Episodes (260)

Jan 01, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 02, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 03, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 04, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 07, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 08, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 09, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 10, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 11, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 14, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 15, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 16, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 17, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 18, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 21, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 22, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 23, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 24, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 25, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 28, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 29, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 30, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jan 31, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 01, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 04, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 05, 1957
Harris informs Martin more stolen cars are arriving that need converting.

Feb 06, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 07, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 08, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 11, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 12, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 13, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 14, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 15, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 18, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 19, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 20, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 21, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 22, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 25, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 26, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 27, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Feb 28, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Mar 01, 1957
Harry told Marilyn to start a fight with Cora at an appointed time, but later Marilyn didn't want to keep the meeting. Cora continued drinking heavily. Louise thought it was strange when Harry wanted to take a cab to their meeting and then said he needed to go back home to retrieve his speech. Marilyn confronted Cora, who passed out. Harry returned home with murder in mind.

Mar 04, 1957
Before he killed her with Cora's whiskey bottle, Harry explained to Marilyn how he planned to get rid of her and frame his wife so that he could be with Louise. Sara found Marilyn's bludgeoned body in Cora's bedroom closet. Mike called the police. Sara begged Cora to recall the events leading to Marilyn's murder, but in her alcoholic blackout, she couldn't remember anything.

Mar 05, 1957
The police zeroed in on Cora as the only suspect in the murder. Charlie was sent to find Jack who might be able to verify Cora's story. Cora neglected to mention to Mike that she had previously threatened Marilyn in front of witnesses. Jack and Betty Jean went against the wishes of her parents and made a date to meet one another secretly.

Mar 06, 1957
Betty Jean's father Wyn Battle learned from Charlie that Jack and Betty Jean are still involved. Jack made a serious suggestion to Betty Jean. Mike feared that Marilyn's death will be ruled first degree murder. Mike questioned Jack, but his answers did not make things look any better for Cora.

Mar 07, 1957
The arrival of Louise's ex-husband Phil Capice surprised her. Phil told Louise that he can't get her out of his head. Louise worried that someone will find out that she and Harry were at the Lane house the night Marilyn was murdered, but Harry warned her to keep her trap shut. Mike spoke with district attorney Ed Parmalee who has already decided Cora's guilt.

Mar 08, 1957
Harry avoided Duke's calls. Fearing an imminent charge of murder, Mike fed Assistant DA Parmalee a tip and advised Cora to play sick in order to delay Cora's arrest. Duke told Mike that no one wanted Marilyn dead. Certain of Harry's guilt, Duke confronted Harry and made serious blackmail threats.

Mar 11, 1957
Duke demanded money in exchange for his silence about Harry's crimes. Mike had Duke tailed. Charlie became passionate with Grace. Duke changed his story about Marilyn, and Mike suspected a payoff from Harry. Grace had an admission for Sara about which man she prefers, Charlie or Paul. Mike theorized Marilyn's killer re-set the time on her watch to trick police detectives.

Mar 12, 1957
Winston verified part of Harry's alibi but also remembered something else important about Harry's activities the night of the murder. Cora couldn't be sure of her own innocence and considered skipping town until everything blows over. Mike questioned Grace for details about the relationship between Harry and Marilyn. Grace couldn't quite recall everything about an odd incident between the two.

Mar 13, 1957
Winston remembered being tipped off by an anonymous dame about being cheated by Harry, but wasn't sure if Marilyn had been the caller. Paul pressured Grace to answer his marriage proposal. Grace finally recalled an incident that made her sure that Harry and Marilyn were involved. Mike suspected that Marilyn was blackmailing Harry. Parmalee gave Mike a short deadline to gather evidence before he charges Cora.

Mar 14, 1957
Jack's statement to the cops angered Harry. Sgt. Killbourn interviewed a new witness, a cab driver parked outside the auditorium where Harry gave his speech the night of the murder. Harry confessed to Mike that he and Marilyn had more than a professional relationship. Later, Mike doubted the veracity of the cab driver, who insisted that no one left the auditorium during the period when Marilyn was being killed.

Mar 15, 1957
The taxi driver altered his story but not enough for Mike's satisfaction. Phil confided to Winston that he and Louise can't reconcile while she's in love with someone else. Phil and Winston made a pact to uncover Louise's secrets. Louise was afraid that Harry made her an accessory to murder. Mike vowed to lean on Harry until he snaps.

Mar 18, 1957
A newspaper story suggesting that Mike was covering up Cora's guilt annoyed Sara. Cora promised to stop drinking. Asst. DA Parmalee pressured Mike to close the murder case. Mike's hopes were dashed with an airtight alibi. Betty Jean's mother admitted she's afraid that her daughter and Jack will marry too soon. Sara visited neighbor Billy Harper, a young boy who's hospitalized. Mike tricked Harry by implying there are witnesses who saw him leave the auditorium before the murder.

Mar 19, 1957
Phil made a discovery about Louise's secret lover. Louise begged Harry to take her away on a world cruise before the cops start closing in on them for Marilyn's murder. Mike and the police increased the pressure on Harry with more innuendos and scenarios about his guilt. Later, Harry began to crack and phoned for Louise to secretly meet him at his private lodge.

Mar 20, 1957
Al Ford, who wrote the article filled with innuendo about Mike, attempted to goad Sara into making an incriminating statement against Cora. Sara asked Ford to leave her home. Mike made a case to Asst. DA Parmalee that Harry could be guilty of killing Marilyn. The police tailed Harry to the lodge. Louise flatly refused Harry's demands that she lie about their whereabouts the night of the murder. Harry threatened to reveal that Louise was the perpetrator of a hit and run in Nevada.

Mar 21, 1957
Under duress and afraid of Harry's threats, Louise gave a deposition to the cops. Mike coerced Louise into admitting that she was the informant who tipped off Harry with insider information that helped him cheat Winston out of the Brody and Clark real estate deal. After reading Louise's deposition, Winston was devastated to learn that he was betrayed by his own daughter.

Mar 22, 1957
Winston begged Louise to tell him the truth about the Brody and Clark deal. Breaking down, Louise was on the verge of admitting to her father what happened in Nevada. With the DA presenting Cora's case to the grand jury in three days, Mike was ordered to stop pursuing a case against Harry. Mike promised Sara that he wouldn't stop looking for the truth and vowed to nail the real killer.

Mar 25, 1957
Harry hired lawyer Bernard Ehlers to defend Cora. Mike questioned Phil about whether or not Louise and Harry are intimate, but Phil responded that Louise hates Harry. Mike was suspicious why a woman would betray her own father for a man she despises. Grace admitted to Mike that Louise leaked the Brody and Clark deal to Harry in October. Mike realized that Louise betrayed Winston only two months after starting to see Harry.

