Episodes (48)

Jan 02, 2011
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Jan 09, 2011
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Jan 23, 2011
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Jan 30, 2011
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Feb 06, 2011
Gregory speaks to Engel who is reporting on anti-government protests in Egypt. He then talks to Mohamed el Baradei about the opposition demands and Sameh Shoukry about the government's position. He interviews John Kerry about the situation in Egypt and Tunisia. He then discusses with a round table the legacy of Ronald Reagan to honor what would have been his 100th birthday.

Feb 13, 2011
Gregory speaks to Richard Engel reporting from Egypt about the resignation of Mubarak. He then gets some perspectives on the situations from Martin Indyk and Robin Wright. He interviews John Boehner about the Egypt situation and the budget battle in Congress. Finally, he discusses with a round table the President's handling of protests in the Middle East, Social Security reform, and the race for the Republican presidential nomination.

Feb 20, 2011
Gregory speaks to Susan Rice about protests in the Middle East. He then speaks to senators Lindsey Graham and Dick Durbin about the congressional fight over spending, the possibility of a government shutdown, and protests in Wisconsin. He discusses with a round table collective bargaining rights in Wisconsin and the debate over the budget.

Feb 27, 2011
Gregory talks to Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker about demonstrations against his administration caused by his budget plan that severely limits the rights of public workers to collectively bargain. He then speaks to John McCain from Cairo about the growing civil conflict in Libya. He then discusses with a round table the budget battle in Wisconsin, labor issues around the country, and the recent spike in oil prices.

Mar 06, 2011
Gregory talk to William Daley about the recent spike in gas prices, the president's recent call to oust Moammar Gadhafi, and the war in Afghanistan, and working with congressional Republicans. He speaks to Michele Bachmann who discusses the prospects of a government shutdown and offers criticism of the president's handing of Moammar Gadhafi. Finally, he discusses with a round table the economic effects of gridlock in Washington and the possibility of military action in Libya.

Mar 13, 2011
Holt reports from Japan on the recent earthquake and tsunami. Todd speaks to Ambassador Ichiro Fujisaki about the recent disaster and the looming danger posed by the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex. He then speaks to nuclear energy expert Marvin Fertel about risks posed to U.S. reactors and Chuck Schumer about budget negotiations in Congress. Later, Todd interviews Mitch Daniels about the debt ceiling debate, his record as governor of Indiana, and the whether he will run for president. Finally, Todd discusses with a round table the Republican candidates for ...

Mar 20, 2011
Gregory talks to Richard Engel live in Tobruk about the recent U.S. intervention against Gadhafi in Libya. He then speaks to Admiral Mike Mullen about establishing the no-fly zone over Libya. He talks with Carl Levin, John Kerry, and Jeff Sessions about congressional reaction the strikes and other uprisings in the Arab world. Finally, he speaks to a round table about the decision to intervene in Libya.

Mar 27, 2011
Gregory talks to Richard Engel live in Ajdabiya about the conflict in Libya. He then speaks to Hillary Clinton and Robert Gates about U.S. involvement in enforcing a non-fly zone over Libya, the White House's stance in the conflict, and uprisings in Egypt and Yemen. He then speaks to Richard Luger about whether U.S. objectives in Libya are adequately clear. Finally, he discusses with a round table whether there is a national interest served by the intervention.

Apr 03, 2011
Gregory talks to Dick Durbin about the controversy over planned Koran burnings in Florida, the budget battle, the possibility of a government shutdown, and the uprising in Libya. He then speaks to Mike Rogers about the CIA's role in Libya, progress made against Gadhafi, and troop withdrawal from Iraq. He then discusses with a round table the debate over the budget, energy policy, and Libya.

Apr 10, 2011
Gregory speaks to David Plouffe about the near government shutdown, the coming conflict over the debt limit, and the prison in Guantanamo Bay. He then talks to Paul Ryan about his 'Path to Prosperity' budget plan and the need for Medicaid reform. He then discusses with a round table the recent budget deal, the President's image in the wake of the deal, and the uprising in Libya.

Apr 17, 2011
Gregory speaks to Tim Geithner about the need to raise the debt ceiling, rising gas prices, U.S. economic policy, and tax reform. He then discusses with a round table the debt limit, repealing the Bush era tax cuts, unemployment, and the Republican nomination race.

Apr 24, 2011
Gregory speaks to John McCain about the conflict in Libya, his visit to Benghazi, and operations in Iraq. He then talks to senators Kent Conrad and Tom Coburn about efforts to come to a debt reduction compromise on the budget, tax reform, and the resignation of John Ensign. Finally he speaks to a round table about Paul Ryan's plan for Medicare, energy policy, and the possible presidential candidacy of Donald Trump.

May 01, 2011
Gregory talks to David Axelrod, Michael Bloomberg, and Bob McDonnell about problems in the U.S. economy, tornado trouble is the southeast, and the release of Obama's long form birth certificate. He then speaks to Marco Rubio about the tea party agenda and opposition to raising the debt ceiling. Finally, he talks to comedian Seth Meyers about political comedy and his recent stint as host of the annual White House Correspondents' Association Dinner.

