Episodes (231)

S01E01 · Pilot

Aug 19, 2019

The lives of married couple Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and Maita (Glaiza de Castro) have experienced difficulties in conceiving a child. This resulted to hiring Lilian (Katrina Halili), daughter of their most-trusted housemaid, to be the surrogate mother of their unborn child. However, conflicts start to arise when Kendra (Aiko Melendez) steps in the way to ruin Maita's growing family.

S01E02 · Pagsilang

Aug 20, 2019

After barely surviving the fire incident, Lilian (Katrina Halili) eventually gave birth to Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and Maita's (Glaiza de Castro) triplets.

Mga munting prinsesa
S01E03 · Mga munting prinsesa

Aug 21, 2019

As Dona Belle (Caprice Cayetano), Donna Marie, (Rissian Reign Adriano) and Donna Lyn (Angelica Ulip) grew up, they started to wonder how it feels like to have a father.

Sa hirap at ginhawa
S01E04 · Sa hirap at ginhawa

Aug 22, 2019

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) tries to steal in order to bring Lillian (Katrina Halili) to the hospital.

Ang pagdadalaga
S01E05 · Ang pagdadalaga

Aug 23, 2019

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan), Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) convince Anita (Geraldine Villamil) to adopt them.

S01E06 · Pagdurusa

Aug 26, 2019

Triplets Donna Marie (Jillian Ward), Donna Belle (Althea Ablan), and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) suffer under Sylvia's (Maritess Samson) hands upon the death of their mother Lilian (Katrina Halili).

S01E07 · Paghahanap

Aug 27, 2019

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan), Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo), and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) will try to save money so they could escape from Sylvia's (Maritess Samson) hands.

The Search
S01E08 · The Search

Aug 28, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) will endure Sylvia's (Maritess Samson) cruelty for the sake of her siblings.

S01E09 · Poser

Aug 29, 2019

Sylvia (Maritess Samson) will do everything in her power to prevent Donna Marie (Jillian Ward), Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) from escaping.

S01E10 · Escape

Aug 30, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) brainwashes Brianna (Elijah Alejo) to introduce herself as one of Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) estranged daughters.

S01E11 · Separated

Sep 02, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) will continue to pretend as one of Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) triplets so that she can experience a wealthy life.

S01E12 · Tagapagmana

Sep 03, 2019

After the DNA results turned out to be positive, Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) is now ready to introduce Brianna (Elijah Alejo) to the public.

Liar Liar
S01E13 · Liar Liar

Sep 04, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) shows her true colors to Mayi (Jillian Ward) to prove that she is powerful and the future heiress of the Claveria family.

Triplets Problems
S01E14 · Triplets Problems

Sep 05, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) may have been safe from danger but Ella (Althea Ablan) and Lenlen (Sofia Pablo) are suffering under the hands of the syndicate. What fate awaits them?

S01E15 · Bully

Sep 06, 2019

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) tells Mayi (Jillian Ward) that she is taking advantage of Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and tells her to stay away from him.

Wag kang susuko
S01E16 · Wag kang susuko

Sep 09, 2019

Brianna's (Elijah Alejo) plan to get close with Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and to destroy Mayi's (Jillian Ward) image turned out to be successful. What's her next move after this?

S01E17 · Dream

Sep 10, 2019

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) and Jaime felt so disappointed with Brianna (Elijah Alejo) when they found out that she is the one who initiated a fight with Mayi (Donna Marie).

Buhay si Lilian
S01E18 · Buhay si Lilian

Sep 11, 2019

Mayi (Jillian Ward), Ella (Althea Ablan), and Lenlen (Sofia Pablo) thought Lilian (Katrina Halili) was dead after the tragedy but they have no idea that she survived the tragic accident.

Fake Friend
S01E19 · Fake Friend

Sep 12, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) felt so much hatred towards Mayi (Jillian Ward) because she noticed that Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and the latter are getting closer to each other.

Like Mother Like Daughter
S01E20 · Like Mother Like Daughter

Sep 13, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) makes the most out of her privilege to study by bringing Mayi (Jillian Ward) along to her school not as a fellow student, but as her slave.

S01E21 · Pafall

Sep 16, 2019

Feeling so irritated, Brianna (Elijah Alejo) bullies Mayi (Jillian Ward) in front of her new classmates.

S01E22 · Birthday

Sep 17, 2019

After finding out that Brianna's (Elijah Alejo) birthday will be coming soon, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) will make sure that his daughter's celebration will be one of the best.

Brianna's Fake Birthday
S01E23 · Brianna's Fake Birthday

Sep 18, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) will do everything to stop Mayi (Jillian Ward) from attending her birthday party.

Gate Crasher
S01E24 · Gate Crasher

Sep 19, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) aggressively confronts Mayi (Jillian Ward) and makes her feel embarrassed as she comes to her party.

S01E25 · Palaban

Sep 20, 2019

Mayi (Jillian Ward) will do her best to get the scholarship even if Brianna (Elijah Alejo) keeps on discouraging her.

S01E26 · Pavictim

Sep 23, 2019

Mayi (Jillian Ward) may not have the chance to take the entrance exam, however, she feels glad because she met her childhood friend, Nolan (Will Ashley).

Pag-asa o paasa
S01E27 · Pag-asa o paasa

Sep 24, 2019

Both Ella (Althea Ablan) and Lenlen (Sofia Pablo) found a new hope upon discovering that somebody reported about Big Bogs' illegal operation to the police.

Malaya na
S01E28 · Malaya na

Sep 25, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) pushes Mayi (Donna Marie) to her limit that made the latter fight for her right.

No to Bullying
S01E29 · No to Bullying

Sep 26, 2019

During her first day of class, Brianna (Elijah Alejo) is planning to do something that might ruin Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) life in school.

S01E30 · Sumbungera

Sep 27, 2019

Cedric (Vince Crisostomo) tells Brianna (Elijah Alejo) that Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) deserves more respect than her because she has a bad attitude.

The Proposal
S01E31 · The Proposal

Sep 30, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) is so happy after saying 'yes' to Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) wedding proposal.

Kendra's Nightmare
S01E32 · Kendra's Nightmare

Oct 01, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) was shocked upon discovering that Lilian (Katrina Halili) is still alive.

Away pamilya
S01E33 · Away pamilya

Oct 02, 2019

Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) determination in looking for her sisters became worth it because someone says that she saw them roaming around the street. Is this the time that she can see her sisters?

S01E34 · Reunion

Oct 03, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward), Donna Belle (Althea Ablan), and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) could not contain their emotions upon reuniting again after a long period of time.

Puslit paslit
S01E35 · Puslit paslit

Oct 04, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) tries to sneak her sisters inside the Claveria mansion so that they will not be separated again.

Brianna maldita
S01E36 · Brianna maldita

Oct 07, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) secretly brings Donna Belle and Donna Lyn inside Claverias' mansion so they could spend time with each other after being separated for a long period of time.

