Episodes (9)

May 28, 2020
Waseem Khan is the most terrifying name in the city of Varanasi unless Vijay Singh appears. However, how did once an innocent, family man become the most dreaded don? When things take a violent turn at Vijay Singh's sister's wedding, all is lost for him. With nothing more to lose, all Vijay Singh needs to get is cold revenge.

May 28, 2020
With political battles of elections comes the underworld battles of goons backed by the politicians. A vengeful Vijay Singh is out for making things even with Waseem Khan. While Waseem Khan is backed by the ruling party of Pujari Singh, Vijay Singh has opposition and power-thirsty, Sahib Singh, on his side. As admiration and political systems get involved, things get really violent, really soon. Who is to lose this time? Will the electorate battle take an ugly turn?

May 28, 2020
Elections are in full swings and so is the crime in the cities of Uttar Pradesh. The religious divide, booth capturing, vote bank politics, buying votes and all the other illegal, harassing activities surfaced during the election polls. The election result is a close call and Sahib Singh assumes the final lead in the intense vote battle. However, things take a u-turn when Vijay Singh leaves Ghazipur. Where did Vijay Singh go? Why did he leave Pujari's defeat?

May 28, 2020
A don is said to be as strong as his gang members supporting him. Seeing the right time, Vijay Singh takes down a crucial member of the Waseem Khan gang who also happens to be his right hand. Vijay Singh now moves close to the movies of his revenge. However, Waseem Khan will have to be on his foot now as Vijay Singh inches closer to him. After the elimination of his best man, he hires Sanki Pandey, a manic man who is his hope to save the business.

May 28, 2020
The latest member of Waseem Khan's gang, Sanky Pandey is behind Vijay Singh and will not rest till he is successful in his motives. Vijay finds himself in the center of an attack at the boot camp. To his surprise, an unlikely couple comes to his rescue. Love blossoms as the couple save his life. Who are these people? Does the couple know Vijay Singh?

May 28, 2020
If there is one thing Sanki Pandey cannot resist, it is his lusty desires. Vijay Singh knows this weakness and sets a honey trap for Sanki Pandey. However, as he lets his guards loose, the alcohol sold by Vijay Singh leads to the death of several people in the city. Is this a trap? Will Vijay Singh now come in the public radar?

May 28, 2020
The attacks on Vijay Singh do not seem to stop. Vijay Singh and his gang are on the radar. He then decides to eliminate the route of all evil. A distressed Vijay Singh is now on the lookout to kill Pujari Singh at a public gathering. Will this be the end of Waseem's story? Will Vijay Singh be able to get away easily?

May 28, 2020
An influential and powerful politician, Baba, arrives in the story. He makes an exotic offer to Vijay Singh as well as Waseem Khan. The offer is such that they both cannot refuse. On the other hand, Seems is exposed and Vijay Singh's cover is revealed as she tries to plan Sanki Pandey's murder.

May 28, 2020
Waseem Khan's plans come into force and Vijay Singh becomes the villain in the public eye. Seema meets with Sanki Pandey and their meeting ends brutally as Vijay Singh gets attacked and falls in the river. Will this be the end of Vijay Singh's life? Will he be able to take his revenge?
Raktanchal Season 1 (2020) is released on May 28, 2020 and the latest season 2 of Raktanchal is released in 2022. Watch Raktanchal online - the Hindi Action TV series from India. Raktanchal is directed by Ritam Srivastav and created by Sarvesh Upadhyay with Kranti Prakash Jha and Pravina Bhagwat Deshpande.