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Episodes (44)

Jan 13, 2013
Paul Krugman on our need to create jobs.

Jan 20, 2013
Our last stand to fight the filibuster and save democracy.

Jan 27, 2013
Public support and political hate behind the modern abortion rights debate.

Feb 03, 2013
In the fight against terrorism, the American military's escalating drone program has become the face of our foreign policy in Pakistan, Yemen and parts of Africa. And while the use of un-manned drones indeed protects American soldiers, the growing number of casualties -- which include civilians as well as suspected terrorists -- has prompted a United Nations investigation into both the legality and the deadly toll of these strikes.

Feb 10, 2013
Why America's Internet access is slow, expensive... and unfair.

Feb 17, 2013
Is it too late to save Democracy from Big Money? Fighting for our future.

Feb 24, 2013
Even as President Obama's talking points champion the middle class and condemn how our economy caters to the very rich, the truth behind modern American capitalism is a story of continued inequality and hardship. Even a modest increase in the minimum wage -- as suggested by the president -- faces opposition from those who apparently pledge allegiance first and foremost to America's wealthy and powerful.

Mar 03, 2013
The onslaught of creationism and the challenges of free thinking in America.

Mar 24, 2013
Avarice, Banks, and Capitalism: The ABCs of Economic Inequality.

Mar 31, 2013
Fifty years after a landmark decision to give the poor their day in court, they still can't afford justice.

Apr 07, 2013
Dr. King's other dream: economic justice.

Apr 14, 2013
Writer Sherman Alexie describes living outside tribal lines.

Apr 21, 2013
How to protect our children from the environment's toxic trespassers.

Apr 28, 2013
What the Boston bombings and drone attacks have in common, and how secrecy leads to abuse of government power.

May 05, 2013
Newtown parents and a legendary folk singer lift their voices to end gun violence.

May 12, 2013
Organized people successfully fighting organized money.

May 19, 2013
The politics of science, and its threat to America's children.

May 26, 2013
Tim DeChristopher tells why he spent nearly two years in prison in the name of environmental justice.

Jun 30, 2013
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Jul 07, 2013
Two decades in the making, the intimate story of two American families struggling to find their place in the new economy.

Jun 16, 2013
How do we protect our privacy when Big Government and Big Business morph into Big Brother?

Jun 23, 2013
Following up on a 2012 report, this update includes new examples of corporate influence on state legislation and lawmakers, the growing public protest against ALEC's big business-serving agenda, and internal tactics ALEC is instituting to further shroud its actions and intentions.

Jul 28, 2013
Bill Moyers and Rep. John Lewis revisit the 1963 March on Washington. How did it transform America?

Aug 25, 2013
Forget Republican Red or Democratic Blue. The power color in Washington is the cool green of cash.

Jul 14, 2013
What keeps American outcry over economic inequality so muted? Weapons of mass distraction.

Jul 21, 2013
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Sep 22, 2013
Robert Reich on Inequality for All.

Sep 29, 2013
Saving the Earth from Ourselves

Oct 06, 2013
In a rare television interview, environmental legend and writer Wendell Berry leaves his Kentucky farm for an inspiring conversation with veteran journalist Bill Moyers.

Oct 13, 2013
This week, the Supreme Court began its new term and justices heard arguments in McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission. The case has been billed as the successor to the court?s Citizens United decision in 2010 that gave corporations, unions, and the wealthy the opportunity to pour vast and often anonymous amounts of cash into political campaigns. The new case challenges caps on how much individual donors can give to candidates and political parties and could raise the amount to more than $3.25 million.Bill Moyers talks with Yale Law School election and ...

Oct 20, 2013
After a 16-day shutdown, there?s finally a deal to raise the debt limit and reopen the government. But the can?s just been kicked down the road ? another Congressional confrontation over spending cuts, entitlement programs and possible default will take place within a few months. Nonetheless, Martin Wolf, the chief economics commentator of the Financial Times believes that no matter the rhetoric and flamethrowing, the debt ceiling has to be raised because the alternatives are ?simply, unimaginably horrible.?Wolf -- who has been described as ?the premier financial and ...

Oct 27, 2013
Historian Peter Dreier talks about outraged citizens fighting corruption and financial columnist Gretchen Morgenson on why JPMorgan may be getting off easily. Continue reading

Sep 08, 2013
Guest host Phil Donahue examines the deadly civil war in Syria and the consequences of another American intervention in the Middle East.