May 08, 2011
Gregory speaks to Tom Donilon about the recent raid that killed Osama bin Laden and whether the United States is safer now that he is dead. He then speaks to Chertoff, Hayden, and Giuliani about the information acquired from the raid and Pakistan's role in possibly harboring bin Laden. Finally, he speaks to a round table of guests for some historical perspectives.

May 15, 2011
Gregory talks to Newt Gingrich about his presidential campaign, efforts to raise the debt ceiling, and Republican plans to reform Medicare. He discusses with a round table Newt Gingrich's appeal, Mike Huckabee's announcement that he will not run, and Obama's vulnerabilities in the upcoming election.

May 22, 2011
Gregory speaks to Paul Ryan about the Federal Budget and Newt Gingrich's recent criticisms of his position on Medicare. He discusses with a round table Ryan's controversial budget plan, the Republican nomination race for president, and the problems between Israel and the Obama administration.

May 29, 2011
Gregory speaks to senators Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer about Medicare reform, efforts to raise the debt ceiling, and the president's handling of Israel. He discusses with a round table whether Sarah Palin with enter the Republican presidential race and whether there are other people who might be interested in running. Finally, they speak about Medicare reform and the federal budget.

Jun 12, 2011
Gregory talks to committee chairs Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Reince Priebus about the Anthony Weiner scandal, the president's handling of the economy, and the Republican nomination race. He then speaks to Rick Santorum about his entry into the race for president and his campaign platform. He then discusses with a round table the Weiner controversy and the resignations in Newt Gingrich's campaign staff.

Jun 19, 2011
Gregory talks to senators Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham about efforts to raise the debt ceiling, congressional approval for action in Libya, and troop withdrawals in Afghanistan. He then discusses with a round table the Republican nomination race, the conflict in Libya, and the debate over the War Powers Act.

Jun 26, 2011
Gregory talks to Chris Christie about the his efforts to balance the budget in New Jersey, the trouble negotiation in Congress over the debt limit, and his governing style. He then speaks to senators Jack Reed and Jim Webb about the draw down in Afghanistan and U.S. efforts in Libya. Finally, he speaks to a round table of guests about Afghanistan, the economy, and the entry of Jon Huntsman into the race for the Republican nomination.

Jul 10, 2011
Gregory talks to Tim Geithner about deficit reduction, efforts to come to a budget agreement with Republicans, and the President's handling of the economy. He then speaks to Tim Pawlenty about his campaign for the Republican presidential nomination, the debate over a budget deal, and his stance on homosexuality. Finally, he offers some analysis of the debt fight with Chuck Todd and Eugene Robinson.

Jul 17, 2011
Gregory talks to White House adviser Jack Lew about the prospect for a budget deal. He then speaks to senators Dick Durbin and Jim DeMint about the upcoming confrontation in Congress over raising the debt ceiling. Finally, he discusses with a round table of guests balancing the budget, Rupert Murdoch's troubles in Great Britain, and problems with the economy.

Jul 24, 2011
Gregory talks to Bill Daley about the White House's position on the looming debt ceiling vote and the dangers of default. He then speaks to Senator Tom Coburn about a possible temporary increase of the debt limit and Republican opposition to compromise. He then discusses with a round table the congressional impasse and public dissatisfaction with their inability to reach consensus.

Jul 31, 2011
Gregory speaks to David Plouffe about the showdown in Congress over the debt ceiling as the U.S. is just days away from potential default. He then talks to John Thune and Claire McCaskill about entitlement reform and the likelihood of a default. Finally, he discusses with a round table of guests balance budgets, tax increases, and the debt ceiling debate's impact on Wall Street.

Aug 07, 2011
Gregory talks to John Kerry and John McCain about the recent downgrade of the U.S. credit rating and a recent attack in Afghanistan that claimed the lives of 30 U.S. soldiers. He then speaks to a round table of guests about the possible economic consequences of the downgrade, the recent gridlock in Washington over raising the debt ceiling, and the chances of Rick Perry in the Republican presidential race.

Aug 14, 2011
Gregory interviews Michele Bachmann about her campaign for president and her recent victory in the Iowa straw poll. He then discusses with a round table of guests the latest shake up in the Republican race with Tim Pawlenty dropping out and Rick Perry coming in.

Aug 21, 2011
Guthrie speaks to Robert Gibbs about Obama's re-election campaign and his low economic poll numbers. She then speaks to Mitch Daniels about the Republican nomination race, the dissatisfaction with the current candidates, and how he does not desire to enter the race. Finally, she speaks to a round table of guests about the republican race, the economy, and the need for leadership.

Aug 28, 2011
Gregory hosts special coverage of Hurricane Irene. He speaks to meteorologist Bill Karins and Al Roker who report that that the hurricane has been downgraded to a tropical storm. He then speaks to a variety of politicians about preparations for the storm. Finally, he speaks to a round table about the reaction to the storm and how politicians are acting differently since Hurricane Katrina.

