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Episodes (25)

Sep 26, 2001
In the mid-22nd century, the Earth ship Enterprise is launched under the command of Captain Jonathan Archer. When the crew rescues an alien from a crashed spaceship, Earth gets its first look at the alien's race - the Klingons. Archer and his crew must walk a fine line as they attempt to communicate with the Klingon pilot, whose language is completely unknown, and whose homeworld wants him back. Is this the beginning of friendship...or interstellar war?

Oct 03, 2001
Captain Archer wants to convert curiosity into deeds and decides to enter a ship floating in space. Hoshi has trouble adjusting to life on Enterprise.

Oct 10, 2001
Archer sends an away team to a habitable, luscious planet for observation. But when a storm occurs, the team begins to experience paranoid delusions.

Oct 17, 2001
After helping to repair the warp drive on board of a Xyrillian ship, Trip notices a strange bulging on his arm.

Oct 24, 2001
Enterprise tries to find out what happened on Terra Nova, the first colonization attempt outside Earth's solar system.

Oct 31, 2001
Archer, Trip and T'Pol are captured by the Andorians at a Vulcan monastery on P'Jem. They believe that the monastery is being used to spy on Andoria.

Nov 07, 2001
Enterprise discovers a comet which contains the very rare element eisilium. Then unexpectedly a Vulcan ship arrives. Captain Vanik tells they're interested in human behavior.

Nov 14, 2001
T'Pol finds unusual neutrino readings on a planet with a preindustrial society.

Nov 21, 2001
Enterprise is sent to help the freighter Fortunate after an attack. However, its first officer, Ryan, is hiding something.

Nov 28, 2001
Enterprise has a group of aliens watching a stellar phenomenon on board. When the ship is miraculously saved from blowing up, crewman Daniels has an important message for Archer.

Jan 16, 2002
After an attack by a mysterious ship, Archers orders Enterprise's return to Jupiter to install phase cannons; Hoshi makes plans for Malcolm's birthday.

Jan 23, 2002
Phlox is asked to save the Valakians from annihilation by disease. However, he discovers something unusual about the Menk, another humanoid race on the planet.

Jan 30, 2002
Enterprise tries to rescue a Klingon ship from sinking into a gas giant.

Feb 06, 2002
T'Pol is being recalled because of Enterprise's involvement in the destruction of the P'Jem sanctuary. She and Captain Archer are later kidnapped while visiting the planet Coridan.

Feb 13, 2002
While returning to Enterprise in Shuttlepod One, Trip and Reed see apparent evidence that the ship has been destroyed. With only days of oxygen left, they must find a way to survive long enough for rescue.

Feb 27, 2002
When Enterprise encounters a ship of Vulcan pilgrims, T'Pol is convinced by one of them to perform a Vulcan mind meld.

Mar 20, 2002
Lieutenant Reed discovers a rogue planet, which has broken out of orbit and therefore is devoid of any light. Life is still possible in some places because heat is bubbling up from under the surface, but T'Pol doesn't detect any humanoid life. Further scans however give a strange energy reading which seems to be coming from a ship on the surface. After the crew has landed, they encounter the Eska. The Eska come from another planet and they say they are hunting for the drayjin, an animal considered a delicacy. When captain Jonathan Archer tries to sleep on the planet, ...

Mar 27, 2002
Almost the entire crew is left unconscious when four Ferengi pirates raid Enterprise. A still conscious Trip is the only one who can get rid of them.

Apr 03, 2002
The crew of Enterprise searches for a seemingly abandoned ship on a desert planet.

Apr 24, 2002
Archer and Mayweather are captured by the Tandarans and placed in a Suliban internment camp.

May 01, 2002
A fibrous, web-like alien creature comes aboard the ship and several of the crew becomes entangled in it including Archer and Trip, and it seems Hoshi is the only one who can try to communicate with the creature.

May 08, 2002
Enterprise is planning a trip to the relaxation planet Risa, when it gets an urgent request from the Vulcan High Command. They must pick up ambassador V'Lar who has fallen in disgrace. Apparently she misused her position during negotiations on the planet Mazar and has been evicted. After Enterprise picked up V'Lar and is on its way for a meeting with the Vulcan warship Sh'Ran, suddenly a Mazarite ship appears. They want V'Lar for further interrogating. When captain Archer wants to discuss it first with Starfleet Command, they open fire.

May 08, 2002
Enterprise is for the second time on its way to Risa when yet again another urgent matter comes up: a distress call. It comes from a small vessel. The owner, Zobral, is extremely happy with the help from Enterprise and invites Captain Archer to his home world for a good meal and a game of Geskana. When Archer and Trip have landed on the desert planet, Enterprise gets a message from the Torothan Chancellor Trelit. He says Zobral isn't as nice a man as captain Archer thinks.

May 15, 2002
The members of the Enterprise crew are faced with various misadventures and challenges while taking a two day break from their duties on the planet of Risa.

May 22, 2002
Enterprise discovers a mining colony of the Paraagans. The crew gets an invitation for a meeting on the surface and a shuttle pod tries to break through the atmosphere. All of a sudden just under the shuttle a giant explosion begins and scorches the earth beneath. All 3600 colonists are reported dead. After examination, Enterprise finds out plasma leaking from the pod's vents ignited tetrazine in the atmosphere. Lieutenant Reed, however, ensures he closed the plasma vents before the shuttle went of. After conversations with admiral Forrest of Starfleet Command, ...
Star Trek: Enterprise (also know as Enterprise) Season 1 (2001) is released on Sep 26, 2001 and the latest season 4 of Star Trek: Enterprise is released in 2004. Watch Star Trek: Enterprise online - the English Action TV series from United States. Star Trek: Enterprise is directed by David Livingston,Allan Kroeker,Michael Vejar,Roxann Dawson and created by Rick Berman with Scott Bakula and John Billingsley. Star Trek: Enterprise is available online on Paramount Plus and Paramount+ Amazon Channel.
The year is 2151. Earth has spent the last 88 years since learning how to travel faster than the speed of light studying under the wisdom of their alien ally called the 'Vulcans'. Now, the first crew of human explorers sets out into deep space on a ship called the 'Enterprise' to see what is beyond our solar system.