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Episodes (26)

Sep 28, 1999
The Formans have a garage sale to earn some extra cash. Hyde doesn't have anything to sell, so he bakes "special brownies" to sell; Kitty, Red, Bob and Midge eat some of the brownies unsuspectingly. Fez kisses Jackie who tells Donna it's the best kiss she's ever had. (#26)

Oct 05, 1999
Red gets drunk at a bar on the last day of work and when Eric, Fez and Hyde go to pick him up, he gets them drunk as well; Kelso gets a van and has sex. (#27)

Oct 12, 1999
Donna, Eric, Fez and Hyde go to a hip new club. (#28)

Oct 19, 1999
After Laurie eagerly points out at the family breakfast table that Eric has a hickey, Fez wants one too, from anyone. Hyde is sick of bunking and decides to move out of Eric's room, but to which other room? In another feminist flare, Midge takes Donna for a ride, bagging on Bob and shopping; at their return, pa insists to retaliate. Kelso decides to steal lingerie from Kitty's hamper to commemorate his humping with Laurie, who gets a surprising visit from her former University of Wisconsin psychology professor Stark, who inexplicably offers to help the lazy cow get ...

Oct 26, 1999
It's Halloween and the gang goes to their old abandoned, burnt down grammar school.

Nov 02, 1999
When the group goes to Vanstock, Kelso gets stuck in the middle when he invites Laurie along after Jackie said she wasn't going, but Jackie then changes her mind.

Nov 09, 1999
When Donna tells Eric she loves him he freaks out and only says that he loves cake; the gang teases Kelso for looking like the Fonz in his new leather jacket.

Nov 16, 1999
Donna sleeps with Eric for the first time and Hyde gets a job.

Nov 30, 1999
Hyde and Fez go on a double date while Eric is suspended for smoking.

Dec 07, 1999
It's Red's birthday, Bob and Midge are both dating other people and Eric is upset Donna talked to Hyde about her parent's problems instead of talking to him.

Dec 14, 1999
Laurie moves out whilst Jackie becomes suspicious of Micheal when Laurie gives him back a sweater left in her room.

Jan 11, 2000
While Jackie wants to enter a beauty contest, Eric suspects Hyde of stealing his money.

Jan 18, 2000
The guys go hunting, and Red bags a deer while Eric wishes he could be somewhere else. Fez goes into the woods with a stick and a whistle, and comes back with dinner.

Feb 01, 2000
Bob is livid and worried sick to read Price Mart is opening a branch in Point Place, but Red cares only for the next paragraph: they're hiring. However his candidature for supervisor is very uncertain, director Ted offers an instant job as cashier- should he accept? Eric wants to help, taking a hamburger job, but Red is against, feeling diminished in his breadwinner pride, Kitty tries to sooth both. Kelso finds dating both Jackie and Laurie disappointing: he mainly gets double nagging and expectations, little physical fun. Then Price Mart calls about both Forman ...

Feb 07, 2000
Michael ignores Jackie's mean refusal to invite Fez and Hyde to the fancy party she hosts in her posh parents' home, even adding dubious acquaintances, including scamp Timmy, who starts by stripping off his pants. Unaccustomed to the mundane, Eric overdoes it when Donna suggests he should relax and enjoy himself. Jackie goes to sulk in her room, demanding Kelso 'fixes it', but things get even further out of hand. Meanwhile Red has accidentally discovered Bob wears a hair-rug and tells Kitty, so that becomes the elephant in Red's living room on the couple's scrabble ...

Feb 14, 2000
Bob and Midge are getting ready to renew their vows. Kitty is upset because her close friend Midge didn't ask her as a bridesmaid while Red is Bob's best man. Eric and Donna have sex for the first time.

Feb 21, 2000
Eric is humiliated when Kelso blabs to the guys that Donna told Jackie that Eric was lame in the sack. Kitty is astonished when Red celebrates his first paycheck by buying a motorcycle.

Feb 28, 2000
Eric is forced to go on a date with his mom. He is embarrassed seeing sex and drugs with his mom. But he warms up to it. Fez gets a cute new girlfriend. Jackie has to admit that she is jealous and has feelings for Fez.

Mar 07, 2000
A policeman catches Donna and Eric in the act, and they now have to explain to their parents why the police brought them home. Meanwhile Kelso, Hyde and Fez use Kelso's CB radio to pick up girls.

Mar 20, 2000
Eric is afraid he'll be in big trouble with Donna after he runs over her cat, Mr. Bonkers. And Kelso is sure he's in bigger trouble when Jackie catches him giving Laurie a kiss.

Mar 27, 2000
Kelso wants to win Jackie back by writing her a song, while Jackie turns to the unlikeliest person for comfort. Meanwhile, Red, Kitty and Laurie visit bitter Aunt Pearl (Connie Sawyer) in a retirement home, and Eric and Donna get into communication problems.

Apr 03, 2000
Dumped Kelso's only relieve is to hear Jackie is miserable too, but Fez is determined to seize the opportunity to ask her out; she accepts dining at an expensive French restaurant without even asking first who with, then stuffs herself full with both plates and keeps nagging about Michael, but even after that shameless abuse the puppy is happy to be openly kept on a string, Kelso to hear his 'rival' gets nowhere. Eric believes to overhear Laurie telling Hyde an embarrassing secret about him which nobody will specify, so he carelessly 'admits as insignificant' to the ...

May 01, 2000
Eric and Laurie decide not to go to church anymore so Kitty invites Pastor Dave over for family game night; Fez and Kelso attempt to grow beards.

May 08, 2000
Red must fire an employee at Price Mart that both he and Eric enjoy making fun of; Kelso decides to go public about his relationship with Laurie.

May 15, 2000
Red decides to have a talk with Kelso after finding out that he has been dating Laurie; Hyde tries to teach Jackie how to be cool after Laurie insults her.

May 22, 2000
Eric gets annoyed when he finds a picture of Donna in the yearbook mooning a camera; Fez thinks the white man is trying to keep him down.
That '70s Show Season 2 (1999) is released on Sep 28, 1999 and the latest season 8 of That '70s Show is released in 2005. Watch That '70s Show online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. That '70s Show is directed by David Trainer,Terry Hughes and created by Mark Brazill with Mila Kunis and Danny Masterson. That '70s Show is available online on Peacock Premium and Amazon Video.
Eric Forman is a typical high school student growing up in Wisconsin in 1976 with his family and his friends. Together, they have the same kind of joys and sorrows that just about every teenager has while growing up. This show parodied many of the attitudes, events and fads of the 70s, along with those who grew up at the time.