Mar 26, 1957
Harry groused at Paramlee that Mike is continuing to question him when Cora is the one going before the grand jury. Parmalee told that Mike that he should quit the police force if he wants to keep playing detective. Winston took great offense when Mike's comments suggested that Louise might be Harry's accomplice in murder. Little Billy Harper returned the hero's medal that Mike gave him in the hospital. Mike made Billy see that his bravery in the face of a serious operation deserved the medal.

Mar 27, 1957
Parmalee conceded a grudging respect for Mike's dogged determination. Sara confessed to Mike that she once heard Cora threaten to bludgeon Marilyn with a vase, but Marilyn wasn't afraid. Mike argued to DA Bruce Thompson that Marilyn wasn't afraid of Cora, but Marilyn feared the person who killed her, because she was hiding in Cora's closet when the killer struck. Mike suggested a pre-trial hearing rather than a trial. Parmalee cautioned Mike that if Cora is actually brought to trial, it could crush Mike's future as an attorney.

Mar 28, 1957
Ehlers turned to Grace for information about Cora's drinking and her close association with the Martin Spode family. Sara tipped off Ehlers that someone sent the Spodes an anonymous letter that exposed Cora's alcoholism, and that in turn made Hester take young Bebe away from Cora. Ehlers contacted Hester, now living in Florida, but she couldn't identify the person who tried to sabotage Cora. Cora was told that she'll probably go to trial for murder, and fearing jail, planned to skip town.

Mar 29, 1957
Helen tailed Cora, who went to the train station and planned to leave for Springfield. Helen arrested Cora to stop her from fleeing, but the DA's office had her tailed, too! And made the charge stick. At the bail hearing, Mike pleaded Cora's case, then the judge found her a flight risk and ordered her jailed until trial. Mike told Cora to face her fears and find strength in her solitude, but Cora collapsed sobbing in her cell and begged God to her help her.

Apr 01, 1957
Mattie had doubts about Cora's innocence. Betty Jean's mother argued that she and Jack should be able to date, but Betty Jean's father Wyn reiterated that Jack's aunt is a drunk and murder suspect. Wyn forbade Betty Jean to ever see Jack again. Jack made Betty Jean choose between him and her parents. Cora was forbidden from accepting Sara's gift of a vanity mirror because the jail matron feared Cora might break it and use the sharp edges to slit her wrists.

Apr 02, 1957
Mike told Captain Marceau that the lab found an uncommon sedative in Cora's blood the night of the murder, and theorized that Harry had drugged Cora, murdered Marilyn, and framed his wife. At the jail, Cora admitted to Mike that her maid Marie had given her vitamin capsules shortly before Marilyn's murder. Mike questioned Marie who told him that Cora once mistook a sedative for her vitamins and was comatose for over an hour. Mike called Harry in for routine questioning, then showed Harry how easy it would be to grind up tablet and place it in an empty capsule. Harry ...

Apr 03, 1957
Seeing Harry's panic, Marceau gave Mike a free hand to continue the investigation. Later, Mike learned that Louise has a history of speeding and reckless driving. Sara counseled Betty-Jean on how to win back Jack. Betty-Jean took Sara's advice and made time with a boy named Allen to make Jack jealous. After a furious Jack saw Betty-Jean and Allen together at the soda shop, the two reconciled. Sara mentioned to Mike that the feud between Harry and Winston dates back to Harry's love for Winston's late wife, also named Louise.

Apr 04, 1957
Mike instructed Charlie to find out why Louise's personal habits changed suddenly a year ago. Sara visited Cora in jail and was unnerved to hear that Cora has accepted her fate and wants to give up. Cora admitted that she's considering a confession just to put an end to the trial and all the publicity. Phil informed Mike that Louise suddenly changed last year after a trip to Reno to get their divorce. Mike hustled to stop Cora's confession, warning that if Cora confesses, her only alternative to jail is permanent confinement to an asylum. Phil lied to Harry that he's ...

Apr 05, 1957
Mike theorized that Harry solved two problems at once by killing a blackmailer, Marilyn, and framing his drunken wife Cora for the crime. Winston followed Mike's advice to undermine Harry's confidence by turning up the pressure on his business. Harry handed over blackmail money to Duke, but argued he can't afford any more because of heat from the cops and sudden cash flow problems. Duke suggested that Harry play it cool because the cops are using the old squeeze-play maneuver to make him crack.

Apr 08, 1957
Mike hinted to Louise that he knows about her past in Nevada, but just as she was about to confess, Harry arrived. Harry warned Louise about Mike's tricks and tried to persuade her to betray her father again. Lane Trucking continued to suffer as Winston pulled strings to get another company to cancel its contracts with Harry. Harry descended into madness, espousing his power and screaming that no one can destroy him.

Apr 09, 1957
Mary Harper admitted to her husband Roger that she's overdrawn at the bank again and needs money to balance the account. After giving Mary more money, Roger suggested that they meet Mike and Sara Karr, who befriended their son Billy while he was in the hospital. Later, Mary visited Sara and made ominous statements about not wanting to live if she should ever lose her son. When Sara casually mentioned the date, April 9th, Mary panicked and fled the Karr home. Mike met with Roger and learned that Marilyn wasn't insured at the time of her death. Mary kept an appointment ...

Apr 10, 1957
Sara shivered when Mike informed her that Cora's judge is the same one who sent Martin Spode to prison and seldom shows mercy. The judge's wife is a former acquaintance of Cora and asked her husband to be nice. Judge Neuman guessed that Mike will be an ace attorney some day, but Mike joked that he should save his compliments until the bar exam scores are in. Cora's pre-trial hearing got underway,

Apr 11, 1957
As the hearing got underway, Mike testified about Marilyn fearing her killer but not being afraid of a drunken Cora. Under oath, Mike swore that he believed Cora innocent of the crime. Judge Neuman ordered a recess when an upset Cora became hysterical. Sergeant Fisk testified that Cora's fingerprints were found on the neck of the whiskey bottle, indicating that she grasped it to use as a weapon rather than to pick it up to pour a drink. Fisk's testimony caused Cora to lose her cool again.

Apr 12, 1957
Mike warned Sara that they had to find a way to stop Cora's outbursts in court, which made her look even more prone to sudden violence. Sara attempted to reason with Cora, but it was to no avail. Phil recalled seeing Louise and Duke together in a Reno hotel when she went to Nevada to finalize their divorce. Mike theorized that Duke spilled the beans about Louise's troubles to Harry, who used the information to blackmail her. Later, Mike paid a surprise visit to Duke, but he pretended not to know Louise.

