Episodes (21)

Apr 22, 2015
Topics: Star Wars trailer reactions; Tony Abbott skols a beer; Internet piracy in Australia; question time; Anzac Day (with Sam Neill); anti-vaccination religious exemptions; Australian Democrats lose party status.

Apr 29, 2015
Topics: Australian doctor recruited by ISIS; Mayweather vs. Pacquiao; birth of a new royal baby and the royal family; Olympic Games host cities; gender equality (with Caitlin Stasey); selfies (with Kitty Flanagan); Belle Gibson lies about terminal cancer.

May 06, 2015
Topics: The birth of the royal baby; 2015 federal budget; upcoming executions of Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran; foreign aid cuts; UK general election (with Tiffany Stevenson); opposition to a mosque in Bendigo.

May 13, 2015
Topics: Melbourne counter-terrorism raids; global warming; 2015 federal budget; Kim Jong-un and North Korea; coffee snobbery (with Kitty Flanagan); Transparent (with Jeffrey Tambor); Labor Games.

May 20, 2015
Topics: Bikie gang shooting in Waco, Texas; Bill Shorten's budget reply; old people; opposition to halal certifications; News of the World phone hacking scandal (with Nick Davies); aggressive interviews (with Jacqui Lambie).

May 27, 2015
Topics: The Pope admits to not watching TV; female cricketers receive a payrise; Man Haron Monis inquest; marriage equality; Disney movie The Princess of North Sudan to be based on white American girl as African princess (with Loyiso Gola); Redesign My Brain (with Todd Sampson); Twitter (with Kitty Flanagan).

Jun 03, 2015
Topics: China builds artificial islands in the South China Sea; Taylor Swift makes Forbes most powerful women list; Bruce Jenner transitions into a woman; Adam Goodes' war dance; Indigenous incarceration; FIFA corruption (with Loyiso Gola); pornography and sex education (with Kitty Flanagan).

Jun 10, 2015
Topics: Alan Bond dies; 41st G7 summit; junk food advertising and obesity; Indigenous race relations in Australia (with Miranda Tapsell); Australians playing in the NBA (with Wyatt Cenac).

Jun 17, 2015
Topics: Rachel Dolezal outed as white; housing affordability and Joe Hockey's comments; sports betting ads (and their sexism); allegations of the government paying people smugglers; self-help books (with Kitty Flanagan); 800th anniversary of the Magna Carta; Scientology and Going Clear (with Alex Gibney).

Jun 24, 2015
Topics: Zaky Mallah's audience appearance on Q and A; road rage; Inside Out (with Amy Poehler); CNS funding; the underreaction to the Matildas winning Australia's first World Cup knockout match.

Jul 01, 2015
Topics: Greek government-debt crisis; Melbourne prison riot; same-sex marriage becomes legalised in the US (with Wyatt Cenac); Uber; artificial intelligence (with Lawrence Krauss); proposed Rio Tinto coal mine near Bulga.

Jul 08, 2015
Topics: Nick Kyrgios tanking allegations; Bill Shorten's trade union Royal Commission appearance; the Sydney siege inquest; Generation Z; Joey Chestnut loses hot dog eating contest.

Jul 15, 2015
Topics: Pluto mission; housing bubble; Bill Shorten's ALP ad campaign; sports stadium naming rights; Indonesia cuts Australian cattle imports; Shenhua mine approval; Go Set a Watchman book release.

Jul 22, 2015
Topics: Feliks Zemdegs wins Rubik's Cube championship; Mick Fanning shark attack; Bronwyn Bishop's helicopter trip; cars and cyclists; Trainwreck (with Amy Schumer); Uniqlo sex tape; women crying (with Kitty Flanagan).

Jul 29, 2015
Topics: John Sewel scandal; Adam Goodes booing; ALP conference; organ donation; Equal Justice Initiative (with Bryan Stevenson); resignations (with Kitty Flanagan).

Aug 05, 2015
Topics: Parliamentary entitlements; cash for access; doping in sport; Cecil the lion; palliative care and death (with Molly Carlile); exercise gear (with Kitty Flanagan).

Aug 12, 2015
Topics: Coalition politicians denied conscience vote on marriage equality; the Seven Network takes the Nine Network to court over My Kitchen Rules rip-off; customer service (with Kitty Flanagan); rape prevention and blame; 'Hey Boy, Don't Rape' song (with Miranda Tapsell, Angie Hart and Geraldine Quinn).

Aug 19, 2015
Topics: Paleolithic diet; Oscar Pistorius's early release from prison (with Loyiso Gola); Astrophysics (with Neil deGrasse Tyson).

Aug 26, 2015
Topics: China's weakening economy crashes global stock market; Ashley Madison website hacked and data leaked; online relationship websites (with Kitty Flanagan); Australian Border Force secrecy laws prevent disclosure of reports on asylum seeker abuse in Australian detention centres; UK government's consumer protection laws for plastic surgery (with Tiff Stevenson); disability advocacy (with Graeme Innes); defensive architecture.

Sep 02, 2015
Topics: Dyson Heydon considers his future as Royal Commissioner in trade union investigations; Australian Border Force cancelled Operation Fortitude in Melbourne due to badly worded and unread press release; YouTube vlogs (with Kitty Flanagan); US presidential candidate Donald Trump; mental illness stigmatised when linking gun murders to mental illness; Pan (with Hugh Jackman); NASA simulates Mars Mission on Earth.

Dec 16, 2015
A week is a long time in news, but The Weekly's Charlie, Kitty and Tom can cover a year in an hour. With international correspondents, they relive 2015's highs and lows, and name The Weekly's Person of the Year.
The Weekly with Charlie Pickering Season 1 (2015) is released on Apr 22, 2015 and the latest season 9 of The Weekly with Charlie Pickering is released in 2023. Watch The Weekly with Charlie Pickering online - the English Comedy TV series from Australia. The Weekly with Charlie Pickering is directed by Jon Olb,Vasiliki Kritharelis and created by Scott Abbot with Charlie Pickering and Tom Gleeson.