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Episodes (53)

Oct 03, 2008
Lucky Charm GT inherits a statue from his grandfather and becomes convinced that it is a lucky charm and is responsible for his great racing. Strut gets wind of this and decided to 'borrow' a little luck and steal the charm. GT is VERY upset, convinced his recent great driving is all due to the power of the lucky charm. He gradually figures out that his winning streak is due to hard work and skill. GT doesn't need the charm to win - he just needs a little faith in himself! Speak Up Dash is given the honor of announcing the play-by-play at the upcoming 'Just For Fun' ...

Oct 03, 2008
Dash, who is terrified of public speaking, is chosen to call the play-by-play for an upcoming race.

Oct 10, 2008
Strut's Trick When Strut hurts his foot out on the track the other Turbo Dogs go out of their way to comfort their injured friend. Strut loves all the attention - so much so that he pretends his foot is not getting better, milking the situation for all it's worth. Mags figures out what's going on a sets up a situation in which Strut is forced to come clean. In the end, Strut learns that honesty is the best policy and that faking sick is not the way to get attention. A Star Turn After practicing his "tail off" - Clutch has a great day at the track, drawing admiration ...

Oct 10, 2008
Strut moves in with Dash after he destroys his own house.

Dec 31, 2023
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Oct 17, 2008
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Oct 24, 2008
Crochet Surprise Dash has promised to visit his Auntie Ratchet out in the countryside. Assuming the stay will be boring, he's not looking forward to it. Once he gets there his car breaks down. Aunt Ratchet invites him in for tea and offers to teach him to crochet (yawn) and invites him see her collection (double yawn). But Dash soon learns that his aunt is much more interesting than he imagined. Her collection turns out to be a wall of trophies for racing-related inventions! Plus, Auntie Ratchet crochets a mean fan-belt out of steel wool, fixing Dash's car in the nick...

Aug 09, 2009
The Cook Off When Cam announces a cooking competition, all the Turbo Dogs are enthusiastic including (to everyone's surprise) Stinkbert. The other Turbo Dogs are perplexed, as Stinkbert has a predilection for leftovers and garbage. Their surprise leads Stinkbert to doubt himself, and he consults a fancy recipe book to create something for the competition, adding ingredients that he enjoys - like a rotting shoe. The other Turbo Dogs are not exactly supportive of his endeavours, and a dejected Stinkbert decides to bow out of the competition. But Five steps in and ...

Oct 31, 2008
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Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 05, 2008
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Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 12, 2008
Extreme Star Power: Benny McBarkerton arrives at the Racerville Speedway looking for drivers to feature on his Extreme Fur-bo Racing television show. Strut is desperate to be on television, and uses every dirty trick he can think of to foil the other Turbo Dogs - resulting in the other dogs pulling some amazing moves on the track, and every dirty trick backfiring on Strut! Strut doesn't even get to complete the course, and the dogs are sympathetic, insisting that the race be done over. Strut feels so terrible in the face of their loyalty that he confesses everything, ...

Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 31, 2023
Race for Treasure While desperately scrounging for old car parts to fix up cars for Racerville's annual antique car show, Stinkbert chances upon one half of a treasure map while GT finds the other half. They each excitedly discuss their finds with other dogs: Stinkbert confides in Strut, while GT tells Dash. The two groups surreptitiously go on their own treasure hunts. They continuously cross paths during their race to find the treasure and realize that it would have been faster and easier to work together. When the treasure turns out to be antique car parts, they ...

Dec 19, 2008
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Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 26, 2008
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Mar 06, 2009
What a Lulu! Mags has a terrific offer - to be featured on the hit television show Extreme Driving of the Fast and Furry! But she has to go out of town to be filmed for the show. The only thing standing between her and Fast and Furry stardom is Lulu - her pet hamster. Dash generously agrees to take care of Lulu while Mags goes out of town. Even though he doesn't know the first thing about caring for hamsters. "How hard could it be?" he glibly asks. Thinking this new responsibility to be easy, Dash doesn't pay attention while Mags explains the various instructions ...