Apr 15, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 16, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 17, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 18, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 19, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 22, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 23, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 24, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 25, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 26, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 29, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 30, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 01, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 02, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 03, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 06, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 07, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 08, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 09, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 10, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 13, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 14, 1957
Mike received a lucrative job offer from a prestigious private law practice . Later he told Sara that he rejected DA Bruce Thompson's offer to work in the DA's office, but Sara urged him to reconsider Thompson's offer. Mike and Sara's disagreement over the jobs turned into a terrible argument. Young Billy Harper advised Mike to apologize whether he was actually remorseful or not. Mike brought Sara candy, flowers and an apology, with a joke about a mink coat coming later. Mary became upset after Clayton Pike called her at home and talked with Roger.

May 15, 1957
Roger admitted to Mary that the doctor has him on a new exercise regime which will place some strain on his heart, so Roger needs complete emotional tranquility. Alarmed about Roger's health, Mary confronted Pike and begged for more time to pay the protection money. A reluctant Pike agreed to Mary's demands when his wife Liz arrived unexpectedly. Liz correctly sensed that Clayton is involved in another shady deal. Sara wanted to help Mary, but Mary insisted that no one can help her now. Later, Mary wondered how she'd ever be able to tell Roger that Billy isn't really ...

May 16, 1957
Mike resigned from the Monticello police department and accepted Asst. DA Parmalee's job offer. Mike's first case will be the prosecution of a black-market baby ring. Mary saw a story in the newspaper about Winston's desire to end the illegal sale of babies in Monticello. Roger blamed the victims for paying for children. Mary fantasized about telling Roger that she bought Billy on the black market after their own child died while Roger was undergoing dangerous heart surgery. Roger died of a heart attack in Mary's fantasy.

May 17, 1957
Jack wanted an answer from Betty Jean to his marriage proposal. Charlie received the bad news that Grace moved to San Francisco. Sara confirmed for Charlie that Grace sent her a letter from California, but there wasn't a return address because Grace doesn't want Charlie or Paul to contact her. Charlie said that he planned to find Grace even if she doesn't want to see him. Rosemarie Bremen paid a visit to Winston and agreed to help him because she was victimized by the black market ring.

May 20, 1957
Rose Marie told Winston that she sold her baby to a man named Thomas McMahon after her young husband died of polio and left her penniless. Rose Marie had met McMahon at a charity clinic, and he offered to pay her expenses if she'd give him the baby after it was born. Rose Marie had written a letter to her husband's parents asking for help, but McMahon promised to mail the letter and apparently didn't. When her in-laws didn't respond, Rose Marie agreed to McMahon's plan. Jack told Winston that he wants to assume Harry's position at Lane Trucking, but Winston informed ...

May 21, 1957
Betty Jean penned a letter to her parents, left it where they could find it, and drove off with Jack just before her high school graduation. After she left, Betty Jean's note blew away in the wind. Betty Jean's father worried when she didn't come with her date Duly Masterson. Later an angry Wyn discovered from Duly's parents that Betty Jean was spotted leaving Monticello with Jack. Wyn phoned Mike to ask that an APB be issued to find the young lovers.

May 22, 1957
Mike and Sara quarreled about the situation with Jack and Betty Jean. Mike met with Rosemarie and Winston who told him that Jack went to Hillsdale. Sara heard from Jack. Wyn found Betty Jean's note and went to the Karr home. Later, Betty Jean and Jack arrived to announce that they're married. Wyn wanted to have the marriage annulled but was upset to learn it had already been consummated. Jack nixed Sara's idea that he and Betty Jean move in with Mattie.

May 23, 1957
Mike and Louise had a heart-to-heart and reconciled their differences. Mike was pleased to learn that Louise and Phil plan to remarry. Rosemarie requested immunity from prosecution in exchange for information to break the black market baby ring, but Mike couldn't make any promises. However, Mike vowed to Rosemarie that he would do his very best to track down Thomas McMahon and return her baby girl to her.

May 24, 1957
Mike asked Willie for help on the black market baby ring, but Willie was apprehensive because of his last investigation. Mike informed Willie that Thomas McMahon is actually Leo Sekuler, a man Willie once investigated. Rose Marie spotted Sekuler at the charity clinic and called Mike, who told her to leave immediately. Sekuler caught Rose Marie and intimidated her into remaining silent about their association. Willie confronted Sekuler, who denied knowing Thomas McMahon. Rose Marie lied to Mike that she didn't recognize Sekuler's mug shot as being the man she knew as ...

May 27, 1957
Rosemarie told Sekuler that she wants back the baby she gave away. Sekuler indicated that a payoff might be necessary to secure the child who was adopted over a year ago. Sekuler called Clayton Pike and warned him that there's trouble brewing. Pike was afraid to deal with Sekuler again because Rosemarie already talked to the cops. Rosemarie debated whether or not to squeal on Sekuler.

May 28, 1957
Sara thought Roger looked upset when he came searching for Mary. Mary met with Pike, and he got angry and began to blackmail her when she only gave him part of a payment to keep quiet about Billy being adopted from the black market. Mary argued that Roger would have a heart attack and die if he ever finds out the truth about Billy. Sara brooded about Mike not letting her go back to work. Mary was nervous with Roger after the meeting with Pike, who gave her until the end of the week to give him more money.

May 29, 1957
Jack worried that he won't be able to find a job that can support himself and Betty Jean. When Betty Jean needed money to buy groceries and pay the rent, Jack went to Sara for help. Mary became edgy over Roger reading another newspaper article about Mike's investigation into the black market baby operation. Betty Jean smelled perfume on the money Jack gave her and became jealous, but later she realized that Sara had lent him the money.

May 30, 1957
Mike had Willy tail Rosemarie to her meeting with Sekuler, and he figured that Rosemarie is trying get her baby back. Sekuler convinced former lawyer Eddie Holland to draft papers indicating that Rosemarie gave up rights to her daughter. Mike decided to pick up Sekuler and keep him on ice until he can persuade Rosemarie to squeal. Sekuler warned Rosemarie that only he can get her kid back and made her sign papers first.

May 31, 1957
Rosemarie begged Winston to drop the investigation, arguing that if the story is picked up by the papers, her in-laws might find out her secret. Sara and Mike visited the Harpers, and Mary became unnerved when Roger started showing off Billy's baby photos. Winston demanded to an angry Mike that he leave Rosemarie and Sekuler alone. Mike's conversation about adopted babies struck a nerve with Mary. After she and Mike got into a quarrel, Mary ran out.

