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Episodes (26)

Jan 01, 2007
In the fantastical world of the Moonlands, a pair of heroic Magi named Aidan and Elle battle Agram, a villainous Shadow Magi. Utilizing the Dreamstones in the cover of the Book of Elders, Aidan and Elle form the Core Glyph, a magical entrapment that locks Agram away in the Core of the Moonlands. The history of the Moonlands is revealed, and the story shifts thousands of years ahead to present day. We are introduced to Edyn, a young Magi whose curiosity leads to trouble when she opens the Book of Elders in her mentor Orwin's library. Before long, Agram appears - or ...

Jan 01, 2007
While in Vash Naroom, the kids discover that Gorgram has offered a challenge to his Shadow Magi: whoever gets Orwin's Staff becomes his second-in-command! Edyn has to use her knowledge of her realm - and her artwork - to defeat the eager Shadow Magi and protect her realm.

Jan 01, 2007
Watching a seasoned Magi named Ranger Dex acquire the animite of a wild Dream Creature, Tony learns more about why he was brought to the Moonlands - about the Final Dreamer's purpose, the Dreamstone quest, the Core Glyph, etc. He also gains a valuable piece of knowledge; specifically, where the first Dreamstone is located via a mural in The Living Gardens. Unbeknownst to Tony however, a Shadow Creature called a Plith has been watching the kids. A comedic chase ensues wherein Tony, Edyn, Strag, and Orwin try to catch the Plith, but are unsuccessful. Knowing that the ...

Jan 01, 2007
With the help of Ugger, Edyn's trusty Dream Creature, the kids fight a ferocious storm while on a schooner at sea. Tony, Edyn and Strag are on a mission to rescue their mentor Orwin, who's gone missing in the frozen realm of Nar. On route, they encounter a Corathan - a giant whale Shadow Creature - that nearly sinks the kids' boat until they're assisted by a Narian Wanderer named Halstead. Their new friend brings them to safety of his cave where the kids find Orwin, unconscious. Halstead was the one who found Orwin in the wilderness. Tony, Edyn and Strag learn that ...

Jan 01, 2007
A Weave Emissary named Iyori is being pursued by Core Drushes. As she gets closer to Vash Naroom, Edyn, Tony, and Strag come to her aid and defeat the attacking creatures. Bringing Iyori back to Evu's home to recover, Iyori informs the kids that the Moonlands' jungle realm of Paradwyn is under siege. A Shadow Magi named Ashio has unleashed a blight - a deadly plant disease - on Paradwyn. Ashio did this despicable act in order to destroy all the vegetation in Paradwyn, thus making the realm's hidden Dreamstone easier for him to find. Iyori asks for the kids' help in ...

Jan 01, 2007
Korg's theft of a scroll from Naroom's library sends our heroes in pursuit of the Shadow Magi to the forbidding desert realm of the Sands of D'Resh. They ride aboard a Quanjuel - a horse-like creature that can travel great distances through magical vortexes. Upon arriving in D'Resh, the kids are ambushed by Korg and Zed in battle - only for the evil duo to suddenly leave. Noticing that their Quanjuel is gone too, the kids realize that their enemies weren't after the scroll at all. That was only the bait to get them to D'Resh...and trap them there. Trekking across the ...

Nov 03, 2007
In the ruins of a Naroomi Arena in the forest, Orwin runs Tony, Edyn and Strag through a battle drill with their Dream Creatures. A massive Shadow Geyser erupts nearby, spewing powerful Void Energy into the sky, and sucking Edyn towards it. Korg and Zed emerge from the Geyser, capture Edyn, and take her down to the Core to be Agram's prisoner. Orwin has been dreading the moment the first Shadow Geyser would erupt in the Moonlands. Void Energy is a power used only by Shadow Magi. Any eruption above ground can contaminate the surrounding landscape. Edyn must be rescued ...

Nov 10, 2007
When the Final Hyren quest lands the kids in Bograth, they discover the strange, swamp-laden realm...even stranger than before. The rampant void energy poisoning the swamp has changed the Bograthians - and their Guardian Hyren - into mutated, rat-like creatures who transform when darkness falls. Edyn gets infected, so Tony and Strag race to turn her - and the realm - back to normal.

Jan 01, 2007
Strag, Edyn and Tony are chasing Inara across the cave realm of the Underneath. Inara is Strag's former best friend who revealed herself to be a Shadow Magi. Because Inara knows where the Underneath Dreamstone is located, the kids must capture her before she acquires the stone and gives it to her master Agram. Their chase takes our heroes across the Underneath's craggy ceiling and through its dense fungal landscape. Strag must use every tracking skill at his disposal just to keep up with his target. He's determined not only to acquire the Dreamstone, but to transform ...

