through an evolutionary curve. Both negative and positive entities stand to gain from swaying our minds to their favor. However, choosing a positive path will have a profound influence on the lives of many other people. To show how this works, David Wilcock expands upon the body of evidence proving telepathic influence by exploring the works of three scientists in this presentation originally webcast May 26, 2014.

Jan 01, 2015
The holographic universe is a participatory environment where we are all co-creating our shared reality. Our beliefs literally mold reality so that we can either perceive extraterrestrials and spirits or keep them hidden away from our awareness. As we look t the work Dr. Rene Peoc'h, we will understand just how this works. David Wilcock explains how influences from the positive and negative greetings, according to the Law of One philosophy, actively shape the reality that we are a part of in this presentation originally webcast June 2, 2014.

Jan 01, 2015
Finally, the overt symbolism and actions of the Illuminati all make sense when we apply what we have learned about telepathic influences. They need our permission to continue to hold power over us. Yet, if we confront them with fear and anger, we fall deeper into their schemes. The only way out is to willfully protect yourself in a way that does not empower their agendas. David Wilcock reveals the secret to the Illuminati's power and how we can free ourselves from their control and proceed on the path of ascension in this presentation originally webcast June 9, 2014.
Wisdom Teachings Season 9 (2015) is released on Jan 01, 2015 and the latest season 30 of Wisdom Teachings is released in 2018. Watch Wisdom Teachings online - the English Short TV series from United States. Wisdom Teachings is directed by David Wilcock and created by David Wilcock with David Wilcock and .
This TV show is about so many topics as physics, spirituality, alternative science, alternative physic theories, esoteric philosophy, historical facts, news and alternative news, ancient history, ancient artifacts, conspiracy theories and disclosure. It is produced as an eye-opening and a redefining of our world. David Wilcock is the host of this show and will wrap all of this up in an intelligible and entertaining way. Just when you think he has blown your mind away, he will blow it even farther away. You should prepare a seat belt dedicated to your brain before starting this show.