Jun 03, 1957
Roger enlisted Sara's help to find out why Mary has been so edgy lately. Winston and Mike disagreed over the governor's decision to not keep pressuring Rosemarie. Mike asked for the help of Pat Sherman who runs the Ho Hi Ho club. Sherman talked to some cohorts in the rackets to get information on Sekuler. Mike wanted more information than the preliminaries that Sherman offered him.

Jun 04, 1957
Sara admired Mary's expensive broach. Later Mary hocked it to get more blackmail money for Clayton Pike. Roger learned that he might get a work transfer and considered a change for the family a good thing. During a tea party, Mattie and Betty Jean got off to a bad start when Mattie acted coldly toward her, and Betty Jean lost her temper. Mary's hopes were raised after Roger told her that they might be leaving Monticello for good.

Jun 05, 1957
Jack worried that he's being blackballed in his job search because of his association with Harry, but he finally got a break with Jake Golick's trucking company, even though Harry had cheated him. Mattie considered selling her house now that Jack and Sara are gone. Jack lied about getting a supervisor's job at Jake's trucking company and was called on the carpet for taking money from Sara. Mattie lectured Jack about where he's going in life.

Jun 06, 1957
Mike raced against time to arrest Sekuler over orders otherwise. Eddie Holland completed the papers that verify Rosemarie gave up all rights to her daughter. Sekuler pressured Rosemarie to sign his document by saying that she could have her kid back within 24 hours of signing it. Winston confessed to Mike that he was responsible for the DA and governor pulling him off Sekuler's back. Pat Sherman's informant linked Sekuler and Holland, prompting Mike to order an arrest.

Jun 07, 1957
Mike and Winston crossed swords over Mike's orders for Willy to take Sekuler into custody. Rosemarie finally cracked and decided to squeal on Sekuler. Holland advised Sekuler to blow town because word's out that Rosemarie's going to squeal to the DA. Sekuler swore that he'd get at Rosemarie. Later Rosemarie went into hysterics when it was discovered that Sekuler skipped town without revealing the whereabouts of her baby.

Jun 10, 1957
A furious Rosemarie blamed Mike for blowing her chances of getting her daughter back. Parmalee said that Mike's reckless behavior ruined the investigation, so he's being dismissed. Mary admitted to Sara that she's in trouble and moving away will solve her problems. Mike tracked down Rosemarie and made her see reason. Parmalee told Mike that he's being taken off the crime commission. After Rosemarie mentioned her daughter having a rare medical condition, Mike had an idea about how they can find her without Sekuler's help.

Jun 11, 1957
Mike raised Rosemarie's spirits with the news that her clue might help them uncover her daughter's whereabouts. Parmalee told Mike that he's making a report of Mike's insubordination and dismissal from the crime commission, and warned that DA Thompson could fire Mike from the DA's office. Mike wouldn't give Parmalee his new clue in the case. Willy agreed to help track down Rosemarie's baby. Parmalee's wife Mildred attempted to comfort him about the unpleasant incident with Mike.

Jun 12, 1957
Mattie told Sara that Uncle Harry's prison psychiatrist wants to meet with Cora. Mildred and Sara agreed to combine their efforts to resolve the tension between Mike and Parmalee. Parmalee asked for help from DA Thompson's secretary Joyce, who told him that he should dictate a memo describing Mike's actions. Later, Mildred told her husband that he made a terrible mistake. Parmalee attempted to get the memo back from Joyce, but she lied that she had already sent it. After Parmalee left, Joyce took the memo and mailed it.

Jun 13, 1957
Totally out of touch with reality, Harry dictated a letter to Marilyn, asking the governor for help with all of the people who are persecuting him. Cora paid a visit to Jack and Betty Jean, and when Jack told her about his important new job, she warned him not to fall into the same trap as his Uncle Harry. At the prison hospital, Harry's psychiatrist told Cora that Harry's going to be confined to a ward for the criminally insane and will never recover. Cora wished Harry heartfelt luck and said her goodbye.

Jun 14, 1957
Willy warned Mike not to trust Parmalee and Joyce. Joyce told Mike that DA Thompson wants a meeting with him. Mike and Sara quarreled about Sara wanting to work, and the situation grew worse when Cora spilled the beans about Sara giving money to Jack. Joyce hinted to DA Thompson that Mike's angling for his job. Willy found a promising lead on Rosemarie's baby but insisted that Mike has to be the one to actually recover the kid.

Jun 17, 1957
Teresa and Louie Baccoli, who adopted Rosemarie's baby, planned to skip the country before the cops closed. Mike tracked down the Baccoli's pharmacist who told him that the couple was too old to have their own child. Teresa went to collect the baby's prescription, just missing Mike. Later, she and Louie packed the car for their drive to Canada.

Jun 18, 1957
Mildred suspected that Parmalee's vendetta against Mike originates from Mike being right in the Cora Lane trial. DA Thompson was annoyed to discover that Mike swore out a warrant for the Baccolis. Mike managed to stop the Baccolis who confessed that Sekuler sold them their baby and claimed that the mother was dead. Thompson thawed toward Mike after hearing he'd found Rosemarie's baby, but Parmalee said he'd get Mike next time.

Jun 19, 1957
Joyce manipulated Parmalee's jealousy of Mike. Mike didn't fall for Joyce's offer of congratulations in getting Rosemarie's baby back. Mattie insisted that she hasn't forgiven Wyn and Ella Battle for treating Jack badly. Mike broke the good news to Rosemarie and suggested that she finally tell her family the truth. Parmalee didn't accept Mike's offer to call a truce.

Jun 20, 1957
Teresa Baccoli refused to give up the baby and accused Rosemarie of being an unfit mother. Mike tried to referee the two women. A welfare agent told Willy that neither Rosemarie nor Teresa should have the baby in the current situation. Mike learned that Sekuler has been traced to nearby Springfield. Teresa considered hiring an attorney to fight for the baby.

Jun 21, 1957
Louie Baccoli took action by inviting Rosemarie to his home. Parmalee's jealousy of Mike grew. Teresa agreed to let Rosemarie see her daughter. After watching Rosemarie's interaction with the child Teresa realized the most obvious solution. Parmalee ordered Mildred to stop being friends with Sara Karr. Teresa gave everyone her decision about what to do with Rosemarie's child.

Jun 24, 1957
Sara and Mattie came up with a plan to convince Mike that Sara should be allowed to work. Betty Jean told Sara about Jack's latest plan to go into business with Johnny Phillips, whose father JH Phillips is an influential Monticello businessman. Betty Jean confided that Jack needs money, and she's afraid of how far he'll go to get it. Rosemarie's former mother-in-law Mrs. Tupper came to Monticello to see the baby.

