Episodes (13)

Sep 23, 1978
It's Martin's 60th birthday, and Rhoda is hosting a party for the family at her apartment. At the last minute, Ida telephones saying that she and Martin won't be able to make it as Martin has thrown out his back again, and is sleeping it off. Rhoda and Brenda figure that if Martin can't come to them, they will go to Martin out in the Bronx. Upon their arrival at their parent's apartment, Rhoda and Brenda find that their mother is acting strangely and for some reason won't let them in. They eventually learn it is because Ida lied and Martin is not even home. The reason...

Sep 30, 1978
Ida learns from a friend who actually saw him of Martin's whereabouts in Fort Lauderdale. Despite the account that Martin seems very happy in his new life, Ida plans on going down to Fort Lauderdale all dolled up to surprise him, the sight of her which she hopes will make him want to come home. At the last minute, Ida changes her mind as she figures if he had wanted to come home, he would have done so without any urging from her. Instead, she asks Rhoda and Brenda to go on her behalf, which they do with Benny as their chauffeur for the long drive if only because of ...

Oct 07, 1978
By seeing a provocative new dress she just purchased, Rhoda and Brenda learn that Ida has decided to date again, most specifically her allergist, Dr. Murray Berger. After getting over the shock, the girls approve of their mother having some male companionship to go out every once in a while, instead of staying home alone waiting for Martin to return. So that they can all get acquainted, Rhoda decides to host a small dinner party for her mother, Dr. Berger, Brenda and Benny. Rhoda changes her mind about what her mother is doing when she meets Dr. Berger, who is twenty ...

Oct 14, 1978
Although she knew the day would come, Brenda is still surprised when Benny proposes. Talking openly about the pros and cons of the proposal in front of Benny, Brenda decides that the pros far outweighs the cons and she says yes. Rhoda, the first person to hear the news, is excited for her sister and her soon to be brother-in-law. Rhoda decides to hold a small party so that Brenda and Benny can tell Ida, the formality of whose blessing Brenda wants before she proceeds. Ida, however, surprises both Brenda and Rhoda by not giving her blessing, as Martin leaving her has ...

Oct 21, 1978
Brenda is in a tizzy as Benny has invited her to his parents' place to meet them for the first time. Brenda asks Rhoda to come with her for moral support. A reluctant Rhoda eventually agrees. Although Rhoda's presence does make the meeting easier for Brenda, it is Rhoda who ends up having the bigger problem as Benny's older brother, Earl, who is also at the dinner but who Rhoda has no interest in, declares his attraction to her. Rhoda, who has no intention of ever dealing with Earl again except in family gatherings, succumbs to Benny's pleas for her to go out with him...

Oct 28, 1978
Ida has been spending a lot of time lately with Rhoda and Brenda. She admits it's because she's lonely. As such, she's decided to look for a roommate, advertising for a female. Holding the screening interviews at Rhoda's apartment, Ida receives an interesting response in the form of Phillip Cooper, who, with his wife, is looking for a new situation with a third after Mrs. Cooper's mother, who lived with them and was their meticulous housekeeper, moved away. The story is enough for Ida to take that interview to the next step at least to let the Coopers take a look at ...

Nov 11, 1978
Ida's birthday is approaching, and without Martin around, she says she doesn't want a big fuss, although she does invite Rhoda, Brenda and Benny to spend it with her at her place in the Bronx. Among the gifts that Ida receives is one shipped to her from Martin, it being a sound movie projector complete with a film showing Martin and his latest goings-on in Florida. Ida is happy to see Martin, if only on film, and has bittersweet feelings about seeing how happy and content he seems to be. Ida receives an unexpected last minute present in the form of Martin himself, who...

Dec 02, 1978
Jack's successful dieting triggers some wardrobe and lifestyle changes that seem abrupt, and which go on to disrupt the regular flow of activity at the costume shop.

Dec 09, 1978
Brenda and Rhoda notice that Benny is out of sorts, off in his own world. Brenda learns that a recent incident is just the latest but perhaps most telling that he is invisible to most people, and thus feels unloved and unwanted by society. Brenda decides to do whatever she can to make Benny feel like he is a worthwhile human being. She decides to take the advice of one of her work colleagues and follow the tenets of a book called "How to Be a Different Woman in Every Room", which not only espouses being subservient to your man, but also doing so in a different but ...

Jan 01, 1978
Both Brenda and Rhoda have exciting things going-on in their respective lives. Brenda is going engagement ring shopping with Benny. And Rhoda has been nominated for a prestigious New York Society of Costume Designers award for a science-fiction monster mask she designed. Jack, who has never won anything in his life, isn't happy for Rhoda until he learns that the company shares the honor if she wins. As such, Jack springs for the entire gang, including Brenda and Benny, to go to the awards dinner and dance. Rhoda is thinking about going solo, although Jack thinks she ...

Jan 01, 1978
Martin admits to his daughters that he is getting frustrated in his attempts to win back Ida, she who still seems cool to their dates. After hearing straight from Martin what the two do on their dates, Rhoda suggests that he needs to take a more romantic approach, by cooking Ida a quiet candlelit dinner for two. As Martin is still not allowed home, Martin takes Rhoda up on her offer to use her apartment and have the invitation under the guise of a family dinner. Martin takes Rhoda advice to heart in more ways than one. Upon her arrival, Ida is surprised, a little ...

Jan 01, 1978
Rhoda is involved in two pieces of bad news. The first is that Jack is facing a massive personal debt - namely to his loan shark bookie cousin - which may force him to close the shop if he can't come up with $5,000 pronto. The second is that Brenda has invited Benny's brother Earl, who Rhoda cannot stand, over, he who in turn has tried again and again to make Rhoda fall in love with him. The first problem looks like it may be solved when Jack announces that an investor for the shop has come forward with the entire $5,000. However, that good news turns to bad when ...

Jan 01, 1978
In the lead up to Brenda and Benny's wedding whenever it may be, Brenda seems to be bombarded on all sides by people figuring out her life for her. First, Ida and she have a disagreement on the wedding dress, Ida wanting something more traditional, while Brenda wants a simple every day dress. Second, Benny has news that he has found a house for them after their marriage, they sharing it with another couple on Staten Island. Third, Ida offers Brenda and Benny a trip to Israel, complete with a meeting with Golda Meir, for their honeymoon. And finally, Benny has arranged for ...
Rhoda Season 5 (1978) is released on Sep 23, 1978 and the latest season 5 of Rhoda is released in 1978. Watch Rhoda online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Rhoda is directed by Tony Mordente,Robert Moore,Asaad Kelada,Howard Storm and created by James L. Brooks with Valerie Harper and Julie Kavner.