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Episodes (10)

Jul 09, 1994
After almost two and a half years in the slammer Drego family matriarch mother Connie has returned home to put her family back together.

Jul 16, 1994
It's Connie's first full day of freedom. She accidentally sees Duane naked. She meets her parole officer. Her bowling friends have moved on with a new member.

Jul 23, 1994
What kind of career opportunities await a 16 yr old slutty high school dropout that doesn't wear underwear? Kerri decides that school sucks and she can get by with her street smarts. It almost worked for her parents, minus the jail thing.

Jul 30, 1994
Sonny seems depressed and Madeline tries to push her parents back together. Connie suggests dating --- other people.

Aug 06, 1994
Madeline and Duane decide to renew their vows but Connie refuses to attend.

Aug 13, 1994
The best man in Connie and Sonny's wedding, Del Packard, is back in town. He's surprised by their divorce and immediately set his sights on Connie. She teaches her daughters a lesson in using the male rivalry to get herself a new cabin.

Aug 24, 1994
Duane is disappointed at not getting a promotion. Instead, he gets a doggy partner as the new Troubadour Trooper and sing for school kids. Madeline is happy with the safer work but Duane's heroic turn gets him a dangerous offer.

Aug 31, 1994
Madeline puts hubby Duane on ice (literally) in preparation of their fertility clinic visit. Once the two are told they got the right stuff, they return home with plans to procreate.

Sep 07, 1994
All Connie's dad wants for Father's Day is for her to leave him alone. When her mom and pop drop by for an impromptu reunion, Connie and the rest of the family are thrilled. Everything would be gravy if not for the fact no one ever told Pop.

Jan 01, 1994
An unwanted tax bill leads to boa dancing. When Sonny gets a $4,000 invoice from the IRS on his coffee shop property he's distraught. That is until his ex-wife Connie reminds him she was awarded the shop in their divorce. Dumb move Connie.
Muddling Through Season 1 (1994) is released on Jul 09, 1994. Watch Muddling Through online - the English Comedy TV series from United States. Muddling Through is directed by Andy Ackerman,Pamela Fryman,Robby Benson,James Widdoes and created by Barton Dean with Stephanie Hodge and D. David Morin. Muddling Through is available online on fuboTV and Crackle.