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Episodes (26)

Jean & Harreson
S01E01 · Jean & Harreson

Jan 01, 2019

Jean has spent the first 30 years of her life struggling to walk under a diagnosis of spastic diplegia, a form of cerebral palsy. A small blemish on Harreson's nose leads to emotional and physically scarring surgery that disfigures his face.

Erin & Jocelyn
S01E02 · Erin & Jocelyn

Jan 01, 2019

Erin is diagnosed with a Labral Tear in her hip after a pole-vaulting accident permanently grounds her track and field career. However, the two options for Erin after the right diagnosis is determined both carry with them pain and a long recovery that she won't be able to run away from. Jocelyn is diagnosed with an inner ear infection that keeps her in debilitating pain for days on end. It turns out the correct diagnosis that no doctor ever figured out has been with her since birth and could have killed her years ago - and still can.

Kirsten & Cindy
S01E03 · Kirsten & Cindy

Jan 01, 2019

After a freak accident injures her elbow, the surgery Cindy receives leaves other doctors perplexed because they've never heard of it before, and Cindy barely unable to move her arm. 10 years later, Cindy hopes that one final surgery can finally give relief and heal her elbow. Kirsten becomes sick with a mystery illness that immobilizes her and has doctors labeling her with a variety of diagnosis's that covers everything - except the right one. She feels her life is over until the correct diagnosis offers some relief, but also a knowledge that she will be suffering ...

Olivia & Stu
S01E04 · Olivia & Stu

Jan 01, 2019

Olivia's stomach starts giving her problems a couple of months before an international trip. But the antibiotics she is given do nothing except give her more pain. Months later, while studying In France, Olivia is admitted to a hospital where she battles not only her continued pain but also doctors who don't speak English. Stu's dramatic weight loss has doctors giving him a diagnosis of acid reflux, but the treatments don't help at all and actually make things worse. The real diagnosis, however, leaves Stu in a state of shock at what doctors uncover.

Crystal & Marisa
S01E05 · Crystal & Marisa

Jan 01, 2019

Crystal is an active young woman that suddenly starts losing all her energy and she feels like a shell of herself with symptoms piling up on top each other. She is told she has Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, but that doesn't explain why she has to be rushed to the hospital. Crystal struggles to continue fighting for real diagnosis before she loses all hope. As a child, Marisa feels ill but is told she just has a cold. When she starts coughing up blood - something she had never done before - her mom realizes something is very wrong. Her symptoms are similar to a variety of ...

Holly & Jo Ann
S01E06 · Holly & Jo Ann

Jan 01, 2019

Holly is given a catch-all diagnosis of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome that doesn't address the agony she has been in for years. Will a heart attack that threatens her life finally give doctors the information they need for the correct diagnosis? Jo Ann notices an unusual patch of skin on her head that is diagnosed by a dermatologist as plaque psoriasis. But the affected area continually gets worse and subsequent procedures scar Jo Ann's head and leave her in the worst pain of her life.

Marji & Mark
S01E07 · Marji & Mark

Jan 01, 2019

Marji is involved in a major car accident and subsequently finds herself in tremendous pain that doctors tell her is Ankylosing Spondilitis, which affects her spine. But that diagnosis is soon disproven leaving Marji still in pain and still searching for the cause of her pain. Mark experiences intense stomach pain and he feels bloated after eating food. He is dismissed by a variety of doctors that are unable to diagnosis him, and continues to suffer for years. After many trips to the ER for surgery, Mark is desperate for answers and relief.

Whitney & Kelly
S01E08 · Whitney & Kelly

Jan 01, 2019

Whitney is told that her breathing issues are probably all due to the flu and they will soon pass. But her symptoms only get worse to the point she is given 24 hours to live. As Whitney struggles to come to terms with this, her doctors race to find out what's wrong before it's too late. Kelly starts to experience facial paralysis and told she has Bell's Palsy and Chronic Sinusitis. The pain, however, persists and what doctors eventually find is way worse than the initial diagnosis.

Marie & Latoya
S01E09 · Marie & Latoya

Jan 01, 2019

Marie starts experiencing symptoms doctors diagnose as Vertigo, and it continues to ramp up to the point where she can barely stand up and it feels like she's having a stroke. That incorrect diagnosis would be better for Marie than what doctors eventually find. Latoya is cautiously optimistic when she is told she is pregnant again, as her first pregnancy was classified as pre-eclampsia. She experiences problems with her new pregnancy and the excitement goes away as she's told she has miscarried, but it's possible the doctors missed something.

