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Episodes (12)

Dec 15, 2009
Joan and her boyfriend Tony are seeing apparitions and hearing hushed conversations in their New Jersey home. Both are concerned that the spirits are influencing their behavior: a non-drinker, Tony has turned to the bottle while Joan has thoughts of harming herself. PRS uncovers deaths inside the home with eerie connections to their alleged haunting.

Dec 15, 2009
Paula and her husband Mike are under siege by a purported shadow demon in their North Carolina home. Paula has witnessed a toddler bed levitating and heard deep growls. Most chilling though, are the vulgar outbursts from their three-year-old daughter, Reagan. Michelle, Ryan and the team uncover the shocking truth behind the haunting--and attempt to stop the force before it overcomes Reagan.

Dec 22, 2009
Guests have been fleeing the famed Hotel Conneaut in northern Pennsylvania amid reports of paranormal activity. Heavy doors opening on their own, sightings of a boy, a bride and a menacing butcher, have the hotel's staff on edge. Psychic/Medium Chip Coffey joins PRS as they record their own eye-opening evidence and discover a surprising twist about the phenomena.

Dec 29, 2009
Bruce and Danielle are terrified by an EVP recorded in their Indiana home stating "Kill them." Even more chilling, their toddler son survived a fall out of a window only to tell his parents, "Boy pushed me." PRS investigates a possible connection to a local missing persons case and discovers there's more to the land than they thought. Psychic CJ Sellers joins the team.

Dec 29, 2009
Ken, the owner of a sprawling mansion on Greyhaven Island near Detroit, says he feels more like the caretaker. Voices, banging and a run of bad luck have him feeling both watched and cursed, a prisoner in his own home. PRS investigates a Native American massacre that may have left a curse on the land, while a voice allegedly saying "Get Out" leads PRS on another path.

Jan 05, 2010
Brenda is terrified by a dark hooded figure spotted in her rural West Virginia home. The same entity allegedly tormented her late husband, a family physician, just before his violent demise. Psychic/Medium Michelle Belanger and Ryan help Brenda fight back before she slips into the same abyss as her late husband.

Jan 05, 2010
Mark and Kim cannot sleep through all the racket caused by unseen forces in their central Indiana home. When PRS discovers what appears to be blood in the basement, they investigate a history of violence in the home. But things aren't what they seem as they dig deeper into the client's personal history. Psychic/Medium Michelle Belanger helps Ryan piece together the puzzle.

Jan 12, 2010
Ryan leads his team to one of the most haunted places in the US to confront their fears and solve a paranormal mystery. Aside from the alleged spirits of dead prisoners, something even darker may be lurking inside West Virginia State Penitentiary. Michelle Belanger and Father Bob Bailey join the team.

Jan 19, 2010
PRS investigates an Alabama home where clients, Georgiana and her two daughters, are so terrified, they moved out after only 18 months. They have seen shadow figures, been touched and have a recorded EVP stating, "Look at me, get out of here." Psychic/medium John Oliver and friends from the Alabama Paranormal Society, join Ryan and his team on the case.

Jan 26, 2010
A rural Georgia family has been sleeping together on the living room floor after spotting several apparitions of young girls, and a non-human entity. PRS' investigation uncovers a family secret that may help explain the activity. Psychic and Demonologist Lorraine Warren joins the investigation.

Feb 02, 2010
Kathy and her son Michael have both felt the presence of a young boy in their Pennsylvania home. Kathy heard a voice call, "Mom?" but no one was there. Psychic/medium Michelle Belanger picks up on the child's energy but also a more menacing presence connected to local murder. PRS debates whether or not the murder is connected while Ryan develops his own theory about Kathy.

Feb 09, 2010
PRS delves deep into the pine barrens of the Garden State to separate myth from reality about the so-called "Jersey Devil." Accompanied by a cryptozoologist the team interviews eye witnesses and experts in search of the truth: is the "Jersey Devil" actually an undiscovered species or as legend has it, the ghost of a cursed, deformed child?
Paranormal State Season 4 (2009) is released on Dec 15, 2009 and the latest season 6 of Paranormal State is released in 2011. Watch Paranormal State online - the English Reality-TV TV series from United States. Paranormal State is directed by Benjamin Wolf,Chad Calek,Bradley Beesley,George Plamondon and created by Gary Auerbach with Ryan Buell and Chip Coffey. Paranormal State is available online on Discovery Plus Amazon Channel and The Roku Channel.
Story follows members of the famous Penn State Paranormal Research Society as they investigate strange and unusual phenomena across the country. Story also features their hectic lives as college students and faculty.