Episodes (35)

Sep 01, 1999
Pinkey makes herself at home in Mumfie's cottage while he is out with Scarecrow. She has fun but makes a big mess. A goose arrives and settles in too which annoys Pinkey. When everyone returns she blames the goose but finally admits it was her mess!

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie looks after Fifi's café while she is on holiday. But he cannot serve the customers due to a bad case of the hiccups and Scarecrow is a terrible chef! Everyone is relieved when Fifi returns.

Sep 01, 1999
After Mole says he is having his tea party in Mumfie's cottage. The friends ask Bristle to help them with their table manners but he is not as helpful as they hoped!

Sep 01, 1999
Bristle is worried when he loses his book of rules. Mumfie suggest he gets one rule from everyone he meets and makes a new book. Bristle is happy when Napoleon finds his old one as he likes his own rules!

Sep 01, 1999
A silly starfish called Sterling invites Mumfie and Scarecrow to help him solve the mystery of some missing sand. They soon find Sterling putting the sand back, he had pretended to lose it so that they would come and stay!

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie finds a dog and wants to keep it but Scarecrow is not sure. The Black Cat leaves her niece for them to take care of and chaos breaks out as the pets chase each other around the house. Mumfie finds out that pets are a lot of work and he should make sure he is ready for that before he decides to get one for real.

Sep 01, 1999
It is winter and Mumfie and Scarecrow make self portraits as snowmen in the snow. When they are out Pinkey comes to visit and thinks they have frozen! She is upset when she cannot unfreeze them. They return with some soup which warms her up!

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie needs to fix the hole in his cottage roof. But he want to keep promises he has made to help his friends first. After a long day he comes home to find the roof has fallen down! All the friends he has helped rally round to help him fix it.

Sep 01, 1999
The Wellwisher overhears Mumfie's wish to have non stop banana pancakes and grants. Mumfie feels ill after eating pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Scarecrow finds the Wellwisher to make a wish to reverse it!

Sep 01, 1999
The pirates invite themselves to stay with Mumfie and he cannot say no. Mumfie likes them but they are terrible house guests. Scarecrow has to have help from Davy Jones to get them back to their ship.

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie loses his lucky penny and has a run of bad luck. He is scared to enter an ice skating competition because of it but he has no choice and wins the competition! Although he finds his penny in his jacket he learns that he does not need luck to do well.

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie feels left out when Scarecrow has work on a farm. He visits his other friends to cheer himself up and helps them with odd jobs. The Queen tells him that he has good job because he is a good friend.

Sep 01, 1999
On their way to help Napoleon with a mystery, the friends find a hot air balloon. As they explore in the basket they are blown out to sea. They finally reach the Queen of Night's island and find they solved the mystery- the royal hot air balloon had gone missing!

Sep 01, 1999
Bristle asks Napoleon and Fifi if they have seen the Queen's heart. They think they should find her a suitor until they find out that it is her heart shaped locket which was missing!

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie and Scarecrow are trapped inside in a big rain storm. To pass time they look for an indoor adventure and find a magic trunk in the attic.

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie has too many mashed banana pancakes for supper and has a bad dream. He dreams that he loses a button from his jacket. His friends bring him spare buttons but none are right! He is very happy when he finds it was only a dream.

Sep 01, 1999
Pinkey and Smidgen the Pigeon are playing tag and lose Smidgen's mail bag. Mumfie and Scarecrow help them to find it on the Island of Lost Things. Pinkey also finds a ball she lost and helps Smidgen to deliver his mail.

Sep 01, 1999
Pinkey tells her friends about an Abominable Snowman. They think she is silly until they shocked to see giant footprints in the snow. It turns out to be Bristle, who has hiccups and has been bouncing all over the woods.

Sep 01, 1999
Scarecrow's sock and Mumfie's jacket go missing from their clothesline. Their friend Mole helps them to family of packrats who enjoy taking without asking. Mumfie tells them people are more likely to share if they are asked instead.

