Episodes (25)

Apr 09, 2022
A spy with the new identity of Loid Forger must find and adopt a child for his next mission.

Apr 16, 2022
In need of a wife for the school interview, Twilight crosses with a woman who might be the right cover-up for his mission. She has secrets of her own, though.

Apr 23, 2022
To prepare for the interview, Loid, Yor and Anya set out for a day in the town, visiting various locations to prepare to sell the image of being a normal upscale family.

Apr 30, 2022
The Forger family goes to Eden School for the interview, where different challenges spice things up, along with the interview itself.

May 07, 2022
Anya gets excited about passing the entrance exam but wants some motivation to study, so the family and Franky go on a role play in a castle upon Anya's request.

May 14, 2022
Anya and Yor pick up Anya's school uniform. Later, Anya has her orientation day at Eden Academy, where Loid's Plan B to get close to Donovan via having her befriend his second son, Damien, is off on a disastrous start.

May 21, 2022
On Anya's first day of school, Loid attempts to get her to apologize to Damien in hopes of salvaging the plan for the two to become friends. Unfortunately, Damien's conflicting feelings for Anya may get in the way of this.

May 28, 2022
Yor's younger brother Yuri is a member of the Ostanian Secret Police, hunting spies while keeping it a secret. But when he shows up at the Forgers' residence, their secrets come face to face.

Jun 04, 2022
After Yuri's visit, Loid begins to suspect Yor may not be who she claims. While Loid investigates, Yor struggles with questions of her own.

Jun 11, 2022
A rumor spreads among the first graders that if they do well in PE, they will be rewarded with Stella Stars. Anya is determined to get one, so she trains with Yor. Thus begins the dodgeball match between Cecile Hall and Wald Hall.

Jun 18, 2022
In order for parents to attend one of the social gatherings at Eden College, their children must be Imperial Scholars. Anya hates studying, so Loid comes up with a plan for her to get Stella Stars by doing community service.

Jun 25, 2022
A trip to the local aquarium results in mayhem for the entire Forger family as Loid is assigned a mission that is, fortuitously, located in the same place.

Oct 01, 2022
The thin veneer of peace between Ostania and Westalis threatens to break when terrorists plot an assassination attempt. The Forger family is thrown into the mayhem when searching a for a dog to adopt.

Oct 08, 2022
Anya is saved by your from the terrorists she doesn't know. The intelligent dog sees future which makes the disarming of bomb very important for anya.

Oct 15, 2022
After being rescued by Anya and a terrorist trained dog, Loid welcomes a new member to the family, Bond, their new pet.

Oct 22, 2022
Believing Loid may start to see her as useless, Yor asks her coworkers to teach her to cook. Franky goes to Loid to help him ask his crush on a date.

Oct 29, 2022
Anya attempts to continue the Friendship Plan by helping Damian in arts and crafts, but disastrous results ensue. Sylvia meets with Loid. Yuri toughens up to survive Yor's cooking.

Nov 05, 2022
Yuri helps Anya study for her midterm exams. Afterwards, Loid breaks into Eden Academy's vaults to change her test answers but comes across an amateur spy calling himself Daybreak.

Nov 12, 2022
George, a boy in Anya's class who believes he will be forced to leave Eden, is treated to a luxurious final day of class. Yor dashes to Eden to deliver Anya her gym clothes while Loid tails her.

Nov 19, 2022
Loid takes Anya to the hospital he works at for a school project. Anya spreads a hidden code to her neighbors and classmates. Franky believes a woman may finally be interested in him.

Nov 26, 2022
A new spy named Nightfall joins the peacemaking team between East and West. She thinks she can play a better role as Twilight's wife and enters into a mental battle with Yor.

Dec 03, 2022
Twilight and Nightfall enter an underground tennis tournament for a mission as two players and there are no rules in this match and it's a tough match.

Dec 10, 2022
Nightfall and Twilight, who went to a tennis match to get a coded painting, finished their match. After this, Nightfall challenges Yor to a tennis match so that she can take the role of Twilight's wife from her

Dec 17, 2022
Yur, who thinks that he has been defeated by Nightfall, is upset and sad. Sensing that his mission is in jeopardy, Twilight invites her to a bar to talk about it. Suddenly, something happens to Twilight that hasn't happened in years

Dec 24, 2022
With his clever plan, Twilight manages to meet Desmond briefly.
Spy x Family (also know as SPY×FAMILY) Season 1 (2022) is released on Apr 09, 2022 and the latest season 2 of Spy x Family is released in 2023. Watch Spy x Family online - the Japanese Animation TV series from Japan. Spy x Family is directed by Kazuhiro Furuhashi,Norihito Takahashi,Takahiro Harada,Kazuki Horiguchi and created by Tatsuya Endo with Takuya Eguchi and Atsumi Tanezaki.