Episodes (13)

Jan 01, 1997
On the planet Luminaire, Baron Dark manipulates the jealousy of Prince Regent Justin's brother Joshua to get help stealing the Lightstar Crystal. Justin and their mid-born sister Jessica see the attempted theft and work to stop it, with Joshua changing his mind at the last second and trying to help. The crystal breaks between Justin and Dark, ending all power in Luminicity. The four get part of the crystal's power inside themselves. Justin gains the ability to shoot energy blasts, Jessica gains flight and increased vision - and Baron Dark turns into a living skeleton ...

Sep 24, 1994
The newly-formed Warriors of Light get the people to agree to help them fight Baron Dark and start moving between camps for safety while planning offenses. But when they try to break into a storehouse to provide them food, they're expected - and the Skeleton Warriors don't attack Grimskull alone, causing Madden, Selkirk, and others to suspect he's on their side, or at least unknowingly giving Dark their plans through his shared mental connection with him. Lightstar Joshua doesn't even trust himself, especially when the next attack on a defense base he's not told about...

Oct 01, 1994
One of the Legion of Light's raid teams is destroyed on a mission for Sky Cycle fusion converters in a swamp, except for one man, Ferris, who hates himself for fleeing the others. He is ready to leave despite Talyn's trying to convince him not to - and is captured by Baron Dark and turned into a Skeleton Warrior. Despite Grimskull's, Lightstar's, and Guardian's reasoning that Ferris' humanity is now lost, Jennifer goes to try to rescue him - and Ferris captures her for Dark.

Oct 08, 1994
Lightstar reluctantly lets Grimskull lead a mission including Madden into the castle to reclaim Baron Dark's half of the Lightstar Crystal. But he and Madden are shut out from everyone else, including Madden's commander son Micah, in a room with a data crystal. Grimskull escapes with Madden, but the planted crystal exposes that Joshua's helping Dark caused the Lightstar Crystal's division and all the chaos since. The people led by Madden call for Grimskull to be punished for treason and question if Lightstar will spare him simply because they're brothers, but Justin ...

Oct 15, 1994
Justin's former girlfriend Zara is shot down by him in the woods unrecognized on a private mission. She recruits their help in fighting Baron Dark, who has overrun Romney and has the Skeleton Warriors stealing food and medicine, including what her father Damas needs. But when they arrive they find Zara's aligned herself with Dark out of desperation. After turning on Dark and helping the Legion of Light keep the Skeleton Warriors at bay, Zara tries to make peace with Lightstar, still upset that she stopped seeing him months before though she claims it was because of ...

Oct 22, 1994
Baron Dark has accessed a dream-controlling program created by Ursak's former mentor and uses it to manipulate Grimskull's dreams into showing him succumbing to him, hoping to control his mind. After destroying a slave camp, Grimskull's exhaustion catches up to him and he becomes comatose, trapped in a nightmare of Dark's torturing him to get the LIghtstar Crystal's half's location. Lightstar and Ursak are in a race against time to free him as the Skeleton Warriors seek him out while he is forced to remain in a Legion member's home.

Oct 29, 1994
The Skeleton Warriors are using human slaves in factories to make bombs used to capture more slaves and soon on Luminicity. Planning to break in and see what's being built, Ursak creates a weapon that will break a Skeleton Warrior's heartstone, returning it to a human. To stop the work and the killing of rebels, the Legion of Light frees a group of resistance fighters then has Urssak enter the factory disguised as a worker. He gains the Skeleton Warrior's trust by fixing a few things, but the workers who sabotaged them think he's sided with them so aren't ready to ...

Nov 05, 1994
When the Warriors of Light gather a supply of ore from a mine, Guardian has a vision of an explosive going off in the lake, which comes true moments later and washes them out into a shaft which leads toward a mountain range. While Shriek and Aracula trail them, Ursak reveals that when he was younger he and Augusta Janoff invented a machine that could allow them to see into the future - causing him knowledge of Justin's birth, the Skeleton Warriors and his subsequent departure from the king when his brother didn't take his unclear visions of them seriously, the ...

Nov 12, 1994
Baron Dark develops a nearly-indestructible war craft, the Gorgon. Lightstar and Talyn approach the neutral ape-like Simianites in hopes to gain their alliance against Dark. But Dagger and Shriek have been sent as the baron's emissaries for a trade agreement, and with the locals taking any attempt at fighting as a potential crime, they're forced to use calm persuasion alone as their method. The Skeleton Warriors do everything they can to sabotage it by making them appear to be committing hostile or rude acts. Finally all four are imprisoned, and Grimskull and Guardian...

Nov 19, 1994
The Warriors of Light destroy Baron Dark's latest invention run by reflections of his part of the Lightstar Crystal, but Talyn is hit by Shriek's ray in midair, and falls losing contact with the others while the ruined machine's parts threaten to detonate the mountain area. Dark works to rebuild his weapon to make sure it does explode. Talyn is nearly blind from the beam and struggles to find her way to safety while Grimskull searches for her, but Shriek is also seeking her. And when their half of the Lightstar Crystal starts acting erratically, Guardian and Lightstar...

Nov 26, 1994
Baron Dark's Lightstar Crystal half is even less stable since his manipulating it and the Warriors of Light stopping it. Lightstar prepares to lead a team to see exactly what's happening, but then the Warriors of Light receive a transmission from the king of Luminicity's ship in a different area than when his armada apparently fell. The crystal's energy begins skeletonizing living things that don't come into contact with Dark, giving him the power to transform masses. Lightstar, Talyn, and Grimskull go to the frequency's location, Araculan Divide, to see if their ...

Feb 16, 1995
As the Warriors of Light destroy preparations for a ceremony honoring Baron Dark, Lightstar, ever since learning Dark was responsible for his father's death, is wrestling with rage and an urge to destroy him. Dark sends his army of Skeleton Wariors to seek the other half of the Lightstar Crystal. Guardian learns that they have the technology to track it and the Warriors of Light and, after starting to sabotage these machines, sends Grimskull to hide it in the Cavern of Light. In freeing a group of captives, the rest of the Legion of Light are forced to protect them ...

Jun 15, 1995
With Grimskull evidently dead and Baron Dark having attained both parts of the Lightstar Crystal, Lightstar sets off on a rampage of blind rage for Dark, who prepares to merge the halves for ultimate power. Though someone secretly helps him battle the Skeleton Warriors, Lightstar fails to take the crystal. Dark uses it to skeletonize many and destroy Luminicity, waging a one-sided battle against the Legion of LIght by causing destruction and desolation while the Skeleton Warriors run free.
Skeleton Warriors Season 1 (1994) is released on Jan 01, 1997. Watch Skeleton Warriors online - the English Animation TV series from United States. Skeleton Warriors is directed by Victor Dal Chele and created by Gary Goddard with Jeff Bennett and Nathan Carlson.