Episodes (24)

Dec 01, 2000
It is Christmas again at the National Archives, and everything is as it was before. Right up until Pyrus and Kandis receive some curious glasses as well as their first book of spells. I wonder if you - and especially Pyrus - can create an awful lot of accidents with a pair of 3D glasses and a handful of spells? Bertramsen reluctantly has to face the fact that in December the National Archives will be invaded by the worst thing imaginable, i.e. children, and even twins. Krusø has promised his sister that he and Josefine can look after her children. So Josefine prepares...

Dec 02, 2000
Bertramsen receives a trusted task from the Royal House, which means that he must use all the adventure books that Josefine has obtained. That is why there must and must be peace of mind in the office. Josefine therefore allies herself with Kandis and agrees that Josefine can drop off the girls in Nissebo every day. Like Bertramsen, Gyldengrød is rather reluctant, because he thinks they have enough to do with Pyrus. And he will be right. Little girls are not easy to keep track of - not even for Pyrus. So two twins suddenly become one, and one becomes zero, and ...

Dec 03, 2000
Now Gyldengrød and Pyrus are busy finding the girls who have gone missing. They conjure their way into Fairyland, where they meet the Italian fairy tale writer, Giambatista, who is completely distraught over what has happened to his beloved fairy tale. At the same time, Bertramsen and Josefine have their difficulties in hiding from Krusø where his little nieces are looked after, or not looked after. Fortunately, Kandis is successful in partially solving the problem. But in the middle of the effort, Pyrus succeeds, with usual luck, in exacerbating the problem by ...

Dec 04, 2000
Once upon a time, but where was it? Where does it lead? The goblins will have to find out if they are to solve the problem, because everyone is worried about a poor little girl who has gone missing. How will she find her way back when the wolf is ravenous and the well is deep? Pyrus has to leave for Fairyland again, and meanwhile Gyldengrød, Bertramsen and Josefine are excitedly following along with their papers. But strangely enough, there are several different endings to today's adventure. While they wait, Kandis is busy with a real pixie thing for Mille and Molly.

Dec 05, 2000
Sweet things are good, but sometimes it can also be dangerous. If you are not very careful, you can end up becoming what you eat. That must be true for Pyrus, as Gyldengrød sends him into the big fairy tale book to find out the stories. Josefine bakes pancakes, of which Bertramsen builds a model that looks confusingly similar to the one Pyrus is caught in. Gyldengrød gives a small lecture about the morals of fairy tales.

Dec 06, 2000
Fairyland is being mapped. Today it is a tower that must be found. A tower without doors. With a prisoner at the top who can only be saved in one way. Some measures are surprising. Not just in Fairyland, where Josefine's hair suddenly begins to grow much more than usual, but also in the National Archives, where Pyrus Pilfinger gives Krusø a hair-raising experience. It also turns out that the good, old fairy tale writers actually fight to tell some of the fairy tales. And inside Nissebo, the twins fight with another tower.

Dec 07, 2000
Kandis has been gripped by Christmas stress, so Pyrus thinks she needs to be calmed down a bit. At Bertramsen, Pyrus finds just what he needs. But it seems a little too good judging by the deep sleep she falls into. Mille is afraid that Kandis will sleep for 100 years, which reminds Gyldengrød of some fairy tale. But how are they going to wake up sweet Kandis again? Yeah, I guess there's only one thing Pyrus can do if he's going to get out of that situation. But wonder if he dares?

Dec 08, 2000
The archive is visited by the famous French writer Madame D'Aulnoy, who completely dazzles the men in the office and in Nissebo. The girls, however, are not so enthusiastic. The author must state that women - such as Josefine and Kandis - are still treated as in her time. But Kandis is quick-witted enough to cut a heel and clip a toe. It is indeed good that the women can sometimes take action. Today's big topic of discussion is whether women or men wrote the fairy tales.

Dec 09, 2000
Pyrus is a prankster, but he himself is not afraid of anything. Something must be done about that. Inside Fairyland, all kinds of hideous fairy tale characters try to scare Pyrus, but the more they try to influence Pyrus, the funnier he thinks it is. Meanwhile, the others cower closer together in horror. But how does a fearless elf learn fear? Josefine finally gets the idea for just that, which can really scare Pyrus.

Dec 10, 2000
Modern technology can be too much of a good thing. But sometimes it can also be too much of a good thing. Especially when a fabulously good radio contact is required to solve the problems. Krusø has acquired a walkie talkie system, of which he is very proud. Of course, it doesn't take long before Pyrus gets his hands on it, which is both beneficial and troublesome in today's task. Soon the entire National Archives resounds with voices, and no one can really make out who is talking to whom. But the facility will be a great help in a stressful situation.

Dec 11, 2000
Josefine and Krusø receive their equipment for the costume ball at the Police Association, and Pyrus lives exposed to an assassination attempt. At least that's what he thinks himself. Krusø is the perpetrator who has come to fire an arrow out of sheer stupidity. But Kandis is far more worried about Pyrus' heart than his life when she learns what kind of arrow it is. This time she doesn't want to let Pyrus out of her sight, so it is Josefine who gets swept up in an adventure where she meets a monster that turns out not to be quite as monstrous as it appeared at first ...

Dec 12, 2000
Having green fingers is good, but what if you have green toes? Then you can easily get yourself into huge problems. And if, like Pyrus, you detest all food that does not start with rice and ends with porridge, then it is natural to hide even the smallest bean as far away as possible. Mille and Molly have cress seeds with them into Nissebo today, and they are to be planted in cotton wool. But what is it that has started to grow out of the laundry? Pyrus must know how to take advantage of the new, lush situation.