Debra & Lori
S01E10 · Debra & Lori

Jan 01, 2019

Debra starts to get migraines and feel pain in her back, which quickly spreads to her chest, making it feel like she's having a heart attack. But her diagnosis of Cervical Myelopathy doesn't stop the intense pain and she hopes that the real diagnosis isn't too hard to overcome. Lori notices that she's developing a small rash that doctors aren't too concerned about. The rash rapidly spreads over almost her entire body. With her skin itching and peeling, doctors are stumped to figure out what disease is taking over Lori's skin.

Emily & Carrie
S01E11 · Emily & Carrie

Jan 01, 2019

Promising track star Emily is bound for a career in athletics before intense stomach pain puts her on the sidelines and she is diagnosed with IBS. But the pain endures as Emily keeps trying different treatments and medications before the right diagnosis is discovered leaving Emily to wonder what's next - and why wasn't it found earlier? A seemingly innocent mark on her Carrie's big toe is initially dismissed by a dermatologist. The mark spreads over the nail eventually leading to the correct diagnosis, but at a cost to Carrie that could have been avoided if she was ...

Frankie & Lynn
S01E12 · Frankie & Lynn

Jan 01, 2019

Frankie is an aesthetician that has excruciating pain in her stomach, leading to many trips to the ER and a diagnosis of IBS. However, the symptoms keep piling up and as the pain continues Frankie is no closer to an answer, but hopes that a specialist can figure it out. Lynn has a sore throat accompanied by a small lump on her neck. The first doctor dismisses her concerns - and it's not until she sees a specialist that she realizes the gravity of the situation that needs to be looked after immediately.

Samantha & Laura
S01E13 · Samantha & Laura

Jan 01, 2019

Samantha is a student that starts to get abdomen pains making it difficult to function. The doctor tells her it is just stress and gives her painkillers, but the pain never goes away. Samantha struggles with in agony as doctors work to find the right diagnosis. Laura injures her shoulder in a workplace accident and is told that it's dislocated, making it impossible for her to even hold her children. The pain persists and eventually the correct diagnosis is discovered with surgery suggested - but she is then told she is too young for it leaving her wondering how she ...

Cathy & Tamara
S01E14 · Cathy & Tamara

Jan 01, 2019

Cathy is an energetic woman, spending most of time outdoors. When she falls ill, she is diagnosed with the flu, and then, later, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. However, her health deteriorates, and she is soon in constant pain and unable to move. Her doctors are at a loss. They cannot find out what's responsible for these troubling symptoms. Tamara is active in the fantasy convention circuit, but the pain she soon experiences is anything but fictional. Her abdomen is distended and painful. Her doctor diagnoses her with a hernia and tells her to lose weight. However, her ...

Terri & Melinda
S01E15 · Terri & Melinda

Jan 01, 2019

Terri is an IT Specialist that enjoys helping others at work, but feels hopeless after she is diagnosed by doctors with hemorrhoids, which doesn't seem right to her. The real diagnosis is something much more severe and hits extremely close to home. Melinda is a nurse that starts to experience an accelerated heart beat that is diagnosed as stress and anxiety. She is given pain medication that doesn't help and a lack of compassion from her doctors leads Melinda to question everything she is going through. A chance meeting with a friend puts her on a path to healing - ...

Krystal & Rebecca
S01E16 · Krystal & Rebecca

Jan 01, 2019

Young Krystal's terrible aches and pains are diagnosed as simple growing pains, but the discomfort continues and spreads throughout her body and joints as she grows older. The correct diagnosis, however, is something that is initially dismissed because of her young age. Rebecca always thought she was a little different from other kids growing up and is eventually diagnosed with anxiety and depression. But her symptoms are much more than that and it leads her down a dangerous, life-threatening path until she finally is properly diagnosed.

Ted & Tammy
S01E17 · Ted & Tammy

Jan 01, 2019

Ted is a laborer whose hands all of a sudden start to tingle - that sensation soon spreads up his arms making it difficult for him to even put on a shirt. Initially diagnosed with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Ted's pain spreads to his legs, leaving doctors baffled at what could be causing this. Tammy was an active child but was always sick, which continued throughout her teenage and adult years. Constipation and an accelerated heart beat leads to a diagnosis of Lupus - but that diagnosis is wrong, and Tammy's last hope is that a biopsy will finally reveal the source of her...

Ray & Stacey
S01E18 · Ray & Stacey

Jan 01, 2019

Ray experiences intense stomach pains that make it feel like he's constantly being stabbed in his stomach. Doctors tell him it's Colitis, but that doesn't make sense to him. As doctors try to uncover what else it could be, Ray has surgery and is on the brink of death - still without knowing what exactly is wrong with him. Stacey begins experiencing major migraines that are affecting her day-to-day life. Doctors determine she has Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome, a rare disorder that affects the brain and eyes. However the real diagnosis proves to be even more serious and could be...