Jan 01, 2008
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Mar 14, 2009
Pinata Party Mags is throwing a party at the clubhouse and has a piñata especially made for the festivities. When Strut's invitation gets mislaid, an outraged Strut thinks that he has been snubbed, and decides to play a trick on the dogs: he fills the piñata with water balloons. Just as the dogs are taking turns hitting the piñata, Strut finds his invitation and realises that he had been invited to the party after all. He rushes in just before the piñata is burst, and explains that he had played a trick. He apologises for jumping to conclusions - and the dogs ...

Dec 31, 2023
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Mar 20, 2009
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Dec 31, 2023
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Jan 01, 2008
Joke's On You Strut is delighted with Joke's On You Day - and mischievously plays pranks on all the dogs. Unfortunately, he gets a bit carried away, and ends up upsetting them. In the midst of playing a prank on Cam, Strut finds himself afloat in the blimp! He calls each of the dogs in turn on his GPS, pleading for help. But because he had played pranks on all of them that day, they don't believe him - until they see the blimp floating overhead. They rush to help him to safety, and Strut realises that he went too far with his prank-playing. The Surprise Surprise When ...

Apr 24, 2009
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Jan 01, 2008
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Oct 09, 2010
Mags' Promise: Mags promises to show Dash and GT her latest driving trick, but when she's offered the last ticket to a Rita Russell concert, Mags breaks her promise and lies to her friends - planning to go to the concert instead. Meanwhile, Dash and GT are busy trying to obtain a ticket for Mags, as Rita Russell is her favourite singer! Mags learns the true meaning of friendship, and what is truly important to her. You're Both Right: Dash and Mags spot a great, but rough-around-the-edges, driver at the track - and are surprised to find out that it is Wheely, one of ...

Dec 31, 2023
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Oct 13, 2010
The Case of the Broken Trophy: Clutch accidentally breaks a trophy and tries to hide the truth from Officer Gruffer and the others by telling convoluted stories of how it was broken. When Officer Gruffer finally accuses Strut, Clutch's guilt gets the best of him and he confesses to breaking the trophy. Clutch learns that honesty is the best policy. The Dog's Got Talent: Racerville's Talent Show is coming up, and GT is in a panic; he doesn't think he's got any talent. Turns out, GT has a talent for fixing things, and puts his talent to use when he saves the show from ...

Dec 31, 2023
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Oct 27, 2010
Remote Out of Control: GT's granny sends him the coolest gift ever: a remote-controlled toy car. Everyone is excited about GT's new toy, but before they can play with it, they have to tune-up their cars in preparation for that afternoon's race. Strut finishes up quickly, spots the toy, and decides to take it out for a test drive - without asking GT's permission. Strut loses control of the toy and it races out of his sight. He's distraught over losing the toy - but just can't tell GT. Tune-ups completed, the Turbo Dogs are eager to play GT's new race car, but Strut ...

Nov 17, 2010
Goodnight GT: Dash and GT visit Auntie Ratchet for a sleepover, but GT can't sleep; he's homesick! Auntie Ratchet decides a moonlight race and a treat from home might just be the cure. Turbo Teachers: The pit crew dogs are all eager to learn to race, and the Turbo Dogs are happy to mentor them. Strut tutors Hubcap, an ingenuous pit dog, in dirty tricks, which just confuses the sweet-natured Hubcap. When Strut's tricks backfire, Strut realises that being on the receiving end of a dirty trick isn't very fun.

Nov 10, 2010
Game Over: Racerville is preparing for a parade and everyone is busy decorating their cars for the big event - everyone except Dash and GT that is. They've become so engrossed in a hand-held video game that they can't think of or do anything else, including their job of picking up the prize to be awarded to the best-decorated racing car. Dash and GT realise that although playing the game had been fun, they can't make playing the game their priorities. The Little Car That Clunked: GT's car needs some major repair work, and Wrenchini lends him a car while GT's own car ...

