Episodes (4)

Jul 31, 2019
Peter Parker takes on a new identity as the spectacular Spider-Man. Meanwhile, a shape-shifting villain wreaks havoc in New York city.

Aug 17, 2019
After his brother is defeated, a vengeful Kraven takes action. Harry Osborn's company makes a huge discovery.

Oct 15, 2019
As Peter and Miles make new advancements at Oscorp, Spider-Man's greatest villain is revealed.

Apr 20, 2020
Spider-Man and Daredevil discover a bunker underneath Oscorp Industries holding all the dirty secrets Oscorp has been trying to hide. Meanwhile, someone close to Peter pays a deadly price.
Spider-Man: The Web Series Season 1 (2019) is released on Jul 31, 2019. Watch Spider-Man: The Web Series online - the English Short TV series from Canada. Spider-Man: The Web Series is directed by Eric Elliott,Eric Elliott and created by Eric Elliott with Eric Elliott and Kevin Noseworthy.