Episodes (12)

Dec 31, 2023
Hacker Mark, aka 'Romulus', tail-gates his way right into the Khromacom corporate HQ where the IT Team are fire-fighting a cyber-attack. He secures a job on the IT security team, much to the satisfaction of his sinister handler, 'Mother'.

Dec 31, 2023
Mark has been interrogating his new colleagues' social media accounts. They're a fun and slightly random bunch of people who love to over-share. He's tasked with getting security tightened while learning some useful info on the big merger.

Dec 31, 2023
AJ catches Mark trying to 'phish' Fiona for info on the merger. Mark brushes this off as a phishing test. He can't comprehend AJ's loyalty to his colleagues. Undeterred, later that night Mark downloads all Fiona's confidential files.

Dec 31, 2023
Mark is running up against Khromacom's network security so he calls on an old contact 'Rat' to dumpster-dive for discarded confidential documents. When he returns to his desk he is stunned that the guys have made a surprise party.

Dec 31, 2023
It's 2am and Mark is disguised as a cleaner to target Erica's office. Next day he has a tricky conversation with her while trying to sneak back in a stolen notebook. 'Mother' piles on the pressure when Mark starts to ask awkward questions.

Dec 31, 2023
'Romulus' is ready to ditch Mark Shepherd. He's just about to send the crucial upload of information when AJ stops him. It's Red Nose Day and the gang are ready for some fun. Mark is torn when his boss offers him a full-time contract.

Dec 31, 2023
Which way will Mark fall? His new job makes him an 'insider', but he's developing a conscience. Fiona introduces him to newbie Charlotte. Clearly she wants the two of them to strike up a friendship. Awkward. Mark is socially hopeless.

Dec 31, 2023
Erica comes to Mark with a problem. She's fallen prey to a ransomware attack and needs him to sort it without raising the alarm. Mark's response shows he's got her back. She owes him a favour now. The 'Controller' really won't like this.

Dec 31, 2023
Mark has a hunch that Erica will be targeted at a conference, so he gets assigned as her security. To his dismay, 'Mother' breaks cover - as an American businessman - who charms Erica into divulging information despite Mark's best efforts.

Dec 31, 2023
Mark realises he can't do this on his own and recruits AJ into the game. It's risky. 'Mother' calls a clandestine meeting in a deserted underground car park. It looks like Mark's plan will be thwarted when the controller takes his phone.

Dec 31, 2023
The information hacked from 'Mother's phone leads Mark and AJ to a USB key, surreptitiously handed to Erica by the American businessman. If she plugs it into her laptop the game is up. They must act fast to avoid disaster.

Dec 31, 2023
Maurice uses Mark's past to try to blackmail him, testing his sincerity in turning over a new leaf. Meanwhile AJ gets his big break and a new security star is born at Kromacom. Think all the loose ends are tied up? No chance.
The Inside Man Season 1 (2023) is released on Dec 31, 2023. Watch The Inside Man online - the English Drama TV series from United Kingdom. The Inside Man is directed by Jim Shields,Jim Shields and created by Fergus Church with Benjamin Adnams and Abe Jarman.