Episodes (24)

Oct 08, 1988
Evie is turning 14 and her birthday gift from her father is four wishes.

Oct 15, 1988
After hearing about how her parents met, Evie decides to gleep herself back in time. But when she ruins their meeting, Evie has to arrange their meeting.

Oct 22, 1988
Donna opens up her new catering business called "Donna's Delights", but when Evie accidentally gleaps the cookies for one of Donna's parties into space cookies, that put people to sleep, it is up to Beano to try and get the cookies before anyone eats them.

Oct 29, 1988
Kyle discovers that, Jim, his old buddy from high school is coming for a visit and Kyle is determined to shape himself up to impress Jim after remembering how Jim always had everything that he didn't, but when Jim gets to the house, Kyle realizes he is handicapped.

Nov 05, 1988
What make the teenage years so impressive? Yes the first kiss. It's the night Evie has been waiting for her first, real date alone with Chris Fuller, but when Chris kisses her for the first time, Evie gets the wrong idea and thinks that they are a couple. So did he only kiss Evie for other reasons? Did only Evie loves Chris?

Nov 12, 1988
Prince Cornelius is coming to Marlowe and everyone is anxious to meet him except Evie. She thinks that he only was a Snob, until she finds herself attracted to him, but if sweeping Evie off her feet, with his good looks and charm, wasn't enough- the prince asks Evie to marry him.

Nov 19, 1988
When Donna discovers that her old beau, Rob Jamison, is coming to Marlowe for their class reunion, she invites him over to the house hoping that they can catch up and reminisce on old times, but when Evie catches him kissing her mother, it misleads Evie to believing that her mother no longer loves her father.

Nov 26, 1988
A Guest from outer Space is coming to visit Evie and Donna on Earth. Evie's grandfather Zelig from outer space. He wants to take Evie home with him to meet her dad. Would a Dream come true? Would Evie see her Dad for the very first time? Will Evie choose to stay?

Dec 03, 1988
Evie, Donna, Beano, and Kyle decide to take a vacation. Beano thinks, that this is a bad idea. On their way in the holidays they get lost in a old western town and meet two men who claim that they run the town but are really counterfeiters. When Evie, Beano, and Donna find out what they are up to, the counterfeiters kidnap them, there is only one hero to save them. So take a hat, a horse and a hero - or Kyle to save the Day.

Dec 10, 1988
There's a new boy in town named Elroy Tanner who everyone thinks is a nerd, and when Evie feels sorry for him, she accepts his invitation to go to the "Sock Hop" so that he won't feel disliked. But there is more than a Nerd, he has got a secret.

Dec 17, 1988
After a little encouragement from Evie, Chris accepts an offer from a talent agent to be the next big thing in modeling. Will Evie welcome all the stardom that comes Chris's way, or will she be left behind?

Jan 28, 1989
After a mishap with a cassette tape, Lindsay and Evie find themselves at odds. Lucky for them Mayor Applegate has just started a teen court so students can learn more about the judicial system.

Feb 04, 1989
Evie is depressed that Troy cannot attend the father-daughter dance. After being mocked that she is going with her uncle Beano again this year, Evie gleeps a fake father to go with her.

Feb 11, 1989
Evie gets a job as a waitress at the Goodie Goodie so she can buy a CD player. When she quickly becomes overwhelmed, she uses her powers and finds herself promoted and the head waitress getting fired (after working there 30 years).

Feb 18, 1989
Evie is running for student office but needs a better campaign. Lindsay suggests a photo with a cardboard Abraham Lincoln and the slogan "Honest Abe for Honest Evie." Evie wishes Lincoln was really there to help her and suddenly he is.

Feb 25, 1989
Evie, Donna, Beano, Lindsay, and Kyle take a trip to Universal Studios Hollywood. Donna is mistaken for Doctor Ruth, Kyle is upset that no one recognizes him and his old TV show is ridiculed, and the girls get lost looking for Tom Cruise.

Mar 04, 1989
Evie, Lindsay, and Chris do not want to wear their new school uniforms. Evie is elected to write and give a speech at the board meeting of the school committee but she wants to go to a birthday party. She uses her powers to split in two.

Mar 11, 1989
When Beano feels that he's lost "that old Beano magic" with the ladies, Evie gleeps his new cologne to attract them. It works and all the attention starts to go to his head. Donna and Evie consult Troy.

Apr 29, 1989
After finding some toys from Beano's childhood, Evie turns her uncle into a 10 year-old. Will Evie be able to reverse the gleep before Beano's important meeting?

May 06, 1989
Evie and Donna have entered the Marlowe Mother-Daughter Pageant but struggle with what to do for the talent portion. Snob Sissy Brown and her pressuring mother Susan have also entered, saying they will win for sure.

May 13, 1989
After an electric shock, Evie can see the future. But when she makes an ominous prediction, Evie and her mom find themselves fighting for their lives.

May 20, 1989
After Kyle slips on Donna's freshly waxed floor, the doctor says he has a slight back sprain and prescribes 24 hours off his feet. Evie suggests that he stay at their house. He grows more and more annoying, and overstays his welcome.

May 27, 1989
When Donna goes out of town for the night, Lindsay suggests having a party and the house gets trashed. Evie gleeps it clean but her mom's favorite clock is missing. To buy a new one, she caters a bridal party for some wild librarians.

Jun 03, 1989
Troy sends Evie a dog from Antareus who can talk, become invisible, and grows unlike any Earth dog. While she and Donna are out with Kyle, two burglars break in but, since there is no crime on Antareus, he thinks they're Evie's friends.
Out of This World Season 2 (1988) is released on Oct 08, 1988 and the latest season 4 of Out of This World is released in 1990. Watch Out of This World online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Out of This World is directed by Bob Claver,Scott Baio,Selig Frank,Jack Regas and created by Richard Albrecht with Donna Pescow and Maureen Flannigan.