Episodes (8)

Feb 08, 2019
Alone among women.

Feb 15, 2019
Daddy Blues.

Apr 17, 2020
Because no doctor is available, the experienced childbirth nurse Toni Hasler gives birth to Fanny Brandstetter's baby. When two broken ribs were later found in the baby, the police investigated Toni. In need, Toni turns to his ex-wife and lawyer Hanna. Meanwhile, practice partner Luise wants a baby and asks Toni to donate sperm. This collides with Toni's feelings for Luise.

Apr 24, 2020
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Oct 15, 2021
For the busy obstetrician Toni Hasler, summer camping holidays are a cherished tradition. Chilling out by the lake with the kids and his buddy Franzl - what could be nicer? Unfortunately, this time unforeseen disturbances spoil his well-deserved rest. Toni has to go to the police every now and then to trigger his colleague: Luise stabbed her ex-husband's car tires because he left her with her baby. To Toni's chagrin, the otherwise sovereign doctor shows little willingness to bury the hatchet now. When Toni also finds a positive baby test in the camper, the serenity is...

Oct 22, 2021
Obstetrician Toni and gynecologist Luise are a powerful team. Their community practice is running at full speed and they both stick together privately. When the single parent Luise has to show a dad to get a hard-fought daycare place, Toni jumps in without further ado. To the annoyance of Luise, he overlooks the mishaps of the new doctor's assistant Jella, singer in his friend Franzl's band, pragmatically. When Jella makes a serious faux pas, Toni has to have a serious conversation with her. In confidence he learns what throws her off course: Jella was raped by her "...

Mar 17, 2023
Toni (Leo Reisinger) lernt Wanda (Luisa Wöllisch) kennen, eine junge Frau mit Downsyndrom und Schwester von Luises (Wolke Hegenbarth) neuem Freund Sami (Marcel Mohab). Als Wanda Toni spontan bei einer Hausgeburt assistiert, bringt ihn das auf eine Idee: Warum nicht mit Hilfe seiner Kollegin Evi (Juliane Köhler) ein Inklusionsprojekt zur Ausbildung von Menschen mit Downsyndrom als Hebammen-Assistenz ins Leben rufen? Engagiert beginnt Toni den Plan umzusetzen, denn er merkt, dass man Wanda nicht viel zutraut und sie am liebsten in der Behindertenwerkstatt, in der sie ...

Mar 24, 2023
Ein beruflicher Spezialauftrag führt Leo Reisinger alias Toni Hasler aufs politische Parkett: Er soll nicht nur die hochschwangere Familienministerin betreuen, sondern auch ihren Wahlkampf auffrischen. Was der nonkonformistische "Babyflüsterer" einbringt, stellt die Fortschrittsrhetorik der Konservativen jedoch vor einen echten Stresstest. Regisseurin Sibylle Tafel, die zusammen mit Sebastian Stojetz das Drehbuch verfasst hat, nutzt den Fernsehfilm "Mächtig schwanger" für eine ebenso unkonventionelle wie unterhaltsame Auseinandersetzung mit Geschlechterrollen, ...
Toni, männlich, Hebamme Season 1 (2019) is released on Feb 08, 2019. Watch Toni, männlich, Hebamme online - the German Comedy TV series from Germany. Toni, männlich, Hebamme is directed by Sibylle Tafel and created by Sebastian Stojetz with Leo Reisinger and Wolke Hegenbarth.