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Episodes (26)

Sep 26, 1968
The rock group, Sonny and the Sundowners, is appearing at Carlos' casino. Sonny is an old friend and musical partner of Sister Bertrille's when she was plain old Elsie Ethrington, and she goes to see him. He is thrilled to see her but surprised at her choice of career. When in the natural course of conversation she tells him that the convent is short of money, he suggests to her that she write a song for the group, whose last record sold more than a million copies. He will even give her an advance. Sister Bertrille is excited, and in discussion with the other sisters,...

Oct 03, 1968
The new Captain of Police, Gaspar Fomento, is frequenting the convent's bazaar. Carlos has donated a lot to the bazaar, has won some of his donations back, and the captain has lost much. He has suspicions that the convent and Carlos are working together in a gambling ring. His suspicions increase when Sister Bertrille, in order to placate the captain, gives him back his losings from the bazaar, which the captain thinks is a bribe. To gather evidence, the captain sends in one of his assistants, Nacio, to work undercover at the convent. Nacio is working undercover of ...

Oct 10, 1968
The Temple Beth Sholom overseen by Rabbi Mendez is the only synagogue in San Juan. Rabbi Mendez has a problem. Engaged couple Alfredo Acquilar and Sophia Baldazon want to get married but the temple is too small to hold all their invited guests. So Sister Bertrille convinces all to hold the ceremony on the grounds of the convent. All is going well until Alfredo, a heavy gambler, loses his honeymoon money at Carlos' casino. Sister Bertrille wants Carlos to show Alfredo and Sophia, who happens to be his bookkeeper, some kindness and "return" the money via losing at a ...

Oct 17, 1968
Sister Bertrille needs to see Dr. Paredes, the dentist, to have a toothache fixed, but Sister Bertrille is scared of dentists. So the Reverend Mother goes with her to hold her hand. To calm Sister Bertrille's nerves, Dr. Paredes puts her under hypnosis. However the Reverend Mother accidentally gets hypnotized at the same time. Fascinated by this, Carlos wants to see the results of the hypnosis, and as a lark, Dr. Paredes gives them a post-hypnotic suggestion: every time they hear the word "red", Sister Bertrille will act like the Reverend Mother and the Reverend ...

Oct 24, 1968
By-the-book Captain Fomento is getting bored in San Tanco, a town where he says nothing exciting happens, and is thinking of resigning. He has even resorted to threatening the sisters with a ticket for their non-licensed old clothing drive, and has given citations to his own mother for jaywalking and his brother-in-law, who happens to be the police chief, for littering. To get him from not resigning, Sister Bertrille tells him that there is a crime wave at Carlos' casino: ashtrays have been stolen. Carlos actually encourages it as they have the advertising "Stolen ...

Nov 07, 1968
Carlos will do anything to get away from Manuel, who wants Carlos to audition his step-niece by marriage for his nightclub show. Even after he sees and starts dating the beautiful Felicia, Carlos still doesn't want to audition her since he has had bad luck with Manuel's clients, and he doesn't want to ruin the his image of Felicia with what he supposes will be a horrible audition. Carlos will even help Sister Bertrille rather than audition Felicia. First, he runs off to help Sister Bertrille move the convent's newly acquired pipe organ to the convent, and second, he ...

Nov 14, 1968
Condorillo hawks and their eggs are outlawed by the authorities since they are considered a nuisance, especially to sugar cane farmers. However Sister Bertrille stumbles across a pair of such orphaned eggs and cannot in good conscience leave them unattended to die. She plans on hatching the eggs at the convent. This act draws mixed reactions. A couple of tourists, who see Sister Bertrille fly to get the eggs, think she's from outer space and is hatching like aliens. And Carlos uses Sister Bertrille's need for transporting her incubation equipment as an excuse to avoid...

Nov 21, 1968
While everyone else is at a charity benefit, Sister Bertrille is alone at the convent nursing sick child Felix. She hears a news bulletin on the radio that escaped convict Ignacio Ferrante is in the vicinity of San Tanco, and she gets worried for her and Felix's safety. Captain Fomento confirms her fears about how dangerous Ferrante is. Sister Bertrille wants so much for a strong man to be around to protect her and Felix, she lets in a stranded man whose car has broke down outside the convent. Sister Bertrille isn't concerned as the man doesn't match the mustached ...