Kerry & Ariel
S01E19 · Kerry & Ariel

Jan 01, 2019

Kerry was treated differently from others growing up and she could never understand why, until she was diagnosed as bipolar. But the medication she's prescribed does more harm than good and it's not until she sees similar behavior in her young son that she's able to point doctors in the direction of the correct diagnosis. At work, Ariel hurts his shoulder making it almost impossible to continue at his job. Doctors tell him it's a shoulder sprain, but the treatments aren't helping and doctors are unable to figure out what's wrong. Ariel is running out of options and ...

Kevin & Carlyn
S01E20 · Kevin & Carlyn

Jan 01, 2019

Kevin is a delivery driver for rural areas when he gets an itch that develops into anxiety, an accelerated heart rate and hypoglycemia - all which doctors suggest is part of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. But it's not and Kevin's symptoms keep getting worse and a correct diagnosis seems impossible. Carlyn is an active, young mother that gets breast augmentation surgery to help with her self-esteem. Soon after her health declines dramatically with doctors unable to properly diagnose her, except for suggesting she has Generalized Anxiety Disorder. She doesn't and has to ...

Janice & Holly
S01E21 · Janice & Holly

Jan 01, 2019

Janice is injured in a car accident and starts having severe stomach issues that doctors diagnose as IBS. But after fainting spells, an inability to eat food, and trouble with day-to-day life, Janice is desperate for the right diagnose that will end her suffering and put her on the road to recovery. Holly is a young mother of two that is excited to be pregnant again - until she starts heavily bleeding. Fearing she lost the baby, doctors suggest she's actually still pregnant. But Holly's health gets worse and it's soon clear that her - and her baby's - life is in ...

Bianca & Marti
S01E22 · Bianca & Marti

Jan 01, 2019

Bianca's problems all start with symptoms of a cold that stops her from working and develops into a tingling in her feet making it almost impossible to walk and breathe. Bianca loses faith in her doctors because they are unable to diagnosis her - but with her health rapidly declining she needs answers fast. Marti has been suffering from various illnesses all of her life. As an adult she starts getting terrible migraines that make her pass out and she is told by a doctor that she has a brain tumor. As Marti struggles to deal with this death sentence a new doctor gives ...

Karen & Janis
S01E23 · Karen & Janis

Jan 01, 2019

Karen has been getting stomach pains and migraines for most of her life - that leads to her getting heavy periods and rapid weight loss and weight gain. Doctors tell her it's just depression and chronic fatigue, but the pain that she's in tells a different story and Karen is desperate for a doctor to take her seriously and help her get better before she loses all hope. Janis is a fitness studio owner and being healthy has always been a part of her life. She starts to get a mysterious pain in her abdomen that completely slows her down and endangers her career. Doctors ...

Keith & Amy
S01E24 · Keith & Amy

Jan 01, 2019

Keith was a shy kid that stuck to himself. At 2-years-old he had a hydrocele repair surgery on his left testicle, which never healed properly. Throughout his adolescent development and adulthood, the pain in his groin continued and most doctors told him it was all in his mind. But it wasn't, so Keith had to keep searching for answers himself. Amy was an excited mom-to-be when she started to bleed heavily - she immediately fears she will lose the baby. Symptoms continue to pile up including her legs swelling and eventually temporary blindness - making her feel like she...

Samantha & Brett
S01E25 · Samantha & Brett

Jan 01, 2019

In her teens, Samantha is told by doctors that the painful periods she was experiencing were nothing to worry about. Birth control pills and anti-inflammatory medication didn't help at all and Samantha was still in pain. After doing research on her own, Samantha has to try to convince her doctor what she has, but at this point will they listen? Brett is a self-employed civil engineer that starts developing back pain. Various doctors are unable to identify the cause of the back pain, so they prescribe different pills and antibiotics that affect his liver so much that ...

Allison & Kevin
S01E26 · Allison & Kevin

Jan 01, 2019

Allison is a teacher that gets a mysterious, stinging pain in her foot one day after stepping out of the shower. She is unable to put any pressure on her foot and her doctor tells her it is tendonitis and to try some physiotherapy. The pain becomes unbearable, but doctors are stumped at what it could be. It's only after Allison demands an x-ray that she gets the correct diagnosis. Kevin is a father, truck driver and jack of all trades before his life turns upside down when he starts to get severe nose bleeds for no apparent reason. Doctors are dismissive so Kevin ...


My Misdiagnosis Season 1 (2019) is released on Jan 01, 2019. Watch My Misdiagnosis online - the English Documentary TV series from Canada. My Misdiagnosis is directed by Chris Charney,Scott Leary,John Barnard and created by Chris Charney with John Barnard and George Rempel.

As know as:

My Misdiagnosis, My Misdiagnosis(French), Diagnósticos erróneos





Production Companies:

Farpoint Films

Official Site:

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