Episodes (10)

Sep 09, 1986
'Clutch' Hawks, driving Wildcat, is competing in the Memphis Demolition Derby against Vanessa 'Snake' Warfield in Manta and 'Mad Dog' Shepard with Stinger. When Boris 'The Czar' Bushkin makes a memorable entrance driving Bulldog, Vanessa tries to recruit the Russian into V.E.N.O.M. and set a trap for Clutch with Lester 'The Lizard' Sludge on Iguana.

Oct 01, 1986
Matt Trakker in Goliath 1 races the Mayhem brothers in Buzzard to secure an African Trade Route for the Peaceful Nations Alliance. But while Matt goes it alone, the Mayhems have Mad-dog, Bird-man and The Lizard to back them up.

Oct 08, 1986
Ali Bombay returns to his home town of Kandukar in India for some rest only to find V.E.N.O.M. agents Lester 'The Lizard' Sludge and Nash 'Goon' Gorey terrorizing the village. They are rounding up workers to mine the minerals of a meteorite in a cave. Sludge dares Bombay to a race claiming that V.E.N.O.M. will leave the area if he loses.

Oct 15, 1986
Goliath and Volcano compete against Buzzard and Vampire in the Australia outback's "Battle of the Giants" to win the late Proffesor McDonald's secret metal formula. Trakker 'no-plan' involves using no tricks at all, which is the exact opposite of what Mayhem is expecting.

Oct 22, 1986
Brad 'Chopper' Turner enters the Mediteranian Grand Prix at Gibraltar to transport a valuable life saving plant across the finish line. Vanessa Warfield and Mad Dog Sheppard are doing anything and everything to stop him. While Sly 'Wrecker' Rax and Dusty 'Cowboy' Hayes man the sidelines.

Oct 29, 1986
Ali 'Lightning' Bombay competes in the Masters Challenge Race with Ace 'Falcon' Riker as backup. A microfilm stolen from Peaceful Nations Allegiance is being smuggled inside the Masters trophy. This means Vanessa and Bird-Man Malloy will do anything to win. Mayhem (disguised as a peanut seller) and Mad-Dog are waiting on the sidelines but so are a couple of under cover M.A.S.K. agents.

Nov 05, 1986
Maximus Mayhem tries to convince his brother Myles to go legitimate and reconcile with his former partner in science, Matt Trakker. But while the former enemies compete in a friendly race in Chicago, Clutch Hawks is lured into a trap.

Nov 12, 1986
The M.A.S.K. race team takes a vacation at the Wichita Kansas car races and air show and when a couple of V.E.N.O.M. agents show up, they appear to only be their to race as well. But when Ace 'Falcon' Riker's flying stunt show is sabotaged by Buzzard's drone, it becomes clear there's more at stake than just rest and relaxation.

Nov 19, 1986
Mexican president Vega lets M.A.S.K. enter the Baja race, but only if his son Raoul can drive Goliath. Wildcat and Bulldog's rematch is interrupted as V.E.N.O.M., represented by Buzzard, Vampire and Iguana, are out to kidnap the President's son. Luckily Clutch and the Czar get some help from The Chief and Lightning.

Nov 26, 1986
The rivalry between Vanessa Warfield and Brad Turner heats up at the Mesa Verde Memorial Road Race. Nevada 'The Chief' Rushmore has asked Turner, Calhoun Burns and Ali Bombay to represent his tribe. Vanessa and fellow V.E.N.O.M. agents Bruno Sheppard and Floyd Malloy are also competing for an extinct tribe that mysteriously vanished. Meanwhile Lester Sludge has gotten his hands on a container of dangerous seeds that can cause insanity when added to water.
MASK Season 2 (1986) is released on Sep 09, 1986 and the latest season 2 of MASK is released in 1986. Watch MASK online - the English Animation TV series from France. MASK is directed by Bruno Bianchi,Bernard Deyriès,Michael Maliani and created by Ray Dryden with Doug Stone and Mark Halloran.