S01E37 · Pabebe

Oct 08, 2019

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) overheard that Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) did something wrong again that's why Mameng (Mel Kimura) finds a way to defend her.

Kendra and Lilian's Face to Face
S01E38 · Kendra and Lilian's Face to Face

Oct 09, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) felt so scared and nervous as she meets Lilian (Katrina Halili) face-to-face.

Daddy Jaime
S01E39 · Daddy Jaime

Oct 10, 2019

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) gladly welcomes Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) sisters into the Claveria mansion despite the former's white lie.

Brianna bruhilda
S01E40 · Brianna bruhilda

Oct 11, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) tries to convince Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) to let her sisters stay with her in the mansion but Brianna (Elijah Alejo) kept on interfering them.

Walang iwanan
S01E41 · Walang iwanan

Oct 14, 2019

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) finally accepts Jaime's favor to let Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) stay in their mansion.

Masamang balak
S01E42 · Masamang balak

Oct 15, 2019

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) finally accepts Jaime's favor to let Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) stay in their mansion.

S01E43 · Bintang

Oct 16, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) framed the three Donnas so Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) could force them to move out of the mansion.

Mga prinsesang palaboy
S01E44 · Mga prinsesang palaboy

Oct 17, 2019

All this time, the three Donnas' knew that Lilian (Katrina Halili) was dead but to their surprise, they saw a girl on the street who looks exactly like their mother.

Nanay Lilian
S01E45 · Nanay Lilian

Oct 18, 2019

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) confronts Brianna (Elijah Alejo) about the brooch incident because he believes that Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) is innocent but Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) kept on defending her granddaughter.

S01E46 · Pagkikita

Oct 21, 2019

After getting into trouble, Lilian (Katrina Halili) goes to the hospital where she accidentally bumped into Jaime (Wendell Ramos).

S01E47 · Panganib

Oct 22, 2019

The three Donnas' learn how to be stronger now that they can only depend on each other.

Face to Face
S01E48 · Face to Face

Oct 23, 2019

Lilian (Katrina Halili) has a strong feeling that she already met Kendra (Aiko Melendez) before even if the latter kept on denying it.

Pekeng heredera
S01E49 · Pekeng heredera

Oct 24, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) and Brianna (Elijah Alejo) felt so nervous upon meeting Lilian (Katrina Halili). What will be their next move?

Mother-Daughter Tag Team
S01E50 · Mother-Daughter Tag Team

Oct 25, 2019

Lilian's (Katrina Halili) mother is trying to figure out who is Brianna (Elijah Alejo) among the three Donna by trying to recall their birthmarks.

S01E51 · Pagdududa

Oct 28, 2019

Lilian (Katrina Halili) starts to question Brianna (Elijah Alejo) if she really is one of the triplets.

Pretty Little Liar
S01E52 · Pretty Little Liar

Oct 29, 2019

Lilian (Katrina Halili) was triggered to defend herself against Lady Prima's (Chanda Romero) wrong accusations on her being an irresponsible mother to the triplets.

Face Off
S01E53 · Face Off

Oct 30, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) had a fight with Brianna (Elijah Alejo) because of the latter's wrong accusations against her.

S01E54 · Backstabber

Oct 31, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) introduces Cedric (Vince Crisostomo) to her sisters Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) for the first time.

Digital Karma
S01E55 · Digital Karma

Nov 01, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) will be pressured to do everything that Lilian (Katrina Halili) says just to make her believe that she's a real Claveria.

S01E56 · Necklace

Nov 04, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) got irritated with Lilian (Katrina Halili) because she kept on bringing up their past memories.

Hanapin si Nanay Lilian
S01E57 · Hanapin si Nanay Lilian

Nov 05, 2019

The three Donnas will do everything to find their mother despite all the dangers that they may encounter.

Rude Much
S01E58 · Rude Much

Nov 06, 2019

Lillian (Katrina Halili) couldn't get hold of her patience with Brianna's (Elijah Alejo) brattiness which made her lash out at her own daughter.

Great Pretender
S01E59 · Great Pretender

Nov 07, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) didn't expect that Cedric (Vince Crisostomo) turns out to be her boss' son that's why she apologized right away after treating him badly.

Jealous Much
S01E60 · Jealous Much

Nov 08, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) needs to find the fastest way to get rid of Lilian (Katrina Halili) off the mansion before Jaime (Wendell Ramos) falls for her.

S01E61 · Sunog

Nov 11, 2019

After a traumatic experience in the mansion, Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) and Kendra (Aiko Melendez) are suspecting that Lilian (Katrina Halili) could be the mastermind behind the fire incident.

S01E62 · Sabwatan

Nov 12, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) feels so jealous of Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) treatment for Lilian (Katrina Halili). How will she confront her about this?

Best Actress
S01E63 · Best Actress

Nov 13, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) will make the most out of Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) soft spot for Brianna (Elijah Alejo) by using her daughter to fall into an accident that will evict Lillian (Katrina Halili) from the mansion.

S01E64 · Pag-asa

Nov 14, 2019

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) decided to kick Lilian (Katrina Halili) out of the mansion after what happened to Brianna (Elijah Alejo).

Much Awaited Reunion
S01E65 · Much Awaited Reunion

Nov 15, 2019

How will the three Donnas prove that they are indeed Lillian's (Katrina Halili) missing children?

Moment of Truth
S01E66 · Moment of Truth

Nov 18, 2019

Lilian (Katrina Halili) told the three Donnas that they are the real daughters of Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and Brianna (Elijah Alejo) is just an imposter.

S01E67 · Paghaharap

Nov 19, 2019

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) felt nervous as Donna Marie (Jillian Ward), Donna Belle (Althea Ablan), and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) question her true identity.

Qiqil Much
S01E68 · Qiqil Much

Nov 20, 2019

The three Donnas will make sure that Brianna (Elijah Alejo) won't find a way to escape from their hands.

Fake Friend
S01E69 · Fake Friend

Nov 21, 2019

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) plans to abduct the three Donnas before they spill out the truth to Jaime (Wendell Ramos).

S01E70 · Blackmail

Nov 22, 2019

The three Donnas will find a way to escape from their kidnappers before it's too late.

S01E71 · Tulong

Nov 25, 2019

The three Donnas will find a way to escape from their kidnappers before it's too late.

S01E72 · Stalker

Nov 26, 2019

The three Donnas feel so excited to see their father when Jaime (Wendell Ramos) finally responded to their message.

Stranger Danger
S01E73 · Stranger Danger

Nov 27, 2019

The three Donnas have no idea that Brianna's (Elijah Alejo) real father planned to kidnap them to stop them from telling the truth to Jaime (Wendell Ramos).

Bahay ng lagim
S01E74 · Bahay ng lagim

Nov 28, 2019

Now that Jaime (Wendell Ramos) knew the three Donnas are missing, he will hire a private investigator to find them as soon as possible.

