Now You Know - Season 2 (2016)
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Episodes (39)

Sep 07, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit their family doctor Dr. Vic who shows them a poster of what a stomach looks like and explains why their tummies make gurgling sounds when they're hungry.

Sep 20, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit weather climatologist David Phillips at Environment Canada and learn how snow is frozen water that falls from clouds in the sky.

Sep 22, 2016
At Bird Kingdom, zookeeper Hayley introduces Howie and Baboo to a colony of fruit bats and explains how bats uses echo-location to find bugs at night.

Sep 24, 2016
When Baboo catches a cold, Howie and Baboo visit Dr. Dina at a pediatric clinic and they learn about viruses and bacteria and why it's always good to wash your hands.

Sep 27, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit manager Kamran who gives them a tour of a grocery store and shows them how food gets from farm to factory to distribution centre to grocery store.

Oct 08, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit animal expert Matt at a zoo and get up close and personal with a skunk, where they learn how skunks protect themselves from predators.

Oct 05, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit scientist Greg at the Ontario Science Centre who shows them a van de graaff machine and explains how weather creates thunder and lightning.

Oct 10, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit a children's lab where scientist Lisa shows them how steam from a boiling kettle cools on a mirror to become condensation.

Oct 18, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit hobby car owner Andrea at her indoor track to race hotrods and learn about how their radio-controlled car works.

Oct 26, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit NHL hockey star PK Subban at an arena where they learn how friction helps skates glide over ice. Howie shoots on goalie Baboo, and he scores.

Oct 17, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit aquarist Kevin at Ripley's Aquarium of Canada, who introduces them to a glass tank full of jellyfish. They learn about jellyfish body parts and why it is different from a fish.

Oct 28, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit singer-songwriter Keshia Chante at a sound recording studio, where she shows them how to rhyme. Then they rap a rhyme on the microphone.

Oct 27, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit Greg at the ice cream shop, get a taste of chocolate ice cream, and then mix the ingredients to make banana flavoured ice cream. Yum.

Oct 30, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit the children's gallery at the Art Gallery of Ontario where artist Kyle mixes red, yellow, and blue paints to create new colours.

Oct 31, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit an ambulance depot where paramedic Michael-Jon shows them medical kit he uses in an ambulance. They also learn how a 911 call centre helps people during an emergency.

Nov 02, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit the power plant where expert Cheryl turns a hand crank on a generator to light a light bulb. Then she shows how turbines, wind and water are used to generate electricity.

Nov 03, 2016
At the Royal Ontario Museum Howie and Baboo visit a rock exhibit where curator Kim explains how a volcano is created, then demonstrates a lava eruption with a paper-mache volcano.

Nov 07, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit a bird zoo where expert Alex introduces them to a parrot and a kookaburra from Australia, and shows the different reasons why birds chirp.

Nov 07, 2016
Baboo bumps his head and starts to cry, so Howie and Baboo visit Dr. Mirisse, who explains the parts of the eye, and the different types of tears that keep our eyes healthy.

Nov 08, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit balloon maker Jungle Jack who creates a dog balloon for Howie, a banana balloon for Baboo, and explains how the gas in the floating balloons is lighter than air.

Nov 09, 2016
At the park, Howie and Baboo visit snail expert Daisy who shows them banded garden snails and a giant African land snail, and explains why snails produce slime.

Nov 10, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit Ontario Park ranger Sheryl at a frog pond where she shows them different types of frogs and explains how a tadpole grows to become a frog.

Nov 10, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit train operator Joe at the yard, where they learn about how subway rails use electricity to move the subway cars. Then they take a subway ride.

Nov 10, 2016
At the zoo, Howie and Baboo visit zookeeper Carl who introduces them to a ring-tailed lemur and various wild cats, and explains the difference between diurnal and nocturnal animals.

Nov 10, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit astronomer Jen at the observatory where they look at stars, then set up an experiment to show how the sun is actually a star that is closer to the Earth.

Nov 11, 2016
Howie and Baboo join physiotherapist Neil at a playground and after a whirlwind ride on the merry-go-round, Neil explains why they feel dizzy.

Nov 11, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit earthworm expert Skye at an environmental centre, who shows them a compost bin full of earthworms, and explains how earthworms breathe underground.

Nov 12, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit helicopter pilot Steve at the airport, who shows them how different parts of the helicopter help it to fly. Then he takes them up, up into the air.

Nov 15, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit arborist Jimmy at an arboretum where they learn about why leaves turn red and fall off tree branches in autumn before playing in a pile of leaves.

Oct 10, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit a police college where Officer Sandy introduces them to a classroom of police students, then off to the gym where Officer Vijay is training more students, and finally outside for a ride in a police car.

Oct 10, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit the park where rocket enthusiasts Mathew and Asad explain how rockets take off into Space - then help them set off their own model rocket.

Sep 08, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit concrete expert Dino where they watch a cement truck pour cement and construction workers smooth it until the concrete hardens into a sidewalk.

Oct 09, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit a simulation Space station at the Ontario Science Centre where astronaut Chris Hadfield uses a moon model and a light to demonstrate why the moon only looks like it changes shape.

Oct 11, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit Skipper Eric on his sailboat, O Canada, and as they sail on the lake, Eric performs an experiment with a rock and a bowl to explain water displacement.

Nov 11, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit Skipper Eric on his sailboat, O Canada, and as they sail on the lake, Eric performs an experiment with a rock and a bowl to explain water displacement.

Oct 10, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit zookeeper Kim at the zoo where they watch penguins waddle and swim and learn why penguins have developed to swim instead of fly.

Nov 30, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit rock expert Emily at a geology gallery to check out beautiful, sparkly rocks and learn the difference between rocks and minerals.

Nov 09, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit Team Canada wheelchair basketball player Jamey Jewells at the gym where they learn how to use a wheelchair and discover everything they can do, like play tennis, ski and shoot hoops.

Nov 12, 2016
Howie and Baboo visit farmer Darlene at an apple orchard and learn about seeds and how fruit like apples help seeds grow into new apple trees.
Now You Know Season 2 (2016) is released on Sep 07, 2016 and the latest season 2 of Now You Know is released in 2016. Watch Now You Know online - the English Family TV series from Canada. Now You Know is directed by Ben Mazzotta and created by Ben Mazzotta with Frank Meschkuleit and Marty Stelnick.
As know as:
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Official SiteCast & Crew

As Howie

As Baboo

As Questioneer

As Jacob

As Self - Scientist

As Self