Nov 28, 1968
This episode is one of misunderstandings stemming from a $5,000 donation from Juan Hernando. Juan Hernando is a former orphan of the convent before the Reverend Mother's time. He wants to show his appreciation of the convent for his growing up period. The misunderstandings start when the $5,000 check is destroyed and the sisters, who have never met Juan Hernando, try to find him so that he can write them another check. Sister Bertrille finds a Juan Hernando, who she thinks is the Juan Hernando for who she is is searching. This Juan Hernando - Honest Juan Hernando as ...

Dec 12, 1968
Captain Fomento has had parking meters installed in San Tanco, a move he had to convince Chief Galindo into doing. Nobody but the Captain likes the meters. Even the Chief doesn't like them as the expected revenues promised by Fomento have not materialized as someone has been stealing the money out of the meters. Fomento plants some marked coins in some meters and waits for them to materialize to flush out the thieves. Through a series of connected transactions, Sister Bertrille gets one of the coins who unwittingly passes it back to Fomento. The always suspicious ...

Dec 19, 1968
There are two upcoming important events: the novices are approaching their rededication ceremony, and the Reverend Mother is attending a conference in Chicago. With the latter, she can take one travel companion, and all the sisters do extra things for the Reverend Mother in hopes that that will sway the Reverend Mother's decision in her favor. Sister Bertrille is especially hopeful as she went to school there, and desperately wants to see it again. The Reverend Mother even believes that she would be the appropriate choice, however as Chicago is the Windy City, it is ...

Dec 26, 1968
Carlos is looking for a wife - only temporarily. His grandmother, Amalia Ramirez, is coming for a visit, and once, when it looked as if she was dying, he told her he was married with a family to make her happy. He doesn't know whether he should tell her the truth as she still has a weak heart. But thinking of a wife, he remembers back to the one who got away, namely Sister Bertrille's sister, Jennifer. When Carlos' grandmother arrives, she sees Jennifer's photo on Carlos' desk and assumes that's his wife. Telling her that Jennifer is away on vacation for a couple of ...

Jan 02, 1969
The convent is property leased to the order. The rent is $1 per year and every 99 years, the lease is renewed. The lease is now up for renewal. After 396 years, the owning family, the de Cordovas, have decided not to renew the lease and the sisters have 3 weeks to vacate the property. The sisters decide to invite Fabio de Cordova, the sole surviving owner, to the convent to see what good work the sisters do, which will hopefully make him change his mind about the lease. Apparently, there is no fortune left in the de Cordova estate, the convent the only thing left in ...

Jan 16, 1969
Convent orphan Michael Antonio idolizes his uncle, renowned magician and juggler Marko the Magnificient. Marko is coming to San Tanco to visit Michael, an opportunity Sister Bertrille cannot let pass. Since the hot water pipes in the convent had just burst, she persuades the Reverend Mother to hold a benefit concert headlining Marko the Magnificent, with some other peripheral acts, including a trio of singing nuns (Sisters Bertrille, Jacqueline and Ana). The Reverend Mother thinks it's a good idea since she has seen the amazing feats of Marko. Marko however does not ...

Jan 23, 1969
Actress Sabrina Michaels is trying to escape from her movie star life and her philandering co-star and fiancé, Spencer Michaels. She has walked off the set of her movie and in her escape, has a near fatal drowning caused by and saved by Sister Bertrille. While swimming away, Sabrina sees Sister Bertrille flying which caused her to faint and nearly drown. However, while she is recuperating at the convent, Sabrina states that she had a religious vision, that being the flying sister. The sisters don't correct her thought. However this vision causes Sabrina to rethink her...

Jan 30, 1969
Sister Bertrille's family friend, "Uncle" Reggie Overton Perkins, has taken a job in San Juan. Uncle Reggie has somewhat of a shady past and present, but has managed to get a job at Carlos' casino as security expert, which includes showing casino customers how to spot cheaters in the casino. One of Uncle Reggie changes at the casino is to show the counting room through a glass partition, this move to entice casino patrons to gamble to try and win the money they see. Captain Fomento however is skeptical as he feels it will lure thieves to the casino to try and steal ...

Feb 06, 1969
Sister Bertrille finds Uncle Reggie, who is still the prime suspect in the casino robbery. Unfortunately for Uncle Reggie, Captain Fomento also finds him. Sister Bertrille however convinces Carlos and Captain Fomento of Uncle Reggie's possible innocence, and devises a plan to flush out the real thieves: report that Uncle Reggie has been caught and charged with the theft, so that the real thieves will let their guards' down. It works as Bruce and Faye, still under cover at the convent as Sister Mary Grace, decide that it is time to leave San Tanco. The sisters ...

