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Episodes (13)

Sep 23, 1995
Nancy Drew has come to New York City to attend college and live with Bess and George. However, while looking at a map, she narrowly avoids hitting a man with her car and attempts to find him, reuniting a family and moving into the Callisto.

Sep 30, 1995
Nancy Drew is turning twenty-one. As Bess and George try to rouse her into some semblance of enjoyment, Nancy's thoughts are elsewhere. She's thinking about what she was doing last year. It wasn't anything special, but it was spent with Ned Nickerson, her long-time--if now long-distant boyfriend. Nancy explains that Ned's now working as an intern in Africa, in the desert.

Oct 07, 1995
On the day she arrives in the city, Nancy narrowly misses hitting a man who runs in front of her car. The terrified man flees into a nearby park, crashes into a homeless man's cart, then vanishes... But he leaves behind a bag of red clover herbs. From a handsome violinist busking in the park, Nancy learns where the herbs were purchased an goes to investigate.

Oct 14, 1995
Nancy, George, and Bess arrive at a boarded-up building to do a viedo project. The building is an old, abandoned institute for the criminally insane--or almost abandoned, for when they walk inside, the come face to face with a man with a sledgehammer...

Oct 21, 1995
On their way to the beach, nancy and Ned get caught in an impromptu melee beside a café. Someone above them is throwing money off a roof. It is, it turns out, another in a series of stunts pulled by a modern-day Robin Hood--a mysterious figure who stole hundreds of thousdans of dollars and has since been distributing it off roof-tops.

Oct 28, 1995
Bess and Nancy can't figure out why George wants them to unload the borrowed DTV equipment from the car and take it all the way into the studio themsleves. The reason becomes clear when they see George talking inside with Sal, the cute DTV personality who has his own dance show. George has a crush on Sal and it seems to be reciprocated. Later when Nancy sees Sal harrassed by a mysterious visitor name Hari, she wonders if everything is all right with George's prospecive new beau.

Nov 04, 1995
On the anniversary of the death of legendary rock star Billy Feral, flocks of devoted fans make a pilgrimmage to the Callisto Hotel to mourn and remember him. George is there, making a documentary about Billy. What she dosen't expect to capture on video are images of a man who bears a starteling resembance to the dead rock star: George is convinced it can only be the ghost of Billy Feral.

Nov 11, 1995
At Cinescreen Pictures, George picks up a package from Storm Wilson, a young film director whom George likes. As she bikes over to deliver it, Skid, a grungy renegade courier, bikes up and accosts her. They race--George falls, sprains her ankle, and, in the confusion, loses Storm's package. Nancy takes George back to Cinescreen to explain about the lost package. The receptionist doesn't know anything about the package -- it must have come from Storm himself.

Nov 18, 1995
Nancy, Bess and George arrive in France. They rent a car and begin driving to the Riviera but are forced to pull off the highway when their car overheats. Stopping to ask for directions, they encounter a silent woman beside a chateau who points them in the direction of a nearby auberge.

Nov 25, 1995
On their way to the Musee D'Orsay, Nancy, George and Bess bump into a photographer on the streets of Paris. The photographer, who seems to be carrying just about everything he owns, apologizes and continues on his way. Nancy offers to help him and as they walk along the girls learn his name, Andre Cloutier, and that he has been thrown out of his apartment.

Dec 02, 1995
DTV wants a host for its new fashion show. Although Bess doesn't know it, she is being considered for the job. Cassidy, a columnist for City Life Magazine, does know about Bess because Cassidy's boyfriend works at DTV. Cassidy want the job herself and beings a one-woman smear campaign against Bess.

Dec 09, 1995
Waiting outside a shop as Bess and Nancy look at clothes, ned sees a young worman crossing the street. Suddenly a green car speeds towards her and Ned rushes into the street and pulls her our of the way. After a cursory thank you to Ned, the woman leaves.

Dec 16, 1995
On the last days of their trip in France, Ned and Nancy finally hae a weekend to themselves. No Bess, no George, and, as Ned says, "no mysteries." But when two Russian men grab Ned and hold him down in the path of an oncoming train, Nancy wants to know why.
Nancy Drew Season 1 (1995) is released on Sep 23, 1995. Watch Nancy Drew online - the English Crime TV series from France. Nancy Drew is directed by Jon Cassar,Don McCutcheon,Alex Chapple,Stacey Stewart Curtis and created by Laura Phillips with Tracy Ryan and Joy Tanner. Nancy Drew is available online on The Roku Channel and Hoopla.