Episodes (25)

Aug 11, 1991
What starts off innocently enough (A parent/student project) unravels many of the students at Santo Domingo's relationships with their parents. Parker deals with his over-thinking father, Jerry and his father could probably create cold fusion with their brain power, and Mikey's rocky home life comes out. A potentially disastrous episode begs the question of how Parker can fix this one...

Aug 18, 1991
Constantly finding herself in the shadow of her brother, Shelley finds a new identity. The 'Dark Siders' were a group of kids that didn't fit the regular high-schooler mold as they dressed darkly, wreaked havoc, and were very mysterious in nature. The 'Dark Siders' are essentially everything Parker is not and therefore very appealing to Shelley. As much as Parker likes distancing himself from his sister the prospect of Shelley becoming a Dark Sider could be disastrous as she could very well get in over her head. Parker must decide to intervene to save his sister from ...

Sep 01, 1991
Parker is the leader, Mikey is the flirt and wild one, and Jerry is the brains. While Jerry's jacket has become a part of him and constantly saves the group's hides the jacket seriously crimps Jerry's love life. What starts innocently enough Parker and Mikey take Jerry's jacket and try to help him impress a girl. When Jerry needs his jacket back it mysteriously disappears (Other parties' interests are peaked when they find the jacket isn't in Jerry's possession). In true Parker Lewis form the end is climatic as everyone seeks out the power of the jacket.

Sep 08, 1991
Parker is the a living god when he walks the halls of Santo Domingo. High School to Parker is just the backdrop of his life and the future isn't of interest; until now. It seems that while Parker has focused all his attention to the present everyone else is planning for the future and Parker is going to be left behind. Parker must come to terms and figure out what he is to do with his life and start thinking about life past High School.

Sep 15, 1991
If High School were powered by something that something would be gossip. The rumor-mill has been working overtime in regards to Ms. Mason (The school's resident hot teacher) through the stories told by one of the jocks. Now that Parker has been invited over to the teacher's house for some one on one planning for a class parker finds himself in the center of all the gossip. Are the rumors true and is Parker going to get the teacher, or will Parker wind up looking foolish? This episode explores the concept that teachers are in fact people too and have their own thoughts...

Sep 22, 1991
On Mikey's priority list High School isn't exactly high up there. In typically Mikey fashion a girl steals his interest and offers him something too good to be true. The girl's father just so happens to run a big recording studio and the two (the girl and father) offer Mikey a recording contract. Parker knows Mikey could possibly be throwing his life away as the love struck teen has his mind set on the deal and nothing else. Parker has to get to the bottom of everything and decide how to wake Mikey up to reality.

Sep 29, 1991
Santo Domingo's football team is a physical force with such players as Larry Kubiac. Even with the Kube and other excellent players Santo Domingo's football team lacks brain power. An upcoming game against El Carado High School prompts media attention towards Grace Musso (seeing as the Flamingo's haven't ever scored so much as a point against their rivals) to act. Skipping other students Grace shoots to the top of the intellectual ladder and suits Jerry Steiner up to play ball. Jerry proves an excellent addition to the team helping them win other games, but with the ...

Oct 06, 1991
Grace Musso and Dr. Pankow are long time rivals as the each of them fight for control from the school board. Now an aging Grace and Pankow seem to be meeting not on the battle field but on dates. It's up to Parker and gang to get beneath the facades and see if there is a true potential for a love connection or if Musso is being had. Simotanously Jerry's focus is being consumed by a computer. HAL 9000 themed Parker is stuck in the middle between the love duo and the geek duo.

Oct 13, 1991
Parker leads a hectic life and to help him keep track of things he keeps an audio diary in the form of a miniature tape recorder. Suddenly Parker finds his beloved diary is missing along with all of the juicy contents that are recorded on it. The thief leaves a cryptic video recording to Parker warning that at a ceremony to celebrate Kube the contents of the diary will be broadcast to the whole school. Panic ensues as Parker's reputation is on the line along with his life if anything about the school's don "Donald 'the Don' Yemano" are revealed. Everything culminates ...

Oct 27, 1991
Once again Shelley's found a new identity that she'll call her own to the dismay of Parker. The newest music sensation 'Jezebel' has captured the attention of the girls at Santo Domingo. As with everyone else Shelley feels that Jezebel is speaking to her in her music and she faithfully worships her following. As an upcoming concert looms Shelley is consumed with getting a ticket to the show even if it entails her resorting to being devious. Parker tries to help his sister as it appears she's brainwashed by the performer and Shelley has to come to terms with right and ...

Nov 03, 1991
Parker learns the lesson that love really isn't blind. A girl he's connected with through the Santo Domingo on-line community seems to be the Yin to his Yang. When he asks the girl to the upcoming "Truth or Dare" dance it finally comes time to meet his dream girl. As can be imagined the dream turns to be a nightmare to Parker's reputation as the girl (Harriet Guzman) is a plus-sized girl and otherwise wouldn't stand a chance with someone like Parker. Parker comes to terms with his potential reputation suicide by taking the girl to the dance, or be uncool and drop ...

Nov 10, 1991
This episode kicks off the Parker and Annie Sloan saga. While volunteering to help setup a dance for the school Parker meets the love of his life Annie Sloan. As with teen-aged love the two experience a puppy love and then things become a little rocky as each of them over complicate things. In a new to PLCL style this episode seems documentary as you see individual scenes of Annie or Parker discussing their feelings and worries for the future. The catalyst in this episode is the one and only Nick Comstock (the diner manager). Will his views help the couple or help ...

