Episodes (14)

Dec 10, 2010
"Knowing your family means learning everything about yourself" - we meet the Salom's, a Jewish family with five daughters, a son, a grandfather and loving parents. While teaching her daughter to cook, Estera tells her how their ancestors emigrated to the Bosnia from Spain in the 15th Century, to avoid giving up their religion due to Torquemada during the Inquisition. We meet Leon, the father, who makes shoes with his son, and the daughters. Riki, the youngest, is sent to get salt. Instead of following her mother's orders, she gets sidetracked and lunch is ruined. Buka...

Dec 17, 2010
The archduke Ferdinand is killed and war breaks out. Atleta is drafted, which puts a hold on Buka and Daniel's wedding.

Dec 24, 2010
Nina's love for Skoro (a Serb and Christian) has an impact on the Salom family, who find themselves being shunned. The aunties visit and Leon takes a stand. Daniel confronts Buka on her feelings for David and later leaks a family secret. The war ends.

Dec 31, 2010
Riki goes to Vienna to study ballet and her family comes together to find a way to support her financially. Daniel has a breakdown. Blanki falls deeper for Marko, who calls a halt to their relationship, resulting in Blanki falling into depression. Klara prepares for a vacation on the beach and is persuaded by her mother to take Blanki along. Klara meets a new man while Blanki continues to pursue Marko, who finally responds to her letters saying they must meet. Meanwhile, Riki becomes a prima ballerina in Belgrade.

Jan 07, 2011
Before touring Spain with the ballet, Riki returns to Sarajevo with Blanki to visit family. Tragedy strikes near the end of the visit. Atleto is sent off to make something of himself. Blanki takes up with Marko - but her mother has other plans.

Jan 14, 2011
Riki receives some bad news about Milos. Blanki's relationship with Marko hits a rough spot and she goes to Paris to spend some time with Klara and children. Klara shares the Ivo has been absent and not providing support which results in them taking a trip to Milan to confront him. Milos finds Riki in Dubrovnik working with Drago and woos her back with a grant to study in Paris. Blanki returns home.

Jan 21, 2011
Blanki leaves home for Marko and suffers fallout from ?Nina. While Riki is studying in Paris she is approached by the London ballet. She returns home to fulfill her contract when disaster strikes.

Jan 28, 2011
Blanki and Nina develop a plan to help Riki. Marko shares his fear of Hitler's future with Blanki. Klara and the children move to Zagreb, where they are met by Atleta. Blanki and Marko relocate. Riki moves on and meets up with Dusan, a reporter who had interviewed her in the past. The Salom family suffers a loss.

Feb 04, 2011
War breaks out with the bombing of Belgrade and escalates to Sarajevo. The family must move to keep safe.

Feb 11, 2011
Marko, Blanki, Nina & Riki return to Sarajevo after the bombing stops. Although warned by his friends, Marko continues to print derogatory articles about the Ustasha in his newspaper resulting in his arrest. Riki returns to Belgrade and Nina rents her shop. Buka continues to decline. Having had all their businesses taken away, and the threat of losing their home as well, Blanki steps up her efforts in getting Marko released.

Feb 18, 2011
While Blanki continues to plan for Marko's release, Riki receives word that mandatory registration of Jewish people has begun and she has to report. Atleta and Zdenka plan to leave but Klara refuses to go.

Feb 25, 2011
Buka is hospitalized. Marko and Blanki find an apartment. Nina receives bad news from Skoro. The Ustasha start rounding up Jews and Marko & Blanki desperately try to convince Riki to run. Buka loses her fight and Nina and Skoro are now the only ones left in Sarajevo. Riki gets help from a surprise source. Klara and the children find safety in Italy. Blanki's sixth sense sends an alert.

Mar 04, 2011
Riki adjusts to country life. Blanki & Marko find out they're pregnant.

Mar 11, 2011
Milos arrives at Marko & Blanki's to inquire after Riki and apologize for how he treated her. Riki faces a firing squad. The German's start leaving Italy and Didi finds a better job. Riki reads in the paper that Milos is dead and collapses. Liberation comes and Riki leaves the farm to be with Blanki. When she arrives Blanki tells her about the rest of the family.
Miris kise na Balkanu Season 1 (2010) is released on Dec 10, 2010. Watch Miris kise na Balkanu online - the Serbian Drama TV series from Serbia. Miris kise na Balkanu is directed by Ljubisa Samardzic and created by Gordana Kuic with Mirka Vasiljevic and Aleksandra Bibic Kolarov.