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Episodes (33)

Jul 25, 2020
Monty wants to go to the moon but it's far away. Eddie recreates a scary moon experience for Monty. Afterwards he decides he'd rather stay on Earth which Eddie's happy about because they'd all miss Monty.

Jul 26, 2020
Monty builds a palace with building blocks. He won't let Eddie or Lulu help him. When Monty gets trapped after the toy bricks collapse on him and he calls for help, he realises he needs friends.

Aug 01, 2020
Lulu helps Sam deal with a scrape on his hand and is told she would be good at nursing. She sets about getting patients. Eddie manages to be cosseted but Monty is bandaged round like a mummy. All patients happily recover.

Aug 02, 2020
Lulu has an imaginary friend, Charlie and is the only one to see him. The others try to teach Lulu the difference between pretend and real. She's upset they don't believe her.

Aug 08, 2020
Eddie wants to go on an adventure so Monty takes him on a pretend journey by plane to Africa - in the backyard.

Aug 09, 2020
Eddie is tired and has no energy. Monty's become lazy and never wants to walk anywhere. Lulu wants to be carried like a baby. Sam decides they all have to get fitter with Gabriella as their personal trainer.

Aug 15, 2020
Monty wants to learn some magic tricks so one day he can be in a show with Gabriella and The Dancing Flamingos. Monty tries but fails in everything and ends up sad till Gabriella admires his hopping dance.

Aug 16, 2020
Lulu's favourite snuggle blanket has shrunk in the wash so it's not her snuggle blanket any more. Lulu is heartbroken. The others use it to make a patchwork quilt and create a new snuggle for Lulu.

Aug 22, 2020
Scraps talks by beeping and wants to be able to be understood more clearly. Gabriella teaches him some new sounds. Sam tries to play some broken instruments. Lulu hears them and is sure there's a monster in the workshop.

Aug 23, 2020
Sam is proud of the tomato plants he's growing. When bites are missing from a tomato on the vine, Monty turns detective and everyone is a suspect. The culprit is finally found: a sleep walking and eating Snail.

Aug 29, 2020
Charlie's too shy to talk even though the others try to coax him out of his shyness. But when he sees Eddie about to have an accident, Charlie finally speaks up -- and saves the day.

Aug 30, 2020
Eddie is tired of always being the practical one in the workshop. He takes up a secret hobby and the others try to find out what it is. Eddie finally shows them. He has taken up dancing the tango with Gabriella.

Sep 05, 2020
Lulu wants to make a castle for her Princess dolls by herself. She rejects help from Eddie and storms out, upset. Later when Monty gets in a muddle and asks for help, she sees the sense in working together as a team.

Sep 06, 2020
Lulu hears a story about a Princess and wants to be one. She makes the others her loyal subjects and puts them to hard work while she does nothing. The others remind Lulu in the story, a dragon comes to find the Princess.

Sep 12, 2020
Lulu welcomes Monty as a pupil into her school but he minds being bossed about by Lulu and being constantly scolded. Monty upsets Lulu but he makes it up to her by acting out a nursery rhyme, Little Bo Peep.

Sep 13, 2020
When Sam is ill, the others decide to choose a leader for the day and they all want to get picked. Monty wins by promising things he can never deliver - and learns he has to keep to his word to keep his friends.

Sep 19, 2020
Gabriella feels they will work better if they have music while they work. Monty resists this but then falls in love with the role of conductor. He conducts Monty and Co all in song - in his own unique way.

Sep 20, 2020
Monty builds a boat from boxes. When Eddie and Lulu want to play, Monty makes himself the Admiral and the others his crew. After doing all the work, the crew mutinies and leaves Monty marooned on a pretend island.

Sep 26, 2020
Lulu feels ignored and then she gets into trouble so she hides. Others worry that Lulu has run away. Lulu hears Monty saying how much he loves her and comes out of hiding. In future she will tell them how she feels.

Sep 27, 2020
Lulu plays at being a pirate. Eddie and Monty join her to see if they can find a chest filled with treasure in their home. They find out treasure doesn't have to be gold but can also be the fun times.

Oct 03, 2020
Monty is trying to work so he demands silence. When Clock's bell doesn't work, Monty fears he's caused her damage somehow by his wish. Happily Eddie solves Clock's problem with a bit of oil and Monty's with earmuffs.

Oct 04, 2020
Lulu doesn't see why just because she's the youngest she should go to bed before everyone else. Despite Monty's and Eddie's efforts to get Lulu to go bed Lulu does everything she can to stay up.

Oct 10, 2020
Lulu trusts Monty to babysit her dolls, but he finds it's not as easy as it looks. He struggles to get the dolls to go to sleep, then they go missing. It all ends happily.

Oct 11, 2020
When Gabriella's favourite tiara goes missing, she's upset. After Monty finds it and gets praise, he sets up a Lost And Found. When enough objects don't get lost, Monty helps them on their way.

Oct 17, 2020
Mrs Rainey comes to Monty and Co to see whether they deserve to have her old objects for recycling. When they don't realise who she is, Mrs Rainey gets waylaid by Eddie, Lulu and Jack and mistakes Charlie for a burglar.

Oct 18, 2020
Gabriella decides colours like yellow make everyone happy, but blue makes them sad. Gabriella tries to rid Monty and Co. of the colour blue but upsets everyone in the process. Happy conclusion - all colours are lovely.

Oct 24, 2020
Lulu wants a pet but can't decide which sort. She tries out Snail, Gabriella and Monty as different pretend pets. They don't work out and Lulu decides she prefers her toy dog, who does what she tells him.

Oct 25, 2020
When a customer brings a broken clock back to Monty and Co, Monty is most indignant. Eddie fixes the item and the customer goes away happy. Eddie and Gabriella try to help Monty by pretending to be customers.

Oct 31, 2020
Lulu, Eddie, Snail, Monty, Gabriella all have problems. Mrs Rainey offers her help so they form a queue to have a word with her. Somehow Monty keeps ending up at the back of the queue.

Nov 01, 2020
Monty would like Snail to see his bedroom but wants him to get there sooner rather than later. It becomes a game where they all try to find different ways to move the slow Snail.

Nov 07, 2020
Monty and Eddie share a bedroom. Monty wants to write poetry while Eddie wants to drum. They divide the room in half with tape down the middle but it doesn't work since noise can cross red lines.

Nov 08, 2020
Mrs. Rainey helps to turn the yard into the seaside. Monty thinks he will be the brave life guard but ends up in a far less dignified role. He is mollified by the arrival of an ice cream.

Nov 14, 2020
It's cleaning day. Gabriella sets about making herself the star cleaner, making use of Monty as her furniture mover. Unfortunately in her enthusiasm , she accidentally throws away a present made by Eddie for Monty. Eddie is very upset. Gabriella redeems herself by finding, as she cleans, many things they thought they'd lost.
Monty & Co. Season 1 (2020) is released on Jul 25, 2020. Watch Monty & Co. online - the English Comedy TV series from United Kingdom. Monty & Co. is directed by Iain McLean and created by Gail Renard with Nigel Plaskitt and Heather Tobias. Monty & Co. is available online on Amazon Prime Video and Tubi TV.