Jun 25, 1957
Rosemarie convinced Mrs. Tupper to go to the Baccolis' to see the baby, though Mrs. Tupper doubts the child's paternity. Willy convinced Rosemarie, Teresa, and Louie to testify against Sekuler. Willy used the Baccolis' typed birth certificate to compare against Eddie Holland's typewriter. Holland began to crumble when Willy suggested the connection. Mrs. Tupper realized that the Baccoli baby is he late son's child.

Jun 26, 1957
Willy tailed Sekuler, who was back in Monticello. At the Harper house, Sara realized that Mary was lying when she told Roger that she hadn't seen her expensive brooch in a while. Mary made Sara promise to not tell Roger the truth about the brooch. Roger reported Mary's missing jewelry to the insurance company for an investigation. Willy confronted Sekuler.

Jun 27, 1957
Sekuler gave a statement to the cops denying any involvement with Rosemarie's baby being stolen. Mike was suspicious of Joyce, who wanted to act as stenographer for Sekuler's statement. Mike had another talk with Parmalee and realized that Joyce is trying to sabotage him. Cora said her final goodbyes before moving back to New England. Mildred consoled Parmalee who admitted that he isn't half the man that Mike is.

Jun 28, 1957
During their coffee klatsch, Mildred confessed to Sara that Parmalee fears Mike will take his job. A stunned Roger learned from the insurance adjuster that Mary sold the missing brooch. After the adjuster showed him undeniable proof, Roger angrily demanded that Mary return home to talk. Roger confronted Mary, who stuck to her story, until Roger showed her the proof he has of her duplicity.

Jul 01, 1957
Mary was unable to continue lying and confessed about selling the brooch. After Roger decided that their marriage is a farce, a tearful Mary ran out, and Roger suffered an attack. Sara wasn't thrilled with Jack's talk of going into business with Johnny Phillips. Mary went back home and found a sick Roger, who had another attack and passed out. Sara and Billy arrived at the Harper home along with a doctor, and Mary claimed that she killed Roger.

Jul 02, 1957
Roger's condition stabilized. Mary tried to phone Clayton Pike, but she got his wife Liz, who thought Mary was one of Clayton's rotten dames. Liz told Clayton about Sekuler being picked up by the cops and warned him that his activities must not hurt their current schemes. Clayton lied that he has no business with Sekuler. The doctor cautioned Mary that another attack might kill Roger. Clayton told Mary that if she can't keep paying him, he can't continue to keep her secret.

Jul 03, 1957
Johnny Phillips talked Jack into going to Mattie to get the money they need to start their business. Winston asked Mike to smooth over some ruffled feathers by giving Parmalee some of the credit in the black market baby investigation. Mattie told a dejected Jack that she turned over her financial administration to Winston, who won't give Jack the money. Jack began to sound like Uncle Harry when he wailed to Betty Jean that his mother has turned against him.

Jul 04, 1957
Rosemarie learned that Sekuler is out on bail. Sekuler went to Clayton Pike for help, but Clayton told him to stay away. Later, Sekuler talked to Liz Pike and told her that Clayton is two timing her with a blonde, and he'll help her get back at him. Liz subtly fished for information with Clayton. Mike received word from Willy that Sekuler and Clayton Pike were seen together.

Jul 05, 1957
Mary sharply instructed Clayton to never contact her again, but he convinced her to meet him. Roger clued Mary in that he knows she runs off to secret meetings with a man after getting mysterious phone calls. Liz followed Clayton to his meeting with Mary, who Liz mistook for the mistress Sekuler told her about. Roger informed Mary that he wants out of their marriage, and defeated, she didn't object. Clayton arrived home to find an infuriated Liz, who threatened to destroy him and Mary.

Jul 07, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 08, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 09, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 10, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 11, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 15, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 16, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 17, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 18, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 19, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 22, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 23, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 24, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 25, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 26, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 29, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 30, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Jul 31, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 01, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 02, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 05, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 06, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 07, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 08, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 09, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 12, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 13, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 14, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 15, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 16, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 19, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 20, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 21, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 22, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 26, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 27, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 28, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 29, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Aug 30, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 02, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 03, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 04, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 05, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 06, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 09, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 10, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 11, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 12, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 13, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 16, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 17, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 18, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 19, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 20, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 23, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 24, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 25, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 26, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 27, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Sep 30, 1957
Sybil warned Ollie that Mike suspects someone is spying in the district attorney's office. Ollie refused to reveal to Sybil the identity of their "Mr. Big". Later, he confirmed that Mr. Big wants to replace Thompson with someone more easily manipulated. Sybil compiled dossiers on Mike, Ed Parmalee, and Peter Dalton for Mr. Big. Bebe Spode faced harassment at school over her dad Martin being a convict. John Phillips examined Sybil's dossiers, and chose Peter Dalton to oust DA Thompson. Sara told Bebe's school principal that Martin has applied for an early release from ...

Oct 01, 1957
Sybil theorized that Peter Dalton's wife Virginia is his Achilles heel. Dalton rejected Ollie's overtures of providing him with an influential backer to get him into the DA's position. Winston talked with Mattie about her husband George, who remains missing after disappearing years ago. Just as Sybil thought, Virginia Dalton encouraged Peter seize Ollie's offer. Dalton agreed to at least discuss the deal with Ollie's mysterious investor. Ollie and Sybil laughed about getting Dalton on the hook.

Oct 02, 1957
Mike disappointed Sara by refusing to endorse Martin Spode's bid for an early release from prison. Liz locked up Mary's brooch in a strong box and cautioned Clayton that she can send him to the pen. Clayton managed to get a key to Liz's strongbox. Lt. Harrison and Mike went over the details of a car crash involving Clayton Pike fifteen years ago in which another man was killed and burned beyond recognition. Mike speculated that Clayton switched identities with his passenger and is an impostor. Photos of Clayton Pike from Arizona don't match the man now residing in ...

Oct 03, 1957
Jack groused about working so hard for such little money. Jack's boss Jake Golick realized that someone wants to run him out of business. Jack worried about losing his job. Jake offered to give Jack a glowing work recommendation. Betty Jean applauded Jack for his unselfish attitude about Jake's problems. Peter Dalton waited on pins and needles for Ollie's call. Sybil said that Dalton is ready to jump and urged Ollie to give him a call. Dalton reacted nervously to Ollie's call.