Sep 15, 2013
The collision of sports and politics.

Nov 17, 2013
Between them, doctors Jill Stein and Margaret Flowers have been arrested nine times. In the face of injustice and government by the one percent, rather than look the other way and stick to practicing medicine they chose a different approach.At first they took separate paths. Margaret Flowers fought for single payer health insurance. She works for the organization Physicians for a National Health Program and is a contributor to, a website advocating nonviolent direct action against injustice. Jill Stein advocated for campaign finance reform in her...

Nov 24, 2013
In his book Zombie Politics and Culture in the Age of Casino Capitalism, author and scholar Henry Giroux connects the dots, threading together ideas and experiences to prove his theory that our current system is informed by a ?machinery of social and civil death? that chills ?any vestige of a robust democracy.?Giroux explains that such a machine turns people into zombies ? ?people who are basically so caught up with surviving that they become like the walking dead ? they lose their sense of agency, they lose their homes, they lose their jobs.? What?s more, Giroux ...

Dec 15, 2013
Cultural historian and scholar Richard Slotkin has spent his adult life studying the violence that has swirled through American history and taken root deep in our culture. He has written an acclaimed trilogy on the myth of the frontier that has shaped our nation's imagination. In Regeneration through Violence, The Fatal Environment, Gunfighter Nation, and other works of history and fiction, he tracks how everything from literature, movies and television to society and politics has been influenced by this violent past ̶ including the gun culture that continues to ...

Dec 22, 2013
There are more African Americans under correctional control today ̶ in prison or jail, on probation or parole ̶ than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began. According to The Sentencing Project, an advocacy group dedicated to changing how we think about crime and punishment, "More than 60 percent of the people in prison are now racial and ethnic minorities. For Black males in their thirties, one in every ten is in prison or jail on any given day." Because of the 40-year war on drugs and get tough sentencing policies, the American prison population...

Nov 03, 2013
You may remember how in the ?90?s the Clinton Administration talked us into NAFTA ? the North American Free Trade Agreement -- with the promise of jobs and cheaper goods. According to economist Dean Baker, in the end, NAFTA wound up helping corporations and didn't do much for American workers. In fact, there are economists who say that in the United States, NAFTA cost nearly a million jobs. Now, there?s another trade deal in the works that?s even bigger ? ?NAFTA on steroids? as some describe it. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a coalition of North and South American ...

Nov 10, 2013
The money and power behind this week?s election results confirm what everybody knows: democracy is under siege. We, the People, don?t control our leaders; moneyed interests get their way. Corporations are free to buy politicians, judges, and elections with virtually unlimited cash, and big media conglomerates reap billions from political advertising. We idealize the notion of political equality in the voting booth but eviscerate it in practice, caught in the clutches of a ?money-and-media complex? not unlike the vast ?military-industrial complex? President Eisenhower ...

Dec 15, 2013
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 22, 2013
Know what this is about? Be the first one to add a plot.

Dec 29, 2013
In just a few months, Pope Francis, the first in history to take the name of the patron saint of the poor, has proven to be one of the most outspoken pontiffs in recent history, especially when it comes to income inequality. He has criticized the "widening gap between those who have more and those who must be content with the crumbs." And in his recent "apostolic exhortation" on "the economy of exclusion and inequality," he said: "The worship of the ancient golden calf has returned in a new and ruthless guise in the idolatry of money and the dictatorship of an ...

Jan 05, 2014
STATE OF CONFLICT: NORTH CAROLINA offers a documentary report from the state that votes both blue and red and sometimes purple (Romney carried it by a whisker in 2012, Obama by an eyelash in 2008). Now, however, Republicans hold the Governor's mansion and both houses of the legislature, and they are steering North Carolina far to the right: slashing taxes on corporations and the wealthy, providing vouchers to private schools, cutting unemployment benefits, refusing to expand Medicaid, and rolling back electoral reforms, including voting rights. At the heart of this ...
Moyers & Company Season 2 (2013) is released on Jan 13, 2013 and the latest season 3 of Moyers & Company is released in 2014. Watch Moyers & Company online - the English News TV series from United States. Moyers & Company is directed by Tom Casciato,Kathleen Hughes and created by Michael Winship with Bill Moyers and Kathleen Hall Jamieson.