Nov 24, 2007
Our trio arrive in the sky realm of Arderial where they meet Shimmer, an old friend of Orwin's who is the Headmistress of the Academy of Wind Magic. They're hoping to get Shimmer's help in deciphering the Book of Elders clue to finding the Arderial Dreamstone. Shimmer provides the kids with flying Dream Creatures, and gives Tony a Silver Flight Relic that can make Furok fly. Furok however, wants no part of flying and refuses its use. Hopping aboard their other flying creatures, our heroes take to the stationary clouds encircling the city. The Dreamstone is hidden ...

Dec 01, 2007
Tony, Edyn, and Strag open the Book of Elders to the clue page for finding the Deeps of Orothe Dreamstone...when the page suddenly vanishes in a water ripple effect. Edyn recognizes it as a spell, which they can only break finding the Orothian who cast it. On that note, our trio, along with their Dream Creatures, travel to Orothe. They find the underwater city in the midst of a parade celebrating a hero who once saved their city from a giant creature called the Cawh. When Tony magines Furok, Orothians are stunned. The Naroomi Magi who defeated the Cawh all those years...

Dec 08, 2007
Vash Naroom is in flames. Our heroes are losing their battle against Agram. In his moment of victory, Agram reveals to Tony that he couldn't have escaped the Core without the assistance of one of his closest friends. Right then, Tony wakes up. He's with Edyn, Strag and Orwin at their campsite in Cald. They're trekking across the volcanic realm in search of its Dreamstone. Tony is shaken. Was he dreaming that one of his friends is a traitor? Or was it a prophecy of things to come? When Orwin tells Tony that his Grandfather Spencer Jones had premonitions of the future, ...

Jan 01, 2007
Venturing into a Shadow Geyser in their pursuit of Korg and Zed - who transformed Orwin into a Shadow Magi and took him down to the Core to serve Agram - Tony, Edyn and Strag drop into a nightmarish maze inside the geyser. A Shadow Magi named Togoth is guarding the maze, and an energetic pursuit through the endlessly morphing labyrinth ensues.

Jan 05, 2008
In the grass realm of the Weave, Tony, Edyn and Strag battle a vicious Reedwolf before arriving at Qui-Yeteh, the capital city. They find the realm's Dreamstone perched atop a building's roof, out in the open. It's protected by a puzzle lock. When they try to solve it, they're attacked by Weavians. A short battle ensues before our heroes realize that the Weavians are only protecting the stone. A truce is called. Our trio explain to Bo'Asha, Leader of the Weave, about their need for the Dreamstones, but Bo'Asha is unmoved.

Jan 12, 2008
Tony, Edyn and Strag are ambushed in the Bograth swamp by their old Shadow Magi enemy Chur. After a heated battle, Chur gets his hands on the Book of Elders and incinerates it with a fireball before leaving in satisfaction. The kids have failed in their quest. The Book of Elders, the vessel holding their collected Dreamstones... is destroyed! Or is it? A magical clue makes the kids believe that the Book wasn't destroyed at all, but rather, it was somehow sent to Kybar's Teeth. In the mountain realm, they find a strange cave where statues of Warriors from Earth's past ...

Jan 26, 2008
While travelling through Naroom, the Final Dreamers stumble upon a tiny medieval village that has somehow been transported from Earth to the Moonlands! They befriend and help Tony's ancestor, Sir Anthony, defeat the mysterious Black Knight. After they discover that the Naroom Hyren is responsible for teleporting the village to the Moonlands, they must convince him to return it to its original location.

Feb 02, 2008
A comical dilemma involving Tony accidentally gathering together a herd of unwieldy creatures is solved by Edyn casting a spell. Tony and Strag wonder if they've been relying on Edyn's spells too much to solve their problems, but Edyn isn't worried. Traveling to the ice realm of Nar, they're led by the Book of Elders to a towering Ice Fortress where the Guardian Hyren of Nar protects the Dreamstone. After defeating some attacking Iceguards in the Fortress' Ballroom, the kids expect to be rewarded with the Dreamstone by the Guardian Hyren of Nar. But to their surprise,...

Feb 09, 2008
Tony's vision of Evu being captured by Shadow Magi prompts Edyn and Strag to join him as Evu's bodyguards in her journey across the Sands of D'Resh. Three Shadow Magi manage to track them down nonetheless and a battle ensues to protect Evu. The wily senior proves more than capable of protecting herself as she pulverizes the villains with her own elephantine Dream Creature. We learn that Evu wanted the kids to join her in D'Resh because that's where they're all getting picked up to travel to the secret location where the Leaders of the various Moonlands realms meet. ...