Oct 04, 1957
Sara wrote to inform Cora of Bebe's problems. Ollie nixed a meeting between Dalton and the private sponsor since Dalton's not interested in taking Thompson's job. Mike and Sara quarreled over Mike's reticence to help Martin Spode. Later, Mike witnessed a quarrel between friends and made up with Sara. Ollie and Phillips decided to let Dalton meet his potential benefactor. Dalton considered going for the plan after he was assured that he won't owe Phillips anything for his patronage. Ollie and Phillips privately chuckled at Dalton's naiveté. Dalton fantasized going from...

Oct 07, 1957
Bebe was tormented by nightmares of her father. Sara reassured Bebe that she'll see Martin again. Mike's apology to Sara dissolved into another argument about Martin Spode. Virginia Dalton wondered if Winston is the benefactor supporting Peter, but he wouldn't give up JH Phillips's identity. Peter was torn between his ambition and his loyalty to DA Thompson. After Sara told him about Bebe's turmoil, Mike moved closer to approving Spode's release. Virginia and Peter celebrated his future as Monticello's DA.

Oct 08, 1957
Clayton Pike schemed to use Mary Harper's brooch against Liz. Pike and his mistress planned to knock off Billy Harper and steal his inheritance. Dalton maneuvered to get the Leo Sekuker/Eddie Holland case away from Mike. Phillips was pleased when Dalton finally agreed to take over the DA's office, but Dalton stressed again that he won't be told how to do his job. Liz slapped Clayton and commented she would like to give him up to the cops, but he deserves to suffer a bit longer. Dalton decided he'd have to get rid of Mike if Mike gets in his way.

Oct 09, 1957
Winston and Mike spoke of getting the support of Monticello's most influential citizens behind DA Thompson's re-election. Mike told Winston that he's not familiar with JH Phillips, who's on Winston's list. Ollie threatened Sybil when she joked that he's not paying enough attention to her, and she might double cross him with Thompson. Winston encouraged Mattie to file George's life insurance policy since he's obviously dead. Ollie told Phillips that he's worried about Sybil. Sybil lied to her husband Joe so that she could two-time him with Ollie.

Oct 10, 1957
Peter learned that the Holland/Sekuler case is going to trial in a week. Sara received word that Hester Spode is returning to Monticello. Mike feared Martin's release is hopeless since he was involved in a prison fight. The Pike maid told Liz that she saw Clayton with Liz's strongbox right before Liz's brooch disappeared. Peter hoped that Mike could collar Clayton Pike so that Peter can get all the press. Clayton sneered that he can frame Liz for the black market baby scam, then she gave him one day to return her brooch, or she'll nail him for the murder back in ...

Oct 11, 1957
Peter and Virginia had DA Thompson over for dinner to fish out details of his election strategy. When Peter had an attack of guilt, Virginia reminded him that he owes a lot more to his mystery benefactor. Just before Hester was due back in Monticello, Bebe told Sara that she wants to stay with her and Mike. Hester was distraught to learn that Martin's prison fight might cost him parole. Mike promised Hester to help free Martin for little Bebe's sake. The Daltons plied Thompson with liquor. Later, Peter persuaded him to take Mike off the Holland/Sekuler case and give ...

Oct 14, 1957
With Bebe gone, Sara hinted to Mike that their home is empty without kids. Mike refused to take DA Thompson's reassignment. Sybil's husband caught her having lunch with Ollie, but she passed Ollie off as DA Thompson's campaign manager. Sara comforted Mike about being reassigned. Mike agreed to talk to Martin Spode while visiting the prison for his new case. Mike told Thompson he'll take the new assignment. Joe admitted to Sybil that he was jealous to see her with another man.

Oct 15, 1957
Hester wanted Mike to do whatever he can to get Martin released from prison. Phillips and Ollie planned to promote Dalton by getting organizer Katherine Guthrie to announce his candidacy at a community fund raiser. Mrs. Guthrie gave Phillips his money back when he asked her to announce support of Dalton. Phillips argued that Monticello is being besieged with crime, and asked that Guthrie produce a better candidate. Mrs. Phillps agreed to consider Dalton and present him to her committee.

Oct 16, 1957
Irene and Clayton were ready to put their scheme into motion. Bebe confided in Sara about being harassed at school. Sara advised Bebe to avoid her mean schoolmate Kitty. Kitty continue to bully Bebe, so she befriended another Kitty's friend Polly. Liz gave Clayton another chance to return the brooch. Clayton asked Irene to wear the brooch. Later they planned to kill Liz and Billy and have Irene pose as Billy's mother to collect the child's inheritance.

Oct 17, 1957
Clayton lied to Liz that he stole her brooch and sold it to pay off a debt. Later he sent Irene to the beauty parlor where Liz was having her hair done. Liz spotted Irene wearing the brooch and was angered by Irene's coy responses. Mike met with his client at the prison and believed his story. Just as Clayton planned, Liz followed Irene back to her apartment. Clayton wouldn't let Irene keep the brooch since he needs it to continue his plan. Liz barged into Irene's apartment and found her kissing Clayton.

Oct 18, 1957
Liz stormed out after seeing Irene and Clayton together. Clayton and Irene tailed Liz to the bank. Irene and Clayton were both armed with guns. Martin Spode explained to Mike that he was defending Hester's honor when he fought with his cell mate. Liz got into a taxi to go to the police station, but it was being driven by a disguised Clayton. Irene got into the cab and pulled a gun on Liz. Irene stopped Liz from escaping and snatched an envelope she had picked up at the bank. After opening the envelope, Clayton burned it. Liz told Clayton that she still knows he ...

Oct 21, 1957
Clayton showed Liz copies of documents that implicate her as an accessory after the fact to the murder he committed in Arizona. Willy informed Rosemarie that she won't have to testify in the Holland/Sekuker trial since Sekuker pleaded guilty. Dalton strong-armed Rosemarie into giving a TV interview praising him for the victory in the case. Liz handed Clayton a check for $10,000, and he let her go. Later, Clayton decided to let Bill Harper live, but he's going to kill someone else.

Oct 22, 1957
Mike interviewed Martin's cell mate Tom. Tom admitted to Mike that he made a crack to Martin insinuating that Hester was making time with other men while Martin has been incarcerated. Sympathetic to Martin's situation, Mike plead his case to the prison warden, urging him to not let the incident ruin Spode's chance at early parole. Jack told Betty Jean about his boss Jake losing his business. Betty Jean speculated that Jack might be in a position to help, if he can convince Winston to invest in the failing business. Jack decided to follow his wife's advice.

