Episodes (17)

Dec 15, 2012
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Dec 17, 2012
Veronique is joined by her cutie bookworm pal, Clarisse Starling, for a review of the TWILIGHT novel (and its bastard children), plus we get to hear some fun (and bizarre) fan voicemails, and do a quick toy review of the 15 inch Sam doll from the film TRICK R TREAT. The gals finish up the episode with their list of the Top 5 Slashers They'd Date, all the while still dealing with Veronique's annoying boyfriend Zeus and his incessant texts.

Dec 27, 2012
On Veronique's first Holiday Special, she is joined by her gay friend Frisco. This dynamic duo gives us the Top 5 Ways To Become A Psycho Santa plus an added bonus with the Top 5 New Years Horror Flicks! Miss V manages to toss out a few dvd reviews for the classic SILENT NIGHT, DEADLY NIGHT and the crummy SILENT NIGHT, BLOODY NIGHT before Frisco bursts into song to help her deal with her crumbling relationship! Happy Holidays everyone!

Jan 01, 2013
In her first-ever interview extravaganza, Miss V is finally joined by her meat-head moron boyfriend Zeus to interview filmmaker Anthony C. Ferrante and discuss his latest film HANSEL & GRETEL! Check out this super-exclusive interview for an in-depth look at the film releasing January 8, 2013.

Jan 08, 2013
Miss V takes a break from her co-hosts and her annoying boyfriend Zeus, who nearly derailed her first interview show last episode to spend some alone time with more creepy Fan Voicemails and the saucy, curvaceous SLUMBER PARTY MASSACRE series. Then she introduces us to a new segment called Me Time, where she dishes out advice to all those men who treat their ladies wrong.

Jan 15, 2013
Miss V is yet again joined by her mousy friend Clarisse for a book review of FRANKENSTEIN by Mary Shelley. Then the gals dish about their psycho moms after counting down the Top 5 Psycho Moms in film history. Miss V tries to power through a DVD review of ALLIGATOR and DEAD AND BURIED, but the recent knowledge that Clarisse and Zeus have been "hanging out" is distracting her from her oh-so-important horror hosting duties.

Jan 22, 2013
Miss V is joined by her super-gay friend Frisco to discuss his favorite thing THE TEXAS CHAINSAW MASSACRE franchise. From the gritty original to the polished remakes, Frisco and Miss V dissect the series, while inadvertently finding out who Zeus has been dating behind Miss V's back,

Jan 28, 2013
Miss V is joined by her high-maintenance boy-toy Zeus to find out whether he has been secretly dating her best friend Clarisse or not. In between the drama they get through a Fan Voicemail, list the Top 5 Psycho Girlfriends, Zeus shares his Nutrition Tips To Help Dudes Bang Hot Chicks, and finish it all off with a dvd review of THE PROWLER and PIECES.

Feb 06, 2013
Miss V is joined by her second special guest, the lovely actress Jessica Cameron (SILENT NIGHT, THE BLACK DAHLIA HAUNTING) for a lively discussion on how it's really like to work in the indie horror movie scene and what it takes to be a scream queen in this day and age. Plus Jessica counts down her top 5 horror films of all time! We round all that fun stuff up with a text from Zeus, Miss V's boyfriend, that spells the end of her world as she knows it.

Feb 12, 2013
Miss V, coping with her "unforeseen" break-up with Zeus, tries to muddle through an episode with the help of her peppy gay friend Frisco. The dynamic duo list the Top 5 Haunted House movies, talk about hot horror hunks to cheer Veronique up, and review the monster flicks PROPHECY and THE HOST (featuring a sneak peek at the upcoming THE HOST 2). All of this is capped off with a special song from Frisco that manages to finally put a smile on our horror hostess hottie's face!

Feb 19, 2013
Miss V is joined by her backstabbing bitch friend Clarisse, who provides a review of the erotic novel PHANTOM. They also review the new Eclipse Series box set WHEN HORROR CAME TO SHOCHIKU, featuring the creepy Japanese classics THE LIVING SKELETON and GOKE, BODY SNATCHER FROM HELL. After all those goodies, Miss V confronts Clarisse about her relationship with her ex, Zeus, and finds out that they are indeed officially dating! Needless to say, someone is getting their ass fired!

Feb 26, 2013
In the season one finale, Miss V decides to take a trip to Hawaii with her best pal Frisco to get over her breakup with Zeus. They manage to cram in 3 weird fan voice mails, review the killer animals classics THE DAY OF THE ANIMALS, GRIZZLY, DEVIL DOG, and list the Top 5 Way To Become The Final Girl In A Horror Movie before Miss V closes the show out with her martini-soaked Me Time segment where she reflects on her tumultuous past few months!

Jun 03, 2013
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Jun 10, 2013
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jun 18, 2013
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jun 24, 2013
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 02, 2013
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.
Veronique Von Venom: Horror Hostess Hottie Season 1 (2012) is released on Dec 15, 2012. Watch Veronique Von Venom: Horror Hostess Hottie online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Veronique Von Venom: Horror Hostess Hottie is directed by Jose Prendes and created by Jose Prendes with Mindy Robinson and Graham Denman.