Episodes (13)

The Great Bullion Robbery
S01E01 · The Great Bullion Robbery

Jun 06, 1969

A bullion aircraft, carrying five-and-a-half million pounds of gold bars approaches an airfield in the South of England. Before the day is out. Det. Chf Supt Cradock will find himself assigned to track down the team behind 'the crime of the century'.

S01E02 · Grounded

Jun 13, 1969

From his temporary headquarters on Westmarsh Airfield, Detective Cradock begins his unenviable task of discovering how the robbery was executed.

Crack Shot
S01E03 · Crack Shot

Jun 20, 1969

Pressurised by his superiors - not to mention the Home Office - Cradock must make his move and deliver the marksman who shot at the tyres of the police car escorting the bullion.

The Big Spender
S01E04 · The Big Spender

Jun 27, 1969

'Hello, Tango One To Base. Hello Dave.' Cradock is certain that the voice who mimicked a police operator's relay call belongs to Barry Porter, a second-rare conman. But how can he prove it?

Dog Eat Dog
S01E05 · Dog Eat Dog

Jul 04, 1969

Did someone pay £30,000 to spring a convict to help pull off the job? It seems a high price to pay - but death is an even higher price, and the criminal fraternity aren't always to be relied on.

Rough Trade
S01E06 · Rough Trade

Jul 11, 1969

Cradock finds a weak line in the bullion robber's armour. Peter Conroy, the man who drove the escape, has run to Austria to evade arrest. But he left his wife behind - and Cradock can use her.

An Oddly Honest Man
S01E07 · An Oddly Honest Man

Jul 18, 1969

A ray of hope - or just another tough nut to crack? Tom Goodwin, the pilot who flew the plane, appears to want to 'opt out' and is prepared to spill the beans. But can Cradock really trust the man's evidence?

The Arrangement
S01E08 · The Arrangement

Jul 25, 1969

A chance to get on the robber's trail - or yet another clever counter-bluff? Cradock must decide if the outcome of a meeting is worth the risk of wading even deeper into the depths of the underworld.

Account Rendered
S01E09 · Account Rendered

Aug 01, 1969

A major turning point at last. Harry Oscrost, a brilliant accountant and paymaster to the gold robbers, is desperate when violence enters his safe suburban retreat and threatens his family. Perhaps with a little squeeze.

The Cover Plan
S01E10 · The Cover Plan

Aug 08, 1969

Why should an informer put the finger on the Hon. Timothy Fry, DSO, who was found smuggling a girl out of the country. Of more interest to Cradock is how is the Hon. Timothy mixed up in the bullion snatch?

The Midas Touch
S01E11 · The Midas Touch

Aug 15, 1969

'Mr Big arrested in Paris' reads the newspaper headline. Cradock has got his man - the brain behind the gold robbery. But he knows all to well that there's someone bigger still at large and sets out to find him.

The Man with Two Faces
S01E12 · The Man with Two Faces

Aug 22, 1969

The net tightens. The hunter closes in on his prey, but Nechros swallows the bait and not the hook, and Cradock comes under further pressure by powerful men behind his superiors.

The Kill
S01E13 · The Kill

Aug 29, 1969

In spite of warnings to the contrary, Cradock closes in for the kill. He knows his man and is determined to get him at any cost. But his final filing leads him into deadly territory.


The Gold Robbers Season 1 (1969) is released on Jun 06, 1969. Watch The Gold Robbers online - the English Crime TV series from United Kingdom. The Gold Robbers is directed by Bill Bain,Cyril Coke,Don Leaver,Lionel Harris and created by John Hawkesworth with Peter Vaughan and Artro Morris.

As know as:

Az aranyrablók, De gouddieven(informal literal title), De goudroof(informal literal title), Det stora guldrånet, The Gold Robbers


United Kingdom



Production Companies:

London Weekend Television (LWT)

Cast & Crew

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