Feb 13, 1969
While on a retreat with Sister Jacqueline, Sister Bertrille runs into one of her old boyfriends, Randy Putnam. Randy is currently a toy maker at a business convention. Randy and Sister Bertrille remember their relationship in slightly different ways, each seeing him/herself as the dominant personality in the relationship. Randy is shocked to see Elsie as Sister Bertrille and feels that he had something to do with her becoming a nun. Randy, who is also in psychotherapy, sees Sister Bertrille fly, which further confuses him. To ease the guilt he feels for her becoming a...

Feb 20, 1969
Sister Bertrille is looking after Pepe, a chimpanzee, as a favor to Dolores, one of Carlos' girlfriends. Pepe's arrival at the convent coincides with a rash of thefts in the neighborhood, thefts of small, rather insignificant trinkets. The latest theft is of Captain Fomento's watch right in the convent. Yes, the thief is Pepe. The captain thinks that it is someone in the convent. Sister Jacqueline, who finds the stolen items in Sister Bertrille's closet (Pepe's hiding place), reports such to the Reverend Mother and based on Sister Bertrille's behavior, Sister ...

Feb 27, 1969
Farmer Gonzalo, the convent's milk supplier, is moving to St. Thomas and can't take Alicia, his beloved cow with him. Sister Bertrille decides to buy Alicia for the convent as a cheap, constant and reliable milk supply for the kitchen and for the children's needs. None of this comes to fruition as as soon as Alicia reaches the convent, she stops providing milk. The Reverend Mother finally gives Sister Bertrille an ultimatum: find another home for Alicia, or off Alicia goes to the slaughter house. When Sister Bertrille can't find another suitable home for Alicia, ...

Mar 06, 1969
The sisters need to call in accident-prone Brother Paul back to the convent to do some bookkeeping work. The sisters do everything in their power to keep Brother Paul from doing harm to himself, to them or to the convent. Brother Paul is not accident-prone like he was during his last visit. On the other hand, Sister Bertrille is causing a lot of accidents and a lot of accidents are happening to Sister Bertrille by others in their attempts to avoid accidents to/from Brother Paul. The nature of the bookkeeping work is primarily in regard to Carlos' donations since he is...

Mar 13, 1969
Captain Gaspar Fomento of the police force thinks everyone has forgotten his birthday, even the nuns.

Mar 20, 1969
Roberto Sanchez, president of the second largest grocery chain in San Juan, states that Sister Sixto's bread is the best he has ever tasted. From that, Sister Bertrille thinks that selling her bread would be a good way to raise money for the convent. Sanchez is in charge of distribution, Sister Jacqueline is in charge of advertising, and obviously Sister Sixto is in charge of mixing. But to make money, one needs money, and Sister Bertrille approaches Carlos for financing: $1,000 for a new bread oven and $160 for a ton of flour. Other problems abound when Sister Sixto ...

Mar 27, 1969
The convent is willed a dry goods business, which is free and clear of debt. However it is devoid of any sense of order. Unable to run the business themselves, the sisters look for someone to act as manager. Carlos suggests his cousin Luis, if only to get Luis out from working at the casino. Luis has some unique business ideas, which is causing havoc for Carlos at the casino. At the dry goods store, Luis' business ideas cause the store to go into the red after the first week. To keep the sisters from firing Luis which would in turn cause Luis to go back to working at ...

Apr 03, 1969
On a day that Carlos has promised some of the convent children a boat ride, he reneges to go to Culebra for a date with Elena. He however tells the children and Sister Bertrille that he is going to meet with his down on his luck Uncle Antonio and Aunt Constancia. In actuality, Uncle Antonio is poor because he's lazy. Violetta, one of the children, comes down with a case of the mumps, and since Carlos hugged her, Sister Bertrille flies to Culebra to warn Carlos that he has been exposed. Sister Bertrille searches for him at his uncle and aunt's house. Uncle Antonio and ...

Apr 10, 1969
The convent has a fund raiser for building maintenance. When Sister Bertrille asks a farmer for a contribution, he does not have extra money, but he donates a lottery ticket, which is worth $25,000 if picked. The ticket wins.
The Flying Nun Season 2 (1968) is released on Sep 26, 1968 and the latest season 3 of The Flying Nun is released in 1969. Watch The Flying Nun online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. The Flying Nun is directed by Jerrold Bernstein,Jerome Courtland,E.W. Swackhamer,Murray Golden and created by Tere Rios with Sally Field and Marge Redmond. The Flying Nun is available online on Amazon Prime Video and Crackle.