Episodes (15)

Jan 04, 2014
The MythBusters test if Luke really could swing himself and Leia across a chasm with only his belt-rigged grappling hook, could an Ewok log swing crush an Imperial "Chicken Walker", and could Luke survive in a tauntaun's belly?

Jan 11, 2014
The MythBusters find out if an exploding still really could blow your house down and if you really could use hooch to fuel an unmodified car on a "moonshine run."

Jan 18, 2014
It's wall-to-wall automotive mayhem, as the MythBusters drive through glass, plow through traffic, and fire an RPG at an SUV to take aim at classic Hollywood crash cliches.

Jan 25, 2014
The MythBusters test car-chase cliches: Can you really share driving, change places, or dump the driver while moving at speed? Also, from the message boards, the team tests some fan-suggested deterrents for driving away cats, bears and snakes.

Feb 01, 2014
After more than 10 years of testing impossible, dangerous and downright crazy myths that you shouldn't or couldn't try at home, the MythBusters investigate a host of myths that maybe you can!

Feb 15, 2014
The MythBusters test three impossible idioms: Can you herd cats? Can you catch a greased pig? And, most importantly, can you cram 10 pounds of poop into a 5-pound bag?

Feb 22, 2014
The MythBusters take on five filmic firearm cliches: Will a bent-barreled shot gun fire? Can you fire a gun in space? Will a gun dropped in a deep fryer go off? What weird items will stop a bullet? And does a neon sign really explode when hit by a bullet?

Mar 01, 2014
In this ballistics bonanza, Adam and Jamie ask if supersonic ping pong can go lethally wrong while Kari, Grant and Tory light the frozen fuse on a cannon made of ice!

Jul 10, 2014
The MythBusters tackle some of Hollywood's favorite explosive scenarios. Could a hero really shoot a live grenade in midair and thus render it useless? Could you really contain a TNT explosion inside an ordinary object like a file cabinet or aquarium?

Jul 17, 2014
It's YOUR house under the Myths-cro-scope this time. Could a vacuum cleaner explode while sucking up black powder? Could sunscreen scorch your skin? Could a piano crash through your roof? And finally, could an exploding water heater extinguish a house fire?

Jul 24, 2014
The MythBusters go to vertigo-inducing heights to test out some commercial myths. Could you actually bob for an apple while jumping from a 100-foot high bungee cord? And from a viral video, could you really play a match of tennis while both players are standing on top of an airplane's wing?

Jul 31, 2014
In this episode, three car crimes straight from Hollywood are put to the test: the cliff top push, the two-wheel wipeout (and ... we do mean WIPEOUT, with Adam at the wheel to boot), and, finally, the Corvette barrel roll from "Wanted."

Aug 07, 2014
The MythBusters use sexy science to tackle five captivating clich?s about the laws of attraction, including whether men really do prefer blondes, if pheromone sprays really work, if bigger boobs equal bigger tips, and whether a man's wealth really woos women.

Aug 07, 2014
The subject is everyone's favorite topic of discussion besides weather: traffic! The MythBusters determine whether a roundabout (or rotary) is better than a four-way stop sign, if it's faster to drive than fly when your trip is under 400 miles, and whether it's better to change lanes or stay put in heavy traffic.

Aug 21, 2014
If you travel at all, you'll LOVE this episode, as Jamie and Adam explore the most efficient ways to board an airplane (back to front? window to aisle? unassigned seating? etc.). Then, Kari, Grant and Tory determine whether you can really make a bullet out of a human tooth.
MythBusters Season 12 (2014) is released on Jan 04, 2014 and the latest season 16 of MythBusters is released in 2018. Watch MythBusters online - the English Documentary TV series from United States. MythBusters is directed by Alice Dallow,Lauren Gray Williams,Tabitha Lentle,Steve Christiansen and created by Chris Williams with Robert Lee and Jamie Hyneman.
Mythbusters takes myths, tall tales and urban legends and gives them the scientific treatment to determine their validity. Myths are proved true, probable, possible, improbable or busted. Often after the real-world practical tests have proved or debunked a Myth, the team will take the experiment to the extreme, many times using more modern technology than the myth could have used or upping the black powder for impressive explosions.