Jan 01, 2009
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Dec 31, 2023
Ruffing It: Clutch pretends to be an expert camper, and feels so good about being admired by the other dogs that he doesn't tell them the truth: he's never been camping before. While on a camping trip, the dogs look to Clutch to guide them, but Clutch's lack of expertise results in a case of poison ivy and an encounter with a skunk - and that's just for starters! He finally comes clean and admits the truth - and is happily surprised that the dogs still admire him and value his friendship. All Systems No Go: Wrenchini is upgrading the GPS system and tells Strut not to ...

Dec 01, 2010
The Muffled Mess-Up: GT's muffler is VERY noisy, but he doesn't want to part with it - it was given to him by his grandpa. It makes so much noise that it interferes with the racing, and when it falls off during a race, it even creates a hazard! GT learns that changing the muffler doesn't mean that it, or his grandpa, is any less important. Return to Lender: Strut borrows tools and gear from GT, and reneges time and time again on his promises to return everything - causing GT to have to pull out of two races. When GT borrows gear from Strut, Strut realises the ...

Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 29, 2010
Buddy, Can You Spare a Wrench?: Strut is overjoyed when he gets fancy new tires and tools - so much so that he becomes overly protective of all his belongings, and refuses to share any of his tools or gear. When one of Strut's wheels is damaged during a race, all the other dogs pitch in and help him out - and Strut learns about the importance of sharing. Stuck in the Muck: The Turbo Dogs are big fans of Benny McBarkerton's Real Dogs television show - and all are excited when Stinkbert is chosen to be featured - all, except for Strut, who is jealous. When Stinkbert has...

Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 31, 2023
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Dec 31, 2023
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Jan 01, 2008
GT's Got Game: GT thinks he doesn't play basketball very well - so he decides not to play the game at all. Meanwhile, the other Turbo Dogs are enthusiastically preparing for the upcoming 'three-dog on three-dog' basketball game. Dash and Mags invite GT to be on their team but he refuses. So Dash and Mags recruit Five instead. Dash chances upon GT a the clubhouse and notices that GT has an easy and natural grace as he moves through the garage. GT can throw a tire on a rim from three point range! During the big game, Five gets called away to deliver a pizza - Dash and ...

Jan 31, 2011
Best Buds Forever: Rock Rally returns to Racerville, and everyone in town is abuzz with excitement - especially Dash, whom Rock enlists to help reacquaint himself with the Racerville Speedway. Dash is so bedazzled with his famous friend, that he bends over backwards to do anything Rock asks - while ignoring the other Turbo Dogs. When Rock basks in the limelight and abandons Dash to fix both Rock's and his own car, Dash realises that Rock was not being a good friend - and Dash hasn't been a good friend to the Turbo Dogs! Alsatian Aces: The Alsatian Aces, an ace ...

Dec 31, 2023
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Jan 01, 2008
Canine Camera: The Turbo Dogs are excited about the Racerville Fun Photo Contest, and Stinkbert gleefully announces that he will enter a snapshot of Clutch inadvertently wearing a cat costume into the contest. Clutch is mortified, and secretly tries to steal the print before Stinkbert posts it. When Stinkbert notices Clutch acting strangely, Clutch confesses that the photo embarrasses him. Together, Stinkbert and Clutch retrieve the print, and Stinkbert takes a fantastic action shot of Clutch in the process. Turbo Toothache: GT has a terrible toothache, but refuses to...

Dec 31, 2023
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May 04, 2011
Dash TV: Benny McBarkerton rolls into Racerville once again, and has a great idea: to shoot a television special based around Dash. Benny follows Dash everywhere, intruding into every moment of Dash's life - including racetime! When Dash tries to tell Benny that his scrutiny is overwhelming, Benny - who is so focused on and enthusiastic about the television special - just cuts him off with more interview questions and bossy direction. Dash learns to stand up for himself, and Benny realises that he had been domineering. Finders Keepers: Stinkbert finds a Mighty Teeny ...

Dec 31, 2023
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May 21, 2011
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Turbo Dogs Season 1 (2008) is released on Oct 03, 2008. Watch Turbo Dogs online - the English Animation TV series from Canada. Turbo Dogs is directed by Denny Silverthorne and created by Louise Moon with Dan Petronijevic and Catherine Disher.