Episodes (7)

Nov 10, 2018
The LUST system studied by Panksepp between the reproductive urge and the romantic love, is closer to the freudian LIBIDO than to EROS intended as a combination of attraction and feelings for the other person. It is an instinct, a need that has is archetypical expression in the demon Pan described by James Hillman in his small book. For this reason I have suggested to come in this theater with your pajamas that are the costumes of dreams and are closer to the naked body than our dress.

Dec 15, 2018
Panksepp in the beginning of the chapter about 'The ancestral Sources of RAGE' of his book "The Archeology of Mind" quotes Aristotele: 'Anybody can become angry, that is easy; but to be angry with the right person, and to the right degree, and at the right time, and for the right purpose, and in the right way, that is not within everybody's power and is not easy.' Variety of circumstances unconditionally arouse RAGE: a restriction of physical activity or irritation to the surface of the body can easily provoke this feelings. At a secondary level, people and animals ...

Jan 19, 2019
The FEAR system according to Panksepp is an INTRINSIC part of the brain. Probably many spectators of OFF OFF Theater in this moment think that the capacity for fear is learned and that both people and animals learn to fear by anticipating danger. If this were true, you would not be afraid of anything at birth. But WE ARE. Probably some relations and experiences with disturbed and disturbing people can increase the FEAR system discovered by Panksepp. For instance my young executive producer (who today is not with me on this stage) is an excellent and nice collaborator ...

Feb 23, 2019
This socioplays on the stage of OFF OFF Theater, about SEEKING-EXPECTANCY system will show that it is a general-purpose system for obtaining all kinds of resources that exist in the world, from nuts to knowledge, to creation. It participates in all appetitive behaviors that precede consummation - energizes the dynamic eagerness for positive experiences from from sexual possibilities to political power. It is the emotion of problem solving and detection.

Mar 23, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Apr 27, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

May 11, 2019
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.
Sette Emozioni: A series of Socioplay on Jaak Pankseep's research Season 1 (2018) is released on Nov 10, 2018 and the latest season 2 of Sette Emozioni: A series of Socioplay on Jaak Pankseep's research is released in 2018. Watch Sette Emozioni: A series of Socioplay on Jaak Pankseep's research online - the Italian Reality-TV TV series from Italy. Sette Emozioni: A series of Socioplay on Jaak Pankseep's research is directed by Ottavio Rosati and created by Ottavio Rosati with Ottavio Rosati and Iris Mattera.