S01E75 · Laban

Nov 29, 2019

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) is eager to look for Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) and her siblings because he feels in his heart that he needs to save them.

Wag kang susuko
S01E76 · Wag kang susuko

Dec 02, 2019

Despite all the danger, the three Donnas still manage to escape from Kendra's (Aiko Melendez) henchmen hoping they could be with their family again.

S01E77 · Rescue

Dec 03, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward), Donna Belle (Althea Ablan), and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) risk their lives to escape and save Lilian (Katrina Halili) from Kendra's (Aiko Melendez) henchmen.

Buhay o kwintas
S01E78 · Buhay o kwintas

Dec 04, 2019

The three Donnas feel so regretful after they left Lilian (Katrina Halili) in danger.

S01E79 · Rebelasyon

Dec 05, 2019

Jaime (Wendell Ramos), Donna Marie (Jillian Ward), Donna Belle (Althea Ablan), and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) couldn't help but feel emotional upon seeing each other again. Will the three Donnas have the chance to reveal Jaime that they are the real Claverias?

Kami ang tunay na Prima Donnas
S01E80 · Kami ang tunay na Prima Donnas

Dec 06, 2019

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) will finally reveal to Jaime (Wendell Ramos) that she and her sisters are his real daughters.

Maniwala ka Jaime
S01E81 · Maniwala ka Jaime

Dec 09, 2019

The three Donnas were shocked when Dindy (Chanel Latorre) informed Jaime (Wendell Ramos) that Lilian (Katrina Halili) is just using them for money.

S01E82 · Sinungaling

Dec 10, 2019

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) loses his trust in the three Donnas after Dindy's (Chanel Latorre) twisted revelation.

S01E83 · Ebidensya

Dec 11, 2019

To prove that they are the real heiresses of the Claveria clan, the three Donnas will use the necklace that Maita (Glaiza De Castro) gave to Lilian (Katrina Halili) before she died as legitimate evidence of their real identities.

S01E84 · Caroling

Dec 12, 2019

Lilan (Katrina Halili) and the three Donnas will stop at nothing to to prove that they are the real Claverias.

S01E85 · Takas

Dec 13, 2019

How did Brianna (Elijah Alejo) get the necklace of Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) from the three Donnas?

S01E86 · Pagbabalik

Dec 16, 2019

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) decided that no matter what happens, he will never trust the three Donnas again.

S01E87 · DNA

Dec 17, 2019

In the middle of a confrontation between the Donnas and the Claverias, Lilian showed up and testify that Donna Marie, Donna Belle, and Donna Lyn are the three babies she gave birth to. But still, Jaime doesn't believe them.

Sampal kay Brianna
S01E88 · Sampal kay Brianna

Dec 18, 2019

Worried that this could be the end of their Claveria dream, Kendra and Brianna plan a new scheme to sabotage the results of the DNA test. On the other hand, Juday and Mameng will help the Donnas to get closer to Jaime during their Christmas party.

Huli ka Brianna
S01E89 · Huli ka Brianna

Dec 19, 2019

The discovery of Brianna and Darcy about Donna Marie, Donna Belle, and Donna Lyn's disguise during the company's Christmas party resulted in a big fight.

Christmas Rumble
S01E90 · Christmas Rumble

Dec 20, 2019

Jaime learns that the Donnas and Lilian are present in the venue and asked them to leave. Feeling so desperate, Lilian asks the latter to let the Donnas to undergo DNA testing to prove that they are telling the truth.

May pag-asa
S01E91 · May pag-asa

Dec 23, 2019

Kendra got angry upon knowing that Jaime agrees with Lilian's request so she will find a way to alter the results of the triplets' DNA.

Tuloy ang DNA
S01E92 · Tuloy ang DNA

Dec 24, 2019

Even though Brianna dares Jaime to leave the house because of pursuing the DNA test of the three Donnas, Jaime still made his final decision. With this, Kendra and Henry's plan of altering the test results is all set to happen.

Paskong Prima Donnas
S01E93 · Paskong Prima Donnas

Dec 25, 2019

Because it's Christmas time, the three Donnas plan a surprise picnic for Lilian and Irma. Also, they remembered Jaime and try to call and greet him a Merry Christmas.

Kapit lang
S01E94 · Kapit lang

Dec 26, 2019

The three Donnas finally undergo DNA testing without knowing that Kendra has a plan to change the results before it gets to Jaime and Lady Prima.

Dugo at laman
S01E95 · Dugo at laman

Dec 27, 2019

Kendra gets mad to Henry because their plan to alter the result was poorly done. On the other hand, the three Donnas are happy, hoping that their Claveria dreams might come true after getting the results of DNA test.

Plano ni Kendra
S01E96 · Plano ni Kendra

Dec 30, 2019

After she got an update from her friends, Brianna and Donna Lyn engage in a physical fight over their true identities inside Cedric's coffee shop.

DNA Results
S01E97 · DNA Results

Dec 31, 2019

The three Donnas were accompanied by Lilian to the DNA testing center without knowing that Kendra's henchmen have planted a bomb inside to ruin the result.

Paano na
S01E98 · Paano na

Jan 01, 2020

The three Donnas, together with Lilian, are able to save themselves from being suffocated inside the DNA testing center. Meanwhile, Brianna and Kendra were relieved because they thought that their evil plan has succeeded.

Windang si Kendra
S01E99 · Windang si Kendra

Jan 02, 2020

After the incident, Lady Prima reveals to the three Donnas that they still have a secured backup DNA result. Out of curiosity, Kendra asks the former where she might get the results.

S01E100 · Backfire

Jan 03, 2020

Brianna was shocked seeing the three Donnas present at the New Year Charity Gala so she plans to do something to make them feel embarrassed.

S01E101 · Unstoppable

Jan 06, 2020

At the Annual Charity Ball of the Claverias, Lilian tried her best to avoid Kendra's provocation to fight but still, the latter is persistent and harasses the former by stripping her clothes and humiliating her publicly.

Official Results
S01E102 · Official Results

Jan 07, 2020

Kendra was about to get the DNA results but Lady Prima arrives and invites the technician to a private room. Upon reading the results, Jaime and Lady Prima are surprised with the outcome.

Unexpected Announcement
S01E103 · Unexpected Announcement

Jan 08, 2020

Everyone at the party was shocked as Lady Prima calls Donna Lyn and Donna Belle her "granddaughters." Because of this, Brianna walks-out to look for Kendra and tell what happened.

Twisted Fate
S01E104 · Twisted Fate

Jan 09, 2020

After the shocking news, Lady Prima went home together with Lilian and the Donna and then she announced that Donna Marie's DNA result did not match with Jaime.

Sisters for Life
S01E105 · Sisters for Life

Jan 10, 2020

Jaime gets emotional while he apologizes to Donna Belle and Donna Lyn. At the same time, Donna Marie couldn't contain her emotions upon knowing that she is the only one who did not match the DNA result with Jaime.

