Episodes (28)

Jan 13, 2011
Notch has updated Minecraft today, with lots of cool new stuff. Simon and Lewis take you through some of the changes.

Jan 13, 2011
Notch has updated Minecraft today, with lots of cool new stuff. Simon and Lewis take you through some of the changes.

Jan 13, 2011
Notch has updated Minecraft today, with lots of cool new stuff. Simon and Lewis take you through some of the changes.

Jan 13, 2011
Notch has updated Minecraft today, with lots of cool new stuff. Simon and Lewis take you through some of the changes.

Jan 13, 2011
Notch has updated Minecraft today, with lots of cool new stuff. Simon and Lewis take you through some of the changes.

Feb 23, 2011
In this thrilling update to Minecraft, we've got BEDS. Lewis and Simon generate a random new world with the seed "Mojang" and get to work trying out the exciting stuff.

Mar 31, 2011
Minecraft 1.4 is here. Lewis shows Simon the new wolves, cookies, and "chocolate bars".

Apr 19, 2011
If you actually want to see weather as it is supposed to work, check Notch's video. If you want to see two fools stumble around for 22 minutes and find nothing of worth, watch this one.

May 26, 2011
Notch has added trapdoors, maps, and wild grass to Minecraft. Lewis and Simon look at these glorious changes.

Sep 09, 2011
Lewis and Simon take a look at the leaked Minecraft 1.8 Pre-release and as Notch said, they feel slightly bad about it. ALL NEW CONTENT: Ravines and Rivers. It's all change baby.

Sep 09, 2011
Lewis and Simon take a look at the leaked Minecraft 1.8 Pre-release and as Notch said, they feel slightly bad about it. ALL NEW CONTENT: Endermen and endless abandoned mine-shafts. It's the future baby.

Sep 09, 2011
Lewis and Simon take a look at the leaked Minecraft 1.8 Pre-release and as Notch said, they feel slightly bad about it. ALL NEW CONTENT: NPC villages, wells and tables. It's all like a new game baby.

Sep 09, 2011
Lewis and Simon take a look at the leaked Minecraft 1.8 Pre-release and as Notch said, they feel slightly bad about it. ALL NEW CONTENT: steak, roast chicken and other exciting items. It's Minecraft 1.8 baby.

Sep 09, 2011
Lewis and Simon take a look at the leaked Minecraft 1.8 Pre-release and as Notch said, they feel slightly bad about it. ALL NEW CONTENT: silverfish and watermelons. It's the best thing to happen in gaming this year baby.

Sep 10, 2011
In maybe the last part of our 1.8 update, we look at giant mushrooms and the strange and creepy underground "strongholds" added by Notch. These one-per-server procedural-generated big dungeon things are so strange and creepy.

Sep 14, 2011
Simon starts up the official 1.8 release for the first time, finds a crevice with a mine in it right next to his spawn, finds an Enderman hiding in there and hits the big red button marked RECORD.

Sep 22, 2011
In the first part of today's pre-released 1.9 update, we look at the villagers added to NPC villages and the new-look swampy biome with lily pads.

Sep 22, 2011
Almost a year after it was first put into the game, the Nether receives some awesome new long-awaited updates.

Sep 22, 2011
The boys look at the enormous new snowy biomes in Minecraft and the friendly snowmen that you can spawn.

Sep 22, 2011
Simon and Lewis look at the extremely rare-spawning mushroom biome added in the latest Minecraft patch. Good luck finding one of these.

Sep 29, 2011
A new Pre-release of 1.9 was released today, and Simon and Lewis attempt to rear some animals. Rated PG.

Sep 29, 2011
A whole host of (actually awesome) music was added by C418 to the new pre-release of 1.9 was released today, and Simon and Lewis have a listen.

Oct 06, 2011
Lewis and Simon found this update so adorable they didn't even bother to type a proper description.

Oct 06, 2011
Enchanting tables that don't do anything yet, and a mixture of new potions that give you some status effects. Nothing particularly revolutionary here, but it's fairly nice.

Oct 06, 2011
Deep in the Strongholds are strange flat portals to a mysterious place - but where they lead, we don't know yet.

Nov 11, 2011
The latest pre-release out today features the final version of "The End" dimension - including the epic boss battle with the Ender Dragon.

Nov 11, 2011
The end credits for Minecraft, as revealed in today's 1.9.6 pre-release patch. This is 100% real and genuine. Without speeding up, this is EIGHT MINUTES of text.

Nov 05, 2011
So Notch tweeted this angry e-mail he received a week or so back and Lewis and Simon and Lalna decided to make this quick little thing for you guys.
Minecraft Snapshot Videos! Season 1 (2011) is released on Jan 13, 2011 and the latest season 5 of Minecraft Snapshot Videos! is released in 2015. Watch Minecraft Snapshot Videos! online - the English Adventure TV series from United Kingdom. Minecraft Snapshot Videos! is directed by Lewis Brindley,Simon Lane and created by Lewis Brindley with Lewis Brindley and Simon Lane.