Oct 23, 1957
Phillips used the Holland/Sekuler case to persuade Mrs. Guthrie into giving Peter Dalton her endorsement. Willy suggested that Rosemarie try to get a job in Monticello when she admitted that she doesn't want to go upstate with her mother-in-law. Attorney Russell O'Brien visited Mike from England and told him that he's searching for the heirs to the Ambrose Heller estate. O'Brien piqued Mike's interest with news that a pregnant Dorothy Haller, the heir, had entered Clayton Pike's nursing home, and Pike claimed to have forwarded O'Brien's letter to Dorothy. Mike agreed ...

Oct 24, 1957
Mike informed Sara and Hester of his talk with the warden. Mike theorized that Martin Spode now has a better chance of early parole. Jack kept his word and spoke to Winston about offering his financial support to Jake. Winston agreed to a meeting with Jake. Clayton realized that he can't hurt Billy Harper without raising police suspicion. Later, Clayton and Irene planned to find a treacherous road with a flimsy guard rail in order to murder Mary and cover it up as an accidental car crash.

Oct 25, 1957
Willy couldn't help Mike begin his investigation into Dorothy Haller's disappearance. An anxious Peter awaited the initiation of his campaign for the DA's office. Mrs. Guthrie went on television and endorsed Dalton for office. Later, Peter demonstrated just the right amount of surprise and modesty over his "unexpected" nomination. Virginia was pleased at Peter's élan with the press. Willy talked with Rosemarie about a way to help become employed and stay in Monticello.

Oct 28, 1957
Peter was encouraged to give a televised response to Mrs. Guthrie. A suspicious Mike wondered who was responsible for Dalton's endorsement. On air, Dalton coyly played to the audience. Everyone doubted that Dalton was really surprised by his nomination. When Virginia celebrated the latest turn of events, Dalton cautioned her that he desperately needs Mike's support. Peter phoned Mike, who couldn't be dissuaded away from loyalty to DA Thompson.

Oct 29, 1957
Mike and DA Thompson speculated that someone is attempting to plant Dalton in the district attorney's office to interfere with Monticello crime enforcement. An infuriated Thompson vowed to fire Dalton, but Dalton came in to quit. Thompson tossed Dalton out of his office. Phillips hired campaign organizer Faith Fleming to ensure Dalton's election. Mike advised Thompson that making a response to Dalton's nomination would give Peter even more publicity. Faith met Virginia Dalton and afterward agreed with Phillips that Peter is a shoe-in for the election.

Oct 30, 1957
Clayton lured Mary with the hint of frightening news about Billy. Phillips and Ollie planned to get shills for Peter's television rally. Clayton terrified Mary with the lie that Billy's real mother has returned to Monticello and wants the child back. Ollie attempted to cheat Fitzsimmons in a deal for shills. Afraid he'd get in trouble with Phillips, Ollie had to make up the difference when Fitzsimmons wanted $2000 more than Ollie offered. Phillips caught on to Ollie's predicament.

Oct 31, 1957
As she prepped Peter's campaign rally, Faith Fleming laughed that the whole thing had been rigged without Dalton's knowledge. Peter began to feel like a puppet, but Virginia calmed his fears. Mike declined to attend the campaign rally because some people might mistake it as an endorsement. Fleming's TV audience went crazy on camera for Dalton, who gave in to their insistence he run for office. An incredulous Mike watched Dalton's rally on TV. Later, Peter called to give Mike a final chance to stand with him, but Mike refused. Faith commented that no one will knock ...

Nov 01, 1957
Clayton filled Irene in on his Harper plan, and asked her to hand over her pistol. Mildred and Sara annoyed two women at lunch by attempting to expose Dalton as undeserving of the DA's office. Clayton and Irene rented an apartment posing as Mr. and Mrs. Throckmorton. Irene pretended to be Mary and reserved a table at a tavern on dangerous Route 43, giving Mary a reason to be on the road where the fatal car crash happens. Mary appeared to foil Clayton's perfect murder plans by not being at home when he called to lure her to the tavern.

Nov 04, 1957
Clayton cursed not getting a chance to kill Mary the day before. Later, he phoned her with the bad news that Billy's mother Dorothy Haller is trying to contact him. Bebe and Billy met on the playground, and he asked her over for a visit. Irene pretended to be Mary's friend and tricked Bebe and Billy into going to the movies with her. When Billy failed to come home from school, Clayton told her that Billy had been taken by Mrs. Haller. Mary begged Clayton to help her get Billy back, and Clayton realized that he has Mary just where he wants her.

Nov 05, 1957
Mike received definitive proof that the man known as Clayton Pike is an impostor. Liz tried but couldn't dissuade Clayton from continuing his plot against Mary. Clayton met Mary and forced her to drive in a storm to the place where Mrs. Haller allegedly has Billy. Mike went to confront Pike and found him gone. Mary nearly crashed her car in the storm. Clayton feared his plans were going to be foiled again when the car stalled in the rain. Mike enlisted Willy to watch Pike's apartment. Captain Marceau sent officers to back up Willy.

Nov 06, 1957
Clayton made Mary go to a mechanic for help with the car. Mike worked with Captain Marceau to stakeout Clayton's place as well as Irene's. Roger went to the Karr house after he realized that Mary and Billy are missing. Roger let it slip to Mike that Billy was born in Pike's nursing home. Clayton forced Mary to walk to the apartment that he and Irene rented as the Throckmortons. Mary started to grow suspicious of Clayton, who bolted the door behind them.

Nov 07, 1957
Mary wanted to phone the police. Clayton stalled Mary by promising to help her get Billy back. Mary was horrified when Clayton suggested they use murder to stop Dorothy Haller. Hester tried to find Bebe at the Harper house. Irene returned the kids to their respective homes. Irene told Roger that Mary went to the country to buy an antique. Roger noticed that Irene was wearing Mary's brooch. Roger called Mike with his fears that Mary is in trouble. Mary ran for the door, but Clayton caught her. Irene arrived, and Mary sensed imminent danger.

Nov 08, 1957
Clayton stashed Mary in a locked bedroom. Mike told a panicked Roger that state troopers are searching for Mary. Bebe talked about her afternoon with Irene, but Mike was too distracted to make the connection. Captain Marceau and Mike speculated that if they can nail Pike, it will help DA Thompson's campaign for re-election. Clayton sent Irene to get Mary's car at the garage. After Irene dressed in Mary's coat, Clayton instructed her to be seen by the doorman, who will be his witness verifying that Mary left alive. Mary overheard Clayton's comments and realized she's ...

Nov 11, 1957
Clayton and Irene feared their plans would be foiled again since their car won't be ready for another hour. Mike fumed that he could nail Pike if only he could track him down. Sara realized that Mary's "friend" was actually Pike's girlfriend Irene. Mike wondered if Irene could lead him to Pike. Bebe identified a photograph of Irene as being the lady who took her and Billy to the movies. Mike speculated that Billy might be adopted from the black market. Mike and Sara went to the hospital and gained access to Billy's medical records. After learning that Billy couldn't ...

