Episodes (13)

Sep 28, 1997
Following the custody hearing, Honey is still living in the rooming house with all three of the children, and is still working at the laundry. Relations with May are tense, although Fat in particular misses his grandmother and May in return misses the children. Life at the mine office is not going well as in addition to some financial difficulties, Toppy is doing the bookkeeping, a task at which she is not very good. Grace, wanting a little independence, gets a job working as the town's telephone operator, replacing the retiring Hattie Olsen. Grace also catches the ...

Oct 05, 1997
Things are not going well at the mine. To keep the company afloat, Bob needs to secure extended credit from the bank and lay off some workers, news to which they do not take too well. In addition, Toppy and Doris have left Bob. May realizes that she has left too much responsibility to Bob which in part has caused both his professional and personal problems. Meanwhile, things at the Sutton household are also not going well following Max and Honey's wedding. At Honey's apartment, there are now six people living in two rooms, the sixth person being Del, who has decided ...

Oct 12, 1997
Everyone in town seems to be getting a new job. Hub is apprenticing with Ollie at the garage. Honey is opening her hair dressing salon. Callie is taking over responsibility for managing the radio station from Alden. And Grace, depressed at being recently fired from her telephone operator job, is asked by Max to manage his radio show - with Del and Fat's help - on this one specific occasion when he has a school board meeting in his new role as Vice-Principal. Grace had better do a good job as Callie is threatening to move Max's radio program to a less lucrative ...

Oct 19, 1997
After being closed for a year, the town's pawn shop reopens, this time by the actual owner of the property, Leo McGinty. May does not recognize Leo at first, but he was her husband John's old prospecting partner and John's competitor for May's affections. But Leo ran away from New Bedford forty years prior thinking that he had no chance with her. Although May does not know what would have happened between herself, Leo and John if Leo did not run off, May and Leo's reunion is one of keeping an emotional distance. Leo decided to move back to New Bedford to protect his ...

Oct 26, 1997
It's nearing the end of summer 1933 and with it comes the annual Farewell to Summer Dance. The kids are planning on having a good time, with a friendly wager struck between partners Hub/Alice and Fat/Maisey on which couple will win the junior ballroom dance contest. Ollie is hoping to take Grace to the dance. Afraid that she still thinks of him only as a friend, Ollie enlists Del as his mentor in wooing Grace. Del ghost writes some romantic letters for Ollie to Grace, which she loves. Things are not going as well for Bob. Toppy, with Doris, has returned to New Bedford...

Nov 02, 1997
Joe Callaghan returns to New Bedford a seemingly changed man. Donning an expensive suit, Joe pays Honey back for all the money he took from her and then some. He has been earning this money working for Battling Bob, a promoter of professional wrestling. The show is coming to New Bedford which has the whole town abuzz. Honey has mixed feelings about seeing her brother as she isn't sure if he's changed. Never having met him before, Del is certain Joe is a shyster. Del does discover that the wrestling is a front for organized gambling and fight fixing. Del and Grace ...

Nov 09, 1997
Despite May's assurances that the mine is safe, the miners refuse to go back to work until they are guaranteed by the union that the mine is safe from any explosives. This labor unrest delays mine operations. May is in a Catch-22 situation: she needs an extension on the loan, but the bank won't provide an extension unless the mine is operating. Although Leo offers his moral persuasion assistance, May comes up with another idea when Ethan Newcombe, a friend of the Governor General's, gets stranded in New Bedford: May will convince Newcombe to persuade the Governor ...

Nov 23, 1997
After Mrs. Whitney and the school board insist that Max give up his radio job, Grace takes over as producer of the radio show. This directive from Mrs. Whitney is only one of many disagreements between herself and Max. Max suggests a series of extracurricular activities for the children, all turned down by Mrs. Whitney, except for one: career day, although she makes it more of an academic exercise than Max envisioned. Max secures fourteen businesses as sponsors, with each business hosting a pair of students. Career day ends up changing the career thoughts of the ...

Nov 30, 1997
Callie is taking greater control of the radio station. After she fires Skip Roper (a firing he quite gladly accepts as he has major disagreements with the tyrannical Callie), Callie decides to hire Grace as the new station manager, of course at a much reduced pay. On the surface, Grace is to have all the responsibility, but under the surface, Callie is still making all the important decisions. As Callie's sole goal is to make money, Grace is to find new advertisers for the station. One she does secure is Yuen's Laundry, Lee Yuen only agreeing if his brother, Chan, can...

Dec 07, 1997
While Max and Honey go into Toronto for the weekend to visit a publisher about Max's writing, Del and Grace look after the kids. Hub, Fat and Maisey keep preoccupied for the weekend by searching the hotel for the ghost of Gap-Tooth Peggy. Alden and Callie have recently had a lot of plates break by falling off their plate rail. Although Callie thinks it's the vibration caused by the kids cavorting around the hotel, Alden tells Fat that it is the ghost of Gap-Tooth Peggy breaking the plates. Even the hotel chambermaids believe the story of Gap-Tooth Peggy, a former ...

Dec 14, 1997
May's cousin, Jessie Buchanan, is coming to New Bedford for a visit. Cousin Jessie has always been somewhat of a motherly figure for May, albeit an unwanted one for the independent May. Cousin Jessie decided to visit solely to get May's life back on track. Since Bob left, May has been dedicating all her time to the mine and her angina has gotten worse. Jessie feels that May needs to focus more on family in the here and now - which not only includes Grace, Hub, Fat and Violet, but also Honey, Max and even Del, Leo and Maisey - rather than what May has been doing which ...

Dec 21, 1997
Business troubles are brewing in New Bedford. At the pawn shop, Maisey sells a watch in which the pawn ticket has not expired, the rightful owner who comes back to retrieve his property. He threatens to sue unless he gets his watch back. On a larger scale, the Silver Dome Mine is still experiencing troubles. Despite the nickel deposit found on May's property, the bank is still thinking about calling its bank loan unless the mine itself starts showing some major revenues in the immediate future. Coinciding with this move, May decides it's time that Hub learns more ...

Dec 21, 1997
Troubles are still brewing at the mine. Grace is the new figurehead for the company, but May is still making the decisions. This strain between the two made Grace move out of the house. The bank is expecting its latest payment on time or will call the note. Luc offers a loan to the mine which May reluctantly accepts. But Hugo has other ideas which may jeopardize the Bailey's ownership of the company. Luc also suggests holding a dance for the mine workers to thank them for their support. This dance offers Grace the opportunity to evaluate her personal life. She and Del...
Wind at My Back Season 2 (1997) is released on Sep 28, 1997 and the latest season 5 of Wind at My Back is released in 2000. Watch Wind at My Back online - the English Drama TV series from Canada. Wind at My Back is directed by Ken Jubenvill,Stefan Scaini,Don McBrearty,Roman Buchok and created by Kevin Sullivan with Shirley Douglas and Kathryn Greenwood.