Dec 13, 2000
A Christmas ball is wonderful and an old tradition. But if the dance goes too far, it can end up with sore feet. Kandis would otherwise really like to go out dancing, so she is completely enlivened when the twins suggest a Lucia ball. Inside Fairyland, Pyrus bumps into the two fairy tale authors the Brothers Grimm, but he also meets six dancing princesses who try to wear him out with their dancing. At the same time, Bertramsen succeeds in exhausting Josefine in a way he had not quite foreseen.

Dec 14, 2000
Going to school has never been Pyrus's right to life. But not all schools are the same, and some teachers are more magical than others, such as the wizard Merlin. When Krusø needs retraining, Josefine tries to teach Krusø something about the National Archives' systems. But it will take more than magic to make him understand. Fortunately, there is another opportunity to employ Krusø. In the Adventure Book, Pyrus is also sent to school, but when he comes back to Nissebo, his hat is a little too high.

Dec 15, 2000
Casting a spell is not easy. Sometimes it doesn't work at all, and other times it goes much better than you even thought. As you might expect, Pyrus doesn't quite have a handle on his spells. In an attempt to make the spells work, he repeats the forms a whole lot of times. This puts Bertramsen and Josefine in a situation where they not only have to hide the existence of the goblins from Krusø, but also a lot of croaking creatures and what that sort of thing can be transformed into.

Dec 16, 2000
Dreaming is certainly allowed - especially in the run-up to Christmas. But if the wish list is too long, you often run the risk of falling short. Josefine receives a letter that she has inherited - and the thought of what this can lead to changes Josefine to such an extent that both Bertramsen and Krusø are quite frightened. Pyrus comes across something similar with a poor fisherman and his wife inside Fairyland. This experience even changes Pyrus' view of wish lists.

Dec 17, 2000
The archive gets a visit, and it's not from Mr. Whomever. In Nissebo there are also visitors, and the guest even claims that she is a princess. We'll have to see that now. Krusø takes his work as a security consultant very seriously. Still, a certain goblin manages to steal a very small item from the archive. At first, no one notices anything. But the guest inside Nissebo is terribly bothered by just this small, stolen object.

Dec 18, 2000
Today, Pyrus is coming on a long journey. All the way to Gong-gong, and it's quite a ride. Here he meets both an artificial bird and a live bird. Inside the National Archives, they also have an artificial bird, and Josefine will need it when she is plotting against her own beloved husband. In his capacity as watchman, Krusø has gradually made it almost impossible for Bertramsen and Josefine to move freely in the archive, and this must be stopped.

Dec 19, 2000
You shouldn't believe everything you read - and certainly not in the newspaper. At least that's what the rumor says, and rumors can be trusted, right? In Nissebo, Gyldengrød does not want to listen to gossip and rumours, but in the office Josefine's rumors have set off more than she can manage. Suddenly it's swarming with journalists and even a single goblin reporter. Maybe Josefine will be exposed, or even worse, maybe she will put Krusø in a terrible situation.

Nov 20, 2000
Adventures are adventures and comics are fun. But the world's first cartoon actually originates from a fairy tale, and it's even very naughty. Or rather, there are both two naughty boys and two naughty girls at stake in today's story. Pyrus is cheeky, but here he almost meets his boss. And on top of that, of course Pyrus succeeds in messing up the situation, so that he himself is blamed for accidents, which for once he is not guilty of.

Dec 21, 2000
Honesty lasts the longest. Everyone knows that. But sometimes it lasts longer than is good, and then you run the risk of being completely absorbed. There are things in Nissebo that tempt Pyrus beyond his ability, and then it's a matter of hiding it as well as you can. But if you are too close to the adventurous, even a little elf can risk being dragged around by the nose. But perhaps Pyrus is not as physically impossible as Gyldengrød always says.

Dec 22, 2000
The archive must have distinguished visitors, and then it is important to look your best. But what if the best side is the underside? And what do you do when, like Pyrus, you really try to show yourself from the best side, and it just results in everything falling apart? Now, as you know, there are only two days until Christmas Eve, and Bertramsen is working hard to get the fairy tale book for the little prince finished on time.

Dec 23, 2000
There are days when all you want is to be allowed to be in peace. But even on such a day, it can be peaceful enough. Pyrus has been so enterprising that Gyldengrød must find him a job where he cannot sweep more accidents under the carpet. For once, Pyrus is full of self-reproach, and he feels all alone in the world in every way. Fairyland is also completely empty. Where are all the people - and goblins - at?

Dec 24, 2000
Bertramsen (Jesper Klein) has been tasked by the Royal Family to gather all the tales of the little prince. Josephine (Jeanne Boel) has been married to Superintendent Leif-Jørgen Krusoe (Søren Østergaard). They have promised to fit twin girls Mille (Nicole Jølst) and Molly (Niccié Jølst) at Christmas. Bertramsen do not want them in the office when the new task is very very important. Candy says yes to fit Mille and Molly. Candy baker with Molly, and Pyrus go for a walk in the archive with Mille. Pyrus discovers Bertram's adventure books, and along with Molly, he ...
Pyrus i alletiders eventyr Season 1 (2000) is released on Dec 01, 2000. Watch Pyrus i alletiders eventyr online - the Danish Adventure TV series from Denmark. Pyrus i alletiders eventyr is directed by Martin Miehe-Renard and created by Martin Miehe-Renard with Jan Linnebjerg and Paul Hüttel.