Feb 16, 2008
Returning to the Deeps of Orothe to find its Dreamstone, the kids are horrified to see that the ocean realm has been attacked. A Giant Squid - The Guardian Hyren of Orothe - is busily sealing the city's leaking domes. The Hyren asks the kids to pursue the Realm Raider Pirates who attacked his people and stole the Dreamstone. Traveling across the ocean's surface, Tony, Edyn and Strag go to meet with their old friend Trup'Tika, a lookout guard who might have information about which direction the Raiders went. But when they reach her guard post, they find it's been ...

Feb 23, 2008
In Naroom's forest, the kids are heading toward a giant obelisk, a structure which the Book of Elders says contains the Naroomi Dreamstone. On route, our trio are packing up camp when Tony starts having seeing things from his Earth life. Upon reaching the obelisk area, are heroes are caught in a net by Chur and Zed, who were anticipating their arrival. Escaping the net, our trio begin battling Korg and Zed...but Tony sees the image of his house near the obelisk, and he's drawn to it. As soon as he approaches - WHOOSH! A vortex appears that sends Tony away. Strag and ...

Mar 08, 2008
In the transitional zone between realms, Tony, Edyn and Strag are on route to Paradwyn to get its Dreamstone when a panicked Drowl comes bounding through the realm's tall, waving grasses - which are trying to capture it. Springing into action to help the creature, our heroes rescue it, but in the process the living grasses of the Weave carry Strag off. A Weave Architect named Gazean has captured Strag, and only Drowl can lead Edyn and Strag to his location. Meanwhile in the vast muddy zone beneath the Weave proper, Strag finds himself inside one of large bulb roots of...

Mar 15, 2008
In Arderial searching for that realm's lost Dreamstone, Tony, Edyn and Strag are attacked by a bizarre creature with traits from multiple realms. A Book of Elders clue leads them to believe that this creature is the key to finding the Dreamstone. The kids track the beast to a strange new island that's not on any Moonlands map. As they traverse the island looking for the Dreamstone, they encounter three familiar foes - Chur, Ashio and Warrador. A battle ensues which Tony, Edyn and Strag are on the verge of winning... when Chur offers a truce. If the kids help them in ...

Mar 22, 2008
In Naroom's Arena Ruins, Tony, Edyn and Strag are running battle drills in an attempt to master their still-raw Final Dreamer powers... when Furok begins to act strangely. When Tony offers to send him to the Dream Plane to relax, Furok's eyes widen in fear: "No!"...only for him to vanish to the Dream Plane. When Tony summons Furok to return... he's become a Shadow Creature! A battle ensues in which the kids must defend themselves against Furok. They defeat him, but Tony is shaken. Returning to the Vash Naroom library to figure out what is going on, they find Orwin, ...

Mar 29, 2008
With ten Dreamstones now in their possession, our heroes have only the Paradwyn stone left to acquire. The Book of Elders informs the kids that the only being who can help them find the jungle realm's Dreamstone is "The Ultimate Dream Creature" - a majestic beast called a Manticore. Problem is, the Manticore isn't interested in becoming anyone's Dream Creature, and he issues his own creatures to repel the kids. Our trio defeat the Manticore's minions, which, upon turning back to Animite, return to the Manticore! This creature is so powerful that its bodyguard ...

Apr 05, 2008
The Vash Naroom library is in a state of chaos. The kids, Orwin and Evu are trying to unearth any mention of an additional Dreamstone. That's when our heroes realize that the Core is a Moonlands realm too - which means it would have Dreamstone as well. Sure enough, an apparition of Agram appears to tell them just that - and he has it. Uncapping an old Shadow Geyser in Naroom, the Final Dreamers, along with a freshly assembled Magi Resistance Force travel down to the Core to take it from Agram. At the villain's Spine Castle they see that Agram has amassed a huge Shadow...

Apr 12, 2008
Tony returns to Earth through the Naroomi vortex relic in order to find the Core Dreamstone, while Edyn, Strag and the Magi Resistance Force battle Agram on the drained seabed of Orothe. Unleashing the giant Cawh from its canyon enclosure, Agram turns it into a Shadow Creature to attack the Magi Resistance, while he himself travels to Vash Naroom to destroy the city. On Earth, Tony goes to see Grandpa for help, only to find him sicker than he was before. Eyeing Grandpa's many relics he collected from his years in the Moonlands, Tony comes to a startling realization. ...
Magi-Nation Season 1 (2007) is released on Jan 01, 2007 and the latest season 2 of Magi-Nation is released in 2010. Watch Magi-Nation online - the English Animation TV series from South Korea. Magi-Nation is directed by Paul Hunt,Yu-Won Pang,Tae Ho Han and created by Kevin Lund with Julie Lemieux and Rick Miller.