Harsh Truth
S01E106 · Harsh Truth

Jan 13, 2020

Lady Prima will try to please Donna Belle and Donna Lyn's heart and ask them about accepting Brianna as their sister but the two Donnas insist that no matter what happens, only Donna Marie will be considered as their eldest sister.

You Are Not Our Sister
S01E107 · You Are Not Our Sister

Jan 14, 2020

Jaime works hard to make Donna Belle and Donna Lyn accept Brianna as their true sister but despite Jaime's major efforts, the two Donnas won't accept her. On the other hand, Kendra and Brianna are still wondering why did Donna Marie's DNA result didn't match with Jaime.

Don't Lose Hope
S01E108 · Don't Lose Hope

Jan 15, 2020

Donna Belle and Donna Lyn are still anxious about being separated from Donna Marie so Jaime and Lady Prima work hard to be close to the two girls. At the same time, Lilian is still won't give up on proving Donna Marie as a true heir of the Claverias.

S01E109 · Unbreakable

Jan 16, 2020

Lilian asks for Agaton's help for her to be able to talk to Jaime. Unfortunately, Jaime didn't accept her request for another DNA test for Donna Marie. After that, the former, together with Donna Belle and Donna Lyn, visit Lilian's house and take them to go shopping.

Galawang Kendra
S01E110 · Galawang Kendra

Jan 17, 2020

Jaime and Lilian, together with the three Donnas had so much fun as they go shopping and eating in a nice restaurant. Afterwards, Lady Prima took Donna Belle and Donna Lyn to her garden and reminisce their memories when they were not still a Claveria.

Shocking Discovery
S01E111 · Shocking Discovery

Jan 20, 2020

After fighting for Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) rights, her DNA results don't match the Claveria's blood. Along with this, an investigative officer revealed that Lilian (Katrina Halili) once lost her daughter when she was a baby. Will she be able to defend these findings to Jaime (Wendell Ramos)?

Lost and Found
S01E112 · Lost and Found

Jan 21, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) elaborates every moment she can remember to the day she lost Donna Marie (Jillian Ward). Despite being sincere and honest, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) still accuses Lilian for being an irresponsible mother that leads to the Brianna-Mayi switching theory.

Hindi kita anak
S01E113 · Hindi kita anak

Jan 22, 2020

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) confronts Lilian (Katrina Halili) to make her feel guilty for losing Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) in the past. She makes use of the opportunity to bring down Lilian and to lose her hope for fighting Mayi's rights. In the middle of a heated confrontation, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) accidentally called Brianna her daughter.

Storytelling a Lie
S01E114 · Storytelling a Lie

Jan 23, 2020

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) spills another story from her past that contradicts Jaime's memory about her old story. Despite all the lies of the fake Donna Marie, Lady Prima still buys her made-up stories.

Laban para kay Mayi
S01E115 · Laban para kay Mayi

Jan 24, 2020

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) kneel down as they beg Lady Prima to let Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) stay with them. To end the Claveria's conflict, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) then explains to Lillian that she needs to part ways to Ella at Lenlen as soon as possible.

Special Request
S01E116 · Special Request

Jan 27, 2020

Donna Marie has accepted the fact that she can no longer be a Claveria. Jaime and Lady Prima agreed to let the mother and daughter stay temporarily due to the request of Donna Lyn and Donna Belle.

Buhay prinsesa
S01E117 · Buhay prinsesa

Jan 28, 2020

Kendra gets pissed off after she loses an argument with Lilian. Meanwhile, Donna Marie is so happy because Lady Prima is holding a big party where she will introduce Donna Belle and Donna Lyn as the official heiresses of the Claveria family.

Out of Place
S01E118 · Out of Place

Jan 29, 2020

Lilian and Donna Marie had a fight with Kendra and Brianna separately. Meanwhile, Lady Prima starts to organize a party for Donna Belle and Donna Lyn where they will be introduced as the official heiresses of the Claveria family.

Rags to Riches
S01E119 · Rags to Riches

Jan 30, 2020

Donna Lyn and Dona Belle started their beautiful transformation as Lady Prima hired certain people to train them. On the other hand, Kendra and Brianna witnessed the special treatment of the two Donna in the Claveria mansion.

Sana all
S01E120 · Sana all

Jan 31, 2020

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) will try to sabotage the welcoming party of Donna Belle (Althea Alblan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) so she can outshine them.

S01E121 · Saturday

Feb 01, 2020

Even though Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) is happy for her sisters, she still feels sad about her situation.

Dreams Come True
S01E122 · Dreams Come True

Feb 03, 2020

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) feels so much envy upon seeing her sisters achieving their dreams while she's still having an identity crisis. Meanwhile, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) promised the three Donnas that he will support their studies regardless, provoking Brianna to be furious against them.

Lilian vs Kendra
S01E123 · Lilian vs Kendra

Feb 04, 2020

The three Donnas and Brianna (Elijah Alejo) got into a fight and made Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) feel so disappointed to them. Brianna then apologizes to her sisters while Jaime (Wendell Ramos) tries to bridge the gap between his daughters but finds a hard time to bind them altogether.

The Kiss
S01E124 · The Kiss

Feb 05, 2020

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) convinced Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) to stay with the Claverias despite having issues with Brianna. Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) confronts Jaime (Wendell Ramos) about the latter's feeling for Lilian (Katrina Halili) but keeps on denying it.

Kutob ni Kendra
S01E125 · Kutob ni Kendra

Feb 06, 2020

Lillian (Katrina Halili) couldn't help but feel awkward towards Jaime (Wendell Ramos) after getting to kiss him the other night.

In Danger
S01E126 · In Danger

Feb 07, 2020

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) hires someone to steal at the mansion while Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) is the only one left alone.

Laban Lady Prima
S01E127 · Laban Lady Prima

Feb 08, 2020

While Samuel (Anthony Falcon) is doing his bad scheme, Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) eventually wakes up and sees him. Even if the latter is brave enough to fight the criminals, still she did not succeed.

Magbabayad ang may sala
S01E128 · Magbabayad ang may sala

Feb 10, 2020

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) got rushed to the hospital after Brianna (Elijah Alejo) saw her lying unconsciously on the floor. Despite this untimely incident, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) will see to it that he will find the person behind the scheme.

S01E129 · Pagbibintang

Feb 11, 2020

As Lady Prima's (Chanda Romero) health state scares her loved ones, Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) were surprised upon eavesdropping Kendra (Aiko Melendez) and Brianna's (Elijah Alejo) conversation regarding their sinister plans against the Claveria matriarch.

Wrong Accusation
S01E130 · Wrong Accusation

Feb 12, 2020

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) was convinced that Lilian (Katrina Halili) is the reason why his daughters are still not getting along with each other. Meanwhile, everyone was relieved when Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) has finally regained her consciousness.

