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Episodes (13)

Sep 19, 1998
While hunting the pyrokinetic supervillainess Volcana, Superman learns of a mysterious organization seeking her as well.

Oct 10, 1998
When Batman goes missing, Superman takes up the mantle of the Dark Knight to keep Gotham City's supervillains from running amok.

Oct 31, 1998
Three members of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 30th century travel back in time to stop Brainiac from killing Clark Kent in his youth.

Nov 14, 1998
A mysterious fashion model is stalked by an obsessed supervillian smitten with her.

Nov 21, 1998
In an attempt to sidestep his agreement to stay away from the third dimension, Mr. Mxyzptlk convinces Bizarro to return to Earth and attack Superman.

Jan 16, 1999
Superman comes to a planet under the control of the Phantom Zone prisoners Jax-Ur and Mala, but feels he cannot interfere.

Feb 06, 1999
When Green Lantern Abin Sur fatally crash lands on Earth, his power ring selects a young artist as a replacement.

Feb 20, 1999
Jimmy Olsen finds his life complicated when his friendship with Superman publicly blows out of proportion.

May 08, 1999
Lois and Jimmy investigate a series of bizarre marine animal attacks.

May 15, 1999
Upon returning from Metropolis, Kara finds the Kents, and most of the population of Smallville as well, under the thrall of a strange itinerant preacher.

Sep 18, 1999
A desperate Ra's Al Ghul comes to Metropolis with designs on Superman and only Batman can help.

Feb 05, 2000
Superman is brainwashed to believe he is the adopted son of Darkseid and now has orders to conquer Earth.

Feb 12, 2000
Now free of Darkseid's influence, but in US military custody after being subdued; Superman breaks free to retaliate against the New God despot.
Superman: The Animated Series Season 3 (1998) is released on Sep 19, 1998 and the latest season 3 of Superman: The Animated Series is released in 1998. Watch Superman: The Animated Series online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Superman: The Animated Series is directed by Curt Geda,Dan Riba,Toshihiko Masuda,Kenji Hachizaki and created by Joe Shuster with Tim Daly and Dana Delany. Superman: The Animated Series is available online on HBO Max and HBO Max Amazon Channel.
Set in present day Metropolis against the backdrop of a bright, urban landscape, the ageless superhero combats sinister villains and rescues innocent victims in exciting new stories based on universal themes encompassing the same time-honored tradition of the classic Superman legend.