Sep 01, 1999
Whale is feeling sad to be big so his friends take him to the Wellwisher to make a wish to be small for day. He becomes a minnow and Mumfie keeps him in jar to see the world. Scarecrow soon misses the ocean and is happy when the wish wears off

Sep 01, 1999
The Queen of Night's master painter, Vincente Van Brushes, has disappeared and left no one to paint the sunrises and sunsets. The friends all try to help, even Davy Jones who thinks his are the best. All are happy when Vincente Van Brushes returns.

Sep 01, 1999
Scarecrow is feeling a bit claustrophobic after being indoors for three days because of rain. Mumfie and Pinkey try to cheer him up and they do when Mumfie finds a picture album of all the adventures and good time they have had together so far.

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie and friends are playing hide and seek in the Queen of Night's garden. They find a Time Keeper, a huge clock that keeps the time of the world. Bristle has said he would like more time in the day to get his work done. Mumfie slows the clock down but it jams and they all freeze in time! They have to fix it to help time move normally again

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie has a patch to mend his trousers but it is a magic patch and things keep happening for him. But it is the reverse of what he wants. He finds out it is because the patch is sewn on upside down! He decides it is better to use a patch that is not magic

Sep 01, 1999
Pinkey meets a magician called The Great Marvellini who convinces her to join a circus because she is a flying pig. But no one wants her to go and she decides she would rather stay with her friends and family.

Sep 01, 1999
The Queen worried because the stars have grown dim . Mumfie and friends decide to find out why. They find a Starduster who has not been cleaning them because of an allergy. The Queen gives him an potion and the fiends help clean and soon the stars are bright again.

Sep 01, 1999
Bristle goes overboard with rules when the Queen of Night leaves him in charge of the palace. Mumfie and Scarecrow make signs on a trunk that forbid opening it. But they make noises from inside the trunk and Bristle cannot help but break a rule. The Queen returns to find Bristle has learnt a lesson.

Sep 01, 1999
You-Are is has to look after the magic bell from Santa's sleigh while it is in repair. While learning to loop the loop he loses the bell. His friends help him look for it and finally they find it around the neck of The Black Cat.

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie, Scarecrow and Pinkey find a magic painting of snow in the Queen of Night's palace. They can climb into it and find themselves meeting a kind Polar bear in the Arctic! He shows them fun things to do in the snow until Bristle tells them it is time to go home.

Sep 01, 1999
It is the Queen of Night's birthday and her friends plan a show. But a tiny gooseberry imp run-ins the performance!

Sep 01, 1999
After he reads Cinderella to Mumfie, Scarecrow has a dream that he has a Fair-Eel Godmother. who dresses him as a prince for a ball at the Queen of Night's palace. Scarecrow has his own Scarecrowella story.

Sep 01, 1999
Mumfie and Scarecrow Pinkey get lost on they way to the cottage. They find a signpost which shows 'past' 'present' and 'future'. They explore all possibilities and decide that the present is the best way to go.

Sep 01, 1999
Someone has been stealing from Mumfie's and Scarecrow's garden. They make a trap with chocolate cake and find a weasel. He escapes but cannot resist coming back for more cake. The friends agree as long as he just asks and doesn't steal.

Sep 01, 1999
Scarecrow is worried he is boring and Pinkey suggest he might find excitement if he had a job in a circus. They meet a circus lion called Kingsley who thinks Scarecrow could be a great trainer. But it is not a life for Scarecrow realizes he is happy right where he is, with his friend Mumfie.

Sep 01, 1999
In exchange for having a party for his friend Fifi, Napoleon teaches his friends how to speak French. They have many distractions but Fifi is very happy because they learnt how to say "Bonne Fete!" Happy Birthday!
Magic Adventures of Mumfie Season 2 (1999) is released on Sep 01, 1999 and the latest season 2 of Magic Adventures of Mumfie is released in 1999. Watch Magic Adventures of Mumfie online - the English Animation TV series from United Kingdom. Magic Adventures of Mumfie is directed by John Laurence Collins,Jim Miko and created by Britt Allcroft with Patrick Breen and Britt Allcroft.