Inside Job
S01E131 · Inside Job

Feb 13, 2020

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) gets in the way of the three Donnas as they plan a surprise for Lady Prima (Chanda Romero).

Prima Donnas vs Briana
S01E132 · Prima Donnas vs Briana

Feb 14, 2020

The dance battle between Brianna's (Elijah Alejo) squad and the three Donnas ends up into a riot because the first group took defeat seriously.

Lumayas kayo
S01E133 · Lumayas kayo

Feb 15, 2020

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) got into an accident because of Donna Marie (Jillian Ward). However, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) blames the latter but Lilian (Katrina Halili) defended her daughter against his wrong accusations.

May gusto ka ba kay Lilian
S01E134 · May gusto ka ba kay Lilian

Feb 17, 2020

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) tries to get a copy of the CCTV footage to make sure that Samuel (Anthony Falcon) remains unidentified in the video. But much to her surprise, she accidentally saw Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and Lilian's (Katrina Halili) intimate moment together.

Iwas gulo
S01E135 · Iwas gulo

Feb 18, 2020

After the incident between Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward), Lilian (Katrina) decided to look for the latter's real family so she can live a normal life.

Umamin ka na
S01E136 · Umamin ka na

Feb 19, 2020

Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) feels so embarrassed upon watching Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) video scandal. Meanwhile, Brianna (Elijah Alejo) thinks of a plan to continue her revenge plot against the three Donnas.

Kasalan no more
S01E137 · Kasalan no more

Feb 20, 2020

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) has decided to break up with Kendra (Aiko Melendez) after the scandal that happened between him and Lilian (Katrina Halili). He also feels that their relationship is no longer working.

Bawal na pag-ibig
S01E138 · Bawal na pag-ibig

Feb 21, 2020

After leaving his toxic life with Kendra (Aiko Melendez), Jaime (Wendell Ramos) finally has the guts to confess his love for Lilian (Katrina Halili).

Lilian o Kendra
S01E139 · Lilian o Kendra

Feb 22, 2020

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) chooses to fight for Lilian (Katrina Halili) even if Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) doesn't like her. Because of this, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) will make the former choose between her and her mortal enemy.

S01E140 · Tuliro

Feb 24, 2020

After getting into another fight at school, Brianna (Elijah Alejo) accidentally pushes Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) into a deep excavation, causing the latter to feel unconscious. Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) continues to make decisions for Jaime (Wendell Ramos) even though their relationship is already over.

Sampal ng katotohanan
S01E141 · Sampal ng katotohanan

Feb 25, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) did not expect that she will admit her feelings for Jaime (Wendell Ramos). Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) is triggered to plan her revenge plot against the former.

Kendra traydora
S01E142 · Kendra traydora

Feb 26, 2020

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) goes to Lady Prima's (Chanda Romero) house to return Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) gifts to her before so that she can totally move on. Also, she apologizes to Lilian (Katrina Halili) and asks her to be friends after all.

S01E143 · Sabotage

Feb 27, 2020

Cedric (Vince Crisostomo) and Nolan (Will Ashley) will think of a plan that will make Brianna (Elijah Alejo) pay for what she did to Donna Marie (Jillian Ward)

Cedric to the Rescue
S01E144 · Cedric to the Rescue

Feb 28, 2020

With the help of Nolan (Will Ashley) and Cedric (Vince Crisostomo), the three Donnas take their revenge to the next level to scare Brianna (Elijah Alejo).

Paninira ni Kendra
S01E145 · Paninira ni Kendra

Feb 29, 2020

With the help of the three Donnas, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) surprises Lilian (Katrina Halili) so that they can have more time in getting to know each other and to prove that he wants to marry her.

S01E146 · Mastermind

Mar 02, 2020

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) was surprised upon discovering that Lilian (Katrina Halili) was accused of being the prime suspect for stealing the Donarian necklace because of the witness and pieces of evidence. How will Lilian prove her innocence?

The Innocent Suspect
S01E147 · The Innocent Suspect

Mar 03, 2020

Despite her innocence, Lilian (Katrina Halili) was arrested by the police for allegedly stealing the Donarian necklace. This led the three Donnas to ask for Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) help to prove that their mother has nothing to do with it.

Rehas ang pagitan
S01E148 · Rehas ang pagitan

Mar 04, 2020

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) believe that Lilian (Katrina Halili) didn't steal the Donnarian crown but Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) allegedly found a piece of evidence inside their surrogate mother's room.

Naudlot na tulong
S01E149 · Naudlot na tulong

Mar 05, 2020

Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo), Donna Belle (Althea Ablan), and Jaime (Wendell Ramos) are having a hard time proving Lilian's innocence because Kendra is manipulating the situation.

Reyna ng selda
S01E150 · Reyna ng selda

Mar 06, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) is trying to prove her innocence but Kendra (Aiko Melendez) always makes a way to put her down.

Unang pagtatagpo
S01E151 · Unang pagtatagpo

Mar 07, 2020

Now that Lilian (Katrina Halili) is finally out of the picture, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) will take this advantage to get Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) attention.

S01E152 · Whistleblower

Mar 09, 2020

Lilian (Katrina) felt intimidated with Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) when she was provoked to admit that she has an idea where the Donarian crown is. Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) volunteers to take care of Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) children.

Wrong Decision
S01E153 · Wrong Decision

Mar 10, 2020

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) continues to pick on Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) about having a criminal mother while both of them are still at school. Meanwhile, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) visits Lilian (Katrina Halili) in prison to confront her for being a liar and hurting Lady Prima (Chanda Romero).

Patawad Lilian
S01E154 · Patawad Lilian

Mar 11, 2020

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) is starting to doubt Lilian's (Katrina Halili) integrity because of all the allegations thrown against her. Meanwhile, Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) tries to evict Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) and Irma (Irene Celebre) from the mansion because she thinks they are not trustworthy.

Mag-ingat kay Kendra
S01E155 · Mag-ingat kay Kendra

Mar 12, 2020

Upon visiting her best friend, Dindy (Chanel Latorre) explains to Lilian (Katrina Halili) that Kendra (Aiko Melendez) was the main reason why she made false accusations about her. Now that the truth is out, will Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) believe that Kendra planned everything just to ruin Lilian's reputation?

Kendra Exposed
S01E156 · Kendra Exposed

Mar 13, 2020

In order to make up to Lilian (Katrina Halili), Dindy (Chanel Latorre) tries to visit Jaime (Wendell Ramos) so she could expose the truth about Kendra's (Aiko Melendez) motive to his family.

Totoong mastermind
S01E157 · Totoong mastermind

Mar 14, 2020

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) was surprised upon seeing a social media post where as Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) had fun with Brianna's company (Elijah Alejo). On the other hand, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) visited Lilian in jail to give a sample of her wedding invitation.

Magtago ka na
S01E158 · Magtago ka na

Mar 16, 2020

Despite Lilian's (Katrina Halili) knowledge about Kendra's (Aiko Melendez) dirty schemes, the latter keeps on denying it. Because of this, Henry (Marcus Madrigal) pushes through with his plan to silence Dindy (Chanel Latorre) before she spills the truth out.

Dream Come True
S01E159 · Dream Come True

Mar 17, 2020

Now that Henry (Marcus Madrigal) has Dindy (Chanel Latorre) in his hands, the latter will get punished for her betrayal. Meanwhile, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) informs Kendra (Aiko Melendez) that he is now ready to continue their postponed wedding.

Last Chance
S01E160 · Last Chance

Mar 18, 2020

Out of desperation, Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo), Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) went on to visit Lilian (Katrina Halili) in jail without asking permission from Jaime (Wendell Ramos). Because of this, the latter got worried and initially thought his daughters went missing.

Wanted: Lilian
S01E161 · Wanted: Lilian

Nov 13, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) is trying to flee from her abductors while Kendra (Aiko Melendez) is preparing for her most anticipated wedding, hoping that she can stop the latter and Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) wedding.

The Wedding
S01E162 · The Wedding

Nov 16, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) escaped from the kidnappers and rushed to the church to stop Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and Kendra's (Aiko Melendez) wedding. Luckily, the latter was given the chance to speak with her ex-boyfriend and the wedding was eventually postponed.

Goodbye Lilian
S01E163 · Goodbye Lilian

Nov 17, 2020

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) decided to stop his wedding with Kendra (Aiko Melendez) for him to finish his business with Lillian (Katrina Halili). As soon as they arrived at the precinct, Jaime immediately interrogates Lillian and asked the whereabouts of Dindy. Is he willing to believe Lillian's sentiments?

Ella Vs Brianna
S01E164 · Ella Vs Brianna

Nov 18, 2020

Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) and Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) get into an argument because the latter is somehow doubting their mother's honesty. As a result, the former wishes Jaime (Wendell Ramos) to help Lilian (Katrina Halili) escape jail, believing that she is completely innocent.

Laban Lilian
S01E165 · Laban Lilian

Nov 19, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) was released from jail after Cedric's (Vince Cristosmo) family paid her bail. Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) and Henry (Marcus Madrigal) will find a way on how they could abduct Lilian and torture her.

Evil Kendra
S01E166 · Evil Kendra

Nov 20, 2020

As Kendra (Aiko Melendez) pressures Lillian (Katrina Halili) to be bailed out of jail, she is now plotting the perfect way to kill her rival. She orders her men to abduct Lillian and Mayi (Jillian Ward) as part of her scheme to execute her rival.

Gone Girls
S01E167 · Gone Girls

Nov 23, 2020

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) continues her plan to prove to the Claveria family that Lilian (Katrina Halili) is a criminal. Meanwhile, Samuel (Anthony Falcon) also continues his rage on torturing Lilian and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) as they both suffer under his hands.

Masked Criminal
S01E168 · Masked Criminal

Nov 24, 2020

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) will try to manipulate Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) to convince her that she really doesn't know Lilian (Katrina Halili) well. Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) is still busy and feels happy about torturing Lilian as her revenge.

Wag kang susuko
S01E169 · Wag kang susuko

Nov 25, 2020

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) gets grounded after Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) saw her fighting with Brianna (Elijah Alejo). Meanwhile, Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) will try to escape from the kidnappers after she luckily untied herself from the rope.

Killer Kendra
S01E170 · Killer Kendra

Nov 26, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) will try to escape from the kidnappers and save Nanay Irma (Irene Celebre). Meanwhile, Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) was able to escape from the house hoping that she could find a way to see her mother and sister.

S01E171 · Pasabog

Nov 27, 2020

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) is trying to reassure the shooter not to kill her because she feels he's only doing it for his family. As Lilian (Katrina Halili) was trying to escape the bomb that Kendra (Aiko Melendez) had planted.

S01E172 · Heartbreak

Nov 30, 2020

Jaime (Wendell Ramos), together with Nolan (Will Ashley), will help hand-in-hand in searching for Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) after leaving home without asking permission. Meanwhile, Donna Marie (Jiillian Ward) gets saved by one of the kidnappers as she escapes but found Lilian (Katrina Halili) dead.

Second Life
S01E173 · Second Life

Dec 01, 2020

Upon discovering Lilian's (Katrina Halili) death, one of the kidnappers felt guilty and offered help to Donna Marie (Jillian Ward). Little did she know that the former's body was found and rescued by a nun.

Fake News
S01E174 · Fake News

Dec 02, 2020

As Ruben (James Blanco) and Jaime (Wendell Ramos) get closer, the former remembers his mysterious ex-girlfriend because of the latter's happy family. Meanwhile, Lilian (Katrina Halili) is still in the process of recovering after getting into a traumatic experience.

S01E175 · Saklolo

Dec 03, 2020

Ruben (James Blanco) found a girl sleeping inside his company truck and noticed that she was the girl he saved before from bad guys. Meanwhile, Brianna (Elijah Alejo) gets disappointed after Jaime (Wendell Ramos) rejected her wish to go with him to a VIP event just because Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) doesn't want to.

Jaime and Lilian
S01E176 · Jaime and Lilian

Dec 04, 2020

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) gets emotional as Donna Lyn (Sofia Pablo) leaves for Australia. Meanwhile, Lilian (Katrina Halili) is still having a hard time to recover and remember everything because of her traumatic experience.

Two Faced Brianna
S01E177 · Two Faced Brianna

Dec 07, 2020

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) thought that he finally found Lilian (Katrina Halili) but it was only a false alarm. Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) also goes to the convent hoping that she could be reunited with her mother again.

Fake Letter
S01E178 · Fake Letter

Dec 08, 2020

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) receives a letter of apology from Lilian (Katrina Halili) saying that she is guilty and only used them for money. However, it was little to her knowledge that Kendra (Aiko Melendez) paid someone to forge her mother's handwriting and send her a fake letter.

Remember Me, Lilian
S01E179 · Remember Me, Lilian

Dec 09, 2020

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) feels so happy now that she finally reunited with Lilian (Katrina Halili) again. Unfortunately, Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) was convinced about her mother's fake apology letter and decided to forget her and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) for the rest of her life.

The One That Got Away
S01E180 · The One That Got Away

Dec 10, 2020

Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) feels so excited knowing that she can now introduce Lilian (Katrina Halili) to Ruben (James Blanco). However, it was little to her knowledge that the former is her mother's 'one that got away.'

Para kay Mayi
S01E181 · Para kay Mayi

Dec 11, 2020

Now that Ruben (James Blanco) has a chance to see Lilian (Katrina Halili), he's going to do whatever he can to win her back even though she's still holding a grudge against him.