Sep 04, 2011
In honor the Labor Day weekend, Gregory talks to a round table of guests about unemployment. He then discuss with them the Republican race and the prospects for Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. Finally, he interviews Doris Kearns Goodwin and her son Joseph who enlisted in the army shortly after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

Sep 18, 2011
Gregory talks to Republican Senator Mitch McConnell about the president's job bill, deficit reduction, and the Republican nomination race. He speaks to Bill Clinton about the Clinton Global Initiative and its focus on unemployment. Finally, he discusses how the economy impacts the president's prospects for re-election with a round table of guests.

Sep 25, 2011
Gregory talks to Benjamin Netanyahu about Israel's efforts to block the Palestinian push for statehood at the United Nations. He then speaks to Michael Bloomberg about the president's economic policies. Finally, he discusses education reform with a round table of guests as part of NBC's week-long focus on Education Nation.

Oct 02, 2011
Gregory moderates a discussion between governors Bob McDonnell and Deval Patrick on the economy, health care reform, and whether Chris Christie will enter the presidential race. He then speaks to a panel of guests on Chris Christie, immigration reform, Sarah Palin, and gridlock in Congress.

Oct 09, 2011
Gregory talk to Rahm Emanuel about the economy's effects on Chicago and president Obama's chances in the upcoming presidential election. He then speaks to Paul Ryan about the economy, taxes, and the upcoming showdown over the federal debt. Finally, he discusses congressional deadlock, the Republican race, and Occupy Wall Street with a round table of guests.

Oct 16, 2011
Gregory speaks to Herman Cain about his campaign for the Republican Presidential nomination and his 9-9-9 tax plan. He then speaks to a panel of journalists about the state of the Republican race and the White House's electoral strategy. Finally, he moderates a debate between Romney supporter Tim Pawlenty and Perry supporter Bobby Jindal.

Oct 23, 2011
Gregory discusses the withdrawal from Iraq and the death of Khaddafy in Libya with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He then speaks to Ron Paul about his candidacy for president. Later, he speaks to round table of guests about the future of Libya, the nastiness of the recent Republican debate, and the surging popularity of Herman Cain.

Oct 30, 2011
Gregory talks about the Republican race, the president's electoral strategy, and the American Jobs Act with White House adviser David Plouffe. He then speaks to a round table of guests on the leadership failure in Washington, the campaign of Herman Cain, and the leadership example of Steve Jobs.

Nov 06, 2011
Gregory discusses the sexual harassment charges against Herman Cain with governors Haley Barbour and Bill Richardson. He interviews Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman and talks about whether a moderate Republican can win the nomination in the current political climate. Finally, he discusses with a round table the impact of the Herman Cain charges and whether there are parallels with Clarence Thomas.

Nov 13, 2011
Gregory discusses the Penn State child sex abuse scandal with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett. He then speaks to Michele Bachmann about her candidacy for President and gets a Democratic perspective on the recent Republican debate from Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Finally, he talks to a panel of journalists about the Penn State controversy and the Republican race.

Nov 20, 2011
Gregory discusses the congressional super committee's efforts to produce a debt deal with committee members Jon Kyl and John Kerry. He then speaks with a round table of guests about the latest news in the Republican nomination race: Newt Gingrich surging in the polls and Herman Cain's foreign policy lapse.

Nov 27, 2011
Gregory talks to Chuck Schumer about the failure of the congressional super committee to reach an agreement on deficit reduction. He then speaks to Grover Norquist about his tax pledge. Finally, he discusses with a round table of guests the fallout of the super committee's failure and how difficult it is to get things done in Washington.

Dec 04, 2011
Gregory talks about the race for the White House with Obama's campaign adviser David Axelrod and chairman of the RNC Reince Priebus. He then speaks to a round table of guests about the events of the previous week including Herman Cain suspending his presidential campaign and Newt Gingrich's recent surge in popularity.

Dec 11, 2011
Gregory talks to Ron Paul about his chances in the the Republican primary in Iowa. He then moderates a discussion between senators Dick Durbin and Lindsey Graham on taxes. Finally, he speaks with a round table about the Republican race for president and what distinguishes front runners Romney and Gingrich.

Dec 18, 2011
Gregory speaks to John Boehner about efforts to provide a short-term extension of the payroll tax cut. He then talk to Michele Bachmann about her efforts to win the Republican presidential primary in Iowa and Nikki Haley about her endorsement of Mitt Romney. Finally, he and some panelists offer some analysis of the Republican race.

Dec 25, 2011
Gregory reflects on the events of the past year and discusses prospects for the next with a round table of Tom Brokaw, Tom Friedman, Marc Morial, and Kathleen Parker. Finally, Cardinal Theodore McCarrick offers some words in celebration of Christmas.
Meet the Press Season 57 (2011) is released on Jan 02, 2011 and the latest season 66 of Meet the Press is released in 2020. Watch Meet the Press online - the English News TV series from United States. Meet the Press is directed by Herbert J. Leder,Leigh Sutherland,Sarah Carlson,Rob Melick and created by Herbert J. Leder with Chuck Todd and Lawrence E. Spivak.
Weekly news program offering political interviews and analysis of current events by elected officials and experts.