Nov 12, 1957
Mike alerted Chief Marceau to the potential threat against Mary. Marceau issued an APB for everyone involved in Pike's scheme. Pike went over his plan to fly to London with Billy and Irene, and have Irene pose as Dorothy Haller to collect Billy's inheritance. Mary attempted to escape from the locked bedroom. Pike spiked Mary's coffee with sleeping pills to keep her under control. Later, he pretended that he wants to double-cross Irene and promised Mary that he'll save her. Mike devised a plan to get Irene to lead him to Clayton Pike.

Nov 13, 1957
Pike attempted to trick Mary into signing an innocent note that taken out of context made it sound like she was running off with a lover. Sgt. Helen Killbourn pretended to be a prostitute and told Mary that the cops are about to get Pike. A panicked Irene fled back to Pike's apartment hideout to warn him. Mike and the cops tailed Irene to the apartment house. Later, Irene was taken into custody by Helen. Mary signed Clayton's note, but managed to lock herself in the bedroom. Pike tried to break down the door, while Mary started to escape via a barricaded window.

Nov 14, 1957
A frantic Mary clawed at the grating over the bedroom window, while Clayton Pike tried to force the locked door open. Just as Pike busted through, Mary managed to slip out the window and ran to a neighboring roof. Pike pursued Mary, realizing that she was headed straight for the garage. Mike arrived at Pike's apartment and called for police backup. In the garage, Pike caught up with Mary, who was beginning to feel the effects of the sleeping pills. Irene confessed Pike's plan to Mike. Pike forced Mary into the car, but Mike and the cops converged outside.

Nov 15, 1957
Pike KO'ed Mary's mechanic, but before he could get away, Mike and the cops surrounded the building. Pike opened fire on the police. Captain Marceau sneaked into the building but almost got shot by Pike. Pike dragged Mary behind the car to use her as a human shield against the police. While Marceau distracted Pike, Mike attacked him from behind. A struggle ensued between Pike, Marceau, Mike, and Mary. Mary fell and hit her head in the struggle. Mike and Marceau subdued Pike, until he pulled another gun and escaped. Sgt. Helen Killbourn examined an unconscious Mary. ...

Nov 18, 1957
Text: The police arrested Liz Pike who was trying to leave town with a suitcase stuffed with cash. Jack tried to appease a very touchy Betty Jean. Betty Jean repeatedly asked Jack if he would still love her no matter what happens. As Mary continued to hover near death in the hospital, doctors were mystified by her worsening condition. Mike put the screws to Irene, and when he threatened to send her to the electric chair if Mary dies, Irene confessed that Pike drugged Mary with sleeping pills. With Irene's confession, doctors treated Mary for an overdose. An upset ...

Nov 19, 1957
Mike persuaded DA Thompson to withhold the story of Mary's involvement with Clayton Pike until she can reconcile with her family. After taking Thompson's dictation about the case, Sybil told Ollie all of the details. Ollie and Virginia Dalton decided to leak Thompson's notes to the newspaper. Mary came out of her coma. Mike reasoned with Roger to understand how much courage it took for Mary to protect him and their son. Mary refused to tell Roger that Billy's not their child.

Nov 20, 1957
Aggressive newspaper reporter Gillian Brill hounded Mike after she was given a scoop on Pike and the Harper family from Ollie. Roger tried to comfort Billy who wondered if Mary was running off with Pike. Mike warned Mary that she's got to tell Roger and Billy the truth before the newspapers print it. Peter allowed Brill to interview him and lied that Thompson delayed prosecuting Pike until closer to the election. Mike convinced Mary to tell Roger the truth. Before Mary could confess, Brill told Roger that Billy isn't his son.

Nov 21, 1957
Gillian realized Roger didn't already know that Billy had been adopted from the black market. Sara suspected that Betty Jean is pregnant. An eavesdropping Billy overheard Mary explain to Roger how she came to acquire Billy from Clayton Pike. A devastated Roger screamed that he wants nothing to do with Mary and Billy. Mary pleaded with Roger for forgiveness, but he walked out on her. Sara attempted to console Mary who wished that she'd been killed by Pike because she's lost everything.

Nov 22, 1957
Roger phoned to say that he moved into a hotel and will be sending for his clothes. Sara urged Mike to intercede in the Harper marriage. Mike argued that by interceding, he may have already cost DA Thompson the election. Billy couldn't be consoled by Bebe. Bebe confided to Billy that her father might get out of prison soon. Since Mike refused to help, Sara went to Roger and gave an impassioned appeal to forgive Mary. Roger submitted to Sara's pleas. Roger returned home to a grateful Mary. Bebe phoned the Harpers to say that Billy ran away.

Nov 25, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 26, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 27, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 28, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Nov 29, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 02, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 03, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 04, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 05, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 06, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 09, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 10, 1957
Willy tells Mike that Ed was the staff member who talked to Dalton.

Dec 11, 1957
Peter Dalton learns he won the election in a landslide.

Dec 12, 1957
Ed confesses to Mike that he stabbed Ben Thompson in the back.

Dec 13, 1957
Hester worries that Martin wanted a stay at home wife. Martin is jealous of Hester's co-worker Henry Muller.

Dec 16, 1957
Peter Dalton refuses Mike's resignation saying it would be detrimental to the city's civic good.

Dec 17, 1957
Virginia interferes with her husband Peter's call to the governor by insisting he fire Sybil.

Dec 18, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 19, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 20, 1957
Bebe comes back home and tells her father Martin how much she loves him.

Dec 01, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 24, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 25, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 26, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 27, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 30, 1957
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 31, 1957
Hank Muller offered Hester a way to make money, and although she refused at first, she later agreed when he told her to tell Martin that the money was from old commissions. Phillips concocted a scheme to have newsman McGinnis arrested and then involve Dalton. When Jim Mitchell queried Phillips about an ex-con to work in his automotive garage, Phillips suggested Martin Spode. Mike enjoyed watching Dalton squirm at a photo of the man at the election rally. Phillips continued to play Dalton like a fiddle. Martin caught Hester having a grand time with Hank and stormed out...
The Edge of Night Season 2 (1957) is released on Jan 01, 1957 and the latest season 28 of The Edge of Night is released in 1983. Watch The Edge of Night online - the English Crime TV series from United States. The Edge of Night is directed by John Sedwick,Richard Pepperman,Richard Sandwick,Don Wallace and created by Irving Vendig with and .