Wedding Bells
S01E182 · Wedding Bells

Dec 14, 2020

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) had an argument about Lilian (Katrina Halili) because her granddaughter is having a hard time to move on. Meanwhile, Lilian is still in denial about her past with Ruben (James Blanco) and chooses not to tell any more stories to Donna Marie (Jillian Ward).

Ex ni Lilian
S01E183 · Ex ni Lilian

Dec 15, 2020

Lilian Katrina Halili) finally shares to Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) her untold love story with Ruben (James Blanco). Furthermore, her daughter was surprised after knowing that her grandmother was the reason why the two got into their separate ways.

Walang makakapigil
S01E184 · Walang makakapigil

Dec 16, 2020

Back then, Ruben (James Blanco) and Lilian (Katrina Halili) planned to move in and reach for their dreams. Unfortunately, Irma (Irene Celebre) stopped them and the latter chose to stay with her mom.

S01E185 · Konsensya

Dec 17, 2020

Ruben (James Blanco) tries to convince Lilian (Katrina Halili) to seek revenge against the people who killed her mother. Will she accept his offer or will she keep herself silent for the sake of Donna Marie (Jillian Ward)?

Lagot ka Kendra
S01E186 · Lagot ka Kendra

Dec 18, 2020

The most awaited wedding of Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and Kendra (Aiko Melendez) has finally come until a suspected ghost of Lilian (Katrina Halili) appears on the bride's camera. Clueless of what's happening, Ruben (James Blanco) offers Lilian to attend the Claverias' wedding.

Officially Mrs. Claveria
S01E187 · Officially Mrs. Claveria

Dec 21, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) found out that Kendra (Aiko Melendez) and Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) wedding will finally happen. Meanwhile, Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) can't move on after seeing her mother outside the church.

Pag-amin ni Lilian
S01E188 · Pag-amin ni Lilian

Dec 22, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) finally shares to Ruben (James Blanco) her past with the Claveria family so that he can understand what's going on. Meanwhile, Agaton (Benjie Paras) noticed that Jaime (Wendell Ramos) is not happy after getting married to Kendra (Aiko Melendez).

Real Parents
S01E189 · Real Parents

Dec 23, 2020

Ruben (James Blanco) found Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) real parents but Lilian (Katrina Halili) is still not convinced that's why she will ask them to tell the whole story on how they lost their daughter.

Nanay ni Mayi
S01E190 · Nanay ni Mayi

Dec 24, 2020

As Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) meets her real parents, she feels so scared knowing the fact that she will be leaving Lilian (Katrina Halili) too soon to live with her new family.

Ruben and Lilian
S01E191 · Ruben and Lilian

Dec 25, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) is going to give Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) a chance to be with the married couple who claimed they were her real parents. Though Ruben (James Blanco) will take the time, while Donna Marie is gone, to be with Lilian.

Maling Akala
S01E192 · Maling Akala

Dec 28, 2020

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) will try to get close with Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) for the sake of being Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) wife. Meanwhile, Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) gets into an accident as she and her real mother went out for a date.

Blood Donor
S01E193 · Blood Donor

Dec 29, 2020

Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Ruben (James Blanco) are starting to wonder why Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) blood type does not match with her real parents. Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) feels so happy now that Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) finally treats her as her new mother.

S01E194 · Magkadugo

Dec 30, 2020

Because of the nurse's speculation about their blood type, Ruben (James Blanco) is wondering if he is related to Donna Marie (Jillian Ward).

Walang takas
S01E195 · Walang takas

Dec 31, 2020

Gwyneth (Gilleth Sandico) tears down the DNA test result and hides the truth from Lilian (Katina Halili) and Ruben (James Blanco) so that she can pursue her dream to become Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) real mother.

Fake DNA
S01E196 · Fake DNA

Jan 01, 2021

To become Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) legal mother, Gwen (Gilleth Sandico) attempts to change the DNA test result. Can Lilian (Katrina Halili), before it's too late, find out the truth?

S01E197 · Confirmed

Jan 04, 2021

While Jaime (Wendell Ramos) is still having a hard time to move on from his past, Ruben (James Blanco) never felt more happy upon discovering that he is the real father of Donna Marie (Jillian Ward).

S01E198 · Throwback

Jan 05, 2021

After finding out the DNA test result, Ruben (James Blanco) felt relieved because he found out that Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) is his daughter. How will Lilian accept this revelation?

Hanapin si Mayi
S01E199 · Hanapin si Mayi

Jan 06, 2021

Aired (January 6, 2021): Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Ruben (James Blanco) felt so happy upon knowing that they are Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) real parents. Unfortunately, while the two are busy about the good news, Gwyneth (Gileth Sandico) finds a way to abduct her wrongfully-imagined daughter.

Mayi, I Am Your Father
S01E200 · Mayi, I Am Your Father

Jan 07, 2021

As Gwyneth (Gilleth Sandico) messes up her abduction plan, Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Ruben (James Blanco) finally had the chance to tell Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) that they are her real parents.

Tunay na pamilya
S01E201 · Tunay na pamilya

Jan 08, 2021

The search for Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) real parents is over after she found out that her real father is Ruben (James Blanco), the first love of her Nanay Lilian (Katrina Halili).

The Proposal
S01E202 · The Proposal

Jan 11, 2021

After Ruben (James Blanco) toured Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) to Escalate's office, the former asks for her ex-girlfriend's hand if she is now ready to be his wife.

Selos Much
S01E203 · Selos Much

Jan 12, 2021

Lilian feels traumatized (Katrina Halili) as she answers Jaime's (Wendell Ramos) phone call, a reason why Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) and Ruben (James Blanco) try to make her feel secured and be motivated to be a strong woman.

Sisters Forever
S01E204 · Sisters Forever

Jan 13, 2021

Despite Lilian's (Katrina Halili) warning, Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) still pushed through on visiting Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) at school. However, Donna Marie got disappointed because her sister rejected her and accused her of being a liar.

Pride ni Ella
S01E205 · Pride ni Ella

Jan 14, 2021

Lilian (Katrina Halili) finally meets Nolan (Will Ashley) again as she goes to Donna Marie's (Jillian Ward) school to take care of her requirements for transferring. However, it was little to the former's knowledge that Kendra (Aiko Melendez) saw her walking around the campus.

Shookt si Kendra
S01E206 · Shookt si Kendra

Jan 15, 2021

As Lilian (Katrina Halili) tries to keep Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) safe, she will do everything to keep her away from the Claverias even from her sister Donna Belle. How will Donna Marie react to her mother's decision?

Strong Lilian
S01E207 · Strong Lilian

Jan 18, 2021

While Brianna (Elijah Alejo) accidentally saw Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) talking to Nolan (WIll Ashley) around the campus, Donna Marie found a way to escape. Because of this, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) will try to look for evidence to prove that her husband's ex-girlfriend and daughter are already dead.

She Is Back
S01E208 · She Is Back

Jan 19, 2021

Because of too much stress, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) shows off her true colors to Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) and Jaime (Wendell Ramos). Meanwhile, Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) feels happy as Lilian (Katrina Halili) finally gives her the freedom to see her friends and sisters.

Lilian and Kendra's Face Off
S01E209 · Lilian and Kendra's Face Off

Jan 20, 2021

Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Kendra (Aiko Melendez) accidentally meet again and the former proves to the latter that she is not the girl that she used to hurt before.

Muling pagkikita
S01E210 · Muling pagkikita

Jan 21, 2021

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) gets surprised upon seeing Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) again but instead of confronting them, she makes them feel that they are no longer part of her life anymore.

The Comeback
S01E211 · The Comeback

Jan 22, 2021

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) was shocked after hearing hurtful words from Lilian (Katrina Halili)-making him think that he shouldn't have trusted her in the first place. Unbeknownst to them, they're just both victims of Kendra's (Aiko Melendez) selfish schemes.

Kapit Ruben
S01E212 · Kapit Ruben

Jan 25, 2021

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) uses Donna Belle (Althea) as a trap so he can bait Lilian (Katrina Halili) to go to a certain place where they'd meet. However, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) discovered his plan and followed them suit to witness what would happen.

S01E213 · Sugod

Jan 26, 2021

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) and Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) got into a fight because of the former's unethical behavior. Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) finds out where Lilian (Katrina Halili) leaves and desperately goes to the Escalantes' building to confront her in front of Ruben (James Blanco.)

Queen vs Queen
S01E214 · Queen vs Queen

Jan 27, 2021

Lilian (Katrina Halili) and Kendra (Aiko Melendez) got into a fight just because the former has already reserved the latter's favorite spot. Furthermore, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) is shocked upon seeing Ruben (James Blanco) attending an occasion with her ex-girlfriend.

S01E215 · Pagtatapat

Jan 28, 2021

Ruben (James Blanco), together with Lilian (Katrina Halili), sets up a meeting with Kendra (Aiko Melendez) and Jaime (Wendell Ramos) to have a confrontation and shared with them the story about the former two's history before.

The Fake Daughter
S01E216 · The Fake Daughter

Jan 29, 2021

Together with Ruben (James Blanco), Lilian (Katrina Halili) exposed the truth about her strange pregnancy which makes Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) one of the triplets. Will Jaime (Wendell Ramos) believe her?

DNA Test Again
S01E217 · DNA Test Again

Feb 01, 2021

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) may have found a way on how he can prove if Brianna (Elijah Alejo) is a real Claveria, but Kendra (Aiko Melendez) will make sure that she is one step ahead of his plans.

Hindi kita anak
S01E218 · Hindi kita anak

Feb 02, 2021

Now that Jaime (Wendell Ramos) found out that Brianna (Eliah Alejo) is not his real daughter, he'll make sure that he'll find for the person behind the whole pretention fiasco and figure out what their motives are.

Buking ka na
S01E219 · Buking ka na

Feb 03, 2021

Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) tries to get rid of Brianna (Elijah Alejo) upon finding out that she is not a real Claveria. Meanwhile, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) decides to confront Lilian (Katrina Halili) about her lies but Ruben (James Blanco) defended her.

Umamin ka na Brianna
S01E220 · Umamin ka na Brianna

Feb 04, 2021

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) tries to escape from the Claverias' house but Jaime (Wendell Ramos) caught her. Because of this, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) will force the former to expose her father as the prime suspect of all the lies that she did.

The Fake Daughter
S01E221 · The Fake Daughter

Feb 05, 2021

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) is now on the verge of his anger towards the man behind Brianna's (Elijah Alejo) lies while Kendra (Aiko Melendez) is still trying to act innocent even though Lilian (Katrina Halili) knows that she is the real mastermind behind all of these.

Secret Is Out
S01E222 · Secret Is Out

Feb 08, 2021

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) forces Brianna (Elijah Alejo) to tell him the truth and threatens her that he will kick her out of their house. Donna Belle (Althea Ablan) then decides to speak with Donna Marie (Jillian Ward) to know the real reason why they left her without any notice.

Takot ni Brianna
S01E223 · Takot ni Brianna

Feb 09, 2021

Lilian (Katrina Halili) tries to follow Kendra (Aiko Melendez) anywhere she goes and much to her surprise, she found out that the latter is about to meet up with Henry (Marcus Madrigal).

S01E224 · HuliCam

Feb 10, 2021

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) found out that (Katrina Halili) took a photo of her and Henry (Marcus Madrigal) after they met each other. The former will destroy the evidence and will make sure that no one can ruin her plans.

Tunay na kulay
S01E225 · Tunay na kulay

Feb 11, 2021

After a long time of fighting for the truth, Lilian (Katrina Halili) finally had the chance to expose the real identity of Kendra (Aiko Melendez) in front of Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) and Jaime (Wendell Ramos).

Lumayas ka, Kendra
S01E226 · Lumayas ka, Kendra

Feb 12, 2021

Kendra (Aiko Melendez) is about to deny all the allegations towards her but Lady Prima (Chanda Romero) already holds the evidence against the former. What will she do now that everybody finally knows her secret?

Mag-isa ka na, Brianna
S01E227 · Mag-isa ka na, Brianna

Feb 15, 2021

Brianna (Elijah Alejo) apologizes to the Claveria family for all the damages that she has done because of her mother's cruelty. Meanwhile, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) is busy thinking of a savage plan to destroy Jaime (Wendell Ramos), including his loved ones.

The Real Heiress
S01E228 · The Real Heiress

Feb 16, 2021

As all of the revelations have come out, Jaime (Wendell Ramos) and Lilian (Katrina Halili) finally forgive themselves and move on. However, Kendra (Aiko Melendez) will threaten Darcy (Che Ramos) and use her for her ultimate revenge plan.

Jaime, Lilian and Ruben
S01E229 · Jaime, Lilian and Ruben

Feb 17, 2021

Darcy (Che Ramos) exposes all of Kendra's (Aiko Melendez) plans to Lilian (Katrina HalilI) so she could clear her conscience and save the lives of the Claveria family.

Ang huling pasabog
S01E230 · Ang huling pasabog

Feb 18, 2021

Even though Kendra (Aiko Melendez) threatens the Claveria family, her savage plan didn't succeed. Instead, she suffered comatose and had some nightmares.

The Grand Finale
S01E231 · The Grand Finale

Feb 19, 2021

Jaime (Wendell Ramos) will take the chance to be with Lilian (Katrina Halili) and their kids now that Kendra (Aiko Melendez) is out of the picture.


Prima Donnas Season 1 (2019) is released on Aug 19, 2019 and the latest season 2 of Prima Donnas is released in 2022. Watch Prima Donnas online - the Tagalog Crime TV series from Philippines. Prima Donnas is directed by Gina Alajar and created by Maria Zita Garganera with Katrina Halili and Wendell Ramos.

As know as:

Prima Donnas




Tagalog, Filipino

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