Episodes (7)

Apr 08, 1993
Miss Farnaby is coming out of her shell and entering the local hyacinth growing competition but Death tells Mulberry he must leave her and only return for the day of her death. To encourage her new personality Mulberry arranges for her to get closer to Bert and Alice,who throw a dinner party for her which starts well but ends in disaster. Mulberry is about to leave when Springtime,his mother,turns up and tells him she has persuaded his father to let him stay for the three months.

Apr 15, 1993
Miss Farnaby summons her solicitor Mr Horsham so that she can make provision in her will for Mulberry,something that does not please Bert and Alice though Mulberry assures them that he wants nothing. out flying a kite with his employer Mulberry falls off a cliff and is pronounced dead, Miss Farnaby explaining to Alice and Bert that he was fond of them and that they would not get any less money in the will because of him. However,being the son of Death Mulberry cannot die and wakes up nude on a mortuary slab,which shocks quite a few people. Miss Farnaby is very ...

Apr 22, 1993
Miss Farnaby's niece Jocelyn,the only one of her relatives that she likes,comes to stay and Miss Farnaby is anxious that she should go on a date with Mulberry. Unfortunately,given who he is,he is not in the business of long term relationships but cannot tell her. He does however do Bert an unselfish turn on his wedding anniversary whilst Bert himself admits to a childhood crush on Miss Farnaby,which quite flatters her.

Apr 29, 1993
After Mulberry submits her painting to a local competition where it is praised Miss Farnaby decides to join an art class after which she takes the staff to watch the village football team but gets thrown out for hitting the referee. She persuades Bert to pose nude for the art class but when Alice objects she strong-arms Mulberry into taking his place. Come the evening of the class he feels very embarrassed but then another model arrives. Since it is the football referee he and Miss Farnaby return home early but she admits that the last few days have been both the ...

May 06, 1993
Miss Farnaby returns from the library and tells Mulberry she met a charming man,Mr Smith,whom she has invited to dinner but Mulberry is shocked when this turns out to be his father. When they are alone Death tells Mulberry that Miss Farnaby is safe from him for the time being as the three months are not yet up but since he has entered the house there must be another death. Fortunately the chosen victim is a mouse that has been running loose in the house for some time.

May 13, 1993
Alice has befriended Alf,the signalman at the local train station but assures Miss Farnaby and Mulberry that the relationship is platonic. That night Miss Farnaby puts on a musical evening for a friend's birthday and everybody is surprised by Bert's excellent rendition of 'Alice Blue Gown'. The next evening Alice announces that she is eloping with Alf whilst Bert is out but changes her mind as she feels Bert relies on her. He returns home to serenade her but falls over drunk before he can start his song.

May 20, 1993
Miss Farnaby's sisters come for the weekend. Adele's husband is in financial difficulties and she wants Miss Farnaby to sell the house to help them out. She tries to persuade Bert and Alice it would be better for them but when Miss Farnaby asks their opinion they side with her. The other sister Elizabeth is psychic and arranges a séance at which she claims that she feels a deathly presence and that Miss Farnaby is in danger if she remains in the house.Miss Farnaby assumes this is a stunt cooked up with Adele but Elizabeth denies it,recognizing Mulberry as the deathly ...
Mulberry Season 2 (1993) is released on Apr 08, 1993 and the latest season 2 of Mulberry is released in 1993. Watch Mulberry online - the English Comedy TV series from United Kingdom. Mulberry is directed by John B. Hobbs,Clive Grainger and created by John Esmonde with Karl Howman and Geraldine McEwan.