Nov 24, 1991
With a child-like mentality the almighty Kube doesn't back down from anything. Anything except his do-gooder girlfriend's request for Kubiac not to fight anymore. Seeing a chance the school's don "Donald 'the Don' Yemano" jumps to attention and takes over the school with an iron fist. As told as if it were a children's story the viewer watches everyone pushed into a corner waiting for the mighty Kubiac to help. Will Larry Kubiac come out of retirement and fight Donald or will this tale not end happily ever after?

Dec 15, 1991
In High School Parker Lewis can overcome anything it would seem. That is before the wraith of the teacher from hell, "Mr. Tower". Mercilous Mr. Tower doesn't tolerate insubordination in his students and his students fear him. Parker finds himself stretched thin as he's occupied by Mr. Power, Annie, and his friends. Now that Parker is forced to study more than ever before he finds an unusual ally; Frank Lemmer. To avoid failing out of the class Frank and Parker have to band together to make it.

Dec 22, 1991
On one of his evil missions, Dr. Pankow decides to target Santo Domingo one CD at a time. With the advent of 'explicit lyric' labels Pankow sends one of his evil henchmen into Mondo Video to catch Mr. Lewis at selling such CD's to minors. This follows with Mr. Lewis fighting back against Pankow's scheme to undermine the first amendment. Parker garners a new respect for his father as Mr. Lewis risks everything to stand up for his rights...

Jan 05, 1992
Once in a while a teacher comes around that not only keeps the class interested and entertained, but is able to get through to the students. Mr. Rips is such a teacher as he is able to teach in a way that even Kubiac can learn a thing or two. Unfortunatly teachers' salaries aren't able to support teachers with growing families and Mr. Rips is forced to retire to pursue a higher paying job. The class along with Musso has to deal with the likely loss of one of the most respected teachers to grace the halls of Santo Domingo.

Jan 19, 1992
In this spoof of Family Ties, Parker's mother decides to go back to school and continue her education. Parker's dad is dumbfounded by this and their marriage is at stake. At the same time, Jerry comes to live with them for a time.

Feb 09, 1992
In High School often times there are legends from years past to which tales transcend through the generations. Ronnie Ray is probably the biggest legend in Santo Domingo's history and the legend returns to be honored. When Parker digs deeper into Ronnie Ray's High School career he unearths several disappointments and finds this hero still lives in the past. Parker sees first hand that sometimes legends should remain legends as reality is the ultimate buzz-kill.

Feb 16, 1992
The second rocky episode in the story of Parker Lewis and Annie Sloan. As with the first part this episode focuses on Parker and Annie's relationship growing more serious. The two find each other's faults and have a hard time dealing with the new feelings that they are experiencing. Simultaneously Grace Musso is trying (as usual) to find love with a rich doctor.

Mar 01, 1992
Principal Musso's sneaky sidekick is put in the spotlight as he finds a girl interesting. An interesting change-up in the Parker Lewis world Lemmer takes up a job working with Nick Comstock at the diner to pick up tips from the master. At the same time Nick has his eyes out for a girl.

Mar 22, 1992
Sometimes fate isn't disguised as an angel with a bow and arrow, but as a diner manager. Nick Comstock notices a lonely Jerry is going to sit it out another Friday night as Parker and Mikey double date with their girlfriends. Playing his hand at fate he gives Jerry a ticket to the show at the planetarium that evening. Jerry gets a surprise when it's not Nick who meets him at the planetarium that evening, but another single freshman...

Apr 12, 1992
PLCL has focused on many of the 'communities' found in every High School, but until now hasn't focused much on the geek community from which Jerry was spawned. Parker and Mikey learn about the dark underworld of the geek and the terrible fate that afflicts geeks who fade from attention. Jerry decides to take take one of these geeks under his wing, but he has a hard time keeping this geek from fading to the underworld. Naturally it takes the whole group especially Jerry to find resolution is this dark installment.

Apr 26, 1992
Mikey's always lived without routine and responsibility until Nick decided to lend him a hand. To help Mikey get the girl this time Nick hires Mikey to work in the diner. Mikey has to learn that sometimes responsibility comes with a price tag as he has to decide between his job and his time. Mikey does his normal self-destructive thing, but can he pull himself out of the latest hole he's dug for himself?

May 03, 1992
Parker just can't get a break as he finds out when he plans a quiet night alone with Annie (As his parents are out of town). As word gets out that Parker has the house to himself everyone at Santo Domingo wants a piece and a party quickly forms. Throughout the episode Parker is caught between time with Annie and the various troubles forming downstairs at the party. Parker quickly becomes overwhelmed as various subplots grow to drown out any possibility of anything developing between him and Annie.

May 17, 1992
Much of the main characters of Santo Domingo are trapped in the Atlas Diner and chaos ensues. Various panic attacks follow as the trapped people face certain doom one way or another. A bittersweet episode as it is entertaining and action packed, but by the end of it two characters disappear from the show.
Parker Lewis Can't Lose Season 2 (1991) is released on Aug 11, 1991 and the latest season 3 of Parker Lewis Can't Lose is released in 1992. Watch Parker Lewis Can't Lose online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Parker Lewis Can't Lose is directed by Bryan Spicer,Rob Bowman,Larry Shaw,Max Tash and created by Lon Diamond with Corin Nemec and Billy Jayne.
Trendy high school student Parker Lewis (a character similar to Ferris Bueller), for whom, as suggested by his motto, "Not a problem," nothing is impossible. Like his best buds Mikey Randall and Jerry Steiner, and his girlfriend Annie Sloane, his prime concern is achieving and maintaining coolness during the turbulent years of puberty. However, their efforts keep being thwarted by Parker's little sister, Shelly, and principal Grace Musso. Apart from various aspects of teenage life, embedded in a wealth of cartoon-like special effects and camera trickery, an episode regularly contains more or less subtle references to movies, politics, and celebrities.