Episodes (10)

Mar 13, 2000
It's breakfast time at the farm and Maisy is here to give all the animals their breakfast. / Maisy's the doctor today, and Tallulah decides that she wants to be the nurse. / Maisy and Charley meet the duck family on their way to the playground, but the littlest duckling decides that he'd much rather play with Charley than go to the pond. / It's swimming time today, and Maisy, Charley and Tallulah are off to the swimming pool. Tallulah wants to be the first in, but she doesn't like cold water!

Mar 20, 2000
It's a hot day and Maisy and Cyril are playing in the sandpit. Cyril gets caught short but Maisy saves the day. / Maisy and Charley decide to build a house - made of snow! / Everyone's round at Maisy's house, playing a game of sardines. The only problem is that Eddie's much too big to squeeze in with everyone else, so he finds his own way of playing. / Maisy's going deep sea diving today, and Dolphin is there to guide her through the underwater world.

Mar 27, 2000
It's a rainy day and Maisy decides to go for a walk in the garden. It's so muddy that she sees lots of different footprints and decides to follow them, meeting lots of different friends on the way. / Maisy sees all sorts of animals and sights as she flies along in her airplane. / It's Push Horse's turn to play with Maisy, Tallulah and Panda today, but when he loses a wheel, it takes a clever Maisy to figure out what to do about it! / Maisy's going for a ride on her bike, and as all her friends join in too before they know it they've got a great big convoy, riding ...

Oct 10, 2000
Everyone's going mountain climbing today and Maisy leads the way to the top. / Charley's blowing lots of bubbles, until Eddie accidentally knocks over his bubble liquid. / Maisy meets a kangaroo and her baby, who decides that he wants to come out and play. / Tallulah's come to stay the night with Maisy.

Oct 12, 2000
There are so many different ways of saying hello, as Maisy finds out when she goes for a walk and meets some new friends. / It's someone's birthday today, because Maisy is making a very special chocolate birthday cake. / Maisy and her friends are going on a very special tram journey, all around the world! / Maisy, Tallulah and Cyril are giving each other piggy back rides, and when Charley comes along he wants to join in too.

Oct 17, 2000
Maisy's having a great time on her sledge when she's joined by some very special fnends - nine pengums who show her how it's really done! / Oh dear, Cyril has got a cold today, although he won't admit it, and it's only when Maisy takes him home and tucks him up in bed that he starts to feel a bit better. / Hopping is fun, as Maisy finds out when she plays hopscotch with Charley and her friends in the playground. / Maisy and Tallulah are playmg tennis, but they need a bit of help with the really high shots, so Eddie and Charley join in too.

Oct 19, 2000
Maisy's operating the ferry today, and she finds that it's going to be a very busy day.. / Charley's helping Maisy in her garden and meets a little snail who he really wants to make fnends with. / Cyril's got a very bouncy new ball, which Maisy and Tallulah decide is great fum to play with. / Cyil's got a brand new toy car, and Maisy and Tallulah are having great fun playing with it until the batteries run out.

Oct 31, 2000
Oh dear, it's nearly lunchtime and Charley's got nothing to eat. Never mind, he's going to go shopping with Maisy! / Even on a quiet day you can hear all sorts of noises if you listen very carefully, as Maisy finds out. / Get ahead, get a hat - that's Maisy and Cyril's motto today as they discover just how many different types of hat there are. / Maisy and her friends learn all about how to make things look bigger, with the help of Eddie's magnifying glass and Charley's telescope.

Nov 02, 2000
Maisy, Charley and Tallulah decide to take their boats out on the lake, but Tallulah doesn't realise that it's very easy for a boat to drift away without you noticing it! / Maisy's planting a new tree in the garden and Rabbit comes along to give her a helping hand. / Tallulah brings her new torch round to show Maisy which comes in very handy when Cyril manages to lose his bouncy ball somewhere in Maisy's bedroom. / It's time to make music - Maisy and her fnends set up all their instruments, and once Eddie has decided which instrument he wants, the band begins to play!

Nov 22, 2000
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Maisy Season 2 (2000) is released on Mar 13, 2000 and the latest season 2 of Maisy is released in 2000. Watch Maisy online - the English Animation TV series from United Kingdom. Maisy is directed by Leo Nielsen and created by Jeanne Willis with Neil Morrissey and Brian Greene.