Episodes (43)

Sep 02, 1995
The Rangers travel to Edenoi to check on Alpha's creator, when they encounter the Masked Rider, who believes they have come to harm him.

Sep 09, 1995
The Rangers and the Masked Rider team up to fight Count Dregon's warriors.

Sep 09, 1995
The Rangers rush back to Earth to fight off an attack by Repelletor.

Sep 11, 1995
There's a new villain in town.....and he's none other than Rita Repulsa's brother, Rito Revolto! He's got a few surprises for Rita and Lord Zedd that spell trouble for the rangers. Back on Earth, the rangers are celebrating their volleyball game victory; Bulk and Skull shock everyone when announce their decision to join the Junior Police Department! Rito sets up an ambush for the rangers using monsters from the past. Things go downhill when nothing the rangers do can stop Rito. The rangers are defeated and are forced to watch in horror as their zords are destroyed ...

Sep 12, 1995
The rangers are sent to another planet to find a temple in which dwells the only one who can help them. The rangers encounter a few discouraging mishaps, the most dangerous of which is the Tenga Warriors! They are forced into a cave and search desperately for a way out only to find a surprise; but is it a good one or a bad one?

Sep 13, 1995
Tommy has disappeared and when they find him, they come across the guardian Ninjor who is less than eager to help them despite their pleas. He finally realizes that they are good at heart and begrudgingly agrees to aid them. Back on Earth, Bulk and Skull get much more than they bargained for when they join the Junior Police Academy. The rangers gain new powers and zords unlike anything they've ever known which come in handy when taking on the Tenga Warriors. Now they have to go back to Earth to take care of Rito. If only they knew about the monster that emerged from ...

Sep 14, 1995
When the rangers return to Earth, they take on Rito Revolto, Rita Repulsa's baby brother, to put their newfound powers to the test. They defeat Rito, which greatly angers his sister and her husband especially since he boasted that he could destroy the rangers. Unbeknown to the rangers, the monster on the planet from which they got their powers is ordered to attack the temple and Ninjor. Can the rangers fix the Command Center and get there in time?

Sep 18, 1995
Based on Kimberly's dream, Rita and Zedd create the Artistmole monster who steals the color out of life.

Sep 19, 1995
Rita and Zedd attempt to steal Adam's heirloom lantern for its power.

Sep 20, 1995
Rito and Zedd turn a science teacher into "Marvo the Meanie" as Rocky attempts to teach his class.

Sep 23, 1995
Rocky must drop kick Rita and Zedd to save the Rangers from Centiback, a monster who changes people into footballs.

Sep 25, 1995
The Hate Master causes the Power Rangers to fight among themselves and make plans to quit.

Sep 26, 1995
Aisha holds the secret to stopping the Hate Master and reuniting the Rangers.

Oct 02, 1995
All but Kimberly go to the museum and learn about the face-stealing monster that piques Rita's interest. While the rangers are kept busy, Squatt, Baboo, and Rito steal that which contains the monster and keeps it bound so it can't harm anyone. To the rangers' horror, Rita releases it and sends it to Earth. Aisha's and Adam's faces are stolen in battle; it takes a few things from the museum to defeat it, but is there any way to restore Aisha, Adam, and countless others who have lost their faces?

Oct 09, 1995
Rito's love potion creates havoc in Angel Grove.

Oct 16, 1995
Rangers must choose between saving Tommy or stopping Rito's destructive rampage.

Oct 17, 1995
Tommy is forced to defend himself against Goldar and Rito.

Oct 31, 1995
Kat has eyes for Tommy, as well as a power coin that she is ordered to bring to Rita so that Lord Zedd can control the Falcon zord. She steals the coin and casts a spell on the White Ranger during a fierce battle with a gigantic Goldar that allows Lord Zedd to capture the zord and Ninjor, leaving a helpless White Ranger to retreat. Things get worse when Kimberly collapses due to her power coin being in evil hands; Zordon reveals that there are even more powerful zords called the Shogun zords that Lord Zedd will gain control of if he rangers can't recover Kimberly's ...

Nov 01, 1995
Kimberly is still in a deep sleep due to her being too exhausted to do little else. Tommy's frustrated at being helpless to do anything to help her; Kat is trying to win him over while pretending to be a friend. The rangers are distracted by a monster so that Rita and Lord Zedd could capture Kimberly. She awakens and is unable to be of any help to anyone because of how fragile she is since her power coin still in enemy hands. Kimberly stubbornly goes to Kat's aid when Tengas surround her at the risk of losing the rest of her powers and being destroyed and collapses ...

Nov 02, 1995
The rangers reluctantly agree to do what Lord Zedd asks; Kat is beginning to regret what she's done. They find out where Kimberly's being held and form a plan to rescue her, fearing that it might be too late. Lord Zedd is furious when he discovers their plan and sends the Tengas to handle all but Tommy, whom he'll personally take care of. The Tengas mess up the rangers' equipment; a monster attacks them. Rita brings the new Shogun zords to the rangers and orders them to destroy Angel Grove, threatening Kimberly's safety. Tommy outwits Lord Zedd and barely retrieves a ...

Nov 04, 1995
Kimberly's excited when a world famous gymnastics coach is in town, and Tommy insists she meet up with him. Bulk and Skull are on duty when Kimberly's car gets stolen, and they carjack a cab that's turned into a monster while they're still inside! While they're unwillingly given a ride for their lives, the rangers catch up on their new Sharkcycles! The rangers are torn when the monster becomes gigantic and there's nothing they can do to free their friends at the moment without destroying them!

Nov 06, 1995
Rita vows to keep Kimberly out of the gymnastics competition for the Pan Global Games.

Nov 07, 1995
Rita and Zedd use Ninjor to bargain for the return of Katherine.

Nov 08, 1995
Zordon tells the Rangers that the decision must be made by them. In the Moon Palace, Rita is insulted by Zedd, who doesn't believe she can pull it off, and she, in return, replies that Ninjor and the Rangers will soon be gone. Kat reveals to Kim that she, too, was in the Pan Globals as a diver, but injured herself and ever since acquired a hate for the water. She later explains to Tommy and Rocky that they should let her go, but the two refuse and think of another way. Tommy and Kat meet Rita, Goldar, and Rito in the park where they exchange their items and divulge ...

Nov 11, 1995
Tommy preaches the importance of eating right to one of his students who doesn't have healthy eating habits, which inspires Rita to get the Ravenator to go inside Tommy and make him want nothing but junk food. Tommy's ravenous appetite makes him stuff his face nonstop; Kat discovers what's going on and informs the other rangers. How will the rangers destroy a monster that's inside Tommy's stomach without harming him as well?

Nov 13, 1995
Katherine comes up with a plan to clean up an old lot and she recruits her friends to help her construct a new homeless shelter on the weekend. However, Rita Repulsa is still angry that Katherine is no longer under her spell and turned out to be a "goody-goody" Power Ranger. With the help of her brother Rito Revolto, the resulting battle causes the ruin of Katherine's day of work building the shelter. Before they can repair it, four of the Rangers are soon entrapped by Rita's newest monster, the Brick Bully, but Katherine helps release them with the aid of Alpha 5. ...

Nov 18, 1995
Katherine and Aisha help teach a monkey, Kelly, to communicate with sign language for a school assignment. However, Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd turn the monkey into the Sinister Simian monster to lure the Power Rangers out to fight it. Now, the Rangers have to find a way to defeat the monkey monster without harming it and return the monkey back to normal.

Nov 20, 1995
Rita's father, Master Vile, arrives to do what she and Zedd have failed to do -- destroy the Rangers.

Nov 21, 1995
Master Vile and his evil crew appear to be winning the battle against the Power Rangers.

Nov 22, 1995
The Rangers decide the only way to win against Master Vile is to journey to a distant galaxy.

Nov 25, 1995
The Power Rangers are forced to try to save Christmas -- without their powers.

Nov 25, 1995
Master Vile uses Dischordia to try to control the Pink and Yellow Rangers with her voice.

Nov 27, 1995
Master Vile turns back time to gain control of the Earth and turn the Rangers into helpless children.

Feb 05, 1996
Zordon calls on the Alien Rangers to help defend the Earth after the Power Rangers are made helpless.

Feb 06, 1996
Alien Rangers defends the Earth against Master Vile and his army of monsters.

Feb 07, 1996
Billy and the young Rangers devise a scheme to outsmart the monsters.

Feb 08, 1996
Billy and the young Rangers attempt to free the Alien Rangers from a toxic lake.

Feb 10, 1996
Rita and Zedd turn Bulk into the Brat Boy monster.

Feb 12, 1996
With the child Rangers journeying through a time portal, Zedd sends Witchblade to keep the Alien Rangers from hydrating.

Feb 13, 1996
In the distant past, Adam searches across Korea for his Zeo Crystal.

Feb 14, 1996
As Katherine and Tommy seek their crystals, Lord Zedd, aiming to thwart the Alien Rangers, prepares to bring the Emperor of the Dark Waters of Aquitar, Hydro Hog, to Earth.

Feb 15, 1996
Zedd and Rita send the Hydro Hog to Earth to suck up all the water.

Feb 17, 1996
Aisha faces a difficult decision in her Zeo Quest while the Alien Rangers battle Hydro Hog.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Season 3 (1995) is released on Sep 02, 1995 and the latest season 3 of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is released in 1995. Watch Mighty Morphin Power Rangers online - the English Action TV series from United States. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is directed by Terence H. Winkless,Robert Hughes,John Stewart,Shuki Levy and created by Shuki Levy